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Organisation culture and climate

• Every organisation has certain commonly

perceived psychological characterstics or traits
which are collectively called its climate or
• Culture can be defined as thre cumulative
beliefs, values and assumptions underlying
our transactions with nature and various imp
Components of org culture
• Individual autonomy- the degree to which
employees are free to manage themselves.
• Position structur- the extent of
formalisaition,centralisation and direct
• Reward orientation- the extent to which
rewards are related to performance and
reuired system of behaviour in the org
• Consideration- the extent to which pep;e in the
orf offer socio-emotional support to each other
and work as a team.whther supervision is
production oriented or people oriented
• Conflict- the extent of deffernce present
between individuals and departments and the
way in which they resolved.
• Growth and development- the scopr for self dev
and growth in th org
• Risk taking-the degree of freedom to
experiment with new ideas, take risks and
commit honest mistakes without fear of
• Control- the extent to which people are
formally controlled. Whether the org is rule

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