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Mollie Fitzgerald

AP Psychology

1st Quarter Project

Educational Value Piece

1. Embryo- the developing human organism from about two weeks after fertilization

through the second month.

The March of Dimes Foundation has researched this period of time when the neural tube

is forming and closing. The neural tube is the early form of the central nervous system

and responsible for many defects if it does not close properly in this time. Also, it is

believed that teratogens begin affecting the organism at this time.

2. Fetus- the developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth.

Most research carried out by the March of Dimes occurs during this stage. Teratogens

such as alcohol effect organ systems through this period of the pregnancy. Development

during this stage allows a premature baby to be born healthy after the six month.

3. Teratogens- agents, such as chemicals and viruses, that can reach the embryo and fetus

during prenatal development and cause harm.

Teratogens are one of the most preventable causes of premature birth and birth defects.

The March of Dimes educates the public about them to attempt to cut down premature

births and other issues.

4. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) - physical and cognitive abnormalities in children

caused by a pregnant woman’s heavy drinking. In severe cases, symptoms include

noticeable facial misproportions.

FAS causes birth defects and mental retardation. The March of Dimes hopes that through

education this disease can one day be stopped and they are researching ways to reduce or

even reverse this disease.

5. Maturation- biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior,

relatively uninfluenced by experience.

FAS and ingestion of alcohol while pregnant will retard this ability and delay it. March of

Dimes organization works to educate the public and prevent the delay of maturation.

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