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Modern and Classical Languages

Visitation Academy L+J Fall 2010

Our Faculty Viz’s Language Program

The Department of Modern and Classi- The Upper School language courses
Dr. Matt Green
cal Languages has a multifaceted mis- begin in the 7th grade. All 7th grade
Spanish sion. We introduce students to some of students take Latin. They may continue
the world’s richest cultures and litera- with Latin contingent upon sufficient
Graciela Buschardt tures, providing them with linguistic and class enrollment. Upon completion of
Caty Hughes communicative skills, analytic ability, and Latin, our students choose either Span-
an international perspective. The study ish or French. In the 8th grade they be-
Jessica King
of language, culture, literature, and film gin with level I and continue in the 9th
French: helps the student better understand the and 10th grade taking levels II and III
historical and cultural contexts that form respectively. In the 11th grade, students
Heidi Hale part of today’s global community. may take level IV or honors IV. In the
Kenya Madison 12th grade they have the option of tak-
ing level V or Advanced Placement.

Seventh Grade: Level I

Spanish & French

Eighth Grade: Level I

Ninth Grade: Level II

Tenth Grade: Level III

Eleventh Grade:
Level IV Regular
Level IV Honors
/1818 College Credit

Twelfth Grade:
Level V/Conversation Mlle. Madison’s French II class performs a song about farm animals for our Viz
Advanced Placement kindergarten class.

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