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di.F:'1?tilhW:for-d. r 'I'

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ly,fad'e j,n Vi. S. A'.

Q~p~ighled 19301 lilyi1'te "

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' ,lPurbldsh€!.r:

WATCfl' 'rOWE'a !B I~&E &'1\tfcACT B(JC,IErY , "S;rooRliYR, Ne;\V VaFK "U. '8. A"

I!;ONooN ,TQRONTO "S7J:ijA1iI'l~1 Etll, CAP:ETewN, BE'RNE, MA:(lD~BUfl.6

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SOl{E.ONID with su~-' eient pOw~l' Rvd ,'171$dom will yet. ha:ve to tackle the psoblem of Grimes and" cal3!lJ)ities and to straighterr it @~t. The author' points o'l:n Wb0, anti HoW., and How soan, lV this booklet. Here's something different! and interesting! Take out YOllI' BilJle and prove it.




Crimes and Calamities the. Cause The Rem'edy'-

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P ·EM,eE of' mind, sa£e~ from a~, harm, security in home, body and life, are things greatly desired .by almost all persons, Mankind has suffered much and still suffers by reason of crimes, calamities and other evils. Up0R ear:th there is now much distr~~.s anci pel'plenty and men:s h"earts. are failing tiqem ']0I\ Eem:. Remedi,es .ar\3 sought ~:lU~t and many arne hroug'll:t '[~FWa:rrd and tl-ied, but no rellef, comes t!b.ere-

:ihr@ill. '

.A true and complete remedy for the evils resulting from crimes and calamities could never De f~nmd without. first ascertalning the real cause for such evils. There is not the slightest &ubt concerniNg the fact that tl1ere is', relief rQr 'Tnaii:k:ind from the effects of evil practices, but knowle<il'ge of the pr0vision fer!' sueh relisf IJill:1stve 'had. oe£wl"e the nee<iletll'elief oaa be emiQr.aged.. Herein an endeaJvoll: i~ made to add those. Wh0 so <il.esiIJe ,to aeqliil1e the kuQ,w ledge proving . the real cause O{ crimes and calamities and like evils and to Jearn what .is the remedy tnerefor. ];n so doing, it becomes necessary to make mennell of some of the eviis that have fa;l,len Up011 mankind- to show who is responsible therefor,



to show the inadequacy @If 1i'I.'IIDftlu r@lll~dies, a·][d then. to zive eonsideratiss :tel the LTlllth wllie'11 disclflsesCltne c01:uplete :V€ll})edy and: dell;v;e'ranee

of the people, ' . , .

If there is provision lor the complete delive:l!anee of mankind, t1Iat T-elief must. be tli"ovidedl by nun who crea:ted ~a,n ~!fl9. who ,ma~tl th~ eartFr for the ha:bitation '+IE ma~.' ,1feho'V!ah Goift is the Eiiepua] One wh:® 0:r;erut~Q heaven and! earth and man nponMu8 eaJT,tl'1, Thfllt is the first fundamental trnth rtlT men to lea'rn. The EiBle is an eXli)l'SS'sion of the will of 'God, written at! the dictation of Jell;ovab: Goa to eu:,}TIll? men who a1!'e sincere to ~earI! the t'I'itlth. It ;WHS wiJ.'i.tteu hy men who weJll€ wThoHy devoted te Je-h@vaJh and upen whom his invisible, P(ffV,"elJ! mO'V'€!<1 em1:Si'Iig them to write it. ·(21 Sam. ~3::2; ~ Pet. 1! 21) '!I'he Bible is a lig;ht to guide the eouese ,01 }lIlfln who want to walk in the right Wf?,jC. (iPs. 11'9: 105) rr'he Biible i&l the truth. (John 11.>7: 17) :rhe man Wh0 relies' 'ill:l1!@1'l. Goill!s W QTd, tl'l~ :BJ:Thle, and fashiens hQS e01:1Tse. o~ aeti0n ace0!l!<lingJy, is a blessed 0'1' gTc~any far:;;nilrea ma~. (Ps, r~ 4, 2) The Bible is the rella-Me a1:1thorirty f<!)i' t£8 stat4llments heJ1e'iIr set forth. It .diseleses that 'Jehovah is the t40d of Eternity, w}:lieh me:;:ql's he is without oeginl]ip.g' and W;itliJ.0Ut end.,. tifl:e g'reat Fillst Cause and the A~i(1holJ:' anE!: ~:uilld~]' 01i that which abides 'Lor ever. (.Je~. 1111.: liO; Fg. 11~: 89,90) :He is the l'i1ios't High, is aJlb!;!;:ruty.~ W0We'L', perfect 'iIii wiSlll@ID, equal a~d ~X?~t ,ill jltls1!iee, -and is love; E:vel'y g'00d ,~iI!t·!J.s if!l.'@m

S'QME OF THl(l l:E:v:rr;s •, rona: a:l1 (ITI;'S 'Wa'~s a;lfe T]g1rt. (Jas, .it :1.\7 j 1Il($' -. ~g: ffl; ;t,g;: 3.0;)4{)': l~} 'a[j)~ ha,;tes 1:lm![\i~b.;f~@:us~e&s' ana WI.eked!n,ess and: all the w7ol'kers O:E

. In!Ljifl:]4ty~ {-'IPs. 5: §; 1~9; 104t;P~oV:. 6: Ie) EiV'el'~ act of Jeh{jya1i G,-od'is prompted by unselfishnesj3 ij.F1m he, has pleas:U'l1e ;in tJI0lji8 wll0 learH: TI0 1>e 'U.u:seltisla~

, ,~a'l1:Y ,har~:e ifiati gl'e~t d~~llrlt~ in beliering: '!lihe, 'tr'1iI1~pr~ess 01l these sta't.ements conC']l}~ i1he,:ovm.g-l~rilfiess 0I J.ehoi'\fah Go4. iffieiug ig?olla>nt of hIS ways they have in alllrQne:;;'ty B'aill 1,1ll. substance: "The wmlQ_iis fun of sorrow- and W!~~~ ;here, is,~:creli ,it. ~[l'ea;f' amo~t: of sru1ille'l:ing am~n~s~"m,a,nkJ!lld. Crl!p.e~ ,a:r::rcl wiekcdness. and calarm:t:res, are ,a.hY:~;ys wit~ 'Us, and the; i.@:,e(j)p}e su~er.!fi:ff .'G.~d IS Justj wise and £lMpCJwei;£td" l@ymg; and kind, willy VN!lllld,he 'pelimi:~ S0 mucl1 W10ke~lfIess [and eit;il in: the worid~;' r:Ehe' COTireet. answer' to this question is' ah~Qll1tely essall:ti:tl fj(j)1 kN0W tli:e :Eemed;Y"ioT rIll1B' liMs '1ilia,t affect the h~'a.n.' ¥ae~.

Some of tIre' ~vils

6 WHm CAlifSl!l ORiiJ!!C'llfS.AND e~:M![TD.ElS 'DBE REME]}lll" ' smeared with human blo'od :unrigll:lJe0lls1y shem. For 4,@00 years beft)fe the corning' 01 CJll'1.'ist t@ tna- earth crimes were eemmon amongst men, At the birth of Jesus, the ' angels of heaven 'Peace on earth, aliG good .will. i0ward. men! I-Ia.'tred, in will, maJj:~e and murder, how:.. av:er, continue ~ma;bated, EV'eu_ the pe.Freet man Jesus was e!l:'ueiQy and. j11LcliciaUy mu.:rdeteQl;, He was geed, hO~J"' lraJi:rt!iess, wi;t,hCi:m.t faultor sin, and yet he. was!' nai:led. to 'the C11088 of wO(;l(l and died of a hi!'oken h@'art.Nearly all the men who wall~ea: with him and served with him w&repnt to a @1"uel dealtl'l. aifl:ter s<uff~ring,:g:reat il<rdi.gll[~

ties and perse-entioll. . .

\iVli:ten tne :fkl'llQWe]lS' of ~esus oI;g'anl,zec1 into a body OT organization and assumed the IfamJi of Christ the Roman govel'l1rne:a:t perse~cu,ted them without a cause' and ]lIut mall!Y of them to a violent death. Then t'he Roman Ch1:1TCh was. orgmtlliizedintihe name 0£ .~hrist am.4 beeanre a very %y@edh1l.g plrurze of mime. 'Fhe cruel fu~ quisilITon li1~~ mam.e a. l'@eo:r;~ too hOlT.ib'le 1?01l' description ID: human wOTds~ \ In that time, 1\L[pon the slight.est sus!Eliui0'll OF rumor, alNa'l~ w@uld.ma1iciDusly halle, his neighbor bero'l'e.the eoul"t of irrquiisitioB. and then upon no proef ,the man was su.bjectecil. to im!le·scribable %O[,t'l1ille. The !Elden Mm;eum in New ;t:utk C]ty 't0day holds as relies TOl".exmbiti@n many 1n.s'tmu:]JJil1ilts @[ torture that were used to, tOl'tuCFe mea a"Ild! women who 11l;1iC1 cQmm[tted "no wrcmg .. 'These tnstrumersts were [Ilall.ip.uJ'ated in gl10h a way as

, SGMJE {liE" T.]EiEl EvrIilS

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t@ D1.1IT', a:,maft1.7lw :jQ~~~,S; I@f tlhe hody:' anhl. ;t.eaJ[,~ oawaJi)!' the :fll.e~n ['r~Jlrr t~re 'boFie .. Some Si)£' ifhe v1:C-, t~s werel'eg,'tureq ~oput 'on a metail hOtDt w;llle1i .was tEen Mea '[uhl~ of boiling lead, while. ,01:he;r Instruments were tlsea to g{N.lge out fheil' eyeR O~ cut @ut the].];" t@l1gq.les. . '. ' ~

The'historicall rtieoiJ.'d 0:IT ]']:anQ:e is -Donet-he' , less stfVined ,mth. il1iJ:B:P-an"b}(;)ocl: shed to' !feed the b~ pO}ILti' re.l:rgionists, of· wlii'ch 1Jl:J.e massacre of the: HUg'ueN@ts,kfi.own as tile .MassaeF~ ef St. Ba!ritholgme'l,v" i~ a. sti':iking insta'l'lee. On the 24th of .k~lguS:t, 1572, a-t the instaNC,e' 0.£ Gatilila;ril!ile De Mleruici, aM the ,leamlilg' !J[uguen.0'ts, t0geilller with iihousands @r' evh&fS

(!)£ 'l~ait :peIDp,le" wer(;! l)yuta:Ily massacred. So ~et]llbie 'v¥~s the sl'au'ghtel' that tllleRiver 'Seme ~a;n iLe!li. w1th· huhtan iblo0d. T1te~' I0:J1owed' a hmg andblo(f)(il.y pel1secution !l:a,rl'oYe:d oaat the iTl;S~aln@e.. of the elergy., concerning wifuicn is' re!MM1'dea. ·ion tl16 Eney06o'pedia lBritt;Mt:JlI,1rca tflt! '£0i" 1'0W[n~ : ''Under the i:rr.fla;len@€ 10£ ,the cI~'U §'Y' Y~\lS ~@J.mru't~e~ Gine of, tJiIe mps£. Ila,g(J)a~t pol!iticai an~ Fe~gH)l!lS blurrders in the 'hilsto1'y ([1£ F:ra:l'lce wmch ,ill the . course of f1. :few yeai/'S lost mtlT-6 t~an 400,0(])O ([If its iID.hai}jitan;~s!) '][h'9 IDf1ifibions' cl:.l'~ of F'rance, t~,g'e,tfl~r' with lth,e ar'i'ogant a.nsil@eraltsand t'hl7J!I', political 'm!l.'eJJimgs, c:ont'Ul,ueciit@ o;P'f11·e.s~ the' cOB1lml.on ~eQPle 'l;1lt'tiiif:l1te' stoTD;l.'o£, the !te~rihle 1pev01'ut:iQ~ ibrol~e: ,](Iien rt11e f'l.~e o,r sh~ug~t~r,wals, tllLtned,8!;Iil0. the ligu'o:.. !lJant axmd p00.i: gWltllRg P'@WN' went mad and :tJe's(ll]~teliL to dee.d1;1 of c~llelty:' an(\fi' sl~~~Me!t' ~ll'at






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b@gg't'tr description. lBtnos!t every m.alt 'llieert)illle

Eli spy uiD0n his l'leighboL' (!)ir ethers lifear, b;y:, .uiW.~ on the slighte'st S'UsIDa:cion, a roan w'01~lCll be haled before an ignorauteourt, given a rorm g,£ hea:rr~ ing and quicldy' senEenee;d to death, ana ,th@'lJ" sent ;to the gu;jJhiltiH~. ~}.r(i)usarrds of UIll0I:tunatB'

persons were killed. ' " .

