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I998 Borringer crnd Milkovich

An Integrcrted Model of Orgcnizcrtions' Decisions About Flexible Bene{it Plcns

Nature of
the work

Coercive Iorces
Competitors' .Iegrislcrtion
prcrctices Cost of current
.Unions benefits


eeted effiasemcp gmnmrs

Orgcrnizqtioncrl Ability to Desire to

interconnectedness resist resist

Stoge of
in stitutioncrlizotion

Decisions crbout llexible benefit plcrns


tcrin resources to compliance (Meyer & Rowqn, p/ons is high thon in indusfries in
1977; Tolbert &. Zucker, 1996). Hence, crs the por- which the portion is Jow.
tion of cornpetitors in an orgcrnizotion's field or Proposition lb: Orgonizqtions imple-
industry adopting o flexible benefit plan-or o menting q new flexible benelit plon
porticulor plcn design-increcses, the strength are likely to motch the plan design
of the pressures to crdopt the plcn olso in-
(e.g., core p/us opfionol coveroge or
cresses. The pressures to odopt should be mix ond mqtch) most commonlY used
greoter in the health core industry, for exomple, in their field or industry.
where over two-thirds of orgcnizotions off er
flexible benefits, thqn in mcnu{crcturing, where Antecedents of institartiCIreell pressuress Cmer-
the incidence is lower. Similcrrly, the pressures cive forces. Institutional pressures thot ctre more
to include c flexible spending occount in the coercive in nature mcry be generated by externql
plan should be highest in the services industry, agents who control criticol resources qnd hav'e
where the incidence of the occounts is highest. the power to impose preferred structures on on
Thus, we propose the following: orgonizcrtion (DiMcrggio & Pcwell, lg83; Scc-?tt;
Proposition lq: The rote of new flexi' l9B7; Tolbert & Zucker, 1996)- Our moCel sug-
ble-ben ef it-pJon odopfions will be gests thot unions moy exert such pressures.
higher in industries in which fhe Powerful unions thcrt control the supply of lobor
portion of orgonizqtions offering the should theoreticolly be oble to influence mcn-

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