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Ambo sekeluarga,
Merestuinya demi
kecemerlangan SATU
terdapat kesalahan, ianya disengajakan.
Ciptaan asal bahan dalam Journal Power
Measure and record the perimeter
a square
4 cm Graduation

4 cm 4 cm

4 cm
The perimeter of a two-
dimensional shape is equal to the
sum of the length of its sides

All sides of a square are equal. In

the square shown, its length is
4 cm. Its breadth is also 4 cm.
Measure and record the perimeter
a square, rectangle and triangle
W 4 cm X

1.Perimeter is the addition of the
measurements around a shape.
2. To calculate the perimeter of
a shape, the measurement of
each side is added together.
EXAMPLE : Solution A
Perimeter = 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm
+ 4 cm = 16 cm
Solution B 4 cm
x 4
16 cm
Measure and record the perimeter
a square, rectangle and triangle
W 8 cm X
4 cm

1.Perimeter is the addition of the
measurements around a shape.
2. To calculate the perimeter of
a shape, the measurement of
each side is added together.
EXAMPLE : Solution A
Perimeter 4 cm + 4 cm = 8 cm
= 8 cm + 8 cm = 16 cm
24 cm
Solution B 4 cm 8 cm
x 2 x 2
8 cm + 16 cm = 24 cm
1. Find the perimeter of the shape
2. Find the perimeter of the figure.
3. What is the perimeter of the shape?
4. Determine the perimeter of the
A. 5 cm B.
5 cm 6 cm
x 4 x 4
20 cm 24 cm

6 cm

C. D.
7 cm 8 cm
7 cm x 4 8 cm
x 4
28 cm 32 cm

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