Wii Soft Mod Ding For Dummies v41

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This guide will teach you how to setup your Wii for playing home burned and copied games.
It is only intended for:

1. Homebrew (home made) games

2. Playing backups of the games you own in order to preserve the quality of your media.

Is it legal
To my knowledge, modifying your console to play Homebrew is legal, but will void your warranty.

Here is what I found on this site http://www.psp-homebrew.eu/faq/

“It's really a slightly grey area as to whether the production of homebrew software is completely
legal in all countries. Some countries have strict laws on reverse engineering, and bypass of
software protection schemes, that could in theory be considered to outlaw the production of
unofficial software. I am not a lawyer, if in doubt you should consult a qualified legal
professional for your particular jurisdiction. The developers of the unofficial […] homebrew
development kit have taken great pains to maintain as much legality as possible, including a
refusal to taint the development tools with information obtained from restricted materials or
sources. “
http://www.wiiguide.co.cc .............................................................................................................. 1
Disclaimer....................................................................................................................................... 2
Is it legal ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1- Intro ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2- What’s needed ......................................................................................................................... 4
3- Turn off WiiConnect24........................................................................................................... 4
4- Determine you firmware version ............................................................................................ 7
5- Prepare your SD card ............................................................................................................. 9
6- Softmodding using BannerBomb ......................................................................................... 10
7- Downgrading your Wii (for firmware 4.0 & above) Skip to step 8 if you have an old
firmware (below 4.0) .................................................................................................................... 12
8- Install Channels .................................................................................................................... 15
9- Load WII backups................................................................................................................. 18
10- Load GameCube backups ................................................................................................. 19
11- Load Homebrew applications (home-made applications) ............................................... 20
12- SD/USB Loader ................................................................................................................. 22
13- Burn Games....................................................................................................................... 24
14- Install / Remove / Upgrade a channel .............................................................................. 25
15- Contact............................................................................................................................... 26
16- References ......................................................................................................................... 26
1- Intro

This tutorial is based on stuff I picked here and there from Internet. Files, images, everything was made
by other than me. If you like this tutorial, don’t thank me, thank Google and those who really did this

Turn off WiiConnect24 and never update your Wii anymore. The main purposes of Wii Updates are to
prevent hacking so I believe you’re not interested. Internet channel will still work.

2- What’s needed

a. Wii

b. Wii remote

c. SD card

3- Turn off WiiConnect24

Before softmodding your Wii it would be a good idea to turn off your WiiConnect24. It will prevent
Nintendo from sending you updates and blocking your softmod. If you leave the Internet settings, you
will still be able to browse with your Internet Channel.

a. open the 'Wii Options' Menu ('Wii' round button on the lower left corner)

b. Click 'Wii Settings'

c. Move to the second page

d. Click on WiiConnect24
e. Click on WiiConnect24

f. Turn it off
4- Determine you firmware version

a. On your wii

b. open the 'Wii Options' Menu ('Wii' round button on the lower left corner)

c. Click 'Wii Settings'

d. Look on the upper right corner for your version. In this example, the version is 3.1U

e. Write your firmware version here:___________________________________

5- Prepare your SD card

a. Extract the BackupLoaderInstaller.zip file if it’s not already done. You should now see a
folder named ‘data’ and a file named ‘install.bat’.

b. Double click on the install.bat

c. Refer to step 4 to determine if you have an old or new firmware.

Type ‘O’ for old and ‘N’ for new
Do you have an OLD [O] or a NEW [N] Wii firmware?
OLD: Wii firmware version is below 4.0
NEW: Wii firmware version is 4.0 or more
Type 'O' for OLD firmware and 'N' for NEW firmware? [O/N]

d. Check where your SD card is mounted.

If it’s mounted as drive E:, write ‘E’ (no quote and no colon)
Enter the drive letter of your SD Card:

e. If your SD card is already FAT16 formatted, you can say no (type ‘N’). If you don’t know or if
your SD card is FAT32 (or any other file system), say Yes (type ‘Y’). Caution: if you say YES,
your card will be formatted and all your data will be lost.
Do you need to FAT16 format your sd card? [Y/N]

f. Necessary files will be copied. That’s it, your SD card is ready

6- Softmodding using BannerBomb

a. Open the 'Wii Options' Menu ('Wii' round button on the lower left corner)

b. Select Data Management

c. Select Channels

d. Click on SD Card (Top Right on your screen).

e. A popup will show immediately asking you to load boot.dol.
Click Yes

f. Refer to step 4 to determine your firmware version.

• Old firmware (below 4.0): Wad Batch Installer will be launched.

Jump to step 8

• New firmware (4.0 and above): LoadMII will be launched.

