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Colchester Royal Grammar School

Lexden Road Colchester Essex CO3 3ND Headmaster: K L Jenkinson MA

Telephone: Colchester (01206) 509100 Email:

To Parents/Guardians of Students in Year 10

May 2010

Dear Parent/Guardian

I am writing with details of the end of year examinations which take place from Monday 14th
June to Friday 18th June.

We place considerable importance on the end-of-year examinations in Year 10 as they are a

good measure of a student's progress so far towards high grades at GCSE. They may indicate
areas of weakness which will require urgent attention at the beginning of Year 11.

Your son will sit examinations in all the subjects he is taking for GCSE. There will be time
allocated during the week for private revision. However, if you wish your son to revise at home
when he has no examinations, please indicate this on the attached sheet. The students have
already started their revision. May I encourage you to do whatever you can at home to help your
son with his revision.

Some subject-based revision lists are available on the school website. These will give yourself
and your son a clearer idea of what students should be revision for their exams. The website
address is:

I wish your son success in the examinations. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have
any questions.

Yours sincerely

`A e|éuty@atâutÜ|
M. Rizbaf-Naubari
Middle School Manager

see over 
Ref: 290152
Year 10 End of Year Examinations
14th - 18th June 2010

Name: Tutor Group:

a.m. p.m.
Monday 14th June

Tuesday 15th June

Wednesday 16th June

Thursday 17th June

Friday 18th June

If you are in school for part or all of a morning or afternoon session, be it taking an examination
or studying in school, please put an 'S' against the date. If you have your parents' permission to
study at home for a morning or afternoon session, because you have no examination, please put
an 'H' in the appropriate space. Ask your parents to sign the sheet to show you have their
permission to stay at home for the sessions indicated, and return the completed sheet to your
tutor by Monday 7th June.

Signature of

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