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Today raise a toast to our .
ancestors and the hero’s of our

Ancestral Path
people, for we owe our

existence to them and their

efforts! Hail!

Following the path

distribution. This will in no way effect
Winternights-Hunting 2060 RE content and we will only allow
Volume 1, Issue 1 advertising to those tru to our beliefs.
of our ancestors
Prison outreach of the Wolf Rune Included in this issue are essays,
Kindred Your By-line articles and some news compiled by
the Wolf Rune Kindred and friends.
To keep these instructions, choose Print We accept your thoughts, comments
from the File menu. Press Enter to print and suggestions on this issue as well
Inside this Issue the template. Replace the sample text
as future issues. We anticipate that
each issue will be at least two pages
with your own text to create a with every third being four or longer.

Information on our
publication and
contributors. Using Styles in this Template What we believe

Continued information on To change the style of any paragraph,
what we are about. select the text by positioning your
cursor anywhere in the paragraph.
Select a Style from the drop-down Style We here at Wolf Rune Kindred began

Hail Odin! A contribution
list at the top-left of your screen. Press the prison outreach efforts in Midyear
by Mary Kyotee Dennison
2260. The concept has existed for
many years as we felt that the current

Folk Building by Wolf efforts at prison outreach are not
This issue’s contributing 100%. That being said, we do not
Rune Kindred
writers: wish to criticize the efforts of ANY
organization as doing what you can

Runic Studies-Tiwaz is better the doing nothing.
Lyngviulf Richardsson-Wolf Rune
Tyrmund Fjolvar Gildwinnsson- Our goal is to not only assist the Tru

Calendar of events Ragnarssons Kindred, Lisbon, OH men and women of our folk in
Ulfrig Fjolkynngisson- Heimdall’s advancing their studies but also to
Heirs Folk Kindred increase their awareness that not
only do other like minded people
Mary Kyotee Dennison

Feast of the Fallen- Ulfrig exist but that they are in no way
Fjolkynngisson forgotten when they find themselves
in the system. We would like to
This is the first of what we hope to be develop a network of Tru folk that will

Essays and poetry from a bi-monthly publication provided assist our people in their journey
inside the wire free of charge to the Tru men and inside as well as their return to the
women of our ancestral faith. We outside. In the future we plan on
accept submissions of original assisting with the transition to

The GOD problem- artwork, essays and commentary society by assisting with relocation
Lyngviulf Richardsson from any of our folk provided that plans, housing information, job
they acknowledge that they release search aid and everyday items that
their submissions to us free of

Coming next issue make daily life much easier. The
charge and allow us to edit for current systems on place are not
spelling and grammar. designed for us. We would like to
develop something with our people in
We also will accept donations of mind. This will only work if we can
Wolf Rune Kindred- Prison Outreach get the word out about our goals. We
stamps and cash from our folk be it
999 Hidden Lake Drive 4-B incarcerated or free. In the future we count on you the reader to pass this
North Brunswick, NJ 08902 hope to allow small advertising to on not only to your brothers and/or
cover the costs of production and sisters inside but to your friends and
family outside. Continued on page 2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Winter-nights-Hunting 2060 RE

