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Meaning of Job Rotation:

Job Rotation implies systematic movement of employees form one job

to the other. Job remains unchanged but employees performing them shift
from one job to the other. This is described as job rotation. With job rotation,
an employee is given an opportunity to perform different jobs, which
enriches his skills, experience and ability to perform different jobs.
However, the jobs offered under job rotation are more or less of the same
nature. As a result, he will be skilled to a new job which is more or less
similar to his earlier job.

Benefits of Job Rotation

1. Raises intrinsic reward potential of a job: Job Rotation is likely

to raise intrinsic reward potential of a job due to different skill and

abilities needed to perform it. A worker becomes a broader based
versatile worker due to job rotation. Management gets the benefit of
job rotation because workers become competent in several jobs
rather than only in one job. Staff adjustment in different department
is possible easily due it the practice of job rotation.

2. Beneficial to the organization: Due to job rotation, the

organization stands to gain because of the versatility of its
employees who develop skills due to job rotation. It develops a
common culture because of wide and common exposure to workers.

3. Worker becomes competent in several jobs: Due to job rotation,

workers know about a variety of jobs. It also facilitates personal

growth of employees and makes the workers more useful and
valuable to the organization. The organization stands to benefit as
the workers become competent in several jobs. As and result, the
management gets employees who can perform a variety of tasks to
meet contingencies.

4. Improves inter-departmental co-operation: Periodical job

rotation improves inter-departmental co-operation. Employees
understand each other’s problems properly and this facilitates co-
operation among them.

5. Motivates employees: Job rotation technique is used for motivating

employees in the organizations. It is suggested as a motivational


6. Reduce Boredom: Job rotation reduce boredom and disinterest

among employees. Due to job rotation, a given employee performs

different jobs of more or less the same nature. The employee gets
some variety of work, workplace and peers.

7. Develops wide skills among workers: job rotation develops and

wide range of skills among employees. It broadens knowledge and

skills of an employee. Personal worth of employee also improves.

Job Rotation in HDFC Bank

In HDFC Bank all employees involved in the Job Rotation Schedule.

In HDFC Bank the staff gets rotated in every 6 months and the officers get
rotated in every 3 years.

The flexibility and consideration is given to those employees who

have Physical difficulty for such employee there is no Job Rotation for
example: Deaf and Dumb. Job Rotation takes in bank for other new comers
to show their work as per their knowledge and to avoid frauds.

For Job Rotation of the employees meeting are held in every 6 months
and for officers it is 3 years. The employees are been provided with the rule
and regulation.

Job Rotation in Indian Overseas Bank:

In JOB all the employees involved in the job rotation schedule, the
staffs, clerks and officers. The staffs and clerks have internal rotation and
officers get rotate to other branch.

As per the Bank rule the staff gets rotated in every 6 months and the
officers get rotated in every 3 years. The flexibility and consideration is been
given and those individual who have physical deficiency have no job

The employees are involved in the rotation schedule for other
individual to their talent and to avoid malpractices and frauds. Meetings are
held to know the employee which further position he will take place to
determine interest and gain involvement. According to the employee
performance and response towards his job on that basis the job is rotated.

Job Rotation in RBI

In RBI the job rotation is mainly concerned with the officers. The
officers in RBI get their job rotated in every year. For such job rotation the
employees who are going to get rotated meeting are held so that the officers
get to know their future role. According to the rules and conditions to
determine interest and gain involvement.

Job Transfer

In business organizations, employees are shifted from one post to the
other or from one department to other or one unit/ branch/ plant of the
company to the other. This is called as job transfer of transfer of employees.
Such transfers are quite common in case of Banks, government department,
manufacturing companies and other business organizations.

A transfer is defined as, “a change in job where the new job is

substantially equal to the old in term of pay, status and responsibilities.”

Transfers of employees do cerate some resentment from concerned

employees. This is natural as transfers may create certain personal and
family problems. In addition, an employee has to adjust with new situation.
Finally it may be pointed out that transfer is neither promotion nor demotion
but merely a horizontal or lateral movement of an employee from one job, to
another at same other place where the salary, status and responsibilities are
more or less the same.

Reasons of Job Transfer

1. Variation in the volume of work: Transfers are necessary due to

variation in the volume of work in different department/ sections.

Shortage of employees or increase in the work load in one department
leads to transfer of employees.

2. Providing training to employee: Transfers are made for providing

opportunities to employees for training and development.

3. Rectification of poor placement: Transfers are necessary for the

rectification of poor placement made in the initial period. Similarly,

transfers are necessary in order to utilize the service of an employee in
the best possible manner.

4. Satisfied the personal need of employee: Transfers are necessary

satisfy the personal needs (Personal Difficulties) of the employees.

They include family problems, sickness, and education of children and
so on. Such transfers take place especially among female employees.

5. Meeting mutual need of employees: Transfers are, sometimes, made

in order to meet the mutual needs of to employees. It is a type of

mutual exchange and is usually accepted by the management.

6. Meeting Organizational needs: transfers are necessary to meet the

organizational needs developed out of expansion programmes or

fluctuation in work requirements or changes in the organizational
structure or dropping of existing product lines. For example,
experienced workers and supervisors are transfer to new plants/
factories in order to manage the work smoothly.

