A Microtiter Plate Procedure For Evaluating Fungal Functional Diversity On Nitrogen Substrates

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Mycologia, 98(2), 2006, pp. 353–363.

# 2006 by The Mycological Society of America, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897

A microtiter plate procedure for evaluating fungal functional diversity on

nitrogen substrates

Heath W. Grizzle1 geochemical cycling. Biogeochemical cycling returns

John C. Zak2 nutrients to the soil solution for uptake by plants,
Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech bacteria and other fungi (Cook and Rayner 1984).
University, Mailstop 3131, Lubbock, Texas 79401 Kandeler (1996) noted that, although carbon cycling
may not be altered by changes in community
composition, nitrogen dynamics are less resilient.
Abstract: Ascertaining the effects of anthropogenic Because the supply of nutrients is important ‘‘bottom
disturbance on belowground diversity is of para- up’’ controls of ecosystem structure and dynamics
mount importance because pollution from agricul- ( Jenny 1980) a disturbance altering resource avail-
tural practices and industrialization are increasing ability would affect other ecosystem processes (Cha-
worldwide. Although we have methods for evaluating pin et al 1997). Understanding how saprophytic soil
soil microbial function with respect to carbon use our fungi control decomposition rates and participate in
ability to evaluate use of other compounds is limited. seasonal patterns of nutrient availability may prove
Because N cycling is of paramount importance in crucial in predicting immediate and lasting effects of
ecosystem stability, evaluation of the ability of multiple stressors, such as climate change and
saprophytic soil fungi to use a variety of N sources anthropogenic disturbances on ecosystem process
would provide important information on possible and stability. Providing a community level assessment
alterations in ecosystem stability with disturbance. of the ability of soil fungi to catabolize an array of
Herein is described a procedure (soil Nitrolog) for nitrogenous compounds is critical to linking the
evaluating fungal functional diversity on a suite of 95 functional diversity of soil fungi and effects of
different N substrates. The soil Nitrolog procedure disturbance or environmental stressors.
was evaluated by testing fungal functional diversity at Effects of atmospheric N deposition on saprophytic
two sites in Big Bend National Park (Chihuahuan soil fungal biodiversity and activity has received little
Desert), differing in elevation and plant community
attention with most of the research focused on
composition. The soil Nitrolog procedure distin-
changes to mycorrhizal taxa and patterns of fruit
guished between the two sites based on overall use
body production (Hawksworth and Colwell 1992,
of the 95 N substrates. In addition the procedure
Vogt et al 1992). Our understanding of the interac-
detected differences in individual substrate use based
tions among soil N dynamics, atmospheric N inputs
on site specific plant compounds in response to
and saprophytic soil fungi is limited primarily to
changes in the amount of N entering these ecosys-
fertilization effects in agricultural systems (Donnison
tems from anthropogenic inputs.
et al 2000). In one of the few studies of N effects on
Key words: Big Bend National Park, Biolog,
soil saprophytic fungi in nonagricultural systems
Chihuahuan Desert, functional diversity, soil fungi,
Arnebrant et al (1990) observed a direct decline in
soil nitrogen
decomposer soil fungi in response to ammonium
nitrate or urea applications to a Scots pine forest. This
INTRODUCTION result is mirrored in studies from agricultural systems
Decomposition is as vital to ecosystem function as is that also report changes in fungal biodiversity and
primary production (Parkinson and Coleman 1991). a shift to a bacterial dominated system with increased
Therefore changes in decomposer community struc- N inputs (Bardgett and Leemans 1995, Bardgett et al
ture and activities as a consequence of disturbance, 1996). More recently Bardgett et al (1999) suggest
climate change or anthropogenic inputs can have that in grassland ecosystems, as N levels increase, the
important repercussions on ecosystem functioning role of soil fungi in decomposition and nutrient
(Perry et al 1989). As the primary decomposers of cycling decreases substantially. Changes that occur in
litter and soil organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems soil fungal species composition and functional di-
soil fungi are vital for the maintenance of bio- versity in response to altered precipitation patterns,
coupled with anthropogenic inputs of N, should have
Accepted for publication 20 Jan 2006. lasting effects on ecosystem functioning, plant success
Corresponding author. E-mail: hgrizzle@gmail.com and successional trajectories. Ecosystem response to
E-mail: john.zak@ttu.edu. concurrent changes in below- and aboveground


