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Introduction to

Programming in Matlab

with Applications (For Beginners)

Raza Ali Shah (PhD student ICT, SET)
Day 1 Day2 Day 3
z Introductions z Script files z Linear
z Variables z Functions
z Polynomials
z Operations z Conditional
statements z Optimization
z Plotting z Loops in Matlab z Debugging
z Break / continue z Application

Raza Ali Shah, ICT/SET/AIT 2

Starting Matlab
z Introduction to Matlab windows
z Customization
• Preferences
• Layouts
z Working in Command Window
z Explore Matlab demos
z Some Useful Commands

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z File > Preferences
• Allows you personalize your MATLAB experience

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Introduction to Matlab windows

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Calculations - Display formats
z >> 101*(3+ 3^2 + 27^(1/3) )/7 % display format = short
z ans =
z 216.4286
z >> ans % display format = long
z ans =
z 2.164285714285714e+002
z >> ans % display format = short e
z ans =
z 2.1643e+002
z >> ans % display format = long e
z ans =
z 2.164285714285714e+002
z >> ans % display format = short g
z ans =
z 216.43

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Display formats

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Some Built-in math functions

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Rounding Functions

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z To create a variable, simply assign a value to a name:
• >> var1=3.14
• >> c = ‘2*3 =6’
• >> d =2*3
• >> mystring = ‘Hello World’
z Built-in variables

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Row Vectors

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Column Vectors

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save/ clear/ load

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Conversing with MATLAB
z who / whos
• MATLAB replies with the variables in your workspace
z what
• MATLAB replies with the current directory and
MATLAB files in the directory
z help
• The most important function for learning MATLAB on
your own
z why

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help / doc

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