JY Newsletter December 2003

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First Meeting of
Volume I, Issue No. 01
Dec - Mar 2004
Jesus Youth
International Team at Rome

JYIT meeting in Rome
Editor’s Desk
Greetings from the Jesus
Youth International of fice!
It is with immense joy that
we launch this pilot issue
K JY at FABC of our newslet ter.

K Global JY Newswatch One of the impor tant decisions

taken at the r ecently held
K Full time Volunteers International Team me eting at
For the first time in the history of Later, the Apostolic Nuncio of Rome was to bring out a newsletter
K Event Focus Jesus Youth, 23 Jesus Youth Ghana-Ar chbishop Geor ge to ser ve as a link bet ween the
K Blessed Mother Teresa leaders, including priests and Kocherry invited us to lunch. He countries with a Jesus Youth
animators, met in Rome fr om was very supportive of Jesus Youth presence.
K CCBI on Jesus Youth September 11th - 18th, 2003 to give endeavors.
We can take pride in that this is truly
K New Initiatives shape to Jesus Youth International.  In the early af ternoon, we had a and fully a Jesus Youth product.
These delegates represented the me eting with Anna and Mario Ever y thing from the editing and
K FIDES on Jesus Youth following seven countries:  Canada, designing to the printing was done
Capello, the founders of the Glory
Germany, India, Singapore, the of God International Covenant with recourse to Jesus Youth
United Arab Emirates, the United Community (GOGICC) and Institute resources alone! I wish to place on
World Kingdom and the United States of for World Evangelisation (IWE), record my hear t felt gratitude to all
Youth Day America. both recognized by the Holy See those who worked to make this
The of ficial meeting of JYIT star ted and Henr y Capello, President of newslet ter a reality, especially Mr.
& af ter a three day pilgrimage in Youth Arise International. All three Josun Jose who travelled all the
way from Delhi and worked
Jesus Youth Rome. The venue for the meeting of them encouraged us in our
tirelessly as editor-in-charge for the
was a parish centre. All through it ef forts.
International there was the t ypical congenial last t wo we eks, Sanil C.A who
Gathering Jesus Youth atmosphere- food was
Towards af ternoon, we had a time designed the layout, Shelton
of consultation with Fr. Antony Pinheiro who added the final
Germany, Colonge prepar ed in local Jesus Youth
Kollamparampil of the touches on content, and our of fice
homes and brought to the venue
Congregation for Divine Worship, team Deepa and Anu who of fered
daily. At night, the par ticipants
on Jesus Youth spiritualit y, their unstinted ef for t.
KFive Continents K150 countries huddled together on the bare floor
charisms and working st yle,
K1 Million catholic youth of the conference room. Altogether, Our Holy Father says in his
especially in the contex t of the
K1000 Jesus Youth Pilgrims it was a time of knowing each other Apostolic exhor tation ‘Ecclesia in
de eply. And each day the JYIT Church. Another ver y impor tant
K1 Destination meeting was also held late in the Asia’: “The Church is convinced
meeting began and ended with the that de ep within the people,
evening with Fr. Francis Kohn, the
XX World Youth Day Divine Of fice - a decision that arose
from the desire to embrace the Youth Director of the Pontifical
cultures and religions of Asia there
is a thirst for “living water”
deeper spirituality inherent in the Council for the Laity who is also in
11th to 21st August 2005 (cf. Jn 4:10-15), a thirst which the
traditional prayers of the Church. charge of organizing World Youth Spirit himself has created and
Cologne, Germany Day. which Jesus the Saviour alone can
“ We have come to adore Him” On the morning of the 16th, we
(Mathew 2:2) fully satisf y”. Jesus Youth being a
celebrated Holy Mass in the crypt
movement with an Asian origin, I
Jesus Youth is all set to liven up the of St. Peter’s Basilica, consecrating
firmly believe that we have a
upcoming World Youth Day 2005, the entire global family of Jesus
specific role in the mission of the
unquestionably the most dynamic Youth and r e-commit ting the Church to help slake this thirst
celebration of Catholic faith across movement to the mission of the
the globe. And this time a record which is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Church. I sincerely pray that our mot to to
number of 1000 Jesus Youth Pilgrims
across the world are expected to get The following day, Tuesday 17th of be “a missionary movement at the
together in Germany for the Youth September was a memorable day ser vice of the Church” may be
Arise International gathering and the for the whole team. We had the realised more fully in the coming
Jesus Youth International Conference year. And to all of you, my wishes
preceeding the W YD. privilege of an audience with the Presenting the JY Document to the Holy Father
Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, for a blessed New Year !
For details on how you too can star t Af ter the meeting a few delegates
where we submit ted to him the
preparing for the event and begin had the privilege of continuing
Document “Jesus Youth - Its
saving for your pilgrimage, contact Charisms and St yle of Working”. discussions with Cardinal Seppe Manoj Sunny
jyglobal@jesusyouth.org This meeting with the Holy Father (President, Pontifical Council for
was a true moment of blessing for Evangelization) and Archbishop Co-ordinator,
Jesus Youth all over the world. Rylko (Secretary, Pontifical Council Jesus Youth International Team
contd on nex t page K
On the whole, the first JYIT meeting coordinate the activities of the Both the JYIT and the authorities
for the Laity) and such others. All was very fruit ful. Many issues and Jesus Youth International Team for in the Vatican strongly felt the need
of them were pleased with the work concerns were tackled in a period the nex t 3 years.  Likewise, for a Jesus Youth of fice in the
of Jesus Youth in the Church and of four days. As a result of the continental co ordinators were Vatican as the first step towards
encouraged us to continue various discussions, a core team selected to help coordinate the canonical recognition by the Holy
building our unique charisms. was selected to facilitate & Jesus Youth activities of their See.
respective regions. From the humble beginnings of
Jesus Youth in Kerala it was an
overwhelming experience to be in
the heart of the Church in Rome,
coming together from dif ferent
nations and lands to pray, share,
dream and work towards building
the Kingdom of God among the
Youth. Indeed a time of blossoming
Historic Moments: Henry, Anna and Mario( ICPE, IWE, GOGICC)
Fr. Antony Kollamparambil Fr. Francis Kohn,
JYIT Meeting in Rome recieving a memento from Dr. Sindhu & Dr. Manoj Congregation of Head - Youth Section, Lisa Jose, USA
Divine Worship Pontifical Council for Laity