processes and attendant fungal biodiversity is com- Big Bend National Park (BBNP). BBNP is located
plex and difficult to predict. Such interactions in southwestern Texas within the Chihuahuan
include effects on food web processes and antagonis- Desert. BBNP comprises arid and semiarid envir-
tic, symbiotic and mutualistic relationships among onments and is characterized by low annual
plants and soil microbes (Wolters et al 2000). precipitation (330 mm), of which the majority
The ability to evaluate fungal functional diversity occurs in the summer. Seasonal temperature
with respect to organic and inorganic N use, either fluctuations are characterized by hot summers
separately or in conjunction with C use, would be and cool winters. The average winter temperature
useful in determining differences in the functional is 10 C, and the average summer temperature is
ability of fungi between ecosystems as they are 27 C (Staff 1985).
influenced by vegetation structure, land use, distur- Soil samples were collected from the high elevation
bance history, agriculture, anthropogenic effects of N oak-pine forest on Lost Mine Peak and the mideleva-
and historical amounts of soil N. The Fungilog tion sotol grassland. The oak-pine forest (LM,
(Dobranic and Zak 1999) and soil Fungilog method elevation 2098 m) is the highest point in the Pine
(Sobek and Zak 2003) were introduced as a means of Canyon Watershed and is dominated by Quercus
relating ecosystem processes to the functional di- emoryi (a species of live oak), Pinus cembroides (pinyon
versity of an assemblage of litter and soil fungi as pine), several Juniperus species and several genera of
evaluated from the in vitro catabolic profile of the bunch grasses. The sotol grassland (SG, elevation
attendant fungi. Fungal functional diversity as evalu- 1526 m) is a grama grassland characteristic of
ated by these methods is defined as the rate at which midelevation grassland in this part of the Chihuahuan
C compounds are used (by substrate activity) and Desert. These grasslands are dominated by Dasylirion
the numbers of compounds catabolized (affecting leiophyllum (sotol), Nolina texana (bear grass), several
substrate richness) from a group of 95 C com- species of Opuntia (prickly pear) and Bouteloua
pounds by an assemblage of fungi colonizing plant curtipendula (side-oats grama) (Dobranic and Zak
litter or soil organic matter (Dobranic and Zak 1999, 1999). The two study sites are in the northeastern
Sobek and Zak 2003). Previous studies describing portion of the Chisos Mountains and are separated by
functional diversity in microbial communities have approximately 550 m elevation and 1.75 km.
focused on C use (Garland and Mills 1991, Zak et al The sites used to evaluate the effectiveness of the
1994, Haack et al 1995, Zhang and Zak 1995, Guckert Nitrolog procedure in detecting landscape level
et al 1996, Willig et al 1996, Pennanen et al 1998, patterns in the ability of soil fungi to use nitrogen
Smalla et al 1998, Dobranic and Zak 1999, Sobek and compounds are part of a larger effort to understand
Zak 2003) to define functional differences among the affects of anthropogenic N deposition and
ecosystems. climatic change on soil microbial dynamics within
Biolog Inc. recently introduced a microtiter plate an arid landscape.
(PM3) that allows for the evaluation of inorganic and
organic nitrogen use by strains of bacteria. Described Method development.—BiologH PM3 plates, which
here is a method for evaluating soil fungal functional contain 95 different nitrogen compounds, esti-
diversity of N substrates (Nitrolog) found on PM3H mate N use in a minimally defined medium and as
microtiter plates. The soil Nitrolog method is based such contain no C source. Therefore a C source
on the soil Fungilog method described by Sobek and must be added to the PM3 plates (Biolog instruc-
Zak (2003). The objectives of this study were: (i) tions for PM3 plates). An appropriate C source
develop a protocol that would let one use the Biolog and concentration of C needed to be determined
PM3 microtiter plates to evaluate the N use capabil- to allow for a gradual reduction of the tetrazolium
ities of soil fungi and (ii) evaluate the sensitivity of the dye over time to ensure that slowly growing fungi
method to detect differences in the ability of soil would contribute to color development in in-
fungi to use a range of N compounds between two dividual wells. Glucose was chosen as a standard C
elevation zones along an elevational gradient in the source for addition to the microtiter plates
Chihuahuan Desert and in response to nitrogen because it is readily catabolized by soil fungi
additions. (Griffin 1994). A series of glucose concentrations,
0.0 g L21, 0.1 g L21, 1.0 g L21 and 5.0 g L21, were
evaluated to determine the appropriate amount of
glucose to be added with the soil organic matter. A
Site description.—Data contained herein were col- concentration of glucose would be unacceptable
lected from two distinct vegetation zones along the if: (i) the tetrazolium indicator was maximally
Pine Canyon Watershed (Hermann et al 2000) in reduced within 24 h after incorporation of fungal

