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What is a Conflict?

 A difference of opinion or a disagreement

between a minimum of two individuals
 Some conflicting issues are minor and actually
imagined instead of real
 Some are real and soon become major if not
resolved soon
Types of Conflicts
 Task conflicts -Conflicts about work such as
interpretation of instructions or decisions.
 Relationship conflicts - Conflicts based on
interpersonal relationships and others’
 Process conflicts - Conflicts about responsibility,
delegation, and how task accomplishment should
proceed in work.
Conflict Management Styles
 Collaborating Clarifying differences, cooperating and
searching for a mutually beneficial outcome.
 Competing Convincing others that their conclusion is correct,
seeking one's own interest, regardless of others.
 Accommodating Allowing the goals of the other parties to
take precedent while sacrificing one's own goal.
 Avoiding Abandoning one's goals, denying that a problem
exists, and avoid confrontation.
 Compromising Accepting a solution that provides incomplete
satisfaction to both parties.
Anger Tool Kit

 Ponder after viewing the presentation

 How much of anger do you have in you?

 How much would you be able to control and try to

minimize conflict in your professional and personal
Skills required in Resolving Conflicts

 Active Listening

 Assertiveness
Listening Instrument

 Self Assessment

 Processing

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