Go to step 7 to downgrade your Wii (mandatory).
7- Downgrading your Wii (for firmware 4.0 & above)
Skip to step 8 if you have an old firmware (below 4.0)

a. LoadMII will be launched

b. Press A to load from SD card

c. With the down arrow, go to DowngradeIOS35.dol and press A

d. When loaded, select "Downgrade IOS35 (run first)" and press A
Note, you need an active Internet connection for this update. No need to active
WiiConnect24. Leave it off.

e. When the upgrade finishes, go down to the Exit menu and press A

f. You will be back to LoadMII

g. Go down to WADBatchInstaller.dol and press A

h. Go to step 8
8- Install Channels

a. The installer will check if IOS16 and CIOS249 are already installed. If not, it will ask you to
install it. Press A to launch the installation.

e. Press A to batch install all the included channels:

 IOS35 (firmware 4.0 only)

 Homebrew Channel
 Wii Backup Launcher
 GameCube Backup Launcher
 DVD Dumper

f. The WII will reboot itself at the end of the installation.

g. Click on your new Homebrew Channel

h. Press Start

i. Click on cIOS36 Installer and select Load

j. Press A to agree

k. Verify the installation mode is set to < WAD installation >. If not, press left or right to
change mode.

l. Press A to start installation.

m. Wait until the end of the installation

n. Press A to restart the Wii

o. Click on the Homebrew Channel

p. Press Start

q. Click on cMIOS Installer and select Load

r. Press A to agree

s. Verify the installation mode is set to < WAD installation >. If not, press left or right to
change mode.

t. Press A to start installation.

u. Wait until the end of the installation

v. Press A to restart the Wii

w. That’s it.
9- Load WII backups

a. Insert a WII copied game into your wii

b. Start the Wii backup launcher channel

c. Click on Start
10- Load GameCube backups

a. Insert a GameCube copied game into your Wii

b. Start the GameCube backup launcher channel

c. Click on Start

d. With the GameCube remote, press on ‘A’

11- Load Homebrew applications (home-made applications)

Homebrew are home-made free applications. The Homebrew browser is like the Wii Shop Channel, but
filled with a huge selection of free applications. When you select one, it is automatically downloaded
and installed to your SD Card. Your Wii has to be connected to Internet like with the Wii Shop Channel.

a. Make sure your internet connection is properly configured but leave WiiConnect24 turned
off as always

b. Make sure your SD card is inserted into your Wii

c. Start Homebrew channel

d. Select Homebrew Browser

e. Browse the available applications. If you run the application for the first time, you may not
see all the icons as they will downloading in background.
f. Press the A button over an application

g. Click on download to get the application. If you already have it, you can delete it by pressing
the delete button

h. Wait until the end of the download

i. Wait until the application is extracted and installed on your SD Card

j. The downloaded application will appear in the Homebrew Channel

12- SD/USB Loader

SD/USB loader is the fastest way to backup your games to your SD card, jump drive or external hard
drive. It is also possible to play them directly from the drive. No need to burn them even though you
can later on.

a. Click on your SD USB loader and press Start

b. Select your external device with the right and left arrow. In this example, the USB Mass
Storage Device is selected (external HDD). Press A to load.

c. If your drive has no WBFS partition yet (if you run it for the first time), the tool will ask you
to select which partition on your drive should be formatted to WBFS.
*******Everything will be erased on this partition. *******

d. To copy a game, put it in the DVD drive and press the little ‘+’ button on your remote.

e. Press A to confirm

f. At the end, press A to return to the game listing

g. To load a game, select it with the up and down arrow then press A

h. Press A to confirm

i. To manage your WBFS partition from your computer, download WBFS Manager from here:
13- Burn Games

It is always a good idea to remove updates from your games before using them.
Updates may affect Homebrew Channel and/or Backup Launcher Channel.

a. Open the included WiiBrickBlocker application.

b. Click on the Browse button and pick your game (iso file)

c. Click on the ‘Patch’ button and wait until it’s finished. Your iso file will be patched. No copy
or backup will be created (it’s not necessary).

d. Open your favorite burning tool (I prefer Nero Express)

e. Burn DVD from existing image file and select your iso file. In my example it would be wiimusic.iso.
14- Install / Remove / Upgrade a channel

I always suggest to delete the channel before updating it. Always keep the wad file of each and every
channel you install because you need this file to delete the channel. This AIO kit contains old wad files in
the ‘Obsolete_Channels’ folder. To copy them to your SD card, run install.bat and say ‘Y’ when you are
asked if you want to copy obsolete files.

a. Click on your new Homebrew Channel

b. Press Start

c. Click on Wad Manager and select Load

d. Select IOS249 with the right and left arrow and press A to confirm

e. Press A to load from SD card and display available wad files

f. Move the cursor beside the wad you wish and Press A
g. Select “Install” or “Uninstall” with the right and left arrow and press A

h. Wait and DON’T shut down your Wii. Just wait.

i. To exit, press on the Home button of your Wii remote (the blue house).

15- Contact

You can discuss or get help through one of these forum threads

• Wiinewz

• MaxConsole

16- References







and Google

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