Year 12 Biology Trip PDF

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Colchester Royal Grammar School

Lexden Road Colchester Essex CO3 3ND Headmaster: K. L. Jenkinson MA

Telephone: Colchester (01206) 509100 Facsimile: (01206) 509101

October 2009

Dear Parent/guardian

Biology Field Trip: Preston Montford, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

Dates: Monday 5 July – Thursday 8 July 2010

I plan to take the Year 12 Biologists to a Field Studies Council centre at Preston Montford,
Shropshire in June. The course will be a good introduction to field work and cover much of the
content in the A2 Unit 4 component that will be taught in the summer term.

We will leave CRGS by coach on the Monday morning and return on the Thursday afternoon. The
group will be accompanied by three members of the Biology department.

The cost of the course will be around £250 (based on 60 students attending) which will include
travel, tuition sessions and full board accommodation. Whilst there is no obligation to attend or
pay, the trip may not go ahead if all costs cannot be covered by voluntary contributions.

Further details, including times and requirements about equipment and behaviour, will be
circulated in due course.

If you would like your son/daughter to have a place, please complete the attached consent form and
return it via your son/daughter to the post box by Reception, along with a deposit of £50 (cheque
payable to Colchester Royal Grammar School) by Wednesday November 4th.

Please note that the deposit is non-returnable in the event of your son/daughter withdrawing from
the trip at a later date. Any withdrawals after the final payment in January 2010 are likely to result
in the loss of all payments made.

If you have any questions about the trip, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

D McMahon
Head of Biology

Ref. 290045
Biology Field Course to Preston Montford, Shropshire
Monday 5 July – Thursday 8 July 2010

Student’s name: ……………………………………… Tutor group: …………

1. I would like my son/daughter to have a place on this trip.

2. I enclose a deposit of £50 (cheque payable to Colchester Royal Grammar School) and agree to
pay the balance when due.

3. I understand that this deposit will not be returnable in the event of my child’s withdrawal from
the trip at a later date and that his/her withdrawal after the final payment has been made is likely
to result in the loss of all payments made.

Signed: ……………………………….

Date: ………………..

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