GDP Calculation

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Section G

Muhammad Abdullah Kamran
Reg. #

Dated: October 20, 2010.

Calculation of GDP through Expenditure Approach(2008-09)
Name of Expenses Amounts (in Millions)
Private Consumption Expenditure 1,04,02,888
General Government Current Consumption Expenditure 14,00,099
Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 23,68,977
Change in Stocks 2,09,521
+Export of Goods & Non-Facto Services 18,52,591
-Import of Goods & Non-factor Services 31,39,037
Expenditure of GDP on Current Market Prices 1,30,95,039

Calculation of GDP through Product Approach(2008-09)

Name Amounts (in Millions)
A. Agriculture 25,90,185
Major Crops 9,67,324
Minor Crops 2,44,881
Livestock 12,86,690
Fishing 59,518
Forestry 31,772
B. Industry 30,26,971
Mining & Quarrying 3,56,806
Manufacturing 22,05,386
Large Scale 16,22,347
Small & Household 4,03,887
Slaughtering 1,79,152
Electricity & Gas Distribution 2,99,864
C. Services 68,42,388
Transport, Storage & Communication 16,09,904
Wholesale & Retail Trade 23,59,205
Finance & Insurance 6,67,658
Ownership of Dwellings 3,04,229
Public Admin. & Defense 6,65,142
Social Services 12,36,250
+Indirect Taxes 8,28,576
-Subsidies 1,93,081
GDP on Current Factor Prices 1,30,95,039
Calculation of Real GDP based on Constant Prices(2008-09)
Name Amounts (in Millions)
A. Commodity Producing Sector 25,55,948
I. Agriculture 11,95,031
Crops 5,37,087
Major Crops 4,00,486
Minor Crops 1,36,601
Livestock 6,22,531
Fishing 21,319
Forestry 14,094
II. Industry 13,60,917
Manufacturing 9,97,966
Large Scale 6,64,405
Small Scale 3,33,561
Mining & Quarrying 1,37,707
Construction 1,12,884
Electricity & Gas Distribution 1,12,360
B. Services Sector 28,92,089
Wholesale & Retail Trade 9,21,015
Transport, Storage & Communication 5,54,115
Finance & Insurance 3,14,813
Ownership of Dwellings 1,50,629
Public Admin. & Defense 3,32,108
Social and Personal Services 6,19,409
Real GDP (At Factor Cost A+B) 54,48,037

1. Slaughtering is included in small scale manufacturing in Real GDP.

2. All the amounts are mentioned in millions.

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