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How to move

data and log devices

using disk mirroring
in Sybase12.0

Version ID Date: 06-07-2008

Document ID: How to move data and log devices using disk mirroring in Sybase 12.0
Version ID: 1
Sybase ASE 12.0 Data & Log Migration

Revision History

Version Date Author Description

Draft 1 06-07-2008 Sarosh Siddiqui How to move data and log devices
Sybase Consultant using disk mirroring in Sybase 12.0

Author: Sarosh Siddiqui Page 2 of 5
Sybase ASE 12.0 Data & Log Migration


This document covers steps involved in migrating data and log devices from old Storage to New
Storage. The assumption here is that the ASE 12.0 is up and running without any error.

Steps Taken to Move Data and Log Devices using disk mirroring in Sybase ASE 12.0:

1. Dump database (systems and users databases )

2. Execute dbcc checks and update statistics in order to make sure that the ASE12 server

does not have any pre-existing corruption or issues that might result in mirroring failure.

All the results should come out clean

Note: dbcc checks and update statistics for several databases can be run in parallel to
minimize elapsed time.

Note: For production, consider dump and load of large databases to another server with
ample time prior to move and performing full dbcc there.

a. dbcc checkdb

b. dbcc checlalloc

c. dbcc checkcatalog

d. dbcc checkstorage (If dbccdb is there and properly configure)

e. update statistics against large tables

3. bcp the following system tables

a. master..sysdevices

b. master..sysdatabases

c. master..sysusages

d. master..syslogins

e. master..sysconfigures

f. master..syscharsets

Author: Sarosh Siddiqui Page 3 of 5
Sybase ASE 12.0 Data & Log Migration
4. Enable Disk Mirroring

sp_configure ‘disable disk mirroring’, 0

shutdown with nowait

5. Re-Start Sybase ASE

startserver –f RUN_Server

6. Mirror Data/Log Device

Example: move audit01 device from /dir1/datafile1 to /dir2/datafile2

disk mirror
name = audit01,
mirror = "/dir2/datafile2"

7. Confirm the Device Mirrored:

sp_helpdevice audit01

8. Remove the Primary Device:

disk unmirror
name = audit01,
side = "primary",
mode = remove

9. Confirm the Device Removed:

sp_helpdevice audit01

10. Disable the Mirroring and Shutdown Sybase ASE

sp_configure 'disable disk mirroring", 1

shutdown with nowait

11. Re-Start Sybase ASE

startserver –f RUN_Serve

Author: Sarosh Siddiqui Page 4 of 5
Sybase ASE 12.0 Data & Log Migration

Mirroring the master device:

When mirroring the master device:

1. Retain the Mirroring:

Add new device physical location in –r parameter of RUN_Server file.

Example of RUN_Server file:

# Adaptive Server name: JUPSYB001_PROD
# Master device path: /dev/vg80/rsybmaster
# Master Mirror device path: /dev/vg28/rsybmaster
# Error log path: /sybase12/ASE-
# Directory for shared memory files: /sybase12
/sybase12/ASE-12_0/bin/dataserver \
-d/dev/vg80/rsybmaster \
-r/dev/vg28/rsybmaster \
-e/sybase12/ASE-12_0/install/ JUPSYB001_PROD.log \
-M/sybase12 \

disk mirror name = 'master', mirror = '/dev/vg28/rsybmaster'


2. Remove the Mirroring:

Replace new device physical location in –d parameter of RUN_Server file.

Example of RUN_Server file:

# Adaptive Server name: JUPSYB001_PROD
# Master device path: /dev/vg28/rsybmaster
# Error log path: /sybase12/ASE-
# Directory for shared memory files: /sybase12
/sybase12/ASE-12_0/bin/dataserver \
-d/dev/vg28/rsybmaster \
-e/sybase12/ASE-12_0/install/ JUPSYB001_PROD.log \
-M/sybase12 \

Author: Sarosh Siddiqui Page 5 of 5

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