Unit IV Test

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Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Social Darwinism was the idea that

a. the best country would win any international competition.

b. each nation should be made up of only one ethnic group.
c. military might was the most important measure of a nation.
____ 2. The Triple Alliance nations were

a. France, Russia, and Great Britain.

b. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
c. Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary.
____ 3. The buildup of the U.S. military in 1916 was an example of

a. isolationism.
b. neutrality.
c. preparedness.
____ 4. Who was responsible for rules affecting farm products in the United States during World War I?

a. Bernard Baruch
b. George Creel
c. Herbert Hoover
____ 5. More women joined the National American Woman Suffrage Association after the group

a. changed its focus from women’s rights to peace.

b. succeeded in winning voting rights for women.
c. began to support the war objectives of the United States.
____ 6. Which group was created to increase support for the war among the American people?

a. the Committee on Public Information

b. the Red Cross
c. the War Industries Board
____ 7. One reason for the German surrender in 1918 was that

a. many German soldiers were no longer willing to fight.

b. the German submarine fleet had been destroyed.
c. the German blockade of France failed.
____ 8. Convoys were used to

a. move wounded soldiers to hospitals.

b. protect soldiers on the battlefield.
c. prevent submarine attacks on ships.
____ 9. The League of Nations can best be described as a

a. peace treaty.
b. secret alliance.
c. mutual defense agreement.
____ 10. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were

a. anarchists.
b. communists.
c. union leaders.
____ 11. Social Darwinists believed that

a. a large empire was the key to economic growth.

b. the best country would win any international competition.
c. each nation should be made up of only one ethnic group.
d. military might was the most important measure of a nation.
____ 12. The buildup of the U.S. military in 1916 was an example of

a. internationalism.
b. isolationism.
c. neutrality.
d. preparedness.


Directions: Match the definitions with the letter of the correct term or person. You will not use all the terms
and people.

a. Western Front g. Vladimir Lenin

b. casualties h. influenza
c. Lusitania i. reparations
d. Selective Service Act j. creditor nation
e. John J. Pershing k. Espionage Act
f. George Creel l. Bernard Baruch
_i___ 13. payment for war damages
_J___ 14. a country that owes less money than it is owed
__C__ 15. British passenger ship
__A__ 16. section of French border that was critical to winning the war
__L __17. head of the War Industries Board
__H__ 18. a viral illness
___F_ 19. banned certain printed materials
___B_ 20. soldiers killed, wounded, and missing
__E__ 21. commander of American forces in Europe
__D__ 22. authorized a military draft

Short Answer

Directions: Use the poster to answer the following question.

23. What are the women in the poster doing, and what country do they live in?
Farming, France
24. How would the women of France benefit from Americans saving wheat?
We would sell the surplus to France thus giving them food to eat while their farmers were off being
Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.

25. Link Past and Present Compare and contrast the effects that World War I had on Americans at home and the
effects that the current “war on terror” is having. Describe one similarity and one difference. Use a Venn
World War I and the was on the terror both created PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) in the
returning soldiers even though back in the early 1900s, nobody knew about PTSD. The War On
Terror isn’t having as big of an effect on the U.S. as World War 1 did as everyday America life isn’t
effected as much.
26. Explain Problems Explain how the weapons and tactics used during World War I affected the number of
combat deaths. Weapons used in World War I were much more sophisticated than ever before. Machine guns
were especially deadly as the killed many soldiers in a short amount of time. Trench warfare was a deadly
tactic that was effective at killing but led to a standstill in the war where soldiers were just rotating turns being

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