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"Is there a culture which promotes (prevents)students to go to

the library?"
To go to the library means to SPEND TIME n not just going there to borrow
Our first task is to find out what are the factors which affect students
to visit the library to read and spend time.
Some of the factors which came to our mind are as follows:
1) Library Activity: Doing classroom work in the library
2) Comfortable factor: Some students are more comfortable when they study
in their room rather than in the library... or otherwise
3) Reading thru laptops: Students feel more comfortable reading e-bks and
docs on their comps rather then the physical books
4) last minute preparations: Many ppl prepare for exams only in the last
moments, so there is no time to go to the library
5) Group Discussions: Some ppl find is more useful to study and discuss in
groups. As this is not allowed in library, they don't go to the library
6) Presence of groups/bodies, the acts and comments of whom prevents the
students to spend time in the library
7) Air Conditioner: Many people visit the library just for the comfort of
the AC
8) Reference books: PPL go to the library to read reference books,
journals, magazines, etc. which are not available otherwise on the net,
9) Books are difficult to locate
10) The books one requires is not there
11) Books are hidden
12) Insufficient no. of copies of books we required
13) Preparations for Placements
14) To access database
15) Because we have net in the room.

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