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Information technology is the study design, development, application, implementation, support or

management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer

hardware", according to the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA).[1] IT deals with the
use of electroniccomputers and computer
software to securely convert, store,protect, process, transmit, input, output, and retrieve information.

Today, the term information has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology,
and the term has become very recognizable. IT professionals perform a variety of functions (IT
Disciplines/Competencies) that range from installing applications to designing complex computer
networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data
management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as
management and administration of entire systems. Information technology is starting to spread farther
than the conventional personal computer and network technology, and more into integrations of other
technologies such as the use of cell phones, televisions, automobiles, and more, which is increasing the
demand for such jobs.

We use the term information technology or IT to refer to an entire industry. In actuality, information technology is the use of
computers and software to manage information. In some companies, this is referred to as Management Information Services (or
MIS) or simply as Information Services (or IS). The information technology department of a large company would be responsible
for storing information, protecting information, processing the information, transmitting the information as necessary, and later
retrieving information as necessary.

Information Technology and business

Business Intelligence (BI) is the ways in which we store and use business information. It encompasses the technologies,
applications, and means for collecting, integrating, analyzing, and presentating bsuienss data. Using data that has been stored in a
data warehouse, software applications are able to use this data to report past business information as well as predict future
business information, including trends, threats, opportunities and patterns. Popular BI applications are very complex and experts
in this field are in high demand. Some of the currently popular enterprise level systems, which can manage information about all
of the business functions and systems, are sold and implemented by Oracle, SAP, IBM, and Hewlett Packard (HP). Companies
often need in-house experts in these systems to assist with the implementation and the on-going use of these systmes, which are
quite complex!

Business development” is a corporate entrepreneurial capability (or competence) that has

emerged in the Information Technology industry to support that industry’s practice of co-creation
of value with customers and complementors. As a set of practices that link the firm’s value
creating processes with its external environment, business development capabilities are a key
factor in the success of IT SMEs. This article examines business development functions and
business developer attributes in SMEs in the Information Technology Industry in Eastern Canada.
The principal business development functions are finding profitable opportunities in business
networks, developing and maintaining partnerships, providing support for new product
development, and recognizing and responding to customer needs. The regional market and export
markets require different business development capabilitities.

Business and Information & Communication

Business Volunteers work to strengthen infrastructure and encourage economic opportunities in communities. They
participate at many levels, whether helping artisan cooperatives market their handmade goods, training
entrepreneurs in the basic skills of small business development, or working with development banks,
nongovernmental organizations, and municipalities to support local community development projects.

Information and communications technology Volunteers help communities and organizations capitalize on available
and appropriate information technology. Most ICT Volunteers are involved in computer teaching and training.

Click on the links below to learn more about the specific opportunities and requirements for business and information
& communication technology Volunteers in the Peace Corps.

Business Advising
Volunteers assist private and public businesses, local and regional governments, nonprofit organizations,
women's and youth groups, and educational institutions.

NGO Development
Volunteers focus on increasing family income, improving the environment for businesses, educating young
people, and helping businesses find markets for traditional or value-added products.

Business Development
Volunteers assist private and public businesses, local and regional governments, nonprofit organizations,
women's and youth groups, and educational institutions.

Information & Communication Technology

Volunteers provide technical training and support to school systems, health ministries, municipal
government offices, businesses, and non-governmental organizations.

Urban and Regional Planning

Volunteers work with municipalities and communities, as well as with regional or national governments.

Business development” is a corporate entrepreneurial capability (or competence) that

has emerged in the Information Technology industry to support that industry’s
practice of co-creation of value with customers and complementors. As a set of
practices that link the firm’s value creating processes with its external environment,
business development capabilities are a key factor in the success of IT SMEs. This
article examines business development functions and business developer attributes in
SMEs in the Information Technology Industry in Eastern Canada. The principal
business development functions are finding profitable opportunities in business
networks, developing and maintaining partnerships, providing support for new
product development, and recognizing and responding to customer needs. The
regional market and export markets require different business development

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