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Short Passage
P New word Pronounciation Type English meaning
major /'meidʒə/ noun the main subject or course of a student at college or
university(chuyên ngành)
figure-out /'figə/ verb to think or decide that sth will happen or is true(mường tường)
tuition /tju:'i∫n/ noun the money that you pay to be taught, especially in a college or
university (sự giảng dạy)
finance /'fainæns/ noun money used to run a business, an activity or a project(tài chính)
loan /loun/ verb money that an organization such as a bank lends and sb
5 wealthy /'welθi/ adj having a lot of money, possessions(thịnh vượng)
campus /'kæmpəs/ noun noun the buildings of a university or college and the land around
them(khu đại học)
eligible /'elidʒəbl/ adj a person who is eligible for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do it
because they have the right qualifications, are the right age(đủ tư
academic /,ækə'demik/ adj connected with education, especially studying in schools and
universities(học thuật)
assist /ə'sist/ verb to help sth to happen more easily(giúp đỡ)

Paragraph 1:
Main idea: the main difficulty when the person graduating from high school and intend to learn in college or
Support idea: + many students don’t know what they wants to learn
+ College ‘s tution is very expensive
+ Many Students don’t have enough money so they find ways to earn money to pay for finance
Paragraph 2:
Main idea: many students use method to pay for school is loan
Support idea: + students want to loan, they must give information how much they earn and how much their
parent earn
+ the student have enough money, they usually don’t want to loan
+ the little money they have, the larger loan they get
+ students can loan if they want
Paragraph 3:
Main idea: another way to pay for school is having job
Support idea: + many kind of job can help they pay for school such as: summer job, work on compus…
+ when they are earning money form part-time job, they can get more experiment about lift
than the student loan

Paragraph 4:
Main idea: student can pay for school throught out schoolarship
Support idea : + the students whether get schoolarship or not based on his or her academic performance
+ if students have higher grades, they will receive more scholarships
+scholarship may come from government or through donations from company to help student
+ university can introduce another scholarship for students

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