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What do you plan on doing Each speaker will talk briefly about their role, career
when you leave Uni? progression since Uni, highlights and struggles of their
role, and more! There will also be an industry question
Do you know the wide range panel for you to get involved!
of career opportunities
available to you? Speakers will be discussing their role not their company
– it’s not a careers fair. This event is aimed at informing
We will entice and engage you on the many jobs that are out there
you with 5 speakers from very
Each speaker has graduated from UTS with a BScIT or a
different roles in different
BIT. Could this be you in 10 years?
Roles include: Software Architect, Project Manager, Risk
Analyst, Business Analyst, Web designer/developer, and

Free food and drinks provided in a networking

environment after!

Speakers will be from the following companies:

 CargoWise
 CustomWare – CEO will be speaking!
 Macquarie Bank
 Deloitte
 Ninemsn

Seats are limited!

Please RSVP to secure
a seat by emailing:

Date: Thursday, 28th October

Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm, with a
networking session afterwards
Location: Ariel Function Centre,
Level 7, UTS Building 10.

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