Cleave Land Fed Cmo

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September 1,1995

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Derivative Mechanics: The CMO

by Joseph G. Haubrich

Lhe current interest in financial deriva- • Mortgage-Backed Securities

tives sometimes appears to be driven by The story begins as ordinary mortgages
Collateralized mortgage obligations
the same tastes that support police and become securitized, or bundled into a
(CMOs), first introduced in 1983, are
doctor dramas on television: many pool and then sold. It's a bit ironic that
a form of financial derivative created
crashes and a lot of blood. Though unde- some of the most sophisticated financial
to provide more stability and pre-
niably exciting, such shows do not teach derivatives ultimately depend on a very
dictability for those investing in mort-
you how to drive safely or how to ad- common, even mundane, instrument —
gage assets. Although some investors
minister first aid. Likewise, a concentra- the homeowner's mortgage. These mort-
have profited handsomely from
tion on the blowups of financial deriva- gages provide the underlying collateral
CMOs, others have lost millions of
tives slights the more basic information backing up the security.
dollars. This article describes how
needed for policy decisions or corporate
CMOs work, looking at both their
risk management. The first type of mortgage-backed secu- advantages and disadvantages, and
rity, still quite common, is the "pass- explains how even savvy, seasoned
This Economic Commentary looks under through." Investors get a pro rata share market participants have gotten into
the hood of one particularly important of payments — some fraction of the trouble by investing in these interest-
type of financial derivative, the Collater- monthly mortgage payments made by rate-sensitive financial instruments.
alized Mortgage Obligation, or CMO the myriad homeowners in the pool.
(sometimes known as a REMIC, or Real Since each monthly payment includes
Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit1). both principal and interest, investors get
CMOs have prominence both because of a mixture of those elements "passed
their wide use ($650 billion in 1994) and through" from the homeowners. This
because of their role in a series of major presents a problem in that the security is paid off, then to the second tranche
financial setbacks. Wall Street profes- has a very long maturity — it takes until it is paid off, and so forth. This
sionals, including the investment bank of years until the last homeowner com- breaks the security into several shorter
Kidder Peabody and mortgage guru Lew pletely pays off the last mortgage and bonds (see figure 1). For example, an
Ranieri's Hyperion Capital Management, returns the full value of the principal. investor holding $ 10 million of a $ 100
lost money investing in CMOs. So did Since homeowners have the option to million pass-through would not get all of
small towns and counties (some as close pre-pay their mortgages, pass-throughs his principal back until every mortgage
to home as Sandusky County and Jack- also face the risk that payments may had been paid off. The holder of a $10
son, Ohio), colleges, and even an Indian arrive on a different schedule than million first tranche, by contrast, would
reservation.2 To understand what went investors initially expected. get his principal back from the first $10
wrong, it is necessary to understand how million paid. This structure makes
CMOs work. This, too, has its own re- In the summer of 1983, market partici- CMOs derivatives: Their value depends
wards, at least for those whose taste runs pants developed the CMO to solve these on, or derives from, the value of the
more toward the dazzle of gleaming ma- problems. CMOs break the mortgage- underlying mortgage pool.3
chinery and the challenge of complexity. backed security into a series of bonds
known as "tranches" (French for trench).
Each tranche gets its share of interest
payments, but the principal is repaid
sequentially. That is, principal payments
go exclusively to the first tranche until it

ISSN 0428-1276
The standard CMO still exhibits two
types of risk. Interest-rate risk exists
because market rates can change, mak-
ing the present value of the payment
Pool j Principal CMO Servicer
stream worth different amounts. Pre-
payment risk still exists, and it continues
to make the maturity of the bond uncer-
tain. For example, as interest rates fall,
more people pre-pay their mortgages, so
each tranche has a shorter maturity. As
li I I 2 3
interest rates rise, fewer people pre-pay
their mortgages, so each tranche has a Tranche (investors)
longer maturity.

