Changing To Windows 7

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Changing to Windows 7

There are a number of changes from XP to Windows 7, and these are designed to your machine easier to operate.
Most of them are pretty easy to figure out; however I’ll outline of the features below, please don’t hesitate to see me if
you have problems.

1. The Search Function (right). This now allows you to find and activate
anything, from starting a program to finding files to opening
documents. For example, type in Musac (highlighted yellow) as
shown, then click on the icon to open the program (highlighted red)

2. The Task bar (below). Here is a quick summary of the changes to the
Windows 7 Taskbar:
(i) Show Desktop button moved to right side of Taskbar. This is VERY
useful for programs like Musac which can be difficult to minimise
(circled in red)
(ii) Notification Area simplified
(iii) Programs can be pinned to Taskbar
(iv) Taskbar Buttons are larger and descriptive text
removed (this can be changed
(v) Highlighted Taskbar Buttons denote open windows
(vi)Hovering over highlighted Taskbar Button shows thumbnails of
open windows
(vii)Taskbar Buttons now show progress when copying files,

3. Connecting to a projector is VERY EASY! Connect your projector, hold down the ‘windows’ key (next to the alt
key) and press ‘p’. In short, hit windows + p. You will get these options:

4 Launching a program quickly. This is easy. Unlike a desktop shortcut where you have to Double-Click to
launch a program, programs pinned to the Taskbar can be clicked once to launch them

Richard Knuckey – HOD e-Learning
5. The Jump List (shown right in the blue circle)
This is a start menu list off recently accessed files for that particular program

6. Pinning and Unpinning Programs There are four ways to pin a program to the
i) Drag and Drop the program shortcut onto the Taskbar
ii) Right-Click on any program shortcut, whether on the desktop or in the start menu, and
select Pin to Taskbar
iii) Drag and Drop the program file (.exe file types) from Windows Explorer to the Taskbar

iv) Right-Click the program file (.exe file types) in Windows Explorer and select Pin to

To unpin a program from the Taskbar open the Jump List and select 'Unpin” from the right end of the file

Richard Knuckey – HOD e-Learning

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