inoculum to the microtiter plate because slow glucose and antibiotics. The suspension then is
growing fungi would not have contributed to the poured into V-shaped BiologH reservoirs. An eight-
catabolism in the well; and (ii) concentrations channel micropipetter fitted with large-orifice pipette
resulted in an absorbance reading greater than tips (1–200 mL capacity) was used to deposit 150 mL
3.00 in any well before the end of the 5 d into each well of a BiologH PM3 microtiter plate.
incubation period (the maximum absorbance Plates were placed in a Ziploc bag to conserve
reading of the plate reader is 3.0). In addition moisture, incubated at 25 C and scanned with
the concentration of glucose should provide an a computer-controlled microplate reader at 590 nm
absorbance value that was similar to that observed every 24 h for 120 h. Readings were not collected at
for the glucose well in the SFN-2 Biolog plates 96 h due to investigator error.
used for C evaluation (Sobek and Zak 2003). With
levels of fungal activity similar between the two Method evaluation.—Once an appropriate glucose
types of Biolog microtiter plates using glucose as concentration was chosen the procedure was field
the standard, one then could directly compare tested with SOMP collected from the grassland
activity on the C vs. the N source plates. and oak-pine forest sites in Aug 2003 along the
Pine Canyon Watershed at Big Bend National
For evaluation of the optimal levels of glucose, five
Park. Soil samples were collected from a series of
300 g soil samples were collected along two 100 3
plots at these two locations that were initiated to
30 m belt transects established in the sotol grassland
examine short-and long-term effects of increasing
from Pine Canyon at Big Bend National Park in Jan
atmospheric deposition of N to these desert
2003. Soil samples were sieved (2 mm screen) in the
ecosystems. In each site an area 40 m 3 33 m
field to remove stones, roots and other debris. Soils
was divided into a grid containing a total of 30, 5 3
were stored no more than 1 wk at 4 C before
5 m plots having 2 m walkways between each plot.
processing. In the lab soil organic matter particles
Plots were divided into three treatments with 10
(SOMP) were collected from each sample by shaking
plots randomly assigned to each treatment. Treat-
approximately 50 g of soil in 100 mL of RO water with
ments were chosen to evaluate a simulated in-
a 10 mL Tween 80 solution for 1 h. This is an essential
crease in anthropogenic N deposition. Since 1980
step because it removes spores allowing for inocula-
the National Atmospheric Deposition Program
tion of only those fungi actively growing in the soil
(NADP) has been measuring N deposition from
(Harley and Waid 1955, Bisset and Widden 1972,
rainfall in Big Bend National Park. The average N
Baath 1988, Sobek and Zak 2003). Each soil sample
deposition over this period is 3.99 kg/h/y. The
subsequently was washed through 500 mm and
treatments for each plot are: X, receiving no
250 mm sieves for several minutes with tap water.
additional N, 2X receiving 2.5 g NH4NO3 and
SOMP were collected in a beaker from the 250 mm
8.24 g CaNO3 (23 annual N deposition), and 4X
sieve and filtered through a vacuum filtration system.
receiving 5.0 g NH4NO3 and 16.48 g CaNO3 per
SOMP were collected on P8 filter paper (Fisher
year (43 annual N deposition). Treatments were
Scientific) and stored in a Petri dish at 4 C overnight
applied in Jun and Jul 2003 as half the annual
and used to inoculate the PM3 plates.
amount during each month. Soil samples to
Fifty mg of SOMP, previously determined to be the
a depth of 15 cm were collected in Aug 2003 for
density which maximized substrate activity levels but the evaluation component of the study. SOMP
caused the least OD distortion (Sobek and Zak 2003), were collected and inoculated into microtiter
from each soil sample were added to 20 mL of 0.2% plates as described above. Plates were incubated
H2O agar in a 25 mL vial that contained 125 mL of at 25 C and scanned on the plate reader every
a MTT tetrazolium dye (stock solution is 160 mg of 24 h for 5 d.
tetrazolium dissolved in 10 mL of sterile H2O) and
glucose (0 mg, 10 mg, 100 mg and 500 mg/microplate Analytical approaches.—Functional diversity. Func-
well respectively) to produce one of the four tional diversity was evaluated as substrate activity
concentrations of glucose listed above. Full details (SA, sum of optical densities in all wells/plate),
for dissolving the tetrazolium are provided in Sobek which is a measure of the rates at which fungal
and Zak (2003). Two hundred mL of an antibiotic assemblages can catabolize the various N sub-
solution containing streptomycin sulfate (40 mg) and strates, and substrate richness (SR, total number
chlortetracycline HCL (30 mg/40 mL) are added to of N substrates catabolized), which is a measure of
each vial to reduce bacterial contamination (10 mg of the diversity of an fungal assemblage with respect
streptomycin and 5 mg of chlortetracycline/micro- to the substrates that can be used (Dobranic and
plate well). The H2O agar suspension is vortexed to Zak 1999, Sobek and Zak 2003). Guilds of related
evenly distribute the inoculum, tetrazolium dye, compounds (TABLE I) also can be used to evaluate