Hail Odin
requires a response, please, if
possible, include the return postage.
Continued from page 1 Mary Kyotee Dennison
What our future holds is known only
What we need by Frigga and the Norns. We have a Fierce Visaged Old Man, One eyed, grey
publication in the works, Ancestral bearded Wise One
Path, a study guide, in the works. Gift me with your Wisdom, gift me with
What we need from you, our reader is This is a tool to help the folk learn your Pride.
your input and support. We are only and grow inside the wire. It includes
in the infant stages of our project. We chapters on setting up a kindred,
need your input to develop this into a useful resources and information on Teach me to speak the runes, teach me to
useful tool to aid the folk. In addition, prisoner rights for our faith as well as create poetry like no other,
we need your articles and rituals and study aids. This will be poetry to sway Nations, poetry to calm
submissions in order to continue to offered at our cost to produce it and and ignite,
have content. Your submissions may will include the proper release so poetry to bring my audience to tears,
inspire other readers to submit their prison chaplains may copy it for you laughter and knowledge of You.
writings. This will help us grow from at no expense. Hail the Future!!
issue to issue.
I ask this as Your Daughter, I ask this
“ We must secure the with pride for Your skills and Your
As stated earlier, we also accept Strength.
donations. Our expenses, while existence of our people and a
limited, are still a difficult to manage. All-Father, bless my poor efforts with
Stamps are always welcome. We encouragement,
future for white children.
send out anywhere from 5-10 letters create in me the yearning to give as You
per week to folk on the inside in give,
addition to the cost of envelopes, to take as You take, and to be as You are.
paper and printer ink. Every little bit Look upon this shieldmaiden with
helps. Also, if you have a request that kindness,
Look upon me, Your daughter, with
indulgence as I struggle to know You
Guide me to Right Ways and Strong
Folk Building Allies, for You see better the hearts of
mankind than I.
Follow the Fourteen
We should all be familiar with the fourteen words. These were intended to unite Old Man, unburdened by time and full of
us as a people, not divide and conquer ourselves. Although we may follow strength,
Grant me this boon, this gift, this token,
different paths, many of us share this common bond, we all strive to follow the and I shall create such poetry as to make
fourteen. Does your kindred isolate itself 24/7 from others? Why not hold a folk all within hearing feel Your gaze upon
them as I speak.
day and share a horn with the other like minded folk around you be it Creator,
I shall create visions of Your grand hall,
CI, and so on. November 2 would be an excellent day to share a horn with those Your wild hunt and they shall know of
who follow the fourteen but share have not awakened to our ancestral path. Your greatness
which is undimmed by the ages.
Develop an outreach
How many times do you see a new man or women come on the yard unaware of Odin, All-Father, Grey Beared Wanderer
grant that I may always walk under your
what they will encounter? Do they have coffee to drink or a bar of soap? How gaze and protection.
about shower shoes? Hospitality is one of the Nine Nobel Virtues and the
Fourteen words should bring us all together. Reach out, lend a loaf and a horn Hail the Folk! Hail the Family! Hail the
and see what they may be about. Use caution of course but a little hospitality Faith!
goes a long way. .
Not great things alone must one give to another,
praise oft is earned for nought;
with half a loaf and a tilted bowl
I have found me many a friend.

2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

received their due justice just as Fenris

received his own justice.. Fenris had
grown too large, powerful and was on
This Moon’s
the path to corruption. Events
How can Tiwaz influence our actions in Hunting 8
the modern world? Well for one, as Day of Remembrance
strong men and women descended from Erik the Red
proud Northern European stock, when Today raise a horn to Erik, the
we stand tall in the face of our enemies founder of Greenland and the
we are utilizing the energies of Tiwaz. father of Leif. Hail!
When we defend our families, our folk
and/or our faith, we feel the strength Hunting 9
and energy of Tiwaz and Tyr surge Day of Remembrance
through our blood. Leif Erikson
Raise a horn to the man who
HAIL TYR!! discovered Vinland some 500
HAIL TYR!! years before Columbus, Leif
HAIL TYR!! Erikson! Hail!

Hunting 14
In the Old Icelandic calendar,
Winter Nights falls between
Hunting 11th and 17th on
SigTyrsdag. This is a celebration
of the harvest and a tribute to the
God and Goddess of fertility Freyr
Runic Studies- and Freya as well as the Disir, or
protective ancestral spirits that
Lyngviulf Richardsson Freya leads. Celebrate with a Blot
and raise a horn to them. This
Tiwaz is the 17th Rune of the Elder would be an excellent time for land
Futhark. It represents the mighty and offerings in your sacred area.
brave one handed God Tyr. Tyr Fogmoon 2
sacrificed his sword hand in order to Day of Remembrance
convince the Fenris Wolf to accept the David Lane
challenge of being bound with Fetters. David Lane was born on this date
Little did Fenris know that these fetters in 1938. A Wotonist and hero of
had been carefully crafted so that he our folk, he passed on May 28,
would not break free. It was so 2007. Raise a horn and decide
important that Fenris be bound with what YOU can do to better our
these magical fetters that Tyr was folk. HAIL!!!
willing to give part of himself for the
Fogmoon 9
good of all of the folk. Tyr was a brave,
Day of Remembrance
selfless defender of the folk. For this Queen Sigrith of Sweden
sacrifice, raise a horn to Tyr, brave
Hail the Queen, a symbol of our
defender of the folk. An example we
strong women who refused to
can all follow. Hail Tyr! convert to the alien faith of Olaf
the Lawbreaker when he
Tiwaz also represents justice. Not our
proposed. Hail our Women!
corrupted mockery of justice but justice
for wrongs done to a people of good
moral fiber. The enemy slain in battle

