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Uneven Development

Core-Periphery Theory
Core-Periphery Theory
• The theory helps to explain why there is
uneven development among countries.
Core-Periphery Theory
• What is a “core”
• The core is usually the more developed
regions or countries.
• What is a “periphery”
• The periphery is usually the less
developed regions or countries.
• We use different scales to determine the
‘core’ and the ‘periphery’.
• The two scales are ‘national’ and
‘international’ scales.
• National Scale
• The core refers to the richer areas of a
• The periphery refers to the poorer areas of
a country.
• Certain parts of a country tend to be more
developed than others.
• International Scale
• The core refers to rich countries or the
developed countries / DC
• The periphery refers to the poor countries
or the less developed countries / LDC
• Based on the International Scale
Core countries have :
1) Higher concentration of people and wealth.
2) Generally higher standard of living
3) High quality of life
4) Modern facilities and transport networks
5) More employment opportunities
6) Higher percentage employed in tertiary
• Based on the International Scale
Periphery Countries have :
1) Less job opportunities
2) High percentage involved in primary
industries such as agriculture and raw
material extraction.
3) Limited facilities, services and poor
transport networks.
4) Low Standard of Living
• When a core country interacts with a
periphery country, what is the relationship
• It is known as a core-periphery
• A core country can interact with a
periphery country through various ways.
• For example – through trade between the
countries, importing and exporting of
goods, migration of workers.

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