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Eng. Class:

DUE DATE: ___________


WORKSHEET #3 (three)

1. If you go to the store would you get some __________ for dinner?

A. Bag B. dirt C. fish D. rock

1. That is a very big _________ by the side of the road.

A. Sand B. rock C. play D. boy

1. Dad can I go ___________ with my friend and his dad?

A. Boat B. ship C. fishing D. bag

1. I bet that ship holds a lot of _____________.

A. People B. fish C. cars D. A, B and C

1. Is it safe to go out on the water in this ____________?

A. Car B. truck C. boat D. cow

1. My dad gets are milk from are __________.

A. Pig B. duck C. cow D. chicken

1. I like to eat ____________.

A. Dirt B. seafood C. Mud D. A and C

1. How _______ is the beach from your home?

A. Far B. Go C. Run D. cup

1. Look at how __________ the sky is today.

A. Blue B. looking C. pigs can fly D. cat

1. Can you give me a _________ home from school today?

A. Cow B. ride C. fly D. laugh

1. That joke made me _________ very hard.

A. Run B. laugh C. cold D. mad

1. We eat dinner at are dinner _________ .

A. table B. bed C. chair D. pig

1. How old is your ______________?

A. Mom B. Dad C. Sister D. A, B and C

1. Can you ask your mother if you can come ______________ and play with us?

A. Mr. Eaton B. outside C. ran D. play

1. How far is it to your _______________?

A. House B. home C. farm D. A, B and C

1. You kids do not play in the house you need to play ________________.

A. Cow B. pigs C. outside D. rain

1. Get your things and lets ______ home.

A. Plan B. go C. buy D. laugh

1. Can you ______ me some gun at the store?

A. Get
B. Buy
C. Have
D. A and B

1. Come in and _____ down so we can get started with class.

A. Apple
B. Green
C. Sit
D. Buy

1. How many days are in the month of June?

A. 28
B. 27
C. 30
D. 31

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