7. Solution to poor performance: transfers are, sometimes, made when

the worker fail to perform his job efficiently. He is transferred to and

new place or post and is given an opportunity to improve his

performance at a new place. Here, transfer is treated as a deter
alternative to outright dismissal.

8. Avoiding fatigue and monotony: Transfers are made of avoiding

fatigue and monotony of work. The productivity of an employee may

decline due to monotony of his or her job. To break his monotony, the
employee is transferred.

9. Removing poor personal relations: the relations between the

workers and his supervisor may not be smooth and cordial. This may
affect the work of department. One method to solve the problem is to
transfer the worker that department. This transfer may be necessary
for removal of the incompatibilities between the worker and his/her
boss or between one worker and the other.

10. Providing relief and to punish employees: Transfers may be made

in order to give relief to employees who are over burdened or are

working under heavy risk or tension over a long period. Similarly,
transfers are made as a disciplinary action for serious mistakes on the
part of employees. This practice is widespread mainly in government
offices and police department.

Principle of Sound Transfer Policy

Company managements must frame a policy on transfers and apply it
to all transfers instead of treating each transfer on its own merits. Such
policy must be based on the following principles of transfers:

1. Necessary Transfer: Transfers should be made only when

absolutely necessary. The frequency of transfers and the minimum
period between transfers need to be decided clearly and made know
to all employees. The basis of transfers should be properly decided.
Large scale transfers, frequent transfers and transfers for the sake of
transfers should be avoided by laying down adequate selection and
placement procedures for the purpose.

2. Responsibility of Transfers: Responsibility for initiating and

approving transfer decisions should be clearly defined and properly
located. The authority to handle transfers should be decided clearly.
The best course is to centralize the authority handling transfers and
make the personnel/HR department responsible for all transfers.

3. Fair Transfers: Transfer should not be made as a punishment or as

revenge on an employee or simply to trouble an employee and his
family members.

4. Consideration of Employees: Transfers should be made after

taking concerned employee in to confidence and after explaining
how transfer is in the best interest of the organization and employee.

5. Interest of Organization: All transfers should be made in the best
interest of the organization. In addition, there should be sound
justification in the case of all transfers made. The management
should be able to prove its objectivity and impartiality as regards
transfers made.

6. Sound Transfer Policy: Management should prepare a sound

transfer policy for a long period. It should be given wide publicity
for the information of employees. The interests of the organization
should not be forgotten while framing a policy of transfers.

7. Employees View: An employee should be given an opportunity to

appeal to an appropriate authority with full opportunity to an
employee to express his views.

8. And request for transfer by an employee on sound personal

grounds (e.g. family problems, health, schooling of children,
unsuitability of climate, etc.) Should be considered
sympathetically and granted promptly.

Types of Transfer

There are different types of transfers depending on purpose for which
the transfers made. The important ones will now be highlighted as follows:

1. Production Transfers: These transfers are made from one

department where the labour requirements are generally reduced to
departments where labour needs are increasing or vacancies have
occurred through separations. Such production transfers are made to
prevent lay-offs. It is meaningless to have in the same organization
lay-offs on one job and employees being needed in another
department for a similar type of work. Thus, production transfers, at
about the same occupational level, help to stabilize employment in an
organization and therefore need some form of centralized control, say,
through the Personnel Department. Sometimes, production transfers
may involve downgrading, that is, being transferred to less skilled
jobs. Although it is called production transfers, similar situations can
also exist in non-manufacturing enterprises or divisions where an
employee is transferred from one department to another for similar

2. Replacement transfers: From the view-point of purpose,

replacement transfers are similar to production transfers as they also
try to avoid lay-offs. Replacement transfers are used, however, to
replace a new employee with an employee who has been in the
organization for a long time.
3. Shift transfers: This is a common type of transfer of an employee
from one shift to another on the same type of work. Workers generally

dislike a second shift assignment as it affects their participation n
community life.

Therefore, to minimize this, shift transfers are introduced. Of

course, there are certain employees who would prefer the second or
the third shift. For example, were the women are working, mothers
might prefer to work in such shift so that they could be during the day
with their children’s.

4. Remedial transfers: As the title suggests, these transfers are made to

remedy the situation. For example, if the initial placement has been
faulty, or the worker cannot gat along with his supervisor, a transfer to
a more appropriate job or more agreeable supervisor might result in
better performance. In this way, a good organization treats its
employees as individuals, of course, within the broad policy

5. Versatility transfers: The objective of these transfers is to increase

the versatility of the employee by shifting hid from one job to another.
In this way, the employee is provided a varied and broader job
experience. This helps the employee through job enrichment and job
enrichment. It can also help him get prepared for future promotions.
Besides, it helps the organization, as enrichment of an employee
would make him not only more effective but also ready for higher
Job Transfer in Bank of Baroda

In Bank of Baroda there is different policy for Clark and
Officer. Clarks are transfer every 5 year from one branch to another
branch in the same region. Region indicates the cities like Mumbai,
Pune and Nashik etc.
Officers of the branch are transfer every 3 year from one branch
to another branch from one zone to another zone. Zone indicates
south, north, west and west.


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