Why do people care about pre-payment SOURCE: Frank J. Fabozzi, ed., The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities (footnote 3).
risk? On the simplest level, slow pre-
payments mean that the investor does
not get his money back as quickly, and
interest rates in a manner unlike the orig- from the serial paydown pattern of the
the value of the bond declines. When
inal, so it may be less useful for hedging tranches, so that other tranches may
interest rates rise, even ordinary bonds
liabilities or fitting into their portfolio. receive principal payments at the same
drop in price as the present discounted
value of their payments falls. CMO time as the PAC. In effect, the PAC has
• Fancy CMOs priority over the other tranches through
tranches take another hit, because now
To mitigate these risks, market partici- having first claim on the money available.
their payments also come later as pre-
pants created a new type of tranche— For example, if PAC investors are sched-
payment rates fall. Market participants
the accrual bond, or Z-bond. This bond uled to receive $1 million each month and
refer to this as extension risk.
gets neither principal nor interest until the underlying mortgages produce $2
all previous tranches are paid off. The million, then $1 million can go to the
Extension risk has two additional down- interest due accrues, and like a zero- "companion" tranche. If pre-payments
sides. One is that it subjects investors to coupon bond, it initially makes no inter- fall so that the mortgages generate only
reinvestment risk. Normally, investors est payment. The Z-bond acts as a stabi- $1.25 million, the companion tranche gets
holding a bond want interest rates to drop lizing influence on the other tranches. only $250,000. If pre-payments fall even
because it gives them a capital gain: The The interest that would otherwise go to more so that the mortgages generate only
present discounted value of the cash the Z-bond tranche (recall that standard $800,000, even the PAC winds up short,
stream is worth more. Bond prices rise as CMOs pay interest to all tranches) although it receives the entire $800,000.
interest rates fall. But the pre-payment instead goes to the other tranches and
effect makes CMOs work somewhat dif- counts as a principal payment. This con-
ferently. When interest rates rise, the How, then, does a PAC provide protection
stant flow of payments has a steadying
CMO extends at exactly the wrong time, against both high and low pre-payment?
effect, offsetting some of the variability
that is, when interest rates are high and The issuer calculates the available cash
from pre-payment. As pre-payments
investors would like to reinvest at the flows in the protected range (known as
rise, the tranches pay off ahead of sched-
higher rate. When rates fall, the CMO the collar) and restricts PAC payments to
ule and the Z-bond starts making pay-
tranche pays off quickly, again at the that spread. Thus, to continue the above
ments earlier than originally anticipated.
wrong time. The investor receives more example, the 50 to 350 percent PSA
Because it is the last tranche, however,
principal today, when interest rates are range may have allowed for payments of
pre-payment fluctuations often average
down, and so must trade the high interest between $800,000 and $4 million for the
out by the time the Z-bond comes due.
on the original CMO for lower interest month in question, so the planned pay-
on something else. This reinvestment ment should fall within that range.4
Some investors wanted even more cer-
risk offsets, and may dominate, the capi-
tainty about their bonds, so the market It is important to note that although
tal gain or loss stemming from a change
responded with PACS and TACS: PACS are fairly safe bonds, the process
in interest rates.
Planned Amortization Classes and Tar- of creating them necessarily shoves
geted Amortization Classes, two fancier more risk into the other tranches. Com-
Furthermore, the extended (or shortened) tranches. PACs provide principal pay- panion bonds, which receive payments
bond now has a new, different sensitivity ments according to a pre-specified sched- only after the PAC schedule is met, are
to risk, with a five-year bond behaving ule. They stick to this schedule as long as particularly risky.
differently from a two-year or 10-year pre-payments stay in some broad range
bond. With a change in pre-payments, (for example, 50 to 350 percent PSA [see
investors now hold a bond that reacts to box]). Furthermore, the PAC is exempt
TACs offer a similar sort of protection, $11 million, for a 10 percent overcapital- (Of course, the reverse is also true: A
but only against pre-payments rising. ization rate. This means that investors 2 percent drop in LIBOR sends the rate
The TAC has priority over other will get their money even if some home- down 4 percent.) With an inverse floater,
tranches and hence can keep to its sched- owners default. What happens to this an increase in the index decreases the
ule if pre-payments increase. If they extra collateral if people do not default? rate on the bond. And, yes, you can have
drop off, however, the TAC has no pro- Known as equity in the CMO, or the a super inverse floater.
tection. It is effectively a PAC with one residual, it too can be bought and sold.
side of the collar at the expected pre- Per usual in the mortgage-backed mar- Z-bonds have also gotten more compli-
payment rate, that is, 100 to 350 percent ket, variations have developed, and it is cated. One innovation is the jump Z.
or 125 to 350 percent. now possible to invest in bullish, bear- That's where a Z tranche can jump to the
ish, humped, stable, De Minimus, and head of the tranche line. For example,
CMOs entail a second type of risk — smile residuals. the Z tranche is last in line unless inter-
default risk — because some people will est rates rise above 10 percent, at which
not (or cannot) make their mortgage • Exotic CMOs point it moves up and becomes the
payments. To compensate, issuers over- Once market participants got the idea of tranche getting the principal payments.
collateralize CMOs. For instance, a splitting up the cash flows from a pool of We have a sticky jump Z if the Z stays in
CMO with a face value of $10 million mortgages, there was no stopping them. that position. We have a non-sticky jump
may have mortgages backing it worth One innovation quickly spawned others, Z if the Z moves back to the end of the
just as PACs and TACs spawned the com- line when interest rates fall below 10
panion classes that made them possible. percent. And the market has adopted
even more complicated Z-bonds, such as
The market created IOs, or interest-only the toggle Z.
Market participants measure pre- bonds, in which investors get interest
payment speed as a percentage of payments as long as the underlying Exotic CMO constructs can make it eas-
PSA, the Public Securities Associa- tranche gets principal payments. POs are ier for the unwary to get into trouble. As
tion pre-payment model. The model the inverse, paying principal only. with any interest-rate-sensitive financial
assumes that pre-payments start at instrument, if an investor does not prop-
zero at the beginning of the mortgage Fancier still are the floaters, bonds erly hedge, changes in interest rates will
and rise linearly to 6 percent at 30 whose coupon (interest payment) is imply big changes in asset value. Exotics
months (see figure 2), where they linked to some interest-rate index, such only make these changes happen faster.
remain constant until the end, at 360 as LIBOR or the 1 lth District Cost of Thus, when interest rates fall, interest
months. 150 percent PSA means that Funds.5 A standard floater may be received by superfloaters falls even
pre-payments rise to 9 percent at 30 quoted at something like LIBOR+1, more, and their value (and correspond-
months (150 percent of 6 percent = 9 meaning that the interest payment is 12 ing resale price) drops. In the past, some
percent), remaining constant there- percent if LIBOR is 11 percent, and so investors consciously took an exposed
after, and 50 percent PSA means that forth. A superfloater responds to the position, knowing the consequences if
pre-payments rise to 3 percent at 30 index with a multiple greater than one. their interest-rate predictions proved
months, remaining constant there- Thus, when the LIBOR rate moves from wrong. Others did not realize how fast or
after. Some investors have developed 10 percent to 11 percent to 12 percent, how far CMO prices could change. Still
their own, more complicated models. the interest rate on the bond moves from others failed to account for the compli-
10 percent to 12 percent to 14 percent. cated effects of pre-payment risk. Of
course, guessing wrong and not under-
standing your investment are two classic
FIGURE 2 PSA PREPAYMENT MODEL ways to lose money.
Principal, percent
• Conclusion
7 - This brief overview perhaps paints the
CMO market as one vast poker game, so
1 1 it is particularly important to point out
5 1 the social benefits of CMOs. Mortgage-
4 - / 1 backed securities, by bringing investors
3 / 1 into the mortgage market, reduce hous-
1 ing costs for all mortgage holders. The