TABLE I. Nitrogen compounds in guilds found on Biolog PM3 plates

Inorganic N Amines Amides Nucleotides and Nucleosides

Ammonia Hydroxylamine Acetamide Adenine

Nitrate Methylamine Formamide Adenosine
Nitrite N-Amylamine Glucuronamide Cytidine
Urea N-Butylamine D,L-Lactacide Cytosine
Ethylamine Guanine
Ethanolamine Guanosine
Ethylenediamine Thymine
Putrescine Thymidine
Agmatine Uracil
Histamine Uridine
b-phenylethyl-amine Inosine
Tyramine Xanthine
D-Glucosamine Xanthosine
D-Galactosamine Uric Acid
D-Mannosamine Alloxan
N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine Allantoin
D-Amino Acids L-Amino Acids Di Amino Acids Fatty Acids
D-Alanine L-Alanine Ala-Asp e-Amino-N-Caproic Acid
D-Asparagine L-Arginine Ala-Gln D,L a-Amino-N-Caprylic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid L-Asparagine Ala-Glu D-Amino-N-Valeric Acid
D-Glutamic Acid L-Aspartic Acid Ala-Gly 2-Amino-N-Valeric Acid
D-Lysine L-Cysteine Ala-His
D-Serine L-Glutamic Acid Ala-Leu
D-Valine L-Glutamine Ala-Thr
Glycine Gly-Asn
L-Histidine Gly-Gln Miscellaneous Substrates
L-Isoleucine Gly-Glu Biuret
L-Leucine Gly-Met N-Acetyl-D-Glutamic Acid
L-Lysine Met-Ala N-Phtyhaloyl-L-Glutamic Acid
L-Methionine L-Pyroglutamic Acid
L-Phenylalanine Parabnic Acid
L-Proline D,L-a-Amino N-Butyric Acid
L-Serine c-Amino-N-Butyric Acid

differences between groups (Zak et al 1994, Willig htm). These functions were used: (i) DISCRIM, (ii)
et al 1996, Sobek and Zak 2003). Utilization STEPDISK and (iii) PCACORR.
patterns of individual substrates can be used to Statistical analysis and site discrimination. SA
discriminate between sites. and SR. Differences in SA and SR between glucose
Data analysis. All statistical analyses were per- concentrations were evaluated with repeated mea-
formed with SPSS 9.0 (www.spss.com) or Matlab 6.0 sures ANOVA. Before conducting each ANOVA,
(www.mathworks.com). All Matlab programs used normality of error terms was evaluated via Kolmo-
are available at the Texas Tech Biological Sciences gorov-Smirnov test for goodness of fit and homo-
Website (www.biol.ttu.edu/Strauss/Matlab/matlab. scedasticity was evaluated via Levene’s test for

