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C ertificatio n P oints (C Ps) R eq uired

C ateg ory D escriptio n C redit (E ntry) V MP (P ractioner) C VS (P rogram M anager) C V S (Sp ecialist)
(2) (2) (2)
Initial Initial R e-C ert. L ife Initial R e-C ert. Life Initial R e-C ert. L ife
I. P ractice V M Total C Ps R equired 0 24 24 32 32 48 48
Ia. Perform VM Total P erformed C P s 0 24 24 8 0 48 48
Team Mem ber S tudy C ontact Hours 0 240 240 80 0 480 480
Team Mem ber No. of S tudies / E vents 0 6 6 2 0 12 12
Team Leader/Facilitator % of S tudies and Hours 50%

M anage User's VM (1)

Ib. Manage V M 8 C P s / YR 24 32
P rogram

II. Learn V M Total C Ps R equired 0 15 8 30 8 30 8

S A VE M eetings, V M or
V M Related C ourses or C ontact Hrs (10=1C P )
S eminars
C ollege D egree (B achelor
(4) 20 C P s (1 maximum)
or Graduate)
P rofessional
License/C ertification or 5 C P s (2 maximum)
A ssoc. D egree

III. Sh are V M Total C Ps R equired 0 5 5 10 10 10 10

V M Teaching C ontact Hrs. (5 Hrs = 1 C P)
V M P ublications 3 C P / Peer Reviewed
V M P ublicity 1 C P / Article
V M P resentations 1 C P / Presentation
V M S ociety M embership 1 C P / YR
V M S ociety Office - Local 4 C P / YR
C hapter P res. or MV F or
8 C P / YR
Nat'l. D irector, C ert. B d.
National Board M ember
10 C P / YR
C ertification Advisor 2 C P / VM P or C VS
Prereq uisites B asic V M Training A ppvd. M odule I W orkshop X X X X
A dvanced V M Training A ppvd. M odule II S eminar X X X X
S cholarly P aper Original, S ole A uthor X X
E xam P arts 1-7, B ased on Level X X X X
Life status Upon Third A pproved Recertification X X X

T OTAL C ertificatio n P oints R equ ired 0 44 37 72 50 88 66

YOU R TOT AL S 0 0 0 0 0 0
C ertification P oints (C P s) indicated are minim um s required in a category or item description.
(1) Year m eans full tim e equivalent (F TE).
(2) Recertification period is four years. There will be no early recertifications since intent is to show continued professional development over tim e.
(3) C ontinuing education consists of V M related chapter meetings, conferences, sem inars, and courses; e.g., college courses that are V M related earn 1C P = 1 credit-hour
(4) C ollege degrees are for initial certification only.

Note: The matrix shown above is an embedded spreadsheet to enable you to automatically total your points. If you have Microsoft Excel loaded on your computer, double click
anywhere in the spreadsheet and Excel will launch.

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