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When are we counted as part of the family of God?

Many have stumbled to ruin because of the erroneous doctrines taught by some ministers concerning the
change that takes place at conversion. Some have lived in sadness for years, waiting for some marked
evidence that they were accepted by God. They have separated themselves in a large measure from the
world, and find pleasure in associating with the people of God; yet they dare not profess Christ, because
they fear it would be presumption to say that they are children of God. They are waiting for that peculiar
change that they have been led to believe is connected with conversion.

After a time some of these do receive evidence of their acceptance with God, and are then led to identify
themselves with His people. And they date their conversion from this time. But I have been shown that they
were adopted into the family of God before that time. God accepted them when they became weary of sin,
and having lost their desire for worldly pleasures, resolved to seek God earnestly. But, failing to understand
the simplicity of the plan of salvation, they lost many privileges and blessings which they might have
claimed had they only believed, when they first turned to God, that He had accepted them. Evangelism p.

What if our life is full of mistakes?

My much respected brother in the Lord, I am afflicted as I learn of your affliction. But our only hope is in
Christ our righteousness. You may trust in the Lord with all your heart. He will never fail you.

The precious promises of God are full and rich and free. Oh, how precious they are to you in your
affliction, when heart and flesh fail! It is true that all have not the same boldness and confidence when
brought into deep affliction. And again, I am so glad that feelings are no criterion. The promises rich and
full are yours. You can say in your sickness, "The anchor holds." Faith and hope in the promises of God are

You have the pledged word of Jehovah: "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." Only
rely with trusting faith as a child relies in the promises of his faithful parent. Here is simple, earnest faith
and confidence in Jesus, who loves you, and has paid a dear price for your redemption.

In the weak state of your body, the enemy may try to make his voice heard that the Lord does not love you.
Oh, He does love you. "Like as a father pitieth his children," so the Lord pities those who put their trust in

Your life may look to you to be full of mistakes; but what if there are mistakes? Jesus knows all about the
trials, the weaknesses of humanity, and He has placed on record the most precious promises: "If any man
sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous;" "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

I have evidence--the very best--that God loves you. He will not thrust you from Him in your weakness, for
He loves you. Do not worry yourself out of the arms of Jesus, but just repose in restful quietude in His love.
His grace will be all-sufficient for you when heart and flesh shall fail. He will give you His peace and His
grace. Gather to your soul God's promises, for Jesus is your constant, unfailing friend.

Try as hard as you will, you cannot manufacture a righteousness for yourself. Christ has woven in heaven's
loom the robe of His righteousness, and He will put the same upon you. And your sins--your old, defiled
citizen's garments--will be taken away. He points you to the fountain of living waters, whereby you may
drink and drink again, and be refreshed. He bids you come unto Him with all your griefs, your pains, your
weakness, and He says you shall find rest. Only believe that Jesus is your personal Saviour, that He pardons
all your transgressions, and then rest in His love.

Do not let the smallest doubt come into your soul, for all your feelings of guiltiness must be laid at the foot
of Calvary. Jesus says, "I have taken your sins. I have imputed to you My righteousness. Your weak faith
will I strengthen." Then, trust in Jesus. He extends to you free pardon. He makes you a member of the
"royal family." Put your hand in the hand of Jesus, and He will hold to you more firmly than you can hold
to Him.

Let your soul be comforted by the brightness of the "Sun of Righteousness."

The cloud may appear dark to you at times in itself, but when filled with the bright light of Jesus, it is
turned to the brightness of gold, for the glory of God is upon it. May the Lord bless these words to you, is
my prayer. Love to your faithful, watching wife, and all dear friends.--Letter 31, 1890. Manuscript
Releases, vol. 16, pp. 242-242

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