Cultural Exchange Programme I am pleased to introduce and recommend the ‘Jesus
Youth Movement’ to our people. The members of the
The Cultural Exchange movement are engaged in the apostolate of spreading
Programme is a unique a true and genuine Christian spiritualit y among all
project by Jesus Youth people, especially the youth. They are trying to spread
India, where tribal and the Good News of our salvation and redemption
rural youth from across through our Lord Jesus Christ. Awakening in the youth
the country are brought the consciousness of their Christian identit y, the
to Kerala for a movement is meant to lead its members to fulfill their Christian
live-in Catholic faith obligations in the world. Firmly rooted in a life of faith, protected and
experience and also an nourished in ecclesial life, Jesus Youth is a strong force to organise
exposure to the Jesus and guide our youth towards their development in terms of their
Youth life style there. spiritual life both individual and communitarian. The ef for ts of
Smiles that tell a story: Youth from Assam & Nagaland
The cultural exchange formation of our youth in the values of the Kingdom of God that are
has been an annual feature for the last three years in Kerala. In the last rendered present in the person and life of Jesus Christ, is a specific
two years over 590 tribal youth spanning 20 states and 46 dioceses of feature of the Movement of ‘Jesus Youth’. Hence the promotion of the
India were par t of the programme. This year over 460 tribal youth from Movement under the protection and safeguards of the Catholic
21 states and 39 dioceses across the country were brought to Kerala Church is not only significant but imperative to keep our youth actively
to be part of the programme. involved in the life of mission of the Church, especially at a time when
our faith - life is challenged all over. This assumes special impor tance
The programme comprises of a thirty-day package, which begins with against the background of our modern world in which peace and
a weeklong retreat. The par ticipants are then invited to stay with Jesus harmony, love and fellowship, fraternal care and concern, are
Youth families for t wo weeks in the various zones of Kerala. During decreasing. Let our youth be liberated from their enslavements
their stay, they undergo training programmes, visit holy places and through the power of the Holy Spirit of God given to them in Jesus
interact with the prayer groups and families of that zone. The grand finale Christ by the saving act of God our Father.
of the programme is the ‘Mahotsav’ (celebration of love) where all the
par ticipants gather in a common venue and various teachings and Most Rev. Cyril Mar Baselios
dynamics are impar ted to them. At the ‘Mahotsav’ these par ticipants Metropolitan Archbishop of Trivandrum
come forward and present folk songs and dances, skits and various President - Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India
other features depicting their diverse heritage.
The ultimate objective of this project is to encourage and help these Jesus Youth at FABC
tribal youth to embrace the evangelistic lifestyle of the Catholic Church
Jesus Youth were invited to the
and return to their communities, villages and life situations as witnesses
t win summits held by the
for Jesus and the Catholic Church. Federation of Asian Bishops
Conference (FABC) in Pattaya,
Thailand earlier this year.
Jesus Youth
presentation Mrs. Beena Manoj, Dr. Edward
at ACCSE meeting Edezhath and Mr. Manoj Sunny
Dr. Edward Edezhath at the FABC Meeting
were invitees to the conference
on “Evangelisation in the light of Ecclesia in Asia”. Here, Mrs. Beena
Manoj presented a paper on the “Evangelisation endeavours of Jesus
Mr. Manoj Sunny- the
Youth in Asia.”
Jesus Youth International
Coordinator was invited At the conference on “Communication
earlier this year to Rome of the e-generation- The concern of
the Church”, Dr. Edward Edezhath
for the annual conference
was invited to present a paper on
Representatives from Asia Oceana Manoj Sunny, Fr. Gino of the Association of “Evangelising the Youth of Asia”. All
Henriques CSSR (Singapore), Mr. Pat Clegg (Newzealand)
Coordinators of Catholic the above conferences wer e
Schools of Evangelisation (ACCSE) to present a repor t on the at tended by various bishops of
Evangelistic Lifest yle and activities of Jesus Youth activities. The dif ferent countries of Asia. They
conference was attended by 40 leaders representing various schools graciously encouraged the Jesus Mrs. Beena Manoj presenting JY
of evangelisation from across the world. Youth in all its evangelistic endeavours. at the FABC Meeting

