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An exciting trip in a Wildlife refuge located near the coast that is habitat to more
than 35 species of mammals. Easily seen are groups of Howler Monkeys and
White-faced monkeys and with luck you might see manatee, ant eaters,
crocodiles and other animals. This area is filled with channels and lagoons
surrounded by coastal mangroves. Also found in the refuge are 198 species of
birds such as: osprey, kingfishers, herons, egrets, storks, parrots and toucans.
We get in and out using a little train through farmlands.

Howler monkey Mangrove Forest

Hour Departure: 7:00 am

Minimum Pax: 2 persons
Service Includes: 1st Aid Kit, Bilingual Guide, Entrance fee to Park, little
train, motor boat.
Transportation: La Ceiba – The refuge - La Ceiba
Lunch: Sandwich, fruits, ice tea, purified water, cookies.

 tennis shoes or sandals.
 Rain gear
Colonia El Toronjal 2. De “Pollitos la Cumbre” 2da calle a la derecha hacia el gimnasio, Casa
verde al fondo de la calle. Tel. (504) 441 3279(ofi.) Cel. (504) 9699-9300 (24hrs)
óPO Box 890óLa Ceiba , Atlantida, Honduras C.A.
Email: ó
 Sun glasses
 Light tropical clothing
 Insect repellent and sunscreen
 Cameras and films protected with dry bags or pelican case.
 Hat for sun
 Personal snacks
 Day Back pack.
 Canteen or water bottle to refill water.
 Binoculars

Colonia El Toronjal 2. De “Pollitos la Cumbre” 2da calle a la derecha hacia el gimnasio, Casa
verde al fondo de la calle. Tel. (504) 441 3279(ofi.) Cel. (504) 9699-9300 (24hrs)
óPO Box 890óLa Ceiba , Atlantida, Honduras C.A.
Email: ó
Colonia El Toronjal 2. De “Pollitos la Cumbre” 2da calle a la derecha hacia el gimnasio, Casa
verde al fondo de la calle. Tel. (504) 441 3279(ofi.) Cel. (504) 9699-9300 (24hrs)
óPO Box 890óLa Ceiba , Atlantida, Honduras C.A.
Email: ó

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