Assignment Deadline: 29 Oct 2010

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Program : MBA (Tech), 3rd Year, Trim VIII

Subject : Information Systems for Management (ISM)

Instrument of Evaluation : Assignment Report
Marks : 10 Marks
Assignment: Information Systems Analysis for different Industry segments
Assignment Deadline : 29th Oct 2010
Guidelines for Preparing Assignment Report:
1) This is an individual and not a group assignment. However, the ten industry segments have
been sub-divided as per the Roll Nos. of the groups as well as classification of information
systems (functional/enterprise applications).
2) Each student within the group must study any large (preferably public-limited) company, in
India or in other part of the world and analyze the type of information system used within the
respective department (for all the levels in the organisation) or across the organisation.
3) The students within a particular industry segment can choose to analyze one organisation in
detail or analyze a group of companies.
4) The student must mention the details of the software vendor and technical details with
respect to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) architecture.
5) The Assignment Report should be provided in printed hard copy format as well as soft copy
of the report also needs to be submitted to your C.R. Soft copies can be in .doc/.docx/pdf
6) Report format :
a. Your Name, Roll No, Course and Specialization on the Cover Page
b. A Table of Contents page
c. Your Analysis - Between 1000 – 1500 words
d. Conclusion and Findings
e. Appendix - which will have all the charts, tables, graphs you have mentioned
f. References – whatever information you have provided (including Appendix), the
source of the information must be provided. For References, use the APA format

7) The total word count of the Assignment Report should be around 2000 words.

8) The Assignment Report should be in Font - Times New Roman, Font Size - 12, Line Spacing
- 1.15 and Text Alignment – Justified.
9) In case for whatsoever reason the student is unable to submit the report hard copy and soft
copy to the C.R. by the due date, the student looses 5 marks against ‘Late submission’.

10) The report is subject to plagiarism detection and the permissible limit is upto 15 %.

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