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Moshiur Rahman

28-30 RK Mission Road Dhaka, (8H,Rana Digonto)

Cell: 01711240542


To be an Art Director, Cinematographer, Film Director.

Education Information

Bachelor of Arts Graphic Design & Multimedia

Shanto-Marium UInivesity of Creative Technology

2001 Dhaka Imperial College, 2Nd Division

1999 MotiJheel Govt. Boys’ High School, 1st Division

Computer Skill


• Adobe Illustrator
• Adobe Photoshop
• Spin Panorama
• Adobe Premiere
• Adobe after Effect
• Elastic Reality
• 3D Max
• Sound Forge.
• Macromedia Director

Extra Activities

Photography, Event Management, Interior Designing, Illustration, Packaging, Model

Making, Screen Print, Mono Print, Dry point, Mask Making, Typography.

Training and Achievements

4 times winner for Reading Quran Competition in School

4 times winner for Hamd-Nath Competition in School
Athletics Champion in School 1995
Finished Film Appreciation Course from Bangladesh film Institute (BFI)
Work Experience

Actively involved in the creation of six documentaries (as a Director, Assistant director,
Editor, art director) for academic purpose.

Worked for Batch 3 (A group of designers who served corporate and individuals as a
team) as a Designer

Worked for JPR Events as an Service Ambassador

Worked for Be magazine as a designer and as a photographer.

Working for Frame Events as a Creative Director

Working for frame boutique as a chief coordinator


Singing, Photography, Sports, Traveling, Listening Music, Watching Movies,

Additional Information

Father’s Name : Mujibur Rahman.

Mother’s Name : Layla Rahman.
Date of Birth : December07, 1984
Place of Birth : Dhaka
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Marital Status : Single
Blood Group : B (+eve)
Permanent Address : 28-30 RK Mission Road Dhaka, (Rana Digonto 8H)


A.K Tanin
Ex Acting Head of the department
Graphic Design and Multimedia
Shanto-mariam University of Creative technology
Cell- 01711158955

Moshiur Rahman

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