Great @a:lamiiiie£ have befallall 'rlle pe0p1es 0'1 every nation. 'C!ychmes, :tidal w3ives,ea~tht1'[Wal~g~ and floods, disease, pestilence and fammes ha:ve swept away m:iIlioJls,j.nto their ~a:ves and sudldenlyptl.1nged n:viITions O:E ot~e'~s Into great 801'r0W. In despe'rat~tln the smVIVl:ijg ones cry Gut:

"Willy 1raiVe ti:reS'e terrible 4isasters.cGlme U:~d:n us ~1' . ' "," , .

. Tne increase OT education andmateria[ weatfn has not hrou:ght a real re:l!m.''J:ll onltesi!talbl~ «o'n~ dition, U may 11@ said that crime is. committed today in a somewbat more De~H~d way, but I10ne !the less Cli'il:lel. !The 0fficial Te:p0t'ils' of ~l'i:e nation of the lJllIi:teG Sta:~es show t,hu1ttlfe 3,1lfrual murder [['ate !in this COlllitit'y has, lFwreat}eiit ;3{)0 percent ainee 1900 and, that the uther Cl'~Ie.~ have increased in like P[,0]Jo'I'tion. The pil!'e'Sldent <'if the United Sta~tes appointed a Crime Oommission 'lio 8;8@eJiitain the carnse @£ criiilIe {\;,rnd to find and S11ggest a rem!ttily for suc:.h etime. m a public address aibolllt thal1i time th~, p:tesiclent said ~ "Life a:ndpl'OlDe'l>ty are tehl:toc'V'€Jl'Y IllJDlle unsafe in the United States< than in aJilJ 0the'l' civilized country in th@ wODl0.." r:phis 1llirne 'i'$\' 1N:eU on in the twentieth eenitul'Y·

The lfn'iiU@d Staites en't!Q])fbd the W0rM War in I91f a;r.tdl sent .mllil:I.i®,ns of NeT men %:0 t:b:e f,;cene of battle. In their absence t!n,e selfish interests 0f the ~otmtry, represented bw men rem~i.nin:g at. heme and urgsd OR. to action by the elerg,J' asrd ho:otlegg'ers, put 'the, !Eighteenth .AmeuQment iuM the Cbnstitutil'lI:l([)f'the Urui:lled ~tates. ?I'~~ ~ae.~ tha1! the. o~e:Fgy tools the 1'eading Far!;' I?, tln.Sln~ucerl unrIlOns of 0Fder-Ioving people te, ithlhl>i It rtece'8sary to jQin the movement, Sliortlw thereafter 'began iRe iH@rease of ~time and since then cmme has co:ntrnued to iU@i'easa' m,ueh bf w¥li'eh is laid: !p'l:'01Perly .at t1I:e door. o~ tfie fanactica1 l,'e1ig;ioirists wl10 caused tne mak:rng 0;E the law airel its eruel enferoeme·l\J!t. IntQxlcating Iiquor is still marmfactul'ed iIi ab;Rdance in A,ffieW'ic'a amI certaii1 ones ean have it Wi:thcrflt difficulty, but the pom: man who is :wbund fIi possession of-a ,small amt;llmt is eaused 'Il~ St;ifjjelJpuNi§ll1rutent .. 'The olen:gJ! ·and ot.fiel' fanatIc.s hMl~ iiurg:ecl the l!l1Qst Tfgid (lNfQl'@emeR,t @J: tlie 'jI!'J!o~ThitiQn. Jaw ~.egarGless l!lf now 'tna~y.

la;\vs ar:. Vl'01a:ilfHU in So"'d0ih.g.· '

. '!File New Y.od: J1meritJan on DeeemMl' l11, 1~29, s3iys: "At Tow.anda, P~nnsylvall'i-a.!, a ha-l; j[il1nt g~ wll.!sk'ey ,'Was :rou,ncl. in ille wahl of a st0<rre, ]t'esmhmg m Geo1!g'e V(l)g~e< lDeing s(:mtenced to %~lt'ee :yea~s in jail arr€!. $l),OotJ.Oc) fine,and Y0g~e's S'lsum' ]tuby' s.enten:e@d to @ne year in jail arid

, $l,OOCI:OE) ¥.ill~. Om the same tla:y at Philadeli9hia E~waTcl Beaner was senteneed to two y€'ars in I'i1;'JJS'0n and a fine of ,$.200.(:)Q because a; half pint

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@] J~qU!jl' was !fiQ'!ltRQ -j,iIJy t1iB' side poolm·t of. his

a-tJtt~IID.ol!lil~t 0 _ • -,"

. rn November,. 1929, the Wasmngt€ifi H,efl'aZd pl!lblished exce;Jzpts fll!0m'Public.~e~~II.ds sl:t0wihg tlfra'fl.l~~6(j) :men) women and ehilat.etL h3;cii~been lBlhtd .in'the .a:t1iempt to 8ItffoTcejhe WtQihi:biftion ~aw. The M e,w Yo]'k .A'1J;'1;.@rican <rlesca:-j:bes tm'§ as "STh0tgUll pll@hibi'1ii0i1".

A 1tl1!it€id ·S-&a·te·s colirt receh'My flroiJ.cilelil d<:lwn a ElecisiOli"- holding that 'a man wfio Itrr0'\¥s that This 'u-eigh1l0T is in possession 6£' j,n·tQ:X.iMti.~g liq'Hmt and falls to rep0rt -that f:a:ct to redei'al offi- .. eers is,g~lii1ty, of a £el<Iiny' .. ':FIle e:J::"l;l.eT and 1:1~'l1s'aal way of enfot@ifig ihis . law' paves· the· #~y amd iiin:inri.'tes citiaens t6 do- spying: (!IN. o.i1~~a~@tl1et ~o wring tliem 1into tl'olt~le. It' has 'f:l.1fJ@ opened: the way for lm$cnti/lilons men to m~nm~cthre< Rna. dis'tri1iutepoisGmms liquors that. ·haiiv.!:i . crt:tl:sed

til@ dea:tlis of th0u:sa'h~g.'··. . .'

r;rl1e j;rub1ic ,llFes:s is filled da!IY~ith·_a.c@0iitd.s g~ e.itIl}es,:andL ~ipKecl'hess i~ 1li~;h .. 0ffi(thtl1ttiacM 'as: well as ·am' the ti1ol."t:l:deg'1f.atleft pt!b:p1e 6£'·:th(:l lahd .. ~here wi:tllWdliiess in l1rg'il places, ra;ri-d_ ~ei1 . in' tJ.ffi:i;JiaI pOf:liti'otl !1'MClrt t(f) ~raud .a. uti: other crin'lirral frets it(ollPl'8s'Sing ~he . ~H;lO;pl€),

J - ".;> ~

LttUe clii1cil'en while plaYiiig' in' the sh;'eets

are strl!l.0k dow~ and lruled by 'tr:h.e ·redis:fess ,drivers of automobiles. The m.@th~rs are .c~azed with' gr.!iefbeeal:1Se _Iii their' .g:re:M ·llilss .' rFhe 01e.r..J?Ly).IT!jln. who. efjiela:te a~. the £u~e~~tlB s,~}f. in



12 '.r:Jtil (laUBm ClInMES ANn CWAmTIrES''.r;EiE lM!!MED¥-

su"bStna:nc€l: "These 'littf~ ~};fiJ:iiJIren, weJie inno:eeRiil am& haiml€ss, ibut G(;)!j ~'a:B!.te€l.~hem ~a:itd !fu':e 1i(!)ok tb'em '3Jwa;y 'tlmil he mi~:fuit ha;"v;e them witE: lrl'tn in iheaven." The broken-hea:1rte€l !Ellot1rel'is hearing these @ru'el werds cry (])UJt iN €ies;paoir: ''"Willi}'? 'shGuld (\}IIHiI. want <911lii elllilaten~ ,ffif,e' does' Jii:0t· :l1leed tHem. ]f he is' a ,j·t!.st and i<!:lw:iUg ,Q'.ocW :fie W011rclJ not t-al'<!e them away." ' , '

Tolle'detgy clai!m to be Gl-@G?s repre"s€l:m.iiaf'1ve'g , on e,a:Eth. !iChe la:il3toi':y of ;fj_lil:e world snows that ~hey hav:e been eonnectetil :ei1;'her directly OF iUtdireetly 'Wl~b wars, perseauticm" murd.erand, ' ev-e,n d,eli'beraJte massaeces, 'The same ]>rl!ltl!.essLomU gentilermeD! l::~ll the people. that Qod. is' 1':\;1- s;Ell!>IiEiibl.e iIlerr aU '8,is-aste'Jl:s ~hat fal~ uJPgn IDa,;:n-, altrd 1lhey iu;c-rease ifhe: sorrow of the rp:aFenms b-y teIlling them ~hat God took away their' ehiltlren, ami 'then ask 'them ito WQi:t'sMp God. 'J'hus J eil:r@v:an G0d is eb:.rorged with conniving at and aJ;P-

;pt'(i)~rrg alI'lll:3J'OOeF of (:tiiimes and eallam:i.tte's._:Ern his name c"'tue~ laws M'@ macl:e and ma!1'ieio;asJy;

, enfloreetil, and' many other crimels are c~~tibed! 'liinde>r the pre,text of enfoteing~h9 .I~w. TlTte; ~e- ' s-mJJt is that Jehovwh God s~aJnds ohaF-g~d '¥~itlJi all fihe erimes and ealamities that 'have befaHen tHe ihmrran race- r£h.e dhal'ge is n:0~ 0nIj WllQcPIg .antit ~ruel, but a; wicked d:eramai.ioil of' (}@d's g::meat 'aI:Jjd good, name, Ma.Ii1y of 1:1il:es:e who; fake fhe pos'inion llb:M Geld [s res]loID.sible 1101' :tl'i:!'tse 'and calamities 0~te in S'UlJ;lport Ill£" tlT'ilir c(i)I'l~&ntion fEci's, 'SCl!-iJ!j;ttuTal te:xt:· «'1 am C-!el);@, ..

va!h], and t'l1ere, i~ _RQ~H~ €-ffiB. I Jre>rm, :tine ]jj;g:}]f~

I ~


.. ;' 13

am:4 create' !:la.l'kiness; I mafuepea:ee., a:nQ e["eatl{.' eW'l1. r the L9.rcl do all these things."- lea. 45,: 6, '1.