TABLE II. Results of Principal Component Analysis for soil Stepwise MANOVA was used to test treatment and
fungi isolated from the Sotol Grasslands and the high site effects and their interaction (Tabachnick and
elevation Oak-Pine forest at Big Bend National Park Fidell 1996), with individual substrate activities as
dependant variables. Because maximum discrimina-
Upper CI Lower CI
tion between main effects and their interaction was
Percent Variance 38.7 37.05 51.92 desired we chose Rao’s V, which selects variables
Explaineda based on their contribution to the overall separation
Component Loadingsb of groups (Tabachnick and Fidell 1996, Sobek and
Zak 2003). Five thousand bootstrap iterations were
Site 0.596 20.525 0.987
Treatment 0.695 20.122 0.994 performed for variable selection.
Interaction 0.568 20.394 0.983 Stepwise Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) was
performed on the grassland and oak-pine forest data,
Percent variance explained by PC1. again with individual substrate activities as dependent
Component loadings are expressed as correlation coeffi- variables and N treatment as the independent vari-
cients with PC1.
able. These DFA results are presented as a tool for
visualizing the separation of treatments in multivari-
equality of variances. For the field assessment ate space only as a visual complement to the
differences in overall SA and SR were evaluated MANOVA results. For each DFA 5000 bootstrap
via factorial ANOVA with site and treatment as iterations were performed to select variables and to
factors. A posteriori Fishers LSD tests were per- build a sampling distribution against which the
formed if ANOVA indicated a significant effect of observed data were compared. Confidence intervals
date or treatment. Sequential Bonferroni correc- then were generated from the point estimates based
tions (Sokal and Rohlf 1995) were applied to on the sampling distribution.
control experiment wise error rate. Criteria for evaluating and dealing with violations
Individual substrate data. Analysis of substrate to multivariate normality and homogeneous variance-
data employed a factorial design with each of the covariance matrices were adopted from Tabachnick
95 nitrogen substrates being a dependant variable and Fidell (1996). Furthermore significance of
and site and treatment as factors. To determine MANOVA was determined with Pillai’s trace, the
which N substrates maximized separation between most robust, of the four test statistics used by SPSS to
site and N addition and their interaction, a variable calculate MANOVA P -values (Field 2000, Tabachnick
reduction step was necessary. Principal Compo- and Fidell 1996, Zar 1999). However test statistics
nents Analysis (PCA) was chosen to determine obtained with Wilk’s lambda and Hotelling’s trace
whether a single set of variables maximized group produced the same results. Post hoc analyses on
separation for the combined effects of the factors significant MANOVA either were obtained via all
and their interaction. PCA requires that the possible combinations of two group MANOVA or via
number of observations be greater than the univariate ANOVA. Bock (1975) suggested that these
number of variables. To meet this assumption Univariate ANOVA were protected by the original
univariate two-way ANOVA were performed on MANOVA, but to be conservative type I error rate was
each of the 95 nitrogen substrates. The resulting F corrected with the sequential Bonferroni method
statistics for site, treatment and interaction were (Sokal and Rohlf 1995). When an ANOVA was found
used as the three variables in the PCA. For each to be significant it was followed up with Fisher’s LSD
PCA 5000 bootstrap iterations were performed to post hoc tests. Type I error rate was controlled via
build a sampling distribution against which the sequential Bonferroni method (Sokal and Rohlf
observed data were compared. Confidence inter- 1995). All tests are considered significant at a 5
vals then were generated from the point estimates 0.05 unless otherwise stated.
for each of the variable loadings based on the
sampling distribution. The percentage variance RESULTS
explained by principal component 1 was low
(39%) and confidence intervals for each loading Glucose concentration and incubation time.—Results
were large and encompassed zero (TABLE II) of repeated-measures ANOVA indicated a signifi-
suggesting that a single solution does not exist cant interaction between incubation time and
for the combination of factors and their interac- glucose concentrations on SA (P , 0.001) and SR
tion. Because a single solution does not appear to (P 5 0.001). LSD comparisons indicated that
exist stepwise procedures were performed for each 5.0 g L21 of glucose at 120 h give the highest SA.
factor and their interaction independently. A significant difference between the levels of SA for