Global Newswatch
India KKWanted Dynamic
Jesus Youth had its beginnings co-or dination with the local Jesus Youth Professionals
in the picturesque state of Kerala, chur ches in dif ferent ar eas
China, the abode of one fif th of the world’s populace in the world today,
South India. The wave of the across India.
is surging ahead in the global industrial scenario. And its hitherto closed
Catholic Charismatic Renewal
that swept across the country in
the late seventies gave rise to
Canada doors are opening up to welcome a range of professionals. With our
commitment, dedication and professional excellence, Jesus Youth
Professionals can take up this challenge to ser ve this nation. If you are a
many youth prayer gr oups
Jesus Youth activities in Canada Teacher, Doctor, Engineer, Nurse, Accountant etc., a myriad of
spread across Kerala. By the
began af ter a Youth Arise Int’l opportunities await you. Interested?
early 80’s these groups were
programme held in Ot tawa and Jesus Youth is joining hands with Youth Arise International in its new
evolving into a vibrant presence.
the World Youth Day celebrations venture “Project 2008” to mobilize thousands of youth for China bet ween
In 1985, the International Year of
held in Toronto in July 2002. the years 2003 and 2008. We need dedicated intercessors for China.
the Youth, they came together
from all par ts of Kerala for a Initially Jesus Youth prayer Want to be part of it? Contact jyglobal@jesusyouth.org
Charismatic youth conference me etings used to take place
“Jesus Youth 85”. Those youth every Sunday in dif ferent homes.
who took par t in the conference Now prayer groups take place on
were later referred to as “Jesus every 2nd Saturday for families
Youth” by others. With a clearer west of the cit y and ever y 4th
vision for themselves and for the Saturday for families living in the ‘Project 2008’ Forum in HongKong and Beijing
wider youth reality in the Church, East.
various ministries under Jesus
Youth star ted taking shape. The National Core Team, with
Jesus Youth prayer groups, cells Rev. Fr. Sebastian Arikat as We ar e at the Jesus Youth is active in many
pastor, co-ordinates the Jesus threshold of 2004. pockets of the world. It all
and fellowship groups star ted
Youth activities in Canada. It is a leap year. I evidences the fact that walking
spr outing up in college wish a ver y happy
Besides prayer meetings, Jesus with the Lord and seeking His will
campuses, parishes, hospitals, bir thday to all at all times is the mission of ever y
hostels and the like. Youth in Canada are active in
impar ting catechism to students those who ar e human being.
As Jesus Youth who experienced and conducting prayer ser vices born on 29 th
the touch of the Lord, returned for the sick af ter Holy Eucharist Februar y and a ver y special, May the grace of the Incarnation
to their jobs, studies and other life fruit ful and happy new year to all of the Lord fill us and flood us
every Sunday at the St. Thomas
of you because it is going to be a with His compassion and
situations, they carried with them the Apostle Mission parish. unique year in our salvation ser vanthood. (Phil 2 : 5-11), and
this new found evangelistic histor y; the Lord wants it to be so.
The couples programme held on make us fully divine, fully national
lifestyle that they acquired. In this God’s plans for us have always and totally international, for we
November 22nd and 23rd, “Jesus
way Jesus Youth activities and been to prosper us and give us a are pilgrims here on a mission of
in my family”, was a dream come
lifest yle started spreading over future of hope. (Jer 29 :11-14) reconciliation and we have a
true for Jesus Youth Canada.
to various parts of India. And the planet to heal.
Jesus Youth pr esence that Simultaneously, “ Jesus in my
life” a retreat for the youth was God’s protection and guidance
initially centred around cities has has be en with our beloved Fr. Abraham Pallivathukkal S.J. - India
over the years spread to remote also conducted by a team ( JY International Pastor)
consisting of Fr. Arikat and other movement all these years. From
tribal villages. the small land of Kerala, today
resource persons from the US.
In order to enable bet ter Participants from all over Ontario
net working and more organised at tended the programmes. The
functioning of Jesus Youth considerable time spent in
activities in dif ferent par ts of intercession bore fruit as all the
India, a team was formed in 1998 It gives me great joy to write a message to the
families renewed their vows ver y first Newslet ter of our fellowship. I hope that this
known as the Jesus Youth before the Lord. let ter will help us to understand what is happening in
National Team (JYNT). This team Jesus Youth groups in dif ferent par ts of the world. As
oversees the activities of Jesus Jesus Youth Canada have
created a mailing list we come to know those happenings, it can invigorate
Youth on the national front. Today us to do more in our own groups and it will help us to
Jesus Youth has a significant jycanada@jesusyouth.org for
easier access to information for appreciate what others are doing in their regions. I
presence in colleges, hospitals request you to share your news and views about Jesus Youth in this
and parishes, in various par ts of the members.
newslet ter. I am sure that this newslet ter will be a great connecting
India, especially in the Nor th. All
in all, Jesus Youth has 27 UK link to all our regional and national net works.
This newslet ter comes out at an impor tant time of Advent and
ministries functioning with
independent co-ordinators at Christmas. We are earnestly preparing to welcome Jesus to our hear ts,
Jesus Youth in UK was a dream families, societies and nations. As the Mother of God contemplated
various levels.
to many, for years. From the early and listened to the message of the angel, let us also contemplate and
Put simply, Jesus Youth is all 1990’s, a handful of Jesus Youth listen to Jesus who is the main focus of our personal life and of the