9 "


. 'rhiEl $<'ll'iptmal t:e~t has- been greatLy misua, M8,,-:st00d. R~fe:J!'en0els macile abo¥€ to the sllff'e~iLIlgs oj] tue ;people born c:rcime and ca:1a.mlties a~d ,[!lDW to this 'scl'iptu;r;e in osder that we Rl.lght .get a, proper uncl.81'stancl±ng of both. T~elie is a WIde difie'Fence between evil crime w~~kedn~ss and ca.lamity:. "Evil, is that whieh bl!'lB,gS .aaver,sity @T heart affliction 0T s@rr(in~. Death IS a: great evil '. God created the perrect ~a:B.,aB.d his work was good. He teld man tlfu'(.l1t :t~ 'life w@td8. ,do g00~, he would contcinu8 in et-od's i!aV@T; but If he VIolated God"s law evil would befall him, which evil or pl1nishIDe~t 'would be death. Man violeted God's law and was justly S"enteneeGt t(l) dea1ip; there:Ji01'e evil came Nl?E1~l ~!Jlam, 'Fo The SUire, God created that vVhh;11 a:fft10bed '8!lld punished tifie man who broke his law amd wTIi@n br0ugl1:t adversity, SOl'T0W and evil U:W@h man. The above s'eripture theTefore mea;Jjcs that God To:rmed the ~ght and the da:rkness~ made peace and good and evil. He maele roam Ii}:

Il1eem?Jtal agell'tVl'1i~h.the pdvi'l~ge 0] ch@@sing :to d0 Tlg~t and reC@ilYU'lg blessi'llg:sro!r' so doin 0' Oil' of <i1omg' wrong and _ receiv'JJug that which W01Jl.M :be hustful to him, that is, to say, evil. Tne euror.eement' of jtl.stice wQ'rkecl evil to ~dam agal:nst it was enf0rced, because It bN0u,ght oadV'erlnty: and S0rrow to :lli!:im.- • .B_ow-


- \

· " . . ,


tiU;UiU.y· t@ leal'll 'N~~dfUl. i.e:~S0irf?DW @::ipepieN0@. ID1te S0ri:ptu!'®'s 01ea't11r slr()):w Hiat. Grod . will :'t'~sti)1:iji:iil wl!'0ngd0ing in rtJ:r.e fU'C:1:ll'e, and. tltenfur8 t:b'el'e mustbe SDp1e good reason why he has not restr;:ained w:rongdQing, of' t'he ]?ractice of ey.i1,

up to 'this time. ';

lElte- 1;rn,e Answer


~he Scriptural, and theffi'efOl~e - the emrre<it, answer Qoncenri:ng evil and wrongdoing must be consistenf w:1th. the JTIst and loving God. 'rile c.orrect answer, ~he]'efore, is bp.efiy stated in. tn.e abst;ract, and 1then .tlae proof of its co:rre('}F nesa will l')e snbmitted. God has not heretofore r~s't1~ainea e'Vtl re,suiting from: wTomgdoing, beeaase JJJ,~s rrame and !his wOTd R'l?,?- i<avQlved _Wild: in wisdom he. awaits his@wn due timB to deraonstrate to all oreatioa that he is the only tl1t\8 €h:ld,. . that his wor€! is l'ig'ht rand true, and that This name is w,~th(i)ut just l' The one wlr~ is held ![,B!:)I,Jons~ble f@!r w:I'0I}gcil.:@ing 0'1' evil ,a.n;d, the> praeti:ae thereof is. Satan the 1JeviJi, WR(Y ~s· _ th@ greatest. enemy of mah.. o<rigiually his name was :!Lucifer, whieh means lJrigrrt:shlning one @1' J1l10I'11ing: star. Because of his wf0ngdoing rus .narne was changed, 'arrd. sinee that itiIne 'b"l1l'e

Scripiql!l1eshuv8- designated him as the :Drag0n, mtifa:niug devourer ~ the Serpent, meaniNg deceiver; the Deril,meaniID:g' slaillltiLeT"er; atrcl15a--' tan" meaning adve<l:'s-ftl'J:' rrhe Bible recond bTief~ ly: stated is as foIl0'\V,s:



. N othi.ngthat .hall ever~en . writ.ten, aside from the Biple iJsel£, shows up ~be ':Itterly foolish tlieories 0$ college prof¢$SOl1s, doctors of div.luity, a:n.d leadel:s,6f n:\Qdel:D in,stttutiol!S ufetlucaHon, as does Judge Rutlierfortl'sbook .

Tn tllis remarka"'blebook the author presents, a clea~r logi"iial e.-plana Hon QI ihe Bible ,record oE the. CI1~t~!ln of'earth, planets, 'Vegetatitin, animals and man. No rIg'lit. 'minde('t person can read t1llil book w:itboutp.l\lfnowledging ffmt the Bible is rig-fit -ana that all those who pit 'their 6vmwisdom, guesses and gibberish ag({imt the Bi]}le .are exaetl:r w,nat it calli them, just "!foots".

The reasonableness, .fhe accuracy, the majestic dign1~;Y ·of the Bible as broHght to our-vie~ in 0REA'J}:J;I])N, w.ill tfuill tbe heat.!; of every :reader and. silenc'e for evE,Il' tl)e vain bahblings of all its opposers. '

Wihy n9t send 35e £01' this bea\lti!M cloth-bound boo1:, ~old, and embQs:s~ ~ We. will.m;lil. it anY'l'b\lre postpaid •.

Wat~h'l'ower U'l' AdamS St. Bm<it1dy.n, N.:E

I'm t!*"- l~ Q!I= ~1!\Ji~, ~ 1'1. !l'M ~.Ibm. ~ Ii.!,t 10 PI> doo'",," ~

.:_ '~ .. ---__'- ~- --- ".,. ~


~ I"_' ,'- •• ,.. •

ti0n or disa,pI;lI:oval, lJ~ing bQllI sHIllet's. "m1ey

were D@Ffi in 'sill! and: sn.'apttJa in iuiquitt:.' ~Ps~ 51 :' 59 "'\'Vllel'e:Lor'e, 'as hy one man sirn ent®J!ecl in't@ the world, a;~n:l. aea:th wy sin ; and so deafli passed upon aJl1 men, for that all have sinneel:. r:PJ1e<ref,Qre, as by the ((:fifense of 0~(7 judgment came 'upon' aU men to condemn~tioll;' even so by tn:e righteou:sness of one the free gift c-ame' uJpon all men untohlsttncwtion of life.":'_E@m.

5: la, t8. '

The children of Adam were' not sentenced to' death, ihut by' inheritance they were born impe1"feet; and all i.mper:feet creatures must of' tneeesS'ity be disappT-oV'eeI-and hence e@ndeIDne~; III dne course of time ~dam died anti!.' rehurl.ed to tile dust @f: the ear·th. '.Ali of' his 'oilfsprim.g nave been clying sir-we. Who, theN, was and i's resp®nsrble, ,ror the wrongdoing wli:ieh resul't!ed

, iLl the evil of death upon Adam and upon aU ll1aJpkind W S~,rely nQu Goel, bseanse J eI.J:oVia;llt G0U was doiNg l'lght ~n1d did right fun. sentencing A~am ito BleatIr £01' t'h~ wilfu.l vio1ation of his law. Satan was the wrongdoer, He lied aJb0it"t G@d, deceived!. Eve, and induced sin or wnmgdoing by A.Ga!m, and is therefore the reprehen.sib!'e and responsible one. ' In proof of this, JeS'flS said ,(!)f Satan ,that "lIe was a murderer fmm tllrEi be,g-il:nIDng, and ab(')de not in the tr'l;),th, l!ie~ eaaise thelle is 'TI0 tnl!th in him. WheN!h:e speaJ1: eth a tie, he speakefh of his owne fo[' he is a

\liar, and the fa,the!' cd: i1;I1.-J (!)'Illi 8: 44; ,

I I; I I,





~~e wromgh! ac1i aT' ~at~n, which 'JJ~qp;ted in ~"Wl illiJi!,0'1l rnacln;n<il~, zyIso, hl'!llugh:t fulep;I!'!lfao'h UP0:tI %~e w?,1!d and name of . .1ehov;$.h GQ1fL Sa1ia:ul',

,s'lU>lce~ded in. dl<a;-wi:ng after him m, 'W':I'@l1gd.!ilmg a ?l'eat n~1lli'ber 0f the a,n&els of' heaven; and to tIDs may the great mass of, mankind hecaJllse 6f Sataws wremgf111 influence, a~e in ([ ana'

afe i!ii!trne~,;a'Way ~t0m Jehovah 3otll.; ...

r '[lhe Hib:l'e re'@o.r~ €0nCerlili:ng 509 is 3!:pict:ul'e ~f S'~lta;n's; COUrse anci, tne ¥.-'l'ongc1crimg ;reslli~ing m ,eV.1l that came upen man, In" substance Satan' s~l!ld eo J ehovah : ';Y 011 eannot put a, maE. on th: e~rth who will maintain his .inte;gri'1;y and :rS\tt~'Illness tcnV'a~d· Y0U'. f],alte away yom !!!IrQ'-' teehon rr:01n J o:h [Te;r?re~en:ti:ng th.ElJ, fHliiI1e J'iu .. ma~ ,:Race], and.I ,~ml ~ak~ him "enSe Y011 ,1ie ~Qtl,'I.' fMe. (.FreD '4t:.IJ..; '2: 4.;5) Satan, there~ rt)re, challenged t'liJ.e word of' J el),Q!vah and east. ' rgF~o~t'ches U.p0Il., his. name,. and thereby pu;t Go~ s wo~d an~,ib:is lU.'a1TI,e at IgSUe' 0[' in disp1!lte. :BeilJ1g aN-]'lGWeF+u:l, J e.hQVia'b. could liawre 'de~ str@yedi. Satan.' iLlilil'nltdiateiy, a,.n:cil.cTHatetl aJil@tb:eI:' l\)!\lJi'~ec~ maD! ~n~, ,s~artedi'iI1im on tib:e w~y,.]fit(;} iN~ Q:(j)ne:~o ,he W0U!d naW'e proven his Dll,stioe an.ti1 bIS .jpow!3~, 'Jj:ut lIei would not have .ibe'endis!P1J.a~ng hIS' \J0mF.let~ wi~?dom, ana there, w(!lUl.a :qaV'~ been, 110 !DP,f;J6rtuni:'ry if<:J~ ,love to be; maae Il!laml:D~Bl . God Glibided pis; @1'\Vn g00iil' time "to eze- 0J;1~e 'Ius r[gihteQu~ Jaw· against man a,nd-aga:inst ' S.tlIl;an. and at t:pe .same 'time' to mill.cate Ms, w.t([Ir<il~nd his name'. 'lite "wisdom 0"[. J'eIi:@va:h waa a:nd -!S oeY0ndtlt'e Ul'l"ael's:tandw,g: 'o~ ~ai&an:

24 WEE CAUSE CRU&EB AN1:l Ol\illAMT'II?IES TlFE RfEM1EDY At- 'that 'veliY time God 1J1JT]}OSe~ tci-lliiB Sat'3!l1 in diue season aNd to re'ru.eem ma..n!lliindl a:ud t·@, Immsh ali tHl c>ppowtlWi\ty 'ffi(j)J! lli!E:e,i}<)nt t1ris lr-aat could not be known by tl1e -·wjJtke't'il Satan. Gad accepted the ehallenge off Satan' and said: "My WOTd •• -. shall not return unto :me void; 1:i1!lt it snaU aecomplish tiha:~ which I please:') c'I liflJ\)e spoken it, I 'WiU also bl'ing it to pass; I have }!!11:t!'{)(l)seu4t, I: wID alse do it." (18a. :4j(): 11) 1n sU:bstanee G0rilsaid hi! Satan: cGo on. ancil do yOU!!:. worst, and in my own due time and way I win prove to all ereat~on -nhat rp.y w(i)rd is true and iliha:h my name. is beyond just reproach/ (FQt a fUll discnssiQln of this point t~e. reamer is rererFed to the. b'o<;Jk. Life.)

by Ju'ff/ge Rutherford

. J enQViah's Put'pose

The j'lu:r:p(fSe of J'ehovah from tIre time ofihe tragedy in Eden was and is to provide redempti0U :rer mankin.a. by means of a sub'stit'll'te ([If.' Ta.hsbm sacrinee and ·then· to op_en:tlle way fi0t ma:n to :return to ~ <liNd be restoTed 'tJ@ life and ;£0 have ~tl the blessings inerden± the'te'll@. His eOU\FSe ,'lill m.uly prove 'that Jehovah: GIJ.Hll is both just and the' j'tlstifier of all that are obedient to him; _ and, ~bove all, he will vindicate

his word, and Nsna.rne before all' CJJ!<m. " ~

((Known unto G0d are all. M:j wOl1'ks,' :E'l'(i)]lil. rblle lJeginning." ~A.ets 15: 181 "ViscihDIll and @0weT was and is ®eyand Hl@ undems-tall®r;m:g @<£

'the wicked one Satau. Having ibecoIJ1).e wieked, Saian has gone all hl his course (')~ wl;ongdgilflg

CiB a book of ta~ts vitalJy important. ,to ev.ell)' person on earth. In it wilf b~ r~und dear,ly and ~~mply set forth G-pd.s way, and tliereforetlieanl;y.way.

