Virgin Media

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may 2011

virgin media
po box 333
matrix court
sa7 9zj
10th nov 2009
Two complaints:
1. When I signed up for my latest contract on 10 Nov 2009, I spoke to a particul
arly aggressive sales lady who told me that this was a 12 month contract price m
atched to the O2 broadband package through credit to my account. I have now rece
ntly discovered that my contract actually expires on May 2011! I would never hav
e signed up for this contract had I known it was an 18-month contract.
I clearly remember the conversation we had at the time of the contract renewal.
Throughout the phone call, she kept insisting I would only get a 2MB connection
with O2, despite the fact I was telling her both O2's customer sales team and th
e O2 website said I would receive a 17MB connection. This is clearly a case of m
isinformation by a sales representative to trick me into signing up, as I was ne
ver told the contract would run for 18 months.
I have been told by phone that the lady's reference number is d7528887.
2. I have already contacted your sales advisers a couple of months ago about why
my bill has increased from £22.50 to £23.50. I was informed that this was because t
he line rental has increased by £1. This is a breach of contract because I signed
up for my Virgin Media services on the condition that I would be paying £22.50 per
month. Virgin Media cannot suddenly decide to increase my monthly payments with
out voiding their contract and giving me the option of leaving.
I was willing to overlook this fault but my recent discovery outlined in point 1
just adds insult to injury.

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