about bringing more and more in various par ts of the country Jesus Youth movement. What we need at this time of histor y, is youth
of the younger generation to an wer e inter ceding for the commit ted to the cause and values of Jesus. Let Jesus reign in our
experience of Jesus. As par t of formation of Jesus Youth in UK. body, mind and soul. May you be a par t of Jesus Youth.
this objective, the movement is God answered their prayers in I wish you the graces and blessings of the New Year.
now working towards a closer 2001, when nine Jesus Youth
contd on nex t page K Fr.Sebastian Arikat- Canada ( JY International Pastor)
moving scene to all who International Team from Mary’s
witnessed it. Ministry.
gather ed in Birmingham,
marking the formation of Jesus An Evangelization and Jesus Youth UK, plans to reach
Youth in UK. Discipleship training programme out to the youth of Europe by
was held in Erdington, being at the ser vice of the
As the numbers grew and the Church and through a number of
activities increased, a national Birmingham from the 18th - 20th
of June 2003 conducted by planned phases in the continued
body was formed to oversee the guidance of the Lord.
coordination of the activities of
Jesus Youth in UK. The present
National Team contains eleven
UAE for the youth with the guidance
of their respective ser vice teams.
members with pastors and The Ser vice teams coordinate
animators guiding them. Today, Some years ago a handful of the activities of each group. A
Jesus Youth has an active youngsters used to gather Jesus Youth central team under
presence across the UK with regularly at the basketball court the guidance of a Catholic priest
around three hundred members of St. Mary’s Church in Dubai to oversees Jesus Youth activities in
including members fr om pray, have fellowship and dream the UAE.
Nor thern Ireland and Ireland.  our ver y own Jesus Youth, that God’s love may permeate Jesus Youth has active prayer
Jesus Youth in UK operates as Mr. Mathachan Madakkakuzhi. the UAE. Today Jesus Youth has groups in the Emirates of
three zones and each zone is become a widespread net work Abudhabi, Dubai, Sharjah and
represented in the National team. Jesus Youth UK had their second covering four of the seven Fujairah. These groups have
anniversar y gathering and Emirates.
Over five ministries are active in regular me etings on Fridays
election of the new - National
Jesus Youth UK which ar e The active Jesus Youth where they spend time for prayer
Team fr om the 5th – 7th of
Intercession Ministry, Net work leadership in UAE has several and Scripture study. Various
September 2003. Mr. Manoj Jesus Youth programmes take
Ministr y, Finance   Ministr y,   Sunny, the International teams who gather to pray, plan
Music Ministr y and Outreach and implement various initiatives place in the UAE from time to
Co ordinator of Jesus Youth time.
Ministry. One of the strongholds moderated the sessions. The
of JYUK is its strong intercession new National team will be in Jesus Youth UAE have an annual
ministr y. Prayer and work go service for t wo years. day where they come together
along side by side.
An Evangelisation course for the from various emirates and pray
The annual convention of Jesus and share together. This year, the
Jesus Youth leaders took place
Youth UK- ‘Grace 2003’ took programme ‘Arise Shine Out’
at Erdington, Birmingham from
place from May 23rd - 26th 2003 was at tended by over 800 Jesus
14th – 16th of November 2003.
at Birmingham. Ar ound 250 Youth scat tered across dif ferent
The course was given by an emirates.
youth  par ticipated in this
convention. Over the three day
period of the conference, the Full Time Volunteers
par ticipants were led across for evangelising the youth in burden of sharing Jesus to the
“These were some of the most
dif fer ent sessions thr ough pr eparation for a life time world. Many of the active Jesus
beautiful days of my life which the
Lord used to mould me in every commitment to Jesus and the Youth ministries outside Kerala
sense. It was also a formation time Chur ch. So far, 12 batches were the fruit of some fulltimers’
totaling about 600 par ticipants prayer and sacrifice once upon a
for me to take this lifelong
have undergone this training. time.
commitment to serve the Lord all
of the days of my life and to inspire Af ter the 40 day training As part of Jesus Youth’s dream of
others to be commit ted”- Dexon programme, these volunteers are impar ting the same training to
J. Net to, Singapore - 5th batch placed in parishes, mission commit ted youth of North India to
volunteer. stations, villages, colleges, etc enable them to carr y on the
where they can minister to the mission in their own local setups,
youth there. As the oppor tunity Jesus Youth along with the
unfolds, prayer groups, cells, and Sant vana Communit y and the
various dynamics like skits, other small fellowship groups are Salesians, for the first time in June
action songs, choreography etc. initiated for the spiritual this year collectively conducted
The convention was led by sustenance of the local youth. the initial batch of Hindi Fulltimers
Fr. Sebastian Arikat from Canada training in Delhi. There were about
and Fr. Thomas Kozhimala from 34 participants from various parts
Belgium. “May we be a shining light” of Nor th
Full time volunteers at the commitment ceremony India.The
Rev. Canon Kevin Dunn, “My commitment period was training modules
Episcopal Vicar of Birmingham an unprecendented learning wer e similar
Archdiocese and Rt. Rev. Joseph experience; an experience that to those in
Augustine, Bishop of Raipur, will certainly be an asset for the Kerala but were
India, graced the occasion with rest of my lifetime.”- Fr. Aji exclusively in
Moolepparambil CMI, Germany- Hindi and in the
their presence. contex t of Nor th
3rd Batch volunteer. These and
The convention ended with the many more are the sentiments India.
final commissioning ceremony, echoed each year by those who “The presence
at tend the full time volunte er of Jesus Youth
led by Fr. Pat Brown, Episcopal training programme of Jesus
V icar of the Ar chdiocese “Filled with the spirit” was a great help