. fbr.IIlfln to obtain e\rer1a~ting'life on j:atth. God made this ear-th for man afid'made man forrtne earth; This b:ook hrings to. the attention of the reader Jdlov·a1{' s graci0,U,s provjsio~ forman's u?e~ding Ilfe oo,ealith in health" JiapI1Jn~ss and peace, The.proof set forth on its pages shows that his due time has come for peopl~ to understand and ~no.w the way to life.

it 19ar.s the mask ;from

YF'O(~RJ~¥ w@it'taf0tilt citRd


its reB:8.ers· tfietFuth

t;IFE wiII giv';;_,;ill its Teap~ a view of, life theY'lDCller befoce ~d, -It will _make life really worth. living, 'ltliis unusual 1)oo~. of 3.68 pages, is emliosseii, gold stamped and ilIum-aled. <liSe \yill lidh.g LliFS.IQ you,

~a!c~ Tower Hi Adams $~ Brooklyn, N. Y.

- Dr,pne .. in oth ... cOw1tli"", write W'Qlll' oJlic es lli~e. Tti~ llOtls 01\ the last llag~.



26 THE C.iI)J!)SE GRIMES liND CALkNIIT[ES j)HE REHED¥ and g:io'Sfl \Wil:!!ll~eWr®'"s!il. ,~Q(il c0ulel J;fave'p;rev:ion~ed him, l!);ulilte has wee:ri1,';;wise hi) Jet n~:lITi1 t?~ h[[s :lI:imrt and! 'the;renY']0 ,::af:t0!11d an 0P'1)0!r~~ilty,to s@Il1e men under the most .a;c~v~.'fse C!lOnd];t1'0l'lS :to pr.o:ve theJell f5:delity ana !faithfulness unto G.od. At all times ttod has kept his name befow:e ereation. aNd some anen ihaye pFo'Ventlieir devotiolii'to G<;Id und,er the most di{fi:oult c0nd:iil~(j)l[s .. To these Q:0dVicll1 grant a spe:0ial ®tess:in.g (])i[ 1'8w<3:rCl. The mas-s." Qf illarrlti'l'ln, hi;;Hvever, !I~:ve been blind to the troth by reason of S8.ltan's rra:u.dulent ana deceptive methods GE wrb1Lg,~ doing. .In clue time God will give aN of these a;n 0p!ElortUil1ity, t@ be !Li~ted out of' the~'m'distressing concil:itions~

, S<at;::tn !h:a:s,bill1de,aa JDowerful 0rgailil.izati@nj a:ud :rl all twes' ,trre:re 'I1aV'e be'err antl a'l:8, li!:mv three l&1'imary elemenf& COID;IiJO'Si:[i):g :that o~gaNza.tion, to wit, the' eommercie] element~ {!Ie IJ'o~ TIm,eal efemeh~ and the reVgioRs ele:trrent. ,]JJ:ese~ Iillil:ree Wf}['}\; t(l!§ie~her WlcleF tli-e, m;yisibl8 POWel:, • ~1'I:ftuenc~ a1!l@ ~ontrbi 'of "Satan, ~h.e :roa:jOl'ityi@i[ tlii:;e ''PI1ll!MnS i'l!l thembei:ng wll'@l!1y :i!gIl<9iEa;nm dffi' the, su.'btle illi:luence of tb:fi evil one, .&11 the heathen -r,eligi@ns Satan Th.~s ergardzed anci1 0a'li'~ Tied OIT 'i0 tlr~Ee'Proa:cl'l> (!)[ Hlerr~me ofJ!,)llov<a;lr ~oa.' Chr~stiani~y ,wa,:s organlzedJin. Plit\Fj;~y il:!n{t Sa:tan S(;)(~]l deeecived and! ~0Vie;rreachedJ, the le~a(j}-

, e:rrs. in ffihe ,~hUTCh oXiga,lllizat:i:on, alid as ~ trelS.lll~ Chr,is:tianity turned ilWto a cruel and ,ev.lliL"'v;iE.c -ofihe eartli".-Jet. 21>': 21-24 ..

. ' JEE0;W&llI '& :J?l!TI'tP@SE' 20/

I". ~

. 'Ji'llite J:ew~ weFe fh~)d's QnoSen peGple, and the m0~,t.,!f.1II'OmmBI!lt e~emeRt @;f tJ'w,t nation was t:lnlt :re~1$'10'l:'l:S element. 'TIhepr:iesBS', !Pharisees; _amil' Sla~ducee$ we~e: l:eader.s or <Blergynnen. 1t ~as tilen,. dutS' to teach the pee:ple God's law. They were oven;eacl1ed hy Satan the Devif, turned a~w:a'Y from GGd, meeame :hYP0crites, and 1t:Iractlced :Jh:au<il:. ,It was lIhe, relig,io[l<s leaders who" • ?a)11~sed tl1~ a:rr:est 0£ Jf tlSUS, his trial upon perJ1il~e,dJi testlm@llY, and Ms vvickecl and 01'Ue1. crllci~Ql'l 'on the cross; and the Devil is tne one .whn md'llCed them t@ do it, as the Sc:riptures plain-

ly state.. (John 8: 44; Luke 22: 2, 31 ; JaM

18 : 27) It was tb. e Tengio:tls Fttf.1atics who eauseo the. an-est ,aind trial of ~tephen upon a false eh-arge ~H1d upon .peTjtlreciL testimony. Without caUSe Oil: SX@tlse he was adjudged g;a,:i1ty and put

t? deruth:, The same class of men caused the ~ersecu:tI0n a_nd death of nearly, ali the apostles

0.1 Jesus. Ghr~st. S,atan the wickecl. one b:uou§flt,

about this e:viil !VesuITt ¥!p@ll 'tnem. .,

. Witlrout ~ ~ol.!lM maNy of tIle cletrgymen en,ifie.T,e{[, the rr:nml~t~y with all good conscience and' wlf,h a: .desIre. to do. good. B'ecause of t1il.e subtle .a,>~d WIcked mfluence of Satan many of them YIelded ~0 fiatteTy~and to gratify theiL' sellilshne'Ss tRey WeTEl easiLy irHiluced to join haJill'fs with trhe (!l0lIilimel"01al ana l\loi[J,tica:! r0'l'ces of -the WG)',,~l<il. JY~gn 0l~iITlhlg :flo me represellta'' of G0Q{~n.d: (!j~ 'C:h'tl!:Lst @n Bartal n'av€ ;readily yielded ~o ])lren~ld:L@e, seliffis"h'ness, and lihe 'besetments, ana have bee-orne tHe tools fw'the .IDevi1 whom



, ,- ._._ i®HOVA':Jit'S':'!l'nmpOSEl '29

.' : ~ '~;. • I I ~ ;-

he na;s lia@d to" ea'I.U~y OIL itis 'V\uekecr W.0ii'!k. This !Eras .g,(1fme' ·cQ~._.l.oQ 1lfJWe' J)Q'iut ~\Tllere tQday the ma:~o~i'itfty gf 'BTh@ e1~rgY?J.11en Te]9udliate' the Bible aHd I1e:pu<i!1cite (i0a: the Creator.

On :ij ovem.®~T,' 5~ 1929, ,t1t!Z, D:ni·ted B'r~-ss puplislied: tlle -'s;1Yat.€ment :Bishop ]1;al'l!.ti'in.g that i'lll. one' th.Bolo~i'd~, l~n~v@'Il'sit;y m Amel!~~-a. c)n,ily one @J!i01ffesS01' (m:.Hi,6ves . in. God. ~ The .g~reatliiftst ~n(mg is· to ID.l!rn ,mankind away fJ;om J enocv8il1 G0d the·OreauoI'; and tills is Sata'l'l's chief wonk, gnd 1l,~ p1!n:4s many. men and uses them :r@r that

J:!IUrp0se. _ .

·]it w;a~ the 01~rgy of ,tie R(i)U1Wn dli:urch, ~w'h:(') ~lamr@tlj"'t0 'be. thel.'eill1xe~'eJitta'tiv:es ;,Qf @od '@ll eamttl':t, ~'W'hp !ila}lfs9a ±1r~ W1!t01esale slaughter: (i)f fflie FEeneb, iE3Juglwrr(i)ts .. .Ji'lf was ·the siun€ class o.f men wh'@ (m~ated: and ca:rrieG@ll the Court

. or j[nqu.i:~1t~on, wh;i~h c@nd~n:J.i[ed thousands '?1: iRl1locsn't-meu a;:mAI, 'W0'l'D,en and put th.eJll· to; a IJ<rNei al1~ un,;~~al &eat:h. It was ,$())nn Ca'lvi1I, 1i~le g.ieru~ Pr'0ite.sifJant de~gy:m'mq, wln:J signed the qeaJt~ wa)r'lfaTI!~ and ca:l:lsed Setv:e:tll's to fue Thurnecl.

• , ) ~j -. ~... .

to th.ra:tN at the stake 'because: he did not subserihe ~Q Calvin's faith .. S'a:tan was the pcpvv;er th:flIt ca,llse'til th,es.e wi€ked del'lels,; .!ilpd because tJie visibl:e p@Tpetratr@:rs 01£ spell wrongselaim to' !be l'eF~'es!il]1~atives @:f Ged, tnei!r.· Q911:i'se, ())f 8:0tinn has %rbugrrt gil'eat It,'eJllT-:aaah upon' the ll'3Jme (jIf .!Jieli1@v.:aI( '.Hodi, aad : m'any have wrongfully' cha:~getliJ . G6:d ",~th t1JJ.eSe terrlhle crimes. '

Irt 'was, tfie @1l:)1'gy of Amadea -Wha·t led 'tlie cam:paign ]TIat put the pr.ohibiti<m a.1!l1~ndmen~

I •


P", ". • • ., ,. • • L ". ~ '."...

int~ the C@n~ti~'n1iioR w.hlIethe hon~st men' an<!i women ":e;1'e foreed to tb:~ "f~ont to b~ttle for tne commel~ci'M and p'oliti'0Rl llite~'ests o:f, the werld, It was lJ.iJ.e:'clergyple,n, urging the 'use QI a~y and all means to', e;n]Qrce the pl'ohi.'lJition law, that have caused many to suffer greater a1Eid UIlmSllal pnn~shment anel ca:used the,' .$~ot~ ,g.l1F to be invoked therein, upon tne ,pl'et~xt of

enforoing the la-\v; thereby causing the ,lmtimety deaths of 1,360 men and women within a short time, from gunshot wounds. It is the clergymen who furnish the sa,nctirhonious screen behind ,vruC1l profite-!'ll's, t:P~ iRqlit[c~tU1s, an€!. the bO<Dtleggers shield' themselve:sw;1:dle illIey join 111 si:ng:ing the pi;a,ises @,f]ll't)hihit!i:on a:nd whiie tll~ people slir'fire:c.

