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The inflated loop consists essentially of a tube of material (similar in a way to a car
tube) which is inflated at a slightly higher pressure than the air cushion beneath the
and this is achieved in one or two ways:

 The full flow system feeds all the lift air into the skirt and from there
through small holes in the inner skirt wall into the cushion.  By controlling
the number and size of the holes it is possible to alter the pressure
differential between the loop and the air cushion.

 The no-flow system pressurizes the loop via small scoops at the tip of the lift
fan. The size of the scoop is about 10% of the total lift fan area.  The skirt is
sealed and does not have any exit holes since most of the air is fed directly
into the cushion.  Even small tears in this type of skirt can, however, lead to
considerable loss of skirt pressure which in turn could result in dangerous

Skirt Characteristics.
The bag skirt is fairly simple to design and construct but gives a harder ride than the

segmented type and has more limited obstacle clearance, depending upon the
differential between the loop and the air cushion.  Usually it gives fairly high drag
undulating surfaces.  The inflated loop skirt is very stiff in roll and pitch.
To design the cross section, the height must first be established and this should be
one eighth of the craft width. The cross section of the bag is comprised of two radii,
the outer curve and the inner curve. For simplicity it can be assumed that the ground
contact point is directly beneath the outer extremity of the hull and therefore the
outer radius is equal to half the distance between the ground and the upper fixing
The ground contact point can in fact be positioned fractionally in from the outer hull
but for the sake of stability, it must never be outside. To design the cross section,
make a scale drawing of the craft lower hull at the appropriate hover height and
draw in the outer semi-circle.
The radius of the inner circle is calculated by multiplying the outer radius by a
given in the following table.
Pressure Differential Factor
bag pressure / cushion pressure Inner radius / outer radius
1.2 : 1 6.0
1.3 : 1 4.53
1.4 : 1 3.5
1.5 : 1 3.0
1.6 : 1 2.66
1.7 : 1 2.43
1.8 : 1 2.25
The choice of pressure differential is based upon the degree of stability required. 
The higher the ratio the greater the stability, but at the expense of undulating surface
performance and higher skirt wear on uneven terrain.
After calculating the inner radius, draw in the inner circle.  This will give the inner
fixing point and note that the changeover from the small radius to the larger radius
is at a
point 15 degrees in from the ground point. The skirt cross section calculated in this
way has balanced geometry and will automatically take up this shape, provided that
the pressure differential is accurately predicted.
An ordinary side cross section at the bow would be very prone to plough-in
problems, therefore the bow section is usually designed with a less bellowed outer
curve.  This shape however, does not have balanced geometry and so it will not
automatically take up this shape but must be forced to do so by the tailoring.  The
inner curve has the same radius as that of the side cross-section, but the outer radius
is now centered on a point retracted well in from the leading edge of the hull.  This
is quite acceptable if the bow corners are tapered back, thereby providing a number
of joints  where the skirt can be forced into this shape.
If the bow is straight with square corners, the long front panels of the skirt will not
adopt this shape and will tend to round out.  To overcome this problem, the bow
skirt will need to be designed with balanced geometry which means using a much
larger inner radius.
To layout this cross section, center the outer radius at a distance equal to  r x 0.85 in
from the leading edge and maintaining  a hover height of 1/8 hull width, use an
inside radius equal to r x FACTOR as  used in calculating the side cross section -
see table below.
Pressure Differential Factor
bag  pressure / cushion pressure Inner Radius / Outer radius
1.2 : 1 6.0
1.3 : 1 4.53
1.4 : 1 3.5
1.5 : 1 3.0
1.6 : 1 2.66
1.7 : 1 2.43
1.8 : 1 2.25
The disadvantage of this skirt is the large overall width of material. As well as very
high wear on uneven terrain around the ground contact line. Even if you can patch
several times your bag skirt you will need to replace him once the patches produce
major wrinkles in the lower section ( 3" inner and outer of ground contact line ). 
The bag skirt requires a number of holes on the inner fact to transfer air from the
skirt to the cushion.  These holes vary in size but are generally 3 - 6 inches in
The total required area of these holes can be calculated using the following formula:

A  =             Q
     20 X        Pb x Pc
Where A  = Total area of peripheral jets (sq. ft)
      Q  = Air Flow                      (cu ft / sec)
      Pb = Pressure in the bag           (lb. / sq. ft)
      Pc = Pressure in the cushion       (lb. / sq. ft)

Cut about 90% of the calculated number of holes and then slowly cut out the
remainder, checking regularly the relative pressures with a simple water manometer
until the required differential is obtained.  Holes should only be cut in the bow and
side sections of the skirt. No holes should be cut in the rear section as this can cause
water scooping.
Once the skirt cross-sections have been worked out you have to decide how to cut
out all
the panels of material and assemble them so that the skirt will adopt the required
Tailoring of skirts is quite an art and can be approached in two ways; one is by
a mathematical method and the other is by using a system of templates.
The Mathematical Method:
To begin, scribe marks around the skirt circumference at intervals of 100 mm,
starting from the inside edge.  These marks will be the contour lines.  Measure the
horizontal distance from the outer skirt fixing to each of these contours.
These contours now have to be plotted on a scale horizontal plan of the craft. Each
contour line should be drawn its respective distance from the outer fixing. The
method to calculate a rear corner by drawing lines along every side. To design a
piece of material from AA' to BB', draw a 'line (xy) midway between AA' and BB'
at right angles to the body.  On a piece of skirt material, put a line XY and draw
contour lines at right angles to it and at 100 mm intervals. Measure the distance
between the AA' line and the xy line along each of the contours and transfer the
For example, the distance between xy and AA' along the 900 contour is 300 mm,
therefore put a mark 300 mm from XY on the 900 contour and repeat this for the xy
to BB' distances.  When this has been done for each contour line, link the marks and
you will have the shape for the panel.  When cutting out the panel, allow a 20 mm
margin to allow for sewing and gluing.  To make up the skirt, pin the two adjacent
panels together along the sewing line and sew several times for strength.
Calculating the bow.
The same techniques can be applied for the bow as that used for the other skirt
sections. This is done by taking 100 mm contour points around the bow section and
plotting these on a scale horizontal plan of the craft together with the side contours.
The Template method.
Cut out a number of full-size templates of the required size from stiff cardboard or
plywood.  Turn the craft hull up - side down and affix the templates in position. 
Place the skirt material over the templates so that it adopts the proposed shape of the
skirt.  Where pieces of the skirt meet at the joint, they may be joined together with
pins and subsequently sewn together as described in the mathematical method.  
Or try to make a mock up from your finally skirt shape in foam - mark all different
angles ( attachment panel to panel  )  and copy to cardboard. Lay cardboard on skirt
material and transfer shape - allow again at least 20 mm for sewing and gluing
panels together. Check shape on your foam mock up and continue.

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