FIG. 1. Effects of glucose concentration and incubation FIG. 2. Effects of locale and nitrogen fertilization on: A.
time on: A. Substrate Activity (sum of optical densities in all Substrate activity (sum of optical densities in all wells per
wells per plate); B. Substrate Richness (number of utilized plate); B. Substrate richness (number of utilized nitrogen
nitrogen substrates). Values are means 6SE. Treatments substrates). Values are means 6SE. White 5 sotol grassland,
with the same letter designation are not significantly Gray 5 high elevation oak-pine forest. Overall substrate
different (a 5 0.05). x denotes 0.0 g glucose. e denotes activity was greatest in the sotol grassland. Treatments with
0.1 g glucose. % denotes 1.0 g glucose. D denotes 5.0 g the same letter designation are not significantly different (a
glucose. n 5 5. 5 0.05). n 5 10.

the control (no glucose) and 0.1 g L21 addition was the sotol grassland 2X N application rate (FIG. 2a).
present only at 72 h (FIG. 1a). According to LSD There were no significant differences in SA among
tests maximum SR was reached with 1.0 g L21 and N application treatments for the oak-pine forest
5.0 g L21 of glucose at 120 h incubation (FIG. 1b). site and the control plots in the grassland
(FIG. 2a). Furthermore SA is greatest overall in
Field test.—N plots. Two-way ANOVA of SA for the the grassland. Substrate richness differed between
Aug 2003 samples (first collection after initial sites (P 5 0.009) and was highest in the grassland.
application of N) indicated that SA on N Substrate richness did not differ among N addi-
compounds showed a significant interaction be- tions at either location (P 5 0.099) (FIG. 2b).
tween sites and among N additions (P 5 0.047). Nitrogen guilds SA and SR. Based on the two-way
LSD comparisons indicated that the sotol grass- MANOVA that examined N guild response SA for
land 4X treatment had the highest SA followed by the guilds of nitrogen substrates was significantly

different between sites (P , 0.001). The additions

of N had no significant affect on the SA for the
guilds of N compounds irrespective of site (P 5
0.762). Total SA for these guilds was highest in the
grassland. SA was significantly different between
treatments only for the amide guild (P 5 0.047),
substrate activity being higher in the 4X treatment
than in the X treatment regardless of site.
Based on the two-way ANOVA that examined N
guild response, SR for inorganic N (P , 0.001),
amides (P 5 0.040), nucleotides and nucleosides (P
5 0.047), L-amino acids (P 5 0.011), Di-amino acids
(P , 0.001) and miscellaneous (P , 0.001) guilds
were significantly different between sites. Substrate
richness for each of these guilds was highest in the
Site discrimination. Results of stepwise MANOVA
showed a significant difference in fungal functional
diversity on nitrogen substrates between sites
(P , 0.001) with the grassland having the highest
N use (FIG. 5). Seven substrates were determined,
by stepwise procedure to account for differences
between the sites, c-amino-N-butyric acid, L-pyro-
glutamic acid, ethanolamine, agmatine, D-aspara-
gine, xanthosine and uridine. No guild was
dominant in the site analysis. Differences among
N additions were determined to be significant (P ,
0.001) based on stepwise MANOVA. These seven
substrates accounted for differences between N
treatments: L-histidine, L-cystine, L-methionine, L-
arginine, L-asparagine, uracil and thymine. L-
amino acids were the dominate guild in the
analysis. Across-site each of the N treatments were
significantly different based on two group MANO-
VAs with 4X having the highest SA followed by the
2X treatment. There was not a significant in-
teraction between site and treatment (P 5 0.204).
Only three substrates, L-pyroglutamic acid, c-
amino-N-butyric acid and ethanolamine, were used
in the MANOVA to evaluate the interaction FIG. 3. Graphical illustration of soil fungal functional
between site and amount of N addition because diversity in response to nitrogen additions in sotol grassland
addition of subsequent substrates in the analysis in Big Bend National Park, Texas, generated from
did not change the outcome of the analysis. Discriminant Function Analysis. A. Treatment separation
Within-site discrimination. Discriminant Function along DF 1 and DF 2 where the center (+) indicates the
Analysis for within-site differences due to N centroid of each treatment. Each centroid is encompassed
treatments on the grassland exhibited a high by 95% confidence ellipses. B. Discriminant function vector
degree of separation between treatments along loadings, where the numbered vector lines represent vector
discriminat function axes corresponding to N loadings of variables on DF1 and DF2 and correspond to
these nitrogen compounds on Biolog PM3 microtiter plates:
substrate use patterns (FIG. 3a). Discriminant
(1) uric acid, (2) glucuronamide, (3) L-homoserine, (4) N-
function (DF) 1 accounted for 88.4% of the acetyl glucosamine and (5) D-glutamic acid.
variation in the data, while DF 2 accounted for
11.6%. Five variables were included in the analysis:
uric acid, glucuronamide, L-homoserine, N-acetyl
galactosamine and D-glutamic acid. Each of the five
substrates represented a different guild, however

