Calculations Tata Nano

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Price of Nano 1,20,000

Down Payment 24000

Loan Required 96000
No of installments of car loan 36
Rate of Interest p.a 16%
EMI Rs. 3,375.08
Yearly Commitments Rs. 40,500.90
Net Savings Required for individual Rs. 40,500.90
Other Savings(Insurance,MF)(25%) Rs. 13,500.30
Savings p.a Rs. 54,001.20
Assuming Savings = 35% of Salary
Min Salary required Rs. 154,289.15
Salary p.m as on 2010 Rs. 12,857.43
Target Crowd 18000000
Current Capacity of Gujarat and Pune Plant 250000
Investment in Sanand 2000000000

Income Statement For Nano

Price 120000
Capacity Utilisation 75%
Income 22500000000
COGS 14625000000
EBDIT 7875000000
Depreciation 200000000
Selling & Expense 1687500000
EBIT 5987500000
Interest 90000000
PBT 5897500000
Tax(30%) 1769250000
PAT 4128250000
Contribution to EPS 22.0230991569
Incremental Dividends Paid 7.70808470491
Dividends Paid due to Nano Profits 7.70808470491
Terminal Value
Increase in Value of share 384.828835594

Tata Motors Share Price prior to launch 573

Increase to Share Price due to Nano Profits 957.828835594
Avg Share price 991
Addition to Goodwill due to Nano 33.1711644062
No of shares 187450911
Total Goodwill added due to Nano 6217964986.88
Percent of Market Cap 1.19%
Current Capacity of Gujarat and Pune Plant 250000

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

132000 145200 159720 175692 193261.2
80% 85% 90% 100% 100%
26400000000 30855000000 35937000000 43923000000 48315300000
17160000000 20055750000 23359050000 28549950000 31404945000
9240000000 10799250000 12577950000 15373050000 16910355000
200000000 200000000 200000000 200000000 200000000
1980000000 2314125000 2695275000 3294225000 3623647500
7060000000 8285125000 9682675000 11878825000 13086707500
90000000 90000000 90000000 90000000 90000000
6970000000 8195125000 9592675000 11788825000 12996707500
2091000000 2458537500 2877802500 3536647500 3899012250
4879000000 5736587500 6714872500 8252177500 9097695250
26.0281477106292 30.603145482 35.822031828 44.023138943 48.533747857
9.10985169872021 10.711100919 12.53771114 15.40809863 16.98681175
16.8179364036273 27.529037322 40.066748462 55.474847092 72.461658842

(July 2008)
(Sep 2010)
Income Statement For Nano
2010 2011 2012 2013
Price 120000 132000 145200 159720
Capacity Utilisation 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
Income 22500000000 26400000000 30855000000 35937000000
COGS 14625000000 17160000000 20055750000 23359050000
EBDIT 7875000000 9240000000 10799250000 12577950000
Depreciation 200000000 200000000 200000000 200000000
Selling & Expense 1687500000 1980000000 2314125000 2695275000
EBIT 5987500000 7060000000 8285125000 9682675000
Interest 90000000 90000000 90000000 90000000
PBT 5897500000 6970000000 8195125000 9592675000
Tax(30%) 1769250000 2091000000 2458537500 2877802500
PAT 4128250000 4879000000 5736587500 6714872500
Contribution to EPS 22.023099157 26.028147711 30.603145482 35.822031828
Incremental Dividends Paid 7.7080847049 9.1098516987 10.711100919 12.53771114
Dividends Paid due to Nano Profits 7.7080847049 16.817936404 27.529037322 40.066748462
Terminal Value
Increase in Value of share 384.82883559

Tata Motors Share Price prior to launch 573 (July 2008)

Increase to Share Price due to Nano Profits 957.82883559 (Sep 2010)
Avg Share price 991
Addition to Goodwill due to Nano 33.171164406
No of shares 187450911
Total Goodwill added due to Nano 6217964987
Percent of Market Cap 0.0119346737
2014 2015
175692 193261.2
1 1
43923000000 48315300000
28549950000 31404945000
15373050000 16910355000
200000000 200000000
3294225000 3623647500
11878825000 13086707500
90000000 90000000
11788825000 12996707500
3536647500 3899012250
8252177500 9097695250
44.023138943 48.533747857
15.40809863 16.98681175
55.474847092 72.461658842

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