Youth. Anointing prayer for full time volunteers for our dioceses.
of Birmingham. The young
It all began as a dream about 12 Besides, the
missionaries were symbolically years ago when some Jesus The fruits of this project are visible prayer life, penance and good
sent forth as the light of the world Youth explored the possibilit y of in many parts today. As ‘fulltimers’ behaviour of the Jesus Youth has
with lighted candles in their having graduates to dedicate one carr y on with their secular edified our people.” -Bishop Peter
hands. This was indeed a very year of their lives for formation and care ers, they also carr y the Celestine of Jammu.
Jesus Youth to gain support and parishes in Oman. It functions the programme with music and
encouragement from various under the aegis of the National inputs and helped the young
‘The New Life’ the Annual quar ters. The Catholic centres Ser vice team, which is the people dream more for the Oman
gathering of Jesus Youth UAE and parishes gladly of fer venues national body that oversees the church. In the midst of many
was held in December 2003 at for Jesus Youth programmes. obstacles this pr ogramme
renewal activities in the
St. Francis Assisi Church, Jebal brought down heaven’s
A monthly gathering happens on Sultanate. A Jesus Youth co-
Ali. Nearly 950 Jesus Youth from
the third Sunday of every month ordination team was formed to blessings on us.
all over the Emirates at tended
facilitate the smooth functioning
this gathering. ‘The New Life’ which ends with Mass.
was basically a follow up of its activities.
Jesus Youth is also represented
programme of three one day in the Catholic Charismatic Elroy Night, January 30th 2003,
programmes that to ok place Malayalam prayer group ser vice Jesus Youth activities in Kuwait
Ruwi: Elroy night was the first JY
previously in Abu Dhabi, Dubai are still in its infancy stages. In
team of Singapore. This ser vice gathering where around 200 JYs
and Sharjah in July, August and 1999, intercession for Kuwait by
September 2003 all of which team is associated with SACCRE came together. The JY Team
(Singapore Archdiocesan came fr om Dubai led the Jesus Youth who reached the
were commonly named ‘The countr y for bet ter car e er
Light’. Catholic Charismatic Renewal) programme. Good mobilisation
helped in reaching out to many prospects became a regular
Jesus Youth has active prayer youth. The Ruwi fellowship co- feature. Today by the grace of
groups in the Emirates of Abu ordinated the programme. There God, ther e ar e about 70
Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah and was participation from Sohar, Ibri committed Jesus Youth spread in
Fujairah. These groups have and Sure, which is remarkable as dif ferent pockets of the country.
regular me etings on Fridays all these regions are around 250 Much impor tance is given to
where they spend time for prayer small bible study and fellowship
kms away from Muscat.
and Scripture study. Various groups that have star ted in the
Jesus Youth programmes take Exodus Night, April 03rd 2003, countr y.The visit of Mr. Manoj
place in the UAE from time to Ghala: Exodus night was all Sunny- the international co-
time. about great teamwork. More than ordinator of Jesus Youth in
Singapore and SACCRE in turn is af filiated
to the ICCRS.
50 active JYs visited a number of
labour camps in the dif ferent
par ts of Muscat region for the
Ever since Jesus Youth star ted mobilization of this programme.
In May 2001 a few Jesus Youth
functioning in Singapore, it has 400 youth gathered for the
who r eached Singapor e to
or ganized various r etreats, Exodus night at the Holy Spirit
enhance their career prospects
used to gather together and Nurses confer ences, Youth Church, Ghala. Jesus Youth were
intercede for the renewal of the conventions and other renewal able to start prayer groups in the
youth of the land. That was the activities. Jesus Youth Singapore labour camps af ter Exodus night. December 2002 has helped to
humble beginning of what today has taken an active r ole in streamline the activities of the
is Jesus Youth Singapore. It has initiating the Jesus Youth lifestyle ministries.
an active presence spread all in Malaysia. Resource teams
over the island. Today there are from Jesus Youth Singapore The Jesus Youth intercession
of ten travel to Malaysia and ministry in Kuwait is quite active.
conduct one-day-programmes They have an ‘Inter cession
for the Malaysian youth. Today prayer’ regularly every Tuesday.
Malaysia too is a budding Jesus They also conduct chain fasting,
Youth domain. etc.
Also more friends from Sohar
In Kuwait, every Jesus Youth is
Oman joined in this time.
JY Retreat, July 28th to 31st 2003,
encouraged to be par t of a cell
group. And stress is laid on the
Ruwi: Fr. Joseph Thyagaraj, need to have cell mates to share,
Jesus Youth activities began in
Fr. Var ghese Chempolil and pray and have fellowship with.
5 ministries and about 20 prayer Oman in December 1999 in
Fr. Chacko Mannasseril led the
groups with a strength of over St. Peter and Paul Church, Ruwi. The Literature ministry of Jesus
retreat. From 28th to 30th the
500 participants. Today, Oman has nine zones Youth Kuwait collects spiritual
programme star ted in the
The various ministries in with a Jesus Youth presence: evening at 8 pm and went on till books, ar ticles from magazines,
Singapore are Campus ministry, Ruwi, Gala, Sohar, Salalah, 10:30 pm. On the 31st there was casset tes, CD’s etc. for
Couples’ ministr y, Nurses’ Mussanna, Nizwa, Ibri, Ibra & Sur. a night vigil. 250 youth at tended distribution among Jesus Youth.
ministry, Professionals’ ministr y this retreat. This retreat helped
Jesus Youth in Oman mainly Kuwait Jesus Youth have
and Workers ministry. many to grow more in love and
consists of youth working in developed a unique Databank &
The functioning of Jesus Youth fellowship.
various industrial sectors and Net work Ministry. Besides data
Singapore is co-ordinated by a nurses working in Ministr y Emmanuel Meet, October 10th about special occasions like
