Research 1.5

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Nearly one third of male and female detainees are36 years and over. There was little difference in
the sexes of detainees with male and female offenders almost the same.




Non-crime generated income:

- Êelfare/government benefit was the main non-crime generated income

Crime generated income:

- Drug dealing/other drug related crimes

- Shoplifting
- Both the main crime generated incomes


Ôalf of adult male (50%) and approximately half of adult female (48%) had been arrested in the 12
months prior to their current arrest.


- homicide and related offences (murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, infanticide and
driving causing death);
- assault;
- sexual assault;
- robbery;
- unlawful entry with intent;
- motor vehicle theft;
- other theft; and
- fraud and deception-related crime.

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