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Five priorities for India’s finance minister

Every person has their own priorities, so if v relate this thing with a county than each and every
country has their own priorities. There is a possibility that the priorities which India has the same
priorities Japan would not here my topic for ppt is Five priorities for India’s finance
minister. According to me these are the 5 priorities of Indian finance minister:

1. To control the inflation and bring it down to single digit.

2. To bring down fiscal deficit below 5%.
3. To achieve GDP 8.5% this year 2010-11 and sustain it further for coming years.
4. To maintain the tempo of foreign direct investment i.e. FDI in various sectors.
5. To fight against the terrorism through cooperation and peace process.

Inflation... in simple words it means increase in price of goods and services in economy. Current
inflation rate is around 13.91%. As the price of goods and services are keep on increasing in inflation
person will not able to purchase the commodities as much that previously he could.

Fiscal deficit means the total expenditure exceeds the revenue earned. Current fiscal deficit is
around 5.7% and govt. expecting to fall down to around 4.8%.

GDP it means total market value of the all goods and services produced in the country in a year.
Current GDP growth rate is around 7.4%.

Consistent economic growth, de-regulation, liberal investment rules, and operational flexibility are
all the factors that help increase the inflow of Foreign Direct Investment or FDI. E.g. like in India in
hotel and tourism sector 49% FDI is permissible, 26% in insurance sector, 100% in power sector.

Today in India the major terrorist activities are in J & k, Mumbai, central india. Except india other
countries also have the terrorism, so to fight against the terrorism each and every country be to
gather and work on the terrorism.

So here I conclude that there can be other priorities but these are the major priorities.  

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