ser vice team (JYST). Andrew Hospitals. An area of thrust for 2003, Sohar: It was a great day anniversaries and birthdays, the
Mendez is the co-ordinator and Jesus Youth of Oman is the for the Jesus Youth of Sohar. This databank also helps locate Jesus
A. V. Pious is the Animator. Each labour camps where many youth dream came true af ter lots of
ministry has a core team which Youth fr om India who are in
work. Fellowships and small cell prayer and hard work. The JY various par ts of Kuwait.
facilitates the activities of that
groups have been formed in family members from Dubai led
ministry. Fr. Thomas Mannarakath One of the first major outreaches
many such camps across the the programme. More than 200
is the spiritual guide. of Jesus Youth Kuwait was the
Sultanate. youngsters gathered for the
Its good relations with parishes, Emmanuel Meet including 85 Christmas of 2002 when they got
catholic prayer groups and elder’ Jesus Youth Oman is involved in Jesus Youth from Muscat. The the opportunity to stage a drama
prayer groups has helped the the activities of the Catholic Dubai resource team enriched depicting the Christmas message
include developing and EVENT FOCUS present for the gathering. There
facilitating an action plan for the was r epresentation fr om 9
in one of the parishes. It was well formation of Jesus Youth in INDIA dioceses of North East region for
appreciated by all in the parish. America and their animators. The Discipleship Training Program me this gathering.
team also co or dinates the Gujarat : From the 25th of May
Onam was celebrated not only Nor th Indian Jesus Youth
development of a formal “mission to the first of June 2003 a
with the traditional Onam meal, Leaders’ Gathering, Ajmer,
statement”. The team has a Discipleship Training Program
but also with a Candle Prayer with Rajasthan: About 90 Jesus Youth
veteran Jesus Youth pastor, Fr.
Bhajans and songs. It was a (DTP) was conducted in Gujarat.
Thomas Tharayil as its Spiritual Leaders from 19 regions of North
beautiful time of fellowship for 35 par ticipants at tended the
Director. India gathered at the Ajmer
Jesus Youth in Kuwait. same.
Pastoral Center in Rajasthan from
Renew Toronto was held as a
USA one-day follow-up programme to
Bangalor e : 30 Par ticipants
attended the 8 day long DTP held
6th to 7th September. The theme
of this gathering was “Father, it
World Youth Day Toronto, as an in Bangalore from the 29th of May is your will that we seek”. This
In the United States, Jesus Youth initiative of Jesus Youth of to the 5th of June 2003. was the first time that Jesus Youth
began as a combined initiative of America and the Syro-Malabar
Diocese of Chicago. It was held Nagpur : In Nagpur from the 30th Leaders from dif ferent regions of
youth who were born in the US
in March 2003 at Pennsylvania. of October to the 6 th of North India gathered together to
and were connected to the Jesus
Youth in some way and Jesus About 200 young people of all November, 2003, 33 participants pray, evaluate and plan Jesus
Youth from Kerala who re-located rites from New York, New Jersey, came to attend the Discipleship Youth Activities in Nor th India.
to the US. Philadelphia, Mar yland and Training Programme organised
Youth Conferences
Virginia attended the programme. by Nagpur Jesus Youth.
In the mid 1990’s, small prayer Jeevan Jal – New Delhi: About
groups began to form on the East The day consisted of an ice
breaker, skits, praise & worship, South Indian Professionals’ 200 youngsters came to
Coast and r etr eats wer e Conference, Kerala : About 961
conducted under the name sharings, video presentation participate in Jeevan Jal, a youth
about W YD, music, lunch, participants from 72 professional conference organised by Delhi
“Youth for Jesus”. Slowly the
colleges (Medical and Jesus Youth from 23 rd to 26 th
name “Jesus Youth” began to games, a live enacted Way of the
Engineering) came together at October.
circulate and it has since been Cross and Holy Mass.
known as such. Vimala College, Trichur from the
The Syro-Malabar Convention, 10th to the 13th of October for the Ephphatha 2003, Gujarat:- This
was held from July 24th-27th, South Indian Pr ofessionals’ conference was held in Baroda
2003 in New Jersey. Jesus Youth Conference. The need to share and at tended by about 250
contributed with their presence Jesus through their professions
and in par ticular, the Praise was emphasized. All were urged
Night, which was a combination to become carriers of the Good
of song, skits, & dance by the News where ever they went.
Audio Visual & Music ministries Pr ofessionals to mission,
of JY, and a few other local Kerala : A team of 15 Jesus Youth
Cardinal on the groove! church groups. professionals af ter their
Cardinal Mar Varkey Vithayathil
celebrates with Jesus Youth of USA final exams gather ed at
Snehanilayam in Ernakulam on par ticipants. It was an initial level
What began as just a handful of
commit ted youth praying 17th June for a 10 day orientation programme organised by Gujarat
together is today an active programme, af ter which they Jesus Youth.
ministr y with over 300 Jesus went for a month long mission
outreach to various par ts of Galilia 2003, Jaipur, Rajasthan:
Youth spread across the vast This youth confer ence was
expanse of the countr y with Nor th India. They had the
oppor tunit y to minister to the organised by Rajasthan Jesus
prayer gr oups, monthly
gatherings, fellowships, grow th Youth from 6th to 9th November
retreats, and one day seminars/ 2003. About 275 par ticipants
workshops happening regularly. Behind the scenes, it was Jesus from dif ferent par ts of Rajasthan
With the help of the Rex Band Youth of America that co- at tended the programme. The
ordinated the programmes. they theme of the programme was
motivated many young people to “Jesus-The Captain of Life’s Sea.”
register and actively par ticipate.
The organising commit tee of the local people in the name of the
convention congratulated Jesus Lord. With a zeal to spread God’s
Youth for their great contribution. Kingdom in Nor th India, these
professionals came back on 2nd

