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October 14th, 2010

To Whom it May Concern;

On the afternoon of Wednesday, October 27th, the University of Montreal will be holding a number of
Science Lectures geared towards CEGEP level Science students. These lectures are being given as part
of a project between the University of Montreal, Vanier College, CEGEP Bois-de-Bologne and CEGEP
Lionel Groulx and are intended to promote interest in further study in the sciences.

While the application of any attendance policies you may have is entirely your own prerogative, I
would like to ask you to allow any interested science students in your classes to miss class on the
afternoon of October 27th in order to attend this event.

A bus will be leaving Vanier College for the event at 1:20pm. Please note that students participating in
the event will be given a letter on the bus confirming that they have indeed attended. You can ask to
see this letter following the event to be sure that any absences were justified.

Thank you for your understanding,

Don Hetherington

Dean of the Faculty of Science and General Studies

Vanier College.

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