TABLE III. Correlations between nitrogen substrates and discriminant function axes obtained from Discriminant Function
Analysis. The data used in the analysis were the individual substrate activities of fungal assemblages from the Sotol Grasslands
and the high elevation Oak-Pine forest in Big Bend National Park. Numbers in parenthesis are percent variation explained. by
each discriminant function axes. Correlations are significant at P 5 0.05

Locationa Variableb Classc DF1(88.4%) DF2 (11.6%)

Sotol-Grasslands Uric acid Inorg N 0.782* 20.172
Glucuronamide Amides 0.085 0.294
L-homoserine L-amino acid 0.534* 0.387
N-acetyl glucosamine Amine 0.14 0.203
D-glutamic acid D-amino acid 20.233 20.579*
DF1(80.0%) DF2 (20.0%)
High Elevation N-acetyl galactosamine Amine 20.065 20.883*
Oak-Pine Forest L-cystine L-amino acid 0.625* 0.17
L-methionine L-amino acid 0.313 0.275
L-homoserine L-amino acid 20.272 0.482
Adenosine Nuce 20.218 0.422
Three treatments were evaluated in the Sotol-grasslands and at high-elevation Oak-Pine forest.
Nitrogen substrates from PM3 microtiter plates.
Guild of nitrogen substrates that have similar chemical makeup.
Inorganic nitrogen and simple organic nitrogen.
Nucleotides and nucleosides.
* Significant correlation.

two amino acids were included in the analysis (L- was chosen to activate N use because it requires no
homoserine and D-glutamic acid). Uric acid and L- induction period for fungal growth (Griffin 1994)
homoserine both were significantly correlated with and has been used extensively as a means for
DF2 (TABLE III, FIG. 3b). activating the microbial biomass when employing
DFA for the oak-pine forest on N treatments the glucose stimulation technique for estimating
exhibited a high degree of separation between microbial biomass in soils. The amount of glucose
treatments along discriminant function axes corre- added to the wells should be only that amount
sponding to N substrate use patterns (FIG. 4a). necessary to promote metabolic activity without
Discriminant function (DF) 1 accounted for 80.0% rapid luxuriant growth occurring. The goal during
of the variation in the data, while DF 2 accounted for method development and evaluation was to pro-
the remaining 20.0%. Five variables were included in vide sufficient carbon to stimulate fungal activity
the analysis: L-cystine, N-acetyl galactosamine, L- that would promote the uptake of the N source in
methionine, L-homoserine and adenosine. L-amino the well if fungi in the inoculum were capable. We
acids were the dominant guild accounting for chose 1.0 g L21 glucose for our field trials because
differences in substrate use in the Oak-Pine forest. maximum SR occurred with both 1.0 and
L-cystine was significantly correlated with DF1 and N- 5.0 g L21 of glucose, but SA was lower with
acetyl galactosamine with DF2. (TABLE III, FIG. 4b). 1.0 g L21 than with 5.0 g L21. Therefore we hoped
to minimize the effect of glucose catabolism on
color development in the wells.
DISCUSSION The need to add a C source to the PM3 microtiter
plates does provide the opportunity to evaluate
Glucose concentration and incubation time.—The
differences among sites or treatments not only in
addition of glucose or some other carbon source
response to N use but also with respect to the impact
to the inoculum is necessary to activate the fungi
of C type on fungal N use. For example, while we
associated with the organic matter that is added to
added glucose as the activating C substrate, other
the wells of the PM3 plates. In all preliminary trials carbohydrates, carboxylic acids or recalcitrant sub-
when no additional C was added to the inoculum strates could be added and differences in N use
the fungi displayed growth only in those wells that evaluated in response to C availability.
contain a suitable C source. For instance wells with
only NH4 or NO3 as the nitrogen source expressed Total SA and SR.—The field test at two sites showed
only minimal activity whereas the wells containing that the PM3 plates can distinguish differences in
amino acids expressed the greatest SA. Glucose fungal functional diversity between two vegetation