August deeply enriched in faith.

tour of 2002 and the trip to World Nor th East Jesus Youth
Youth Day 2002 in Toronto, there an e-net work of the joy ful Leaders Gathering, Diphu, Joy Conference 2003,Kerala :
has been steady grow th in the Assam: 22 Jesus Youth leaders
Welcome to Joynet, the vir tual This programme was held at
number of youth actively global Jesus Youth family. of Nor th East gather ed in
par ticipating. Divine retreat centre, Muringoor,
Jirsong-Asong pastoral centre
A free Jesus Youth mailing list Chalakudy from 21st to 25th April.
With the increasing activities and from June 21st to June 22nd to
to share personal testimonies The theme of this programme
added numbers, a National Team plan and evaluate Jesus Youth
and inspiring discussions on was “Fly like kites and live like
was formed in August 2003 for scripture. To join nearly 1000
activities in the region. The North
East Regional Youth Director and Christ”. 706 plus t wo students
Jesus Youth of America active members from across
other Diocesan youth directors, at tended.
consisting of 8 members. The the globe right away, log on to
responsibilities of the team w w w.jesusyouth.org/joynet priests and religious sisters were

Blessed Mother Teresa
at tending the International much, she stayed in the hall until
It was Sunday the 19th of October
Retr eat for priests in Rome the last priest and sister could go
2003, 5.00 am. The morning sun
organised by ICCRS. St. Paul’s up to her and receive blessing by
had not begun to light the
horizons. But literally all roads led Hall in the Vatican was filled with kissing her hand.
to Rome’- more specifically to over six thousand priests from all
Ther e was no doubt in any
Vatican. Pilgrims of all ages, over the world. On the third day
person, even the critics, who
colours, castes, religions and of the retreat Mother spoke to us.
stood before Mother Teresa and
nationalities were flowing to She said, “Be holy as the Father
looked at her face, about the
St. Peter’s Square in Vatican. All is holy. A priest is a wonder ful gif t
sanctity and holiness of her life.
came with one dream and one of God and God has given
On the fif th of September 1997
prayer: to witness the historic wonder ful gif ts to him. A priest
the earthly life of Mother Teresa
and blessed moment of the has a tremendous responsibility
that began in Skopje, Albania on
‘Beatification of Mother Teresa of to be holy. Let us cling to Mary
26th August 1910, came to an
Calcut ta’. Many had spent the for this holiness because God
end. From then onwards millions
previous cold night out in the was at tracted by the holiness of
streets around the square so that of people all over the world were
time in 1977 when she came to Mary. The more holy we are, the
they could get in early enough to prayer fully looking for ward to
Kot tayam for founding a home more docile we will be to God,
occupy a convenient spot to view the day when this ‘luminous
for the dying destitutes and He will be able to use us
the event. messenger of God’s love’ would
(Abhayabhavan) in the Diocese more. To be with the Lord in
be raised to the honour of the
The crowd at the square in front of Vijayapuram. I was a young adoration is the source of this
altar. We, as Jesus Youth, have
of St. Peter’s Basilica numbering student in the minor seminar y holiness”. Af ter the session even
just acr oss the r oad fr om much in common in our vision,
mor e than four hundr ed the cardinals and bishops were
Abhayabhavan. We, the mission and life st yle, with
thousand (four lakhs) waved pressing against one another
papal flags along with their seminarians joined the inaugural with the priests to come closer to
respective national flags, chanted ceremony. Af ter the function, the her and get her blessings.
prayers and sang songs as they then bishop of V ijayapuram,
Archbishop Cornelius Elanjikal My last encounter with Mother
waited. India was ver y well
represented by many bishops, brought Mother to our seminar y was on January 15, 1993 when
priests, religious and hundreds of where she talked to us for ten she addressed the IX National
laity – many holding up the Indian minutes and blessed each one of Catholic Charismatic Convention
national flag. us. Her advice was, “Be good on Loyola College grounds,
children of God and become holy Madras. She was weak but very
I consider it a great blessing to priests”. clear and strong in her faith.
have been able to participate in Again she spoke of the need to
the historic event and to In 1981 Mother came a second
be holy through prayer. She said,
concelebrate. While I was at the time to Kot tayam for the
“The works of love are the works
altar I prayed in a special way for inauguration of the new block of
of peace; the joy of loving is the
our Jesus Youth family all over the Abhayabhavan. We were again
fruit of prayer; holiness is not the
world. This personal note will not given an opportunit y to chat with
luxury of a few”. She was greatly
be complete without a shor t her and receive her blessings.
welcomed even by the state
reference to my acquaintance The third time I saw Mother was
government. Af ter the talk to the
with and admiration for Mother af ter becoming a priest. In
general cr owd there was a Mother Teresa. Like her we shall
Teresa. I saw Mother for the first September of 1990 I was
special audience for priests and have faith like a rock, be filled
religious. There also she insisted with the light of Christ, and be on
CCBI mentions Jesus Youth on the need to be holy. She
advised us by saying, “Be holy;
fire with love for Jesus. And so
let us say, “Blessed Mother
always think, ‘I will, I want, with Teresa, pray for us – all the Jesus
In Januar y 2003, zenit.org encourage the Church in her God’s blessings, to be Holy’. Do Youth”.
repor ted a me eting of the task of evangelization: the everything for the glory of God”.
Confer ence of Catholic emergence, for example, of a Fr. Thomas Tharayil- USA
Though she was asked by the
Bishops of India (CCBI). The new kind of ‘discipleship’ in the doctors not to strain herself too ( JY International Pastor)
meeting was at tended by 116 form of khrist-bhak tas; a wave
Archbishops and Bishops of of fresh enthusiasm, especially
the countr y on the theme among young people to carry
“Sharing the Good News.” out the Lord’s command of
preaching the Gospel to
Prayer Power
In its final statement, the Intercession being the backbone of all our
Bishops’ Conference stated: all nations - evidenced by
activities, Jesus Youth International has
“Evangelization is to bring the movements like Jesus-Youth
come up with a noble venture of creating
Good News of Jesus into all and others.” an International Intercession net work
areas of humanity and through In conclusion this is what they that will cater to the intercession
its impact to transform societ y had to say: “We conclude: needs of Jesus Youth activities
from within, making it new,” dif ficulties, oppositions and around the globe. Prayer requests/
according to SAR Catholic even persecution will not deter intentions received via email/phone
News agency. us. Our response to all these etc will be lif ted up in prayer. On a
regular basis, consolidated prayer
The Statement made a is our constant love and prayer
requests will be forwarded to other
mention of the work done by and a greater commitment
intercessory net works around the
movements like Jesus Youth. to our ser vices to our globe. Prayer requests, information
The statement continues: countr ymen, especially the regarding programs, etc may be sent to
“Certain positive developments poor and the voiceless.” prayernet@jesusyouth.org
Rex Band music that makes sense
What’s New?
Bible Calender, Kerala
The Bible ministry has come up
with an initiative the “ Bible
Calender 2004, wherein ever y
month 3 vir tues are put up to be
practiced on a daily basis for
that month. A Bible verse is
prescribed for each day of the The Rex Band, India’s premier Albums:
year. For Bible Calenders or contemporar y Christian Band Dif ferent Vibes
materials please visit our website with over 500 live per formances Quiet Waters A instrumental version of popular
or contact the International Of fice across the world is a musical Psalms chosen from the NIV Rex Band melodies orchestrated
outreach of the Jesus Youth. The version of the Bible set to by Stephen Devassy the vir tuoso
contemplative music. pianist of the group.
Band has over 25 Christian
musicians and artistes proficient Best of Rex Band
in various genres who have Roses in Winter A compilation of well known Rex
commit ted their lives to Christ. The landmark album of the band Band hits fr om various
Today the band with its signature which established its signature collections both in English and
st yle of music, targeted at young Malayalam.
fusion music has r eleased
albums both in English as well as people with a flair for
To order any of the Rex Band albums send
in Indian languages. contemporary music. a mail to rexband@jesusyouth.org

