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What Made

So Much
Better? Presented By:-
Vikash Pandey
3rd sem PGDM
In the mid of 1990 Google was not the number one destination
for search,
but Larry and Sergey claimed that google will be the more
efficient and satisfying search engine than existing system.
And Google became the undisputed King because of its intense
commitment of providing most relevant search results.

They focused on only quality of search results

to ensure that google has it own words.

It's best to do one thing

really,really well.
What made the Best!!
• Building a search engine that rapidly returned the best search
• Attracting venture capital to finance early growth.
• Building infrastructure.
• Creating a Business strategy.
• Generating reveneu from ads,without compromising the
integrity of the search.
• Diversifying its products.
• Establishing strong ongoing global relationship.
• To attract and keep most brilliant team of Engineers in
universe to search.
Challenges faced in creating

• A search engine which could rapidly search and index all

information on the web.
• Number of people were growing Dramatically.
• And to be better than the competitor search engines.
• Present most relevant Information.
• To earn reveneu,but not like other search engines putting Ads
and spam on main page.
• To make the first result for the people more relevant.
better than others
• been in the search game for many years.
• is better than MSN but nowhere near as good as Google at
determining if a link is a natural citation or not.
• has a ton of internal content and a paid inclusion program.
both of which give them incentive to bias search results
toward commercial results
• things like cheesy off topic reciprocal links still work great in
• new to the search game
• is bad at determining if a link is natural or artificial in nature
• due to sucking at link analysis they place too much weight on
the page content
• their poor relevancy algorithms cause a heavy bias toward
commercial results
• likes bursty recent links
• new sites that are generally untrusted in other systems can
rank quickly in MSN Search
• things like cheesy off topic reciprocal links still work great in
MSN Search
• looks at topical communities
• due to their heavy emphasis on topical communities they are
slow to rank sites until they are heavily cited from within their
topical community
• due to their limited market share they probably are not worth
paying much attention to unless you are in a vertical where
they have a strong brand that drives significant search traffic
• has been in the search game a long time, and saw the web
graph when it is much cleaner than the current web graph
• is much better than the other engines at determining if a link
is a true editorial citation or an artificial link
• looks for natural link growth over time
• heavily biases search results toward informational resources
• trusts old sites way too much
• a page on a site or subdomain of a site with significant age or
link related trust can rank much better than it should, even
with no external citations
• they have aggressive duplicate content filters that filter out
many pages with similar content
• if a page is obviously focused on a term they may filter the
document out for that term. on page variation and link anchor
text variation are important. a page with a single reference or a
few references of a modifier will frequently outrank pages that
are heavily focused on a search phrase containing that modifier
• crawl depth determined not only by link quantity, but also link
quality. Excessive low quality links may make your site less likely
to be crawled deep or even included in the index.
• things like cheesy off topic reciprocal links are generally
ineffective in Google when you consider the associated
opportunity cost
Pie chart
application structure
Reveneu Stream
• Strategies
• First strategy was client paid to use Google
search technologies on their own sites.

• Second reveneu stream was from advertisers

paying to display Ads next to search result on
IPO Brings Vindication

Larry and Sergey,with the help of CEO Eric Schmidt,guided

Google sucessfully as a private company , which generated a
profit in 2001.Their strategies of concentrating on providing end
users with the most relevant results to their searches tied to
relevant unobtrusive ads had paid off for them.This became
evident when financial information about the company was
revealed when they provided details for their initial public
offering (IPO) and later went public.


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