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October 25, 2010

9 a.m. Registration & Breakfast

9:30 a.m. Welcome & Opening Keynote: Context & Biblical Principals for
Intentional Ministry in Alabama
Dr. Wayne Flynt

10:30 a.m. Relationships and Organizing a Community: How to gather community

members to work towards a common goal
Rev. R.G. Lyons, Church Without Walls

11:15 a.m. Connections to community partner tables

11:30 a.m. Lunch

12:30 p.m. How Simple Ministries Transform Relationships

Jim Branum, Associate Director for Volunteer Mobilization, The Center at
Central Park, Birmingham Baptist Association

1:00 p.m. Round Table Discussions

Homeless Ministries
Rev. Emily Penfield, Highlands United Methodist Church
Rural Ministries
Leslie Manning, Sawyerville Work Project & Episcopal Diocese of Ala.

1:45 p.m. Connections to community partner tables

2:00 p.m. Round Table Discussions

Home Repair Ministries
Lisa Pierce, Alabama Rural Ministry
Education Ministries
Beverly Sansom, Literacy Mission Director, M-Power Ministries

2:45 p.m. Reflection: What is Good?

Ron Pate, Shades Valley Community Church

3:30 p.m. Safe Travels!

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