, Satan is calted, "the }9ii,nce of the power of 'tne air" CEJph. '2: 2) and "the prince of this world". (John 14,: 30) H,e .has great power to ~~h IIp storms and :flOOd? and .brin.s.: l~ke c~.Ia:mItl6S upon the peoples .of eanth, , ~hlS he frequeutly'doe&" and- is "t:herefote i'es.pCln.sibl€ .for the wicked calamities that befall 'rp,anlrind, and throug;h his sanctimoniqus hy.pOC1·itic~1 Insteumeats he causes these a1amiti@s 110 be chargecl. 't'.!IJ a:g~1.iii:tst- J·eh0ovah: Sa'tan eaused the storm to a:~rise 'en the sea of Galilee, 'with th:e .ffi&'nnest ptfl'19ose ',of, destroying the 'Lord J esus, which is - proof 'o{ ni~ 'power thus to de, (;Maiik 4:

.37; 38'; Luke:'S; 23)' It;is specifically stated that Saka:n brought upon the'- children 0f Job the calamities 'of fire ancl a gteat w~nd&t0i'm' and



i3 I t

..-i ...
r.; ..

34. Tm: CAUS"!); Cl'H))I1:ES A.ND. ~,&LAM1TinjlS THEi R:EM:IDD~ IDtlrer c~lamities. (l ob 1: 12-19.) Jelllo'Vall .G'Qld },']eiVe;rr'uSis<"h:is ]O'r!'0e ell' I)(i.1wer to b.i~ng evlft,:lJlWQl'l Ji~iS(ll'€i"attLI'es e:~celPt ~0 ao.rrunist!31! a: i1;lSt :ptllill&ll- ' ment :00.1' wllilIHl WQ1.ati@ia 'of l'ris ~,a'W~. $a:tairr e~e:rrcise& ms pBwel' to bring calamities tlJ;mn lnairkind and jn S0 doing is' pro.m]jlted solely by rnallcidns wi6ke!ll:ness, wucr them 1J:e induce& his ~nstrniiJi).euns to 0h&.Jt'ge tbese agaim;st G0d .

. GiIDd sen~ JYI0se~ a]'ld A~1<I'on with .t1;j;e message ~'o Fhara(f)l1 the king of Egypt t@ C@llTfilan4!iJ mm. ~0 let .the lstaelit!l)s .go, and UpON 'the refusal of ~lle bpg tJJe calamity of Hogs came up a'nd cov'ered tpe lacl1d of EgY}lt. Then the .11ila:g,icia'tl~ did S0 "\v;(th their enchantl1llents ancL.·bI'((lught f:t'0gS upen the Mnd of :ffigypt~ (Ex. g:'7,~) 'F,his a:n,d ®ther pia:glies Ged mrought 1!I:J;l0r.l Eg;ypt as a: jiJ! lYL1il'tis'lull(7R:iJ, alld the 'fact i>Wtat the'Devil brought similar things f@l'w-ard shows i:ha:fhe had power' and has t11e 'power tntis 'b-o do." ,r:rhe just conch:lgi0ll, thel~efore, is liThat a.ll the J!le~ts and 'bCJ1'€S· an.d:, ve['Ipin t'}U1.1t Gl~st;1:'0r fbJe :flJ!'1,lits aird 'Veg~~tiob, of Ole. ~e0J?~e~ oiE' 8air"£h '8J1'@~ tl1e i[·esuIf&.-:-of Satan's W1ekedwo;l'k and 1~!IJ'~0tiGelil 'tQ cause the ]leople ~o ~l1rse God. ~nsnead of' God being responsjble f:oi~ th~ calalli17

ties, .Sai$fi i;g l'espC'lXl.stbl@ for all of fhem, sxcejrt: sn(fhas 'a:te specifically set fQrth in the £orilJ.Jtures that, God has 'tlsecl to jtlstly'inliiish wre>ngd@€ll's.

Ihs Sa:ta~l ,tne Devil who fi:tmt 'said: 'Tnete, ris JJl~ deat.h.'.·( G~Hl. E : 4) It is· the olergy ~ho stam:Gi. In the:iJxj;lulpits and at tRe funeml bier alrd S<:lY

. ';".

, ,



that causes the people to suffler evil emanates> from and is induced by Satan the Devil, Seeing , "then t!b:e real cause; ,:ire must look f01' th..if liemetly therefor from the propel' Source.


. If in fact the clexgy represent J" ehoValh G0d, they would believe the Bible and follow its teaching-s conc811DJing the cause 01 evi1 practices and 'wrong'd0ing and would l'ely if upon , the remedy set forth in the Bible. Any remedy suggested that is not supported by the Bible can not, .be a true l'eme<iliy, regardless of the motive tnat . prompts its suggestion. Satan is a subtle foe and we should expect him to bring ferfh sub"ble and, fraudulent remediss which on the face of them might appear to. b@. feasible. That is exactly' what he has done. God, sets forth in the .Bibls the complete remedy for all _ the ills thaJt have COIDe upon mankind, but his remedy the cler,gy ignore. A.ttenti0n is called to it, not :£0'1' the purrpose of bringing the clergy into the limelight, but in. order that thepeo;ple mlg'bit See that the relief to humankind must come in Ood's own appcintsd way. To the end that we might see that the clergy are not following the Lord's way to. remedy evil some Illl'ther facts are he:l.'e SUbmitted:

. When President Hoover appoint'ed his C~'ime Commrssion fo1' the announced purpose of as~er!ainil1g the cause and bringing f0rth a, !'@I!l.iJ!edy for crime; the clergy had a splelilrilid 0P1JQr-

, ('


fufuity t~ eernc £0Twfurd ainG call. the pL'esident's 3tttention to Q'@d?s true remedy. The presum~tion must The i:q.dutged that if theN' knew of 'tlns· remedy and were honest they woul~d have toid the president w:hat it is. If t~ey did ~ot know of it then they are willingly ignorant of what rthe Lord has set/forth in his v\f:01'd an~ shouid refrain from holding themselves 0:rt as mst~uetor's of the pe.o,ple in,the way Q~ l?ghte<!)Usness. They missed a gr0ric)Us oppertunity ~o tel! ~ho president and' thepeople how GO? ,¥,In, remove crime, wickedness, and the practice of. wrong-

. doing on earth. According ~o the pulllli~ press the clergymen sent a delegation t~ Wash.i.ngton, which appeared before the president and o£fered to follow his lead and to ITO w~atexr~~ :IT;' would suggest to bring a!b?~t a ~etter condition, instead of asking him to jom wifh the;rr to f01- low God's remedy .. The New York Tvme~ and oilier papers, under date of June 20, ~:929, speaking. of thi,~ matter, ~ep0i'ted the follo~lllg:

. ~ .

Tlle Rev. I9(;;eto~ Cleland B. l\fcMee of ()hlc~go, .

Moderator 0] the Presbyterian @~tlrch in. 1,\h~ hlm~ed States. ibiormed tne President that the !l:'l'esb~er~au church had created a commission to restrain the spread of -lawressn~ss. Doctor McAfee aID(i}ng other

things said: '

. ('At, Hie re~ent session of our general ass.em:oly, the highest of OUF church, eonsisting of l,OOO represe~tati;ves chosen by the members of the church '£ro~ every part of the counti:-y:, keen interest was taken III '~ve~ tef-eneircc to the subject of law observance and



i3'8 \PEE CAUSE CRMES: ~f) QAldAlIfr'eJliJ.llS <rl'IE REJM'EDY. the IiIllty- i)f the eli'tu',eJ1 \"f:o flid in formiflg a be~:lJe:}; ,spirit in tllat IIJegal'til ..

, I 'J' . .b:e mo(j11'wtor was il:Lstructedby unanimous ';Qie

llo app@int a nai;j0llal ]oyo..1ty commission, Wj10se duty 'woUlld Be 'bo el$i'es§ -fa you the mind. 0I the- church in its ·toyaJ. response to' the call' yoti have made, anQ to ao' Its'trtmost to 'answer thdtcall. through all our church! agencies.,"

"Nfl l'aw is !he:t!e involveGlbecause it is law- itself is inYoh,ecl,!' he contended.

, {'If now, Mr. PTesident,'" Dr. 1Il[cA:fiee c@ncluaetl, "you .b:avea.ny word (')1' paN ('Jl'cha'lienge, of guidance or warning, to .say to 'LlB, be assured' it wi1l be reeeived ij) a spnd t of readiness to help and of eagerness to ~ar!Y' en a progpam which i~ essen:tially a phase 0f' our '!immediate church tluty." •

This statemelit elf the eler'gyr.nen~ made thr0ug:h their spokesman, SflCJWS that they alIle wholly aisql,1aliiied to act al'; advisers '0] '0t4e;rrs cop.ceming the moral reform and cleaning up, 01: the wOl)d. These men sb'(')Uld know tnat for mal'lY €e~turiesJililen haye tried relliQrms by Rl~01ns 911 ena~ting 0.l'astie Iaws and (;)nfo-r~il1g them against some, with: tlie ir;es'luu, :1iha'1 today ~~le erlrrmi1ila.i cond:i1t:i:trm is 'W0l:"Se 'than. eve},· belloilie. iFurthermo;e, fh~stateFl1ent by the ministeTS t@ the presiqeht sh@ws that they do not believ:e'fI;h:e

' ':ffiriible iSG0d's, Word of truth, be@>~l1ise they e11.iireiy igLtOi'e it and I;tlUlOlj.;lilCe' theil.' ;w:illin:'giles£. t,@. jIDm any 1nan -made I S'0.hemf!)S 'for i'efoI-m _ t~'at

. Seem plaill&i~le: ,

~~ ,]f 1( is important to opey the laws of the.natio.Ii" with stF.~>ns;e:I' reas6ning is .it,imp,o:r;tant t@


me:n in an att'e:~\rpt tb €Rf6t00 the ;prohib;iltaon 1aw «all harcl1y lJie'-justID(fd upmT. the" grQund

~ha;t iot was rre@Hssal'Y:, : - -, . -'

But it may'be s:aidt'hat-, liH~ea]j!_se .tthe~e g@ntle~ men for whom Dr, McAfee spdke are ordained of men to be preachers and occupy .the-e;kalt~iil position I}I elel'gyme'n -in the land and. ela:im to be the apostles of J esus Chllist, tllere!ore any

~ method! o£ l1eIG'l'[ll approve& 'by -them -mtlst be appro¥@d by .Jeh0vah. !II reayly to that -st1a:te-me~lfj it is written: uFor such- are falseapost'fes, deeei'tful workers, transforming themselves into tl1ea:postles of Ghrist. And no marvel; for S'a{van himself is til'a.nsformed into an angel of }i;ght. 'rnel'e£ore it is 11'0 gre·at thing if liis ministers also be trans.formed as the' ministers I QI 'f'ighte0usn~ss; whose ~ma sl1ail be t}cc0l!'ding 'to tbei-r;works."-2 Cor. 11 : 13-15.