FIG. 5. Graphical illustration of soil fungal functional

diversity on nitrogen substrates in response to nitrogen
additions in the oak-pine forest in Big Bend National Park,
Texas, generated from Discriminant Function Analysis. Bars
represent 95% confidence intervals.

zones based the rate of substrate use (SA) and the

number of N compounds used by each fungal
assemblage (SR). Furthermore the procedure
allowed for detection of shifts in function of
fungal communities between differing experimen-
tal N inputs within each site. The initial addition
of NH4+ and NO32 has not altered the fungal
community’s ability to use more compounds.
However the rate at which compounds were
metabolized in the 2X and 4X treatments in the
grassland was enhanced by the initial nitrogen
application. This suggests that N could be a limit-
ing factor for fungal growth in the grassland site
and the additional N inputs have stimulated
fungal metabolism.

Nitrogen guilds SA and SR.—The Nitrolog approach

distinguished between sites based on N guild use
data. Soil fungi must rely on the vegetation at each
FIG. 4. Graphical illustration of soil fungal functional site to supply substrates for growth (Cromack and
diversity in response to nitrogen additions in the oak-pine Caldwell 1992, Kjoller and Struwe 1992). More-
forest in Big Bend National Park, Texas, generated from over vegetation affects N availability and sub-
discriminant function analysis. A. Treatment separation sequent C : N ratios, which controls decomposition
along DF 1 and DF 2 where the center (+) indicates the rates. Therefore the observed differences in SA
centroid of each treatment. Each centroid is encompassed and SR are likely due to the differences in plant
by 95% confidence ellipses. B. Discriminant function vector species composition between the sites.
loadings, where the numbered vector lines represent vector
loadings of variables on DF1 and DF2 and correspond to Site, treatment and within-site discrimination.—The
these nitrogen compounds on Biolog PM3 microtiter plates:
Nitrolog procedure provided sufficient resolution
(1) L-cystine, (2) N-acetyl galactosamine, (3) L-methionine,
to discriminate between sites and treatments for N
(4) L-homoserine and (5) adenosine.
substrate use by soil fungi at BBNP. The grassland
and forest sites were determined to be significantly
different from each other with respect to N use. Of

those compounds contributing to maximum To further examine the relationship between carbon
variation between sites several are either common- and nitrogen use by soil fungi and the effects on
ly found in grasses (L-pyroglutamic acid) or ecosystem dynamics, other carbon substrates in addi-
accumulate in drought-stressed plants. c-amino- tion to glucose could be added to the PM3 plates. In
N-butyric acid is a compound that has been found this manner one could evaluate how patterns of root
to accumulate in plants during drought stress, exudates for example could affect the ability of the soil
especially in the nodules of those associated with fungal assemblage to use root-derived C and organic N
nitrogen fixing bacteria (Merck 1996). Agmatine over the growing season in a quantifiable manner.
is an intermediate in the putrescine synthesis
pathway using the enzyme arginine decarboxylase.
This pathway would be active during cell elonga-
tion and in nondividing mature tissues in plants Research was financed through a U.S.G.S.–B.R.D. Global
subjected to drought stress (Rastogi et al 1993, Climate Change Small Watershed Project grant and
Perez-Amador and Carbonell 1995). Mean activity a National Parks Service grant to Dr John Zak. Assistance
of the superintendent and staff at Big Bend National Park is
on each of these compounds was highest in the
greatly appreciated. The authors thank Jim Campbell and
SG. Because grasses are a dominant vegetation in Dr Michael San Francisco for their help in discussing the
the SG site and drought stress is a common nitrogen substrates guilds. Field collections and laboratory
occurrence there as well, especially during the analysis were accomplished with the help of Jim Campbell,
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