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Feast of the Fallen The mighty numbers of the Einherjar entered melee’
On Vigrid’s broad plain they met that day
Hail the Aldafoor, Father of Men With a deafening roar and a mighty boom
Winter-nights-Hunting 2060 RE
Hail to Bragi, leader and chieftain The Gods and Goddesses all faced their doom
Hail the Masked One, the warrior Grimnir Odin fell first in the maw of the Fenris
Hail the Gunnblindi, Battle Blinder
to withstand the evil power that was his
Hail to the wielder of the infallible Gungnir Not a single advance Frey and Tyr could make
And Thor lost his encounter with the Midgard
Hail the Victory Bringer, Sigfaoir
Hail Volkjosandi, Chooser of the Slain Snake Icelandic
Hail the Allfather in all of his names
The other Gods whois took
a one-handed
part in the fray
All perished as well upon that sad day
The evilgod,
A place he had made where he shepherds his take
From the field of battle where they faced their fate Surtr then flung his fiery brand
Enveloped all Hels, Heaven and Land
The brave, the hearty, when fallen, when lost
To the foot of the bridge then across Bifrost Consumedand leavings
it all was, of the
completely destroyed
Leaving nothing behind, totally void
To the doors of Valhalla, five-hundred forty in all
Eight-hundred abreast they could enter the hall wolf
Blackened, scarred, the earth slowly sank
Boiling waters took in the very last bank
Joining the others from far and from near
Who practiced their arts to defend the Aesir and prince of
All evil too perished in Surtr’s flames
Each day they begin, same as the others temples.
For a great length of time all was left unchanged
Feast on Saehrimner and drink from the udders But then the sun it did rise by the daughter of Sol
From Heidrun it flows, a mead so fine Forgotten by most in all of the thrall
The life giving rays they brought back the flowers
Served by the Valkries, the Beautiful Nine
Until full they are all with plenty to spare Norwegian
All the fruit ripened and the trees grew to towers
Then out of the depths of Hodmimir’s forest
They eat, they drink with nary a care
They tease the fine virgins and dance in the hall Tyr is the one-
Two humans arose above the new mist

Lif and handed Æsir;

Until daily they go and test destiny’s call
Lifthrasir, a man and a woman
Populated the earth and gave need for the Heaven
Slashing and stabbing they play out their part
Wielding the weapons they’ve used from the start The Godsoften happens
were all gone, the
each one to a creature
But for Vali and Vidar, imperishable forces of
Nature smith must blow.
The injuries suffered, their moral demise
Again they’re inflicted amidst battle cries
Pain, anguish, fear of the end Together they rose with the lost sons of Thor
The price they all pay and they’ll pay it again Who found their father’s hammer and carried it
They await every day, bloodied and torn
To hear Heimdall call the blown Gjallerhorn Old English
Balder and Hodur then returned to Idavold
To discover that Gimli was yet still an abode
The time it will come and the Einherjar all know
Tir is a star, it
So the Twelve Fold Wheel, it has spun again
They will follow great Helgi through ice and through
keeps faith
It finished here, welland brave men
the Fogmoon
Before Winter’s Heart with the crops done reap
For Loki, Garm and Fenris broke free
Ragnarok came, the final battle to be
with athelings,
A connection to greatness and Folk we do seek
By the path of Wotan we strive to achieve
The end of all times, this battle decides
So the Gods and all do join to ride
The potential ofonfutureits
we hope and believe
So with glory to Odin, his name we invoke
Snow it fell from the four points at once
The wolves of destiny would chase down and pounce
We respect, we honor our heroes of the Folk

over the mists of

Hail Odin!
Hail Odin!
night itHailnever Odin! fails.
-To Kin and Kith
from Ulfrig Fjolkynngisson
and Heimdall’s Heirs Folk

4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Winter-nights Hunting 2260

Inside the wire- Essays and Hail our women folk

poetry from the folk Tyrmund Fjolvar Gildwinnsson
All mother Frigga, Queen of the AeSir, highest Goddess of all,
Odins consort, is a perfect example of what our women should
Hail Our Heros mean to us. Odin valued Frigga as his equal. It is proven by the
Tyrmund Fjolvar Gildwinnsson simplest example of his shared throne., Hlidskaif with her so
they could oversee the whole of the world together. It is stated
Let us shout to Valhalla, The home of
that the Allmother was begotten with powers equal to Odins.
hero’s past.
She never had to work to obtain them, though it seems she
Our hails and appreciations we send, seeks to contain them, for she knows all that was, is and will
For preserving us this righteous path. be. She is the one who spins the very thread the Norns use to
We honor you all this day, For weave our very fates. This goes to prove that we should rise
remaining Tru, Even as you were above the rest as the Aryan men we are and no matter what
tortured and slain. circumstances prevail we should hold our women as equals and
give them the respect that they deserve. For a Tru white women
We raise a horn to you, Ask you to will not lead astray, she will follow those fourteen words we
honor us with your blessing, So that we hold so dear as Tru Aryan folk. For is it not the truth that We
may become as great as you, And Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For
remain pure in heart and forever be White Children. Let us all stand up and be Tru Aryan men and
AsaTru. embody these words for our women are the links in the chain
that make a future possible. Let us keep it proud and pure