Sunday Roses, Rajasthan

Rosary. The theme of this project
This one year rosary campaign is “Behold your Mother”
is a creative response of Jesus O Mary, Mother of God and our mother,
Youth in North India to the Holy The Statue of the Blessed Virgin we, the Jesus Youth of fer ourselves
Father’s exhor tation to pray the will be taken from home to home to your loving care and beg you
every week with the recitation of through the goodness of our Lord Jesus
the rosary for a one year period.
Sunday Roses is an invitation Christ, your divine Son,
for all Catholic movements, to keep us especially dear to you and
social organisations, religious to obtain for us the strength to lead
congregations and prayer a holy life, a life of goodness, purity and
communities to take a step love, of fered to God in thanksgiving and
towards spreading openness to praise. Amen.
prayer and peace in families and

New Of fice premises for

FIDES on Jesus Youth
Fides- A Catholic News Agency “Young people today have in their Jesus Youth Int’l.
in Rome gave a repor t about hear ts a sincere longing to be Jesus Youth International has
Jesus Youth and its activities in near Jesus and this is why our shif ted their of fice premises
their news por tal fides.org. Fides aim is to promote human and from their old Kacheripady
highlighted the grow th of Jesus spiritual grow th of young people of fice to spacious new
Youth, its relevance in the Church and to render them agents of premises located on the 6th
today especially among the evangelisation so they may carry floor of Thadikaran Centre in
youth. Excerpts from their article: Jesus Christ to their pe ers” Palarivat tom, Cochin.
Rome (Fides Ser vice) - To bring Manoj Sunny, JYI co-ordinator
The of fice is equipped with
Jesus Christ to young people tells Fides Ser vice. The
modern day amenities like a
with young talk and young movement star ted in India in the
conference room, computers,
ways is the aim of Jesus 1970s but it has already spread
email and internet access.
Youth International a Catholic to Singapore, Arab Emirates,
Work is underway for a Chapel for intercession and a Rex Band Studio.
Charismatic movement star ted in Canada, United States, Germany.
Kerala, India. The movement is This move was taken in order to enhance bet ter coordination and
The movement is Christ-centred,
growing rapidly in popularity and other administrative activities of Jesus Youth around the world. The
and gives special at tention to
numbers. At present Jesus Youth contact information is given below:
young people in scho ols,
International JYI is waging a parishes, universities including Address: Jesus Youth International Of fice
campaign to tell young people those who do not know Christ. 6F Thadikaran Centre
about the nex t World Youth Day, JYI life-st yle is based on five Palarivat tom P.O.
the 20th, in Cologne, Germany pillars: personal prayer, listening Cochin – 682 025
2005 and encourage them to to the Word of God, following Kerala, INDIA
par ticipate. Already 1000 young Christ, reception of the
people are preparing to travel to Sacraments, commitment to Email: jyglobal@jesusyouth.org
Europe for the event and JYI evangelisation, the movement’s Phone: +91- 484- 3095859
hopes to involve many more. stone of foundation. (Fides Fax: +91- 484- 2555354
Ser vice 7/10/2003)

Printed and Published by Mr. Manoj Sunny on behalf of Jesus Youth International Of fice, 6F Thadikaran Centre, Palarivat tom P.O., Cochin – 682 025, Kerala, INDIA,
Editor-in-charge : Josun Jose, Layout Design : Sanil C.A., Printed by SR Graphics

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