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Is Advertising Important?
The average time spent is
highest on television followed
by internet, radio and

It is noteworthy that the least

time is spent on reading the
newspaper even though it is
the second most popular
medium for information

The youth readership survey by National Book

Trust (NBT) and National Council of Applied
Economic Research (NCAER) has covered a
youth population of 432 villages and 199
Indian ad makers follow this to core
Advertisements are created keeping in mind the
Brand Recall Index
But what about effectiveness?
Are recent advertisements impactful?
Indian Advertisers – Impactful?
Do Indian viewers believe
 A millionaire celebrity users hair oil worth ` 25
 A deodorant can get you a girlfriend
 Naming an undergarment FRONTLINE can position you in

front of any queue

What’s the real impact of these advertisements?

Pepsi Youngistan Ad-
Perfect example of poor creativity
Wastage of actors in a poor ad
Non sense ad: man in a stupid costume makes a guy to
cross hurdles
Lousy creativity
Shows lack of interest and laziness
Worst part is pathetic question he asks at the end with
options like wow how or now !!!!

Result : Spoiled Pepsi’s reputation

Fair & Handsome Cream Ad-
Wrong message spread in society
The ad simply reinforces the idea that
you've got to be fair to be anything in life
Stupid punch line : “Hi Handsome Hi
Shahrukh Khan has nothing to do with
this cream, still he endorses it

Result : Misuse of star power and

exploitation of inferiority complex of
Mountain Dew-
Ineffective Communication
Uses the slogan ‘Cheetah Bhi Peeta Hai’
No Brand Positioning
Lacks point of reference
Paltry or Sad attempt at humour
Says nothing about the drink

Result: Ad campaign scrapped. Product lying on the

shelves of stores.
The flying bike-Hero Honda Karizma-
Shift of focus
Brand Ambassador-Hrithik Roshan
Disconnected with the product
Classic example of shift of focus
Unreal Product Description

Result: Poor sales. Other competitors soaring high

Does advertising really work?
Evaluating advertising effectiveness is a tough job and is usually done
by survey’s.

Seven advertisements that had women representation in them were

identified for the survey.
1) Amul Macho 2) The Axe Effect
3) Amul Manthan Story 4) Virgin mobile
5) J.K. Super Cement 6) Slice
7) Parle Hide n Seek.

The survey was broken into two parts,

Part A had a rating system of popular TVCs
Part B consisted of 8 close ended questions
It can be seen from the average ratings that
television viewers look for content in television
commercials, not blind use of women just to add
oomph or glamour factor.
1. Do you find the presence of skimpily clad women in commercials for products like invertors/cement etc
19% said Yes, 81% said No.
2. Have you ever bought a beauty product after watching its commercial on TV?
64% said Yes, 21% said No, 15% said Maybe.
3. Have you ever felt insecure about your body while watching a commercial on TV?
42% said Yes, 58% said No.
4. Do you think there is an influx of commercials containing sexual content in the last 5 years?
86% said Yes, 8% said No, 6% said Maybe.
5. Have you ever felt a major impact on yourself by an advertisement?
33% said Yes, 56% said No, 11% said Maybe.
6. Do you think that indecent representation of women in Indian advertisements may have led to increase
in crime against women?
25% said Yes, 40% said No, 35% said Maybe.
7. Do you feel uncomfortable with modern protection/anti-pregnancy pills and sanitary products
31% said Yes, 65% said No, 4% said Maybe.
8. TVCs for modern protection and sanitary products etc. raised sexual awareness or vulgarity.
52% - Sexual Awareness, 35% -Vulgarity, 4% - Neither.
Thank You

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