Our Future
Tyrmund Fjolvar Gildwinnsson
Lets show the world that we are the best, That is, prove to everyone that we are above all the rest. Whether
it be by inviting others into our lives, or simply persevering through hardship and strife. We must stand
proud and strong, Do our best to get along in this world of pestilence and festering hypocrisy.
Our future generations depend on what we do; now, here, today! We must strive to teach them all that we
know of the days of old. If every White Aryan man puts forth effort and perseveres through this long
bumpy road we call life, Think of the huge masses of youth we will mold into the righteous white folk
from which come our Tru ancestral roots
. Lets make a world That is White and Proud


Ancestral Path 5
Winter-nights-Hunting 2060 RE

The GOD problem

Lyngviulf Richardsson

So here I am, minding my own business on my twice weekly trip to Newark, NJ. Newark, like most of this once great state, has fallen victim to
the savage filth of the majority of it’s more recent inhabitants since the 1960’s. I am waiting for my bus to my $8.00 an hour job. The bus cost’s
me almost $200.00 a month Do the math, I am not doing this for the money.

This is not a job that I have worked long and hard to obtain, but a job that is being forced down my throat because of a few bad choices several
years back. It is a job that my government would rather me take then the 100K plus a year work I have been trained to do. A perfectly good job
for the person I am about to meet.

A woman approaches and asks me a question about the bus. I could have been rude, perhaps I should have ignored her. I do however believe
respect is a two way street and I choose to show respect until proven she is not worthy. I answer her as best I can and return to my starting at
the passing traffic. She continues to make small talk before pulling out her cell phone and making a call. I cannot help but overhear her inquire
on her monthly food stamp allotment. She is arguing that $60.00 a month is not enough. She can’t survive on that and thought she was getting
more. She ends the call and makes some primate like grunts. Why she decides that I am in need of her conversation or that I remotely care is
beyond me but the small talk grows. She tells me that “it aint worth workin for a livin”. Somehow I am unable to resist where this conversation
may go so I reply with a short “really?” She then tells me that she has a minimum wage job at the airport and since she started working she
cannot get welfare and her monthly food stamp allotment has been cut way down. She no longer get’s government health care and her job
does not provide any so she has to waste her valuable time in the emergency room to get medical care. This is almost comical.

After listening to her rant I decide to humor myself. I tell her a bit about my situation, my bus expense, what I make and how I survive. I tell her
I know many people hurt and unemployed by their regular careers who found two or more lower paying jobs to make ends meet. I tell her that
I cannot even get assistance right now and even if I could, I feel better making it on my own the having the government more involved in my
life. Her reply: “God will make it right, he makes everything right, Ill win me the lottery, God will make that happen and all will be good. I aint
workin no two jobs for nobody. God will make it better for me. “

Wow, I am between speechless and horrified. I tell her that God cant work for her, we all need to take care of ourselves and stop depending on
the government and god to save us. And, well, here it comes, she called me a racist and walked away. As she was walking I heard her say that
God will save me.

This can go in a few different directions with this. Ill focus on the God will make it better comment. This is one of the major problems I see with
many of these religions. Everybody relies in God to do everything. Money is tight, drop a few bucks in the collection basket and pray. How can
you find any sense in that? Things are tight, go make things happen. Tighten the financial belt. Find a second job, go back to school. People
need to depend on themselves and stop depending on and blaming everything and everyone for their problems. Take responsibility for your
actions, learn from your mistakes and do what you must to make ends meet.

By the way, God didn’t save me, I have to return to that slum again Monday. 14-88

Hail the Ancestors! Hail the folk! Hail the future!

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Winter Nights- Hunting 2260

Wolf Rune Kindred
Coming next issue:

 A tribute to the fallen: David Lane

 Winter Blot
 Runic Studies- Sowilo
 More works of Mary Kyotee Dennison
This and more! Watch for it in two to three weeks!

Thank you for taking the time to read the first issue of Ancestral Path. We hope that you enjoyed the content. You will
see several changes in format over the next several issues as we modify content and layout based upon your feedback.
We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.
Your submissions are not only appreciated but necessary to for us to continue. In addition, if you have someone that
you think would be interested in our publication, please give them our address or provide their address to us.
For information on our services to incarcerated folk, please write us at the address below.
For the free world folk, visit us on facebook at wolfrunekindred.

*Special thank you and HAIL for your support of our efforts this month to Tyrkir Wyrdson in KY for your

Hail, ye Givers! a guest is come;

say! where shall he sit within?
Much pressed is he who fain on the hearth
would seek for warmth and weal


999 Hidden Lake Dr 4B
North Brunswick, NJ 08902

Ancestral Path 7

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