No' one eQUId wellcontend tha,t thE: pro:bibition law and; its enforcement by :i-mpTisOliIDJ!l;nt -ana: dea:'th is God's t€meEl'y fOl"" ~reve1llti'ng the pl'a:ctiee- o~ WlH~ng, The1I'efote it, must be the F.@:m:I{!dty.hrGlJlgmt'birth lJy ~Sa:ta:il. In lmis Satan :;Ilp';pears as .an angel ~)':f iilth.t" be«a:-b,se tttere is at'n 6-q:t;,vard shew iYfmora'l reform, and, bis' ministe:r:s adv{)caiing' such :p~f0lL':m~ .likewise hold tlil.~;r:m_selves 01tt.aS l:nes~eIlgeJ!s 'of light, even as tihe'lJo;r,;Q! £oJ!e'told it woUld! be a,:e:this tiine. ':there is ai great desire on'tl£e part of order-loving aUG_-honest people']@ cle-~n \ip, tlie:¥at;j_(1)tl aml, they being ignorant ad: God's 'way' <'rf ,dbi:rrg so, it IS ea,sy·to,.]Jl'veigile-· them-into -arfraudnlent


ples 'Q~ tllil;e eart1~. O.vlaitt .. 241 :3~8) 'FIle. ~na o~ the \vo:rliit also nHlil'ked the seclimd eORlll'lg (ilL Chrrist. He it is whose right it is to rU1.e. (Ez;.ek,: 21.: 27) ~hat means .the- time to. begll~·.~etror: {1.gainst Satan to oust NUn from hIS positicm ,of power. (Ps. 110: 1,,2) .Jehovah has set ~C.hTl~t J'ssus 2CS 'King upon Ius throne; and he l!f?gan 'to exercise his :power iN 1914, M shown: by the Sc.r~pt'U.res ':'iI)ud the facts. CPs. Z: 6) In ha.rman,y with the proof eoneerning 1lhe end Q£ th& world, the 'second coming Of Christ as ~aI'th's ,rig~tf~ I,ulel' and the taIring by him of his pGWeT to reign,' it is written: '.'We give thee thanKs,- 0 Lord God .A!lJltligb.t,y,which art, a'll~, ~J.!1d art'to come; thou hast takeI)) to 1\hife. t@,y

great po,\ver, an€li hast TeigIT'Led; 1\11<11. the nai\l0n,~.·

t1 ' ;J t'ID· r J!1' were allgrry', and thy w~'a 1'1. 18 ,Ute-,. , ,. _ .

17,18) Then f:onowe~l the .war m h~a:e~ ':Vllt~. Michael, who 1& Chnst J esus, an~ hIS angel~ OU ORe side ai:1Ci. Satan, rthe _(i)ld DragOJ.1)oT Devil' and his amgels on the OI ;pqsing si~le; im wifid~' warfare Satan th.e :Devil and ID~ f:O'l'ces were aele'ated. "A.ndthe g:l1(tat dlYagell \VliliS east Ol\l:t; that ~lcll serpeat, eaUetl the" and :Satan, wruch deeeiveth the .whole worl€!.; hE; was cast out iJiLt0 the earth, alia his angelr-;; Wer'€! cast

'0:i:lt with hi.Q:r."~Rev. 12: 7-9. .

. "Sill1'lee being east out of :neaV'ell~ Sat&n has c6nfu:ied}ris operations i0 tIn') e3)rth; iJ.[ence tli.e great inerease of' wickedness am0ll;'gst. un~@cillli~ 'Pel'~On$. \ The Lonl w::rrned thepeop1~s or .ea'l'tIi: 'agail!l1st ~he gTea.t w'lck.edness of this l?~eserrt



a.t the 'doQ,r; and this tHey are dohrg.' (Matt. 2:4: 14) Satan trre Dragouis fnric,)Usly angr,Y wi,th 'these' wi b:reS-S8s WTI!9 obey ~ eb.ovcah s e01'l::flil!IBm:tliments and he 'lIla:l~es war them. '(]Rev. f2: U') Knowing tha~ mS' ti~e is short ;(;0 preparefor the final ccmfli.c;t, he us:s allpossible means to offset the testimony af the- .truth conc®lrning God's kingdom, 'in order that ite right <il.eeeive the people and turn them away from J ehQvafu. Qod.

SlaiaI'!. causes a'll manner oil: crimes and ealam.itiss to be charged up against Jehovah God, , and causes his riiinistets tG teach the peo])le that the SOTl'OWS here are just the beginning of, wh?'t G(])a will ·1h.eap upon them etema111y; iCheIl IR order that Satan might appear as an angel {IT messenger of' ligM, he ca;u·ses h~s minj,stel~s 't~ 'liming forth the LeaglXe of Nations and announce it as the substitute for G0cl:'S kingdom, and a

. World Court to settle the controversies; end peaee pa'c,tS' for the :preveril'jion of wa~, as a prete:x:lL r;l;'b:ese thlhgs ~1a::im the atten,tlOn o,£1fITe ;pe@ple, and at rtihe same tim~ the rluer~. of the nations are liRl'r-vi:ng; -to make prepamtlOn £0r

.; r <l


Anrterica has since its fcmnda.tiQll been iJ1o,~ed. a,s the land of religions,. and i~ is e1!aMed generally to be a ChristIan nati?n. Amel'i@a was the ideal place for Satan -to an- 3!l'lgU'rate the s"(1)-caUed 'prohibition law. The [iq.,tlo![' traffic has ibgen a grea.t eurse to 'hllmaukiwrd, espeeially in America, and an' auuempt to


. .


: '

«This kn@w,also thilJt in the last day:\} ~li;j[011S

• " \ . • .no

1fin(1ls shaH come. For m@TI shaill! lJl:e lQye:rs £)1

tlJiei'I" O~Vll selv<es, ~0V@t®us~ lii@asteJTS., ]J'I"ouCl, 'b'.tas-plmme:fs, drsobedient to i[J3:]'ents, lillthlilmik- 1\11" URuoly, without natUTa:1 affeetillm, truce· bTeake;rs, false accusers, iuCQrlltbHnit~ fierce, ~es:P1S61'S 131 those that are godd, ,traitprs, heady, higbillinded, lovers 9£ pleaSl1:res 1ill('),:fe. 'than lovers of God; having a formoI:g0d:r.tness,. hilt tlenying the power 'bn(;lreoj;: flCOl!l1. s~c}l tutn awa:y~ 'Fcn of this sort are they Wlllcl'l creep into hl':I1i1SeS, 3iQ.d lead: captive silly women; laden with sins, led away with divets lusts, ever learning,. aad.never able to come to the lmowledge l?f tile truth. Now as Ja}1nes and JtlPThbrej; with:stood, so d'o these u,lsG) pesis.'t the t.rnt}:l :

. ·lillH.m H[ €0rl'Upt mimls, 'I'e:pToibate QQNCerIl.liJJ!g the faith. But they sh'a.ll proceed no furthe:r: fGT their folly shall be manifest 'Unto all mel1l, as the,its also was."-2,Tini. 3: 1-9.

Ilt is th~re1:O're folly dJo a:ttllln'l;p~ t~ ref0rm. tIle wicked world by man-made se.1~elfIles. Wh-y waste (time and enet:gy te loTio'W aJ trait t1Iaot is aibsolutel'y blind and IDH\St leaiiI to .rusasteer; ~ Wky; not the Bible, w:lrich is the Wo!d fir 6}~d and the truth and Ieaen the.real cause and the rea(l"~~edy for the ills that affect hllma,;ilkiIl(l~ S'tleh is the purpose' Q] whai is here 'Wir~t.ten. ,

True R!em~dy

. 'J e1l0'vatl God has pl'ovideel. the oo.mpleie remedly;_ Lo:r all the a.ffiictlons tha:t have ~eset man-

pFayeJ" SOOR te. be answered, says Jud~e Riutltel""f't1H'd i'''': t.aJ. s l?ook II

"~:"~V~[P{~M ~Nlf1



.'Mao;s ~tt~v failu;: to esiablish'~ rightebl.Js govemmenl en earth ,is ~revel1 .by the fact that. despite all the: beasts of moiferh eivili~aflen, despite learni"ng and in-' V-entj"ons, there is, more bloodshed. mere pr~J!lara!ion for wars, more terrible' engines ~f destructlon, more . poisoncus gases, more-crooked 'politi'es, 'm6re eorrupb ,government;;. more injustice in the courts, more nen-' ' 'sense ["ro'm the' pulpl~ and newspapers. tha~ evaif be: fore in the Ristew of the world. biagpiness. heljlth" life. will come only when <Geel's kingdem is seb up on. eerth: pnd ithe.authoF presents indisputable oroof Hwt

til' I t<,

• e bme 'for lhe establishment of that rig:hte<)'us gov-

eph'rperit is''at the doer: ' This, auother beautifully bound book. ilhJslrated, is 9ffereil to you for '40c a COpy', We~re .sureyou will

like, it! .

kind. Tnal Feme'dy is ,his' k1;uig'ci!Qn1' over 'wrueh Cliri'S.t' .wilf be ;t'he 1:ll. visiBle j'tliIel'.' B e£e!re ~ rig;l1te(J)iQSness' ednldl. 'be' est~bl.rsh(\l·d ':.I])TI! ,hllrtb,< that .wicke· Satan. must be completelY; ifte~hroHed and nlS orga{uzation destro1ed.~ .".'F~a11 is, :the nex;t great act that 'will' be petfor,me'd toward .'trke establishment of righteousness. And the facts in connection with the Scriptures si:l(!)W tllat this great act is in the v,eirY near future, God .foreshadowed this great conflict when he destroyed the world in the flood. (2 Pet. 3'~ 4-7) Again he foreshadowed and foretold it wEen he destroyed the Egyptians and deiliivel'ed the IS'l"aelites. 'These things he did: to make f0r himcSe!.J.iE a name, that the people might know that h.e 'is 1the Mdst ffigb.; and he thus iforet01d. the destruetien of Satan's organization in -the end, and the purpose thereM.-:-2 S~m. ";: 23.

'I'he great battle (!)f the "day of Go<iJJ Almighty", and whick is often called Armageddon, :must be rot1l?,lht some time ilo'llowing lIhe·Wbdd Wiar. rrhat waF en,ded.m 1918. Sin~e. then, in obedience to Godi's commandments, his witNesses have Theen going wbo'l!it the ,qountey. %ell'ing the :people the tliuth by ]Jli'ttin-g in the hands of the people books explaining the Bible. This is a wurk that must be done bef0'l'e Al1magedetorr. In. tbis' connection maek the cormmaTIdment 0'[ Jesus which Q:e;finiteiy and specifica!l1y applies

at the end ef the WO']d€!: 'War 'in 1918.- "Pdrd -Urns gosp 81 G'E the' hlngdom shall be 'Wreached in aU the :woTtd for: a wtness unto all nations:



Iftn.11 then,sIt<all the enitl eOmQ:e/' (wIMt. 24 d4iJ T~e ~-al-(gn~ h.e:rlll ffieTItiolled @;v'the Lmtil. ,iJt4if~ilts wJJI !$(!Hll~~f WIth the g:rootest tnii1!l.aJIB ib~ ~Tu'd~ has> ever known, fLl1d tJluit will 19k) t1'l.-e, las']. fI'llla'tt.~ 2iit,: 2~, ~2) 'In :Eu)!ther !l_Jlloof that" this' Will We' lthe 'Worst-0faTI troubles and will The' fin);!l U1fG'Ii}. 'fIre wUl1ld,ol}'g.a;niz8Itiqll _0f Satan it is wl'ittm'~ '('ill'~ere£0]1e ,wait we' u[lol'l :Jll'lWl~ sa.ith the LQ':Uru;, lliFlfl'l tl,:e d~r t~at 1 rise up iJ0 -·Mle l7'11E,lY ~ f'IDJii m:v de:f.ermll:l1ai1pn rsta g!1thef1 tke natiolts~ t~t l t]]:~r,~s~e.m'bl~·.the king~~Qn!ls~ to POHFUb'Ql'), -tb:f}UJ. mm( ll1dl&natI-on; ,even alII :my. nlllF,ce Il~ge:t J 1l0:).' a~ ~~e eWFth shall. he dEY'i7S!lJreo, with th:e ire~f m.YJea:lou-sy!'-=-Zeph. 3: S.