1 1
major innovations in the market have
allowed investors to reduce their risk,
1 1 1 1
° 30 60 Months decreasing the chance of bankruptcy and
further lowering costs to homeowners.
SOURCE: Author's calculations.
Initially, investors who wished to buy The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securi- 5. LIBOR is the London Interbank Offered
mortgage-backed securities faced a vari- ties, 3d ed., Chicago: Probus Publishing Co., Rate, or the rate that large international banks
ety of problems. A pure pass-through 1992, pp. 155-96. charge each other for short-term loans. The
1 lth District Cost of Funds is an index pro-
security had a longer maturity than many
2. For interesting journalistic accounts of duced by the 1 lth Federal Home Loan Bank
investors liked. All mortgage-backed District. Adjustable-rate mortgages are often
these episodes, along with some additional
securities entailed not only interest-rate information on the mortgage-backed securi- tied to this index.
risk and default risk, but pre-payment ties market, see Michael Carroll and Alyssa
risk as well. A sequence of ingenious A. Lappen, "Mortgage-Backed Mayhem,"
innovations helped investors both pro- Institutional Investor, vol. 28, no. 7 (July
1994), pp. 81-96. See also Lillian Chew,
tect against and speculate in these risks.
"Backing Down," Risk, vol. 8, no. 1 (January Joseph G. Haubrich is a consultant and
1995), pp. 20-25.
economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Readers need not plan on adding sticky
3. This article makes no attempt to offer Cleveland. The author thanks Sandy Sterk
jump Zs to their portfolio, but looking
investment advice. For more details on the for research assistance.
under the hood of CMOs may help
CMO market and bonds, consult Frank J. The views stated herein are those of the
investors understand—and later avoid— Fabozzi, ed., The Handbook of Mortgage- author and not necessarily those of the Fed-
financial crashes. Backed Securities, 3d ed., Chicago: Probus
eral Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Publishing Co., 1992.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
• Footnotes
4. For other months, the payments will dif- System.
1. A provision of the Tax Reform Act of 1986
created REMICs. The provision changed the fer. For high pre-payment rates, a lot of
tax liability of particular types of CMOs money will be available early on, then less in
issued by private firms, as opposed to those later months when most people have already
issued by public agencies such as the Govern- paid off their mortgages. The reverse is true
ment National Mortgage Association, or Gin- for low pre-payment rates.
nie Mae. For more details, see Robert Gerber,
"Adjustable-Rate Mortgages: Products, Mar-
kets, and Valuation," in Frank J. Fabozzi, ed.,

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