,- In ~n:,e ~!I?'eat bBl'ttle@i' A'fl'lla.gftd~Ol1- -Sata<n.ts ,orr~a~z~tiB!lil '~·i.];tfatl. (Re~. J;'f ; 14.? 'ff!) : j;!J) ~atan lilins@l·£ there he: deprived of ali 'prH'Vei!, that he may deGei,ve the Tl:'aki@n~::nno meI1Te;" ~'~nd he .laia,' .h~ld . o.l~ !he' etr'aI§O'I'I, ';jl'hat ~lcl. S@Fv~nt, wfrmli:- IS ~11@ ,lilew1 <:l(Qa; ~aiyaTl, and. bW'11l}1ll :p.i®L a t'fi0'b1Sal'uiI."yea:l1s, a-llGi.@ast JiJ&rnf i'l'lte>\tli:e'hottbmle.s,s ;Jflit, BiI;cl shut him TIl!), ff@.d. ~et t1 $~~l ·~PQ.~l h.un, t!Iai %I.e ghQ)'t1ld d@0@i'v@ the l:ra'iJwml :rlG 'ID!l!!.l,l~aJ ;1;111 the ,th0'1l1Sa:lHl yeaTs sh.oul!1 b§ m1n'tlad ~ .and aEtell that he must 'IDe 160i}ed· 'a 1ittl~ sea;s(ln.'~

R'ev. 20! 2, 3. . ' -

t~~rn ~t~h~~9q~P~§~

When S\a:tan a}ld :Ms d~eeit1llill minlsteT'S hav-e Theen ¥em<:r\l'ed; ~(5moii'e fraud and rileas'Ptiori' aaiR 'Jjje IF'ra@ti(feEi llIH:lTJ. the PEH))ft'J1€: Ohrist the bel.@ved. $on ::Ij)f God wi:TI! 1~lil1~ the p!'f0ple~ iH~~i1gh'jj...



eous'tfess andiea€l th.em ilITt@ :tlhe tr'Uth. 'He willIll tie 1lhe gareat and "'vise -Couiil.s€'l@~t x@ instru:et 'tke, pe@i];liethrO"l;l.g.h his mirais1:e:rrs ~liI the ngbtway., as . it is written: "Th@ gQ'VGT:tTIIient sTiarl ibe u!pQ]:i :ruls siJa0uJ.:-.:rier; .and his nWtlIe s'h:al1 be called WondeT]ju1 Counsellc», The mighty God, The everlasting Bwu'hell','I'he Prirree, of Peace, O,:Il the increase (;If his gQVoer:mme'1:l!t and ])ea:ee ~here s1J'~m: ibe TIe ~ma., II1llil01'l. tIre t~"l'0ne 0f David, .aicrrd u1_;lon his Ik~gd0m, to order it, and to esta1J'Lish it wllith ff:augm.Emt. and with [ustiee, :l!Tom herrcef@rtl'i. even for The zeal of iheLord Q1 hBsts v.Tlli11 pellii0!m this." (Isa. 9: 6,7) Cilliist is 1tb:e' Kmg:, and his vls1b:le rep,l' on ea;rtb: wi~t ;noWe in Justice i;n harmony wl'tiliL him. "]31;1- :Uoqd!, a mg shaN reign in righteollsness, 3JJilld ]lTin!!les sha:ll rule m judgIJ1eJll:t." -lsa. 32: 1.

Mte-r the ousting of Sa:tan one of the Fnim:tl(ry pl1\rFoses 0;£ tJie reig;n of Cliris·t is' tpj'l1Qge first tihe, ana tli:eH a,waiken the dead aind g~ve / tliep;ra f~ 0}2P0Ttllliity. (2 'rim. 4:'1) @bff has Blit?p0mteril a ]ll:lr:i0d @~ ibne. :F0I.:' I t:h:allj; V:l1fY ptu'[lOS~ of ~ThiiligiNgt'h& p;eID:ple,hr :rr.ighte0uSne$s., a!l'J:d' !he 'gives assurarrce unto 'ali men that· it will be a blessed Op;]JD'l'tunity-' to iearI1 tb:e t,ruth andreeeiV'€ . his fav,oJ;. (A:cts 117: 3li) Under the Ti~1Iteo;u.s reign 0':E, ChT1S!t there eaR h'e no spies I!I~ those/whD .seek to m.F3JW tln;i1". feUoMr maR il'ltb 1![:(i)uMe. 'ilrhe-re w:iill be no 0Re p€'l'ID.litted DO" t~a Nes, ana: thereby,' Iileeeive others. n. is %Ne wi11.I

. oili tiod <tl1,a;taJj] sha~l De llJ'Iroug:h'tto a.'D. accurate . kn0wleQ;g_e ,0£ the truth, and, kno7i¥ing the t;r;m;'tll,

• ~ .. _ .• ~ , I ,~




'bhf:)-re will ,be no excuse to . go on in the wrong

wa.y.~l 'rim. 2: 3-6. . " .

The maJority of the people prefer righ'ireousness, if they knew how to obtain it. They are .~e.ceived and misled by many fraudulent schemes .. which have the appearance of good. :rhey a,re in disb;e~s and perplexity, not knewmg which way to go because of Satan's opera. tions at this time, But under the, righteous

'reign of. Christ the people will learn what is truth and right and will be aided in doing rigTht. In proof of this statement it is written: "For wh~R thy. judgments, are in the earth, the in-~ hahitants of the world will learn righteousnesa," (Isa, 2.6.: 9). This scripture is complete pr(!)on t~a;t tp.e people :will not be cleaned up or learn righteousness until Goers kingdom is in operation,

Cleaning Up the People

Men .who have debauched themselves with intoxicating liquor have been their own greatest foes aad have also been a menace to their fellow men. 'Do be sure, the order-lovingpe@J_Dle want ]0 see all relieved from this unclean eondition, The use of tobacco by men and women is filthy in the extn eme mid a great curse to all mankind. Not only does it work great injmy ?1' evil to the one who uses it, but its poison IS spread amongst all the people in the hotels 'Cafes; trains and everywhere. The people sh(;)'uid


ibe r,eneved from this Uncleanness al;ld' 'tl1etoba~co eril should be put away.

. Tng'1J.:raffi.c in and' tb.e use of' cocai;n:e, common-

, },1 eafled "dope", is one or the gre~t curses up0n the human race. Attempt.s are bemg .:nade.constant}y to eradicate this dreadf,~I evil, ~ll'f yet Without success. The houses of :rmmoralioty all.1i wrong practices have wo~~keGl: great havo.e amengst the race. 'I'hat evil should be el1?,dicated. High finance and fraudulent pl'actIces "of the profiteers upon the people have .broug~t zreat sorrow and this should be remedied; an<;l the people ~ant it. remedied. ~?ng, stealing" a'1"SOH aJTId other crimes from which the pe0)lile have Long ~u::ffe'[eG. sbm:ul(li be wiped out. M.urder ib:a:s Qlt'enoNed the ear,th m. human ,blb@'a, and· that s'hoUl'cl. be for evell' elided. Human experiences demonstrate beyond any doubt, however, that law enforcement 01' attempted cnforcemeat by means of fines,-impTisonment~ a~d death, ~as not lessened' these evils. !Jt'his IS concluSl'V'e proof'i\hat the suggested( remedies of m,en are ina;deqlla;~e. 'Why theIr s~0u1d :the 'peo'Pl~ waste Lurthe); time and effort Iff :r011owmg after the suggested retnedies of men~ Wfiy' not turn ilo God's remedy, whic:h is adeq,u'aJte, ana c0.mplete ~

GQd's kil1g'o.,oIU under Christ the !!ighteotls will m:ake the 'Way !)lain fOT the people ito be wi!~;rJIled 8md will completely clean up the nati~ns from all. filtlrl,pess. It is likened to a gll'eat highway upon whierr the peo~le m~y go to be cleansed and made safe, It IS Wi'ltten'.


, ' .

(~A:tl.d an highway s1iall he the1J4-'!, anci{ a way, aJJ1Q i·~ sna)ll- The. !$·a;liecil! The vy;aY"Bf J;r5hness;, t11e welean shall tl.~:rt Nass QV'€t' it; b'm:'t it shat! be for 'those: the 'wayfgring men, though -£'oois, sna.1n: nQt elT therein." -Is~. 35: 8. .

. ~t~ted,in other phra'Se: The LChrd God in his kj:n;gdom wiH make the way [or the' peoiEJle sa

, ~laln arid elea:J.l, an@ teach them i'll.e ti"'l!lth" thai!; ·th:er.e wili be 11(') occasion for an¥ one to m{lJ in :the Wl'Ong wa,y,.' They will learn t;lirat JehoV"wfl is the only true 'God amI' that ChJ:ist is' the :ReIj!.jlen1er ot mankind, and -that to. kn.ow God a:p.d Christ will mean to them health and life. 'They '\viill learn 'that the :lliiood . of ClilTi's~ H1ilis maQle atorrern'8lil't fm' the sims 0;[ manJ~irrd antiL ~iM cleanse the:qr ~'I?OID, ~H iD1Jlu:'ities. They. will s'e':e tnarti r 'by 'l!H!1lttmg rodh tnen' endeavors t@ 0:0 right they wi.U he he,lped a:long the 'WcJ,iY; aria if

. t'p:ey eonfimie faithful hi obedience to the LOliQ trrey will be' fuUy rest@red to health and life eveF],asti:rig end live fer eyer -on tli@ ea~th. 'lrha;t great liigirw:ay is the Lordi's w:ay @iE olean:iing 'li1;m .aNd fuie,ssing file peoples of tne wd:rld. .

A' Hon IS hsed as a sym"l\lol 'of' .·the IDe:viil. (1 !Pet. 5: g.) A.. i'aveni:nts 1J..east .lS used as a ,SYNil\Th~ol 0], the Devil's cruel 'organizatioil, maCte wp 'of prop:teers ~nd theil' allies wh(D practi~e :lbmud' '~>ilcll mec"eif 2:nd dppilre§s tUe pe0'.1ple. Non:e, of i!;:hes:e tli1nms Sliall be itt tne way t@ hinder tlb:€l <mmp[efe ref0'lmIation bf m:ankindl. :tiJp(m ! J!)(9lnt the Lotu says: UN ({) lion shan 'be tneT8., '!lor, any rave:nG1ts bl:last slraHgo up thereon, it

... - . ...~.., . : ..; . . \


J1av;e leaJ!l'letl little @1' iiot1.ri:ag: by reason aT 'tln:ei:!I' e'N:jW,el!ien@@S1n the p~a:etiaes o:f evildoing. w:J:ia:t ,the jpMp.le iIlusHearn above all things" and! 'Wift1ilt is of gre~atest importance to them in order to be eleal'ls~ec1 from all 'YTong and made right, is Qlf aNd concerning God and his beloyed Son 8Thfjris\f J esns, IJl1hishmen.:t ill paiS,GUS OJ! othe!l1- wise. ~i1l the people learn to do right, Oblt by @btmmng a Th.ntJ\wledge of G0d aad his fi.lelQl1V€~ Son 'Chris,t J esus, and tIle prevision 1f'1<:licl'e £()1~ manl~ind .l@ live. Then men wil' learn to love ~md Willingly obey the Lord, 'I'here is RO, scrip"'" :thrEl. that,v'aT'1"a,l'lts the oonelueion that -God has P@l'mitted men to naV;Ela long expeill'i\¥fi@e in:

W')."611gdoillg; or evil im: order te learn necessary less@lls, 0]1 ~lIe C(i)1:1tra:ry, the StlJ.'.iptilIreS sh@1W that a laek of knowledge @I 'Jod has been theil, g'l'elit hanc;ln:j,ap. Today the theolo;gicalsbbQl0ls ' ,teach that tp-ere is no. God. "The [dol hat1isa~ti1 ~u }:lis h~a;rt; Th@re· is no God," The, t'h~oIQgi~ail ;pr0fessors must be j:iiulged out tJ[ therJl' own :iJ1il0UtJiS. "'The Lord IO.@ke down Dl"@Il1 he~:ven'

. ;j['P~n .~he ehiJdren of men, t@ see ii ther~ -W~lTB any that di€l understand, and seek God,' They are al1 gone aside, they are laill together become lllthy;' there is none that ,do€·th go@dt nb,.:t1o] ,@ll@'. Hqve all the wor,.kel~s Gill iniqui~y ,fRO knowledge;l w'h@ eat up my people a~ ~hey eat 13reaca, mnd call not UpOIl tne LO]<'liL"-Ps. 14': 1-4. '

T~~ laek @I In10wledge is due 1;0 ,the ~ec~p1tioll pl'aq,:lheed- upon the people by 8atal1, and Th:v th:iJji; nlea'Iis he ~as bli.Uded thgm ,to the ~rl1th. ~2 'QOP.


4: 3, 4~ Tlhis gfeat bincrl'8:nce 'Willi !l5e- teID(1l'11em when Satan is removed and his }?@we:rr dest.l'0yed. Wlten ;TeJrr.ovtllh's .ldngdoID ~sin:Eul1 s,,\ra;y the :@eople 'will be brouglHto a 'ku,owleuge o~ Ute trutll. The 'beginning of their lm.owledge IS tCll ~ow and rear God. (Prov, 1 :-7) "'A roan IDI Ji~owled;ge inereassth strength." (Prov, 24~ 5) :tIL the lcingdom of God on earth therewiilt b@ ili10 hmdeance to gaining Imowieug:e, "1>01' Ure eruiTfli shall be I'lul of the lrnowiedg@ o£ [JenQ.., vab.}, as the "Yakel'S cover the sea." (Isa, 11: 9) ~l the lleople shall come to know Jehovah God. ~Ftor they shall all know me, from the least of f(inem unto the greatest of them, smith [Jeh0- ~ah] ; lOT I will forgive [them] their miquity, and 1i will remember their sin no more.')-

Jet. 31.: 34.

, Today millions o~ people who profess 1.0 be Cfiristians 'are.'in great sorrow and perplexity, beea'l,\se they have no knowledge Gf God's pur~ ·!lose. They, therefore, fall easyvi,ct~s ~0 the wily schemes or Sh:tan, and ot thRn: It. IS Wl'lltteN : !'My J'!,le@1J1e are destroyed for lao1~ of l?'!oo,vledge." (lIos. 4: (3) God: desires tM people t(!) know him for "their own good. (Has. e: 61 W11e11 GGd's kingdom is ill :rull sway he wiN teael1 th~n:i, not by- experiments, 'lJq.t by writing bis law in their hearts, and they will learn and Iove and Gluey him. He says: "I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in "their .hearta; ami "nil be tneir God, and they shall be my pee'Pr@:' (J er. 32: 39 ; 31: 33) The: only possible man- -


" .


a~d· it shall sfandfor evet.'l (Datn..2 :44:) ~e~ h(')'V'alil. has kept rus "W0Fd inviolate, even as n~ I'rOll1:l:Sed... ':My word snal~ not reh'l:tn "'I!ll\lto 11!le vOld, but it shall accoIUplIsh that wl1e;1]leuuto I sent it: (Isa. 55: 11) While Jehovah has.heen amtryiug out his purposes Satan has c~)lltlfiuetl his nefarious and wioked. work among a;ugels ancil men. God will fully vindicate hl~s w01L'd.. '

Jehovah's name has been defamed. and) 1'8- ]9rOITiched by Satan- and h:i,s re;p:r;esentatives throughout all the esnturies. Those same 1'6:]H'oaenes"fell upon J esus; and have fallen upon. all the faithful followers of Jesus because of t1l.ei'T faithfulness to Gad. (Ps, 69: 7 -9; R:o~1il. ill5: 3) Sata.n challenged th_e word and nam.8 of G0d and €i:e:fiantly 'bold J' shovah ;that he .eou~El not 11ut·a creature ali earth that 'would ma:mtaul his .. integrity and his :Eaithfl1111eSS to Go.a.. \ J ~ b 1: 10, 22; '2 :4-6) Satan has .15'Llceeed~d JID. t~1Tnin;g a host of men as well as angels :;\waJY lJ.'?Ul Jehoyah God, hnt d1.l1·iI~g aU these eenturies of ibis ];Iraetice of "\\1rongdoing and evil G-od.liJ:as hard some few men on earth 'who have reu1wlned faixhftll to hun. A list of ]:118;n of faith' is set.forth '-ill Hebrews 11: 1~·39. The man Christ Jiesl.:1S proved his fidelity to GOc11.111der,the most adverse conditions. !Jihe remnant (,i)'f lns f0Howers have' been with hun in his trials, a'ndi. thes€l 't0~ will stand TIJ.'111. and faithfuiJ. to J {;)n:ID~ah. JfefttlvalI has fiot permitted wl'ongdoi:m:g 01l'" eVhl !t~ %e ;J!>J?actlced in 01'48]' that men a"?-d aITge~s mig'ht -leaJlIT lessens, but he has ll@":t hl'l.lQecre~ rut,


pIe, we~e dear to ~im. If 11e woul~ re00v~:r them ITlilt for th~ir own sakes but fOIi his ,Il!ame S s.ake, ~1J.en, W]tb: stronger 11easoning, h~s l1e pr.!:nn;ml?d ~or tIre full FecoV'ery of the flu1l?-an raee J.U g.e:ll.., e'£l::\'l ior his name's sake. There IS no other na,.~a g:i:VBll under heaven wl1ereby me~ can' ~~t ]ife

, tharr \:l'QU's provision thr01.1gh Chn,st ~ eS~B 1;l11q: bills \ldng{:10ID. (Acts 4: 12) The v;indwatlPll ,of li:i:s W~1"d. and name are thsrsfcre a;bsohltely ~ssenti(;11 to the recovery of ln~;111'l;ind.. Such vinooc-ati0ll, witl for eve))' eRtabhsh fun COD,;'Aq~~lpe wf all restated creamres in ~ehwv~lr, .11J14 th@y will' cQntin1l6 in; hal'nl~nr with h'JID a;nd receive his everlasting bles!3111gs.,

: :rt'is the name of .Tehov,'aJ:1 t~at the faith~u}relllna;H% of the followe~s CIt Chnst nov-: on ealth @Kf'L~t Sind Fraise. ~I~a. t2: 4.6) 1~ will Q((I t~!!l '') of J shovah that the peqple 'inll honor a'll~ ~raise fO'1' ever when tJ.'p~~ Ip10w and learn of his love. God's prophet :foretold the song of praise tlia,t will flow 1\'om the Ups of the people t@ the glo~y of J'ehovah's name when tll!;l'Y ~Fe ~i\!j:lly cleansed and settled inpeace and elTJeI'Y, "Make a jOYlt'll noise unto G0d, aIf-ye kiind&. Sing Iq>rth the h01101.11· of his name,; ma.ifiB his praise glorioua, Say unto God, How tfllr.rible alit thou ill thy works! through ~he g1'~atnes& of thy power shall thine enemies sub~it thjlmselves unto thee. All the e,aJ'tll shall wQ)]slIi]? thee, and' shall sing unto thee; they sh~ll sing to t)1y nalue."-PS. 66: 1:.-4:



Tl!ie sum dr:tne mattel' is this: The world is !~ of s01'1'ow, ,suff€n'~g, sickness, crirrne, Q~am-I I~leS and death; &!latah tIJ:e T:>ev.:i;l isrtbe 'fa:the:r.

. (!)£ lies, the instigator and prosecutor of wiekedness and w1'o'ngdoing; Satan has €lefied God and Fei>v<ila?hed ~,is name and wrongfully chargsd,' God Wlth being ~'espcjnsible fur all t'ne ,viel~eciL~ ness in. the past, present, mid future, and :his !purpose b:::ts Theen bo turn the people away firoIiIl J ehevah; God has let him. go on ul'lhindereu that Satan might -demonstrate his own total depralyity and his absolute inability to 'do anj good [01' othe:r: <cFeaturef3; G@d"s purpose expressed from the beginning Was 'and is to rec0yer mankill1 'Dh:toug~ Chl'ist a~d his lcing,d'om, and tlieTeby vllldiica:te i.f(i)T ever [us word and ms name; God's due time has now come when Sat~n shall be shorn of his power, his organizet:on destroy.~d, the people 'relieved from oJDj;lres.:

SlOR, and blipclness taken, arway tI10m thein, and tifien under, the -:righteous 'reign of Christ tli(£

. [3801"le shalllile given 'a fun and: !fair @pportll+nifty iIIo know GO'a and €Jhr,ist and. be restored. Sat~n has-gONe his length in w!iekedp.ess, and now Jehovah will vindicate his word and his name Before an ereation. In doing tills he will. d.e ._ onstr~te his g;reat JIil9weiF ~n ~he e@nl[)lete <iJ:estru.~tlOn of Satan's oFg3!uizatioJl!. ~11 Cil.'eat,iOll will come 'to a ·knowleage of the truth, and will krrew 'JehovaJi is the only true God fronr


, 6B

\>vhlJlp:): :al~ blessings proceed, and tl}.~t ~is "Wolld is t~·:t;lE ll;lJ.d J:HR nfUI).!iJ worthy to be p·p;usef:L

, 1'11e1'e1:9].'e that which is Clf )?t"\.rj;l.:moul1t l!l'll.p(l)litance ]lOW to the peoples of earth Ul to learn the truth concerning J eho ah God and his pun'poses. He-has caused a recoud of his ·J?U.¥p0S~S to be set J.Qi"th in th~ Bible, And "X),0W IP. this time" of comparative peace) and [ust before th.~ areat day of the dastl'1..1Ctiol1 o1! I atlllll'S orgam~ation, :he 1'J.a$ made it possi ble fcn those w.h!:l seek the truth to know it. ow the Lord has made provision, through the publication of his me£-I:i~ge of truth, in books, fOl! the peop~e to read his Wo:rd and understand why there IS so much wickedness j!JJ)'ld e 'ime upon the earth 2_tt this time, and how God will put il1tQ) action hIS cOlil!tjJlet~ l'J,=:medy thel'efOl:. It is the duty, then, that every honest mail and vV0mf1,11 owe to themsel~es to provide the111S~nVS 'wi:Lh sl'l~h _inst:ruction, t~ke th.eir stand 011 th side of Jehovah, and serve him witl'). faitl1f1.11net3 and 'be rOlf eve"!l" blessed ..

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