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Rachel Finnie

Name: ............................................
Test Booklet
Class: .............................................
Test 1 (Units 1 -4)

Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1 Our printer ............................................... properly at the moment. (not work)

2 The headmaster ............................................... all the teaching that takes place in our school.
3 ............................... you ............................... your hair right now or can you come to town
with me? (dye)
4 I never ............................................... money if I can help it. (borrow)
5 Be careful because the pavements ............................................... very slippery today. (be) 5 marks

Choose the correct answer.

1 He always / in December eats soup in the winter.

2 We are celebrating Mum’s fiftieth birthday today / every other day.
3 He hardly ever / these days does the cooking at home.
4 My brother surfs / is surfing the Internet whenever he gets the chance.
5 Where are you living every year / for the time being? 5 marks

Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly.

1 I am thinking the way you have decorated this room is very imaginative.
2 Why do you look at that man so strangely?
3 My mother has a weekend break in the country this month.
4 We don’t feeling very well after eating those burgers.
5 Does he talk on the phone to his boss at the moment?
............................................................................................................................................................... 5 marks

Complete with the Present Perfect Simple. Use the verbs from the box.

finish grow make move paint

1 My family .................................................. house twice this year.

2 He .................................................. the ironing.
3 .................................................. you .................................................. a decision yet?
4 Those rose bushes .................................................. since last year.
5 She .................................................. some incredible pictures. 5 marks

Grammar Booster 4
Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1 I .............................................. you since we left school. (not see)

2 The children .............................................. in the playground for the last hour and
a half. (play)
3 Which films .............................................. this year? (you see)
4 The dog .............................................. for a walk on his own again. (go)
5 My father .............................................. for an appointment with his doctor for
5 marks
three days and he still can’t get through! (phone)

Choose the correct answer.

1 Nina has been / gone horse riding; she should be home before five.
2 Our grandparents have been married since / for sixty years.
3 My stomach has been aching / ached all night!
4 I’ve written three reports so far / since today.
5 You’re very pale. Have you been having / had a shock? 5 marks

Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1 The organ music ..................................... as the couple walked down the aisle. (play)
2 Mark ..................................... in a car factory last year while I was looking after the
children. (work)
3 Yesterday I ..................................... a new pair of boots for the winter. (buy)
4 The film we watched on TV last night ..................................... quite boring. (be)
5 When I got home an hour ago I discovered that the dog .....................................
under the bed. (hide) 5 marks

Complete each sentence with one word.

1 I was washing my jeans ..................................... a door-to-door salesman knocked at the door.

2 ..................................... you sleeping when they started to demolish the old building next door?
3 What was the first thing you did when you ..................................... home today?
4 I had a strange dream ..................................... I was sleeping this afternoon.
5 We watched a wonderful documentary about Majorca ..................................... night. 5 marks

Grammar Booster 4
Choose the correct answer.

1 I can’t .......... not eating bread with all my meals.

a used to b be used to c get used to
2 How long did it take you to .......... living on your own?
a be used to b get used to c use to
3 We .......... enjoy seafood, but now we love it.
a not used to b use to c didn’t use to
4 You won’t feel happy living here until you .......... being on the sixth floor.
a get used to b are use to c not use to
5 Ten years ago they .......... be poor, but since then they’ve won the lottery.
a used to b didn’t use to c use to 5 marks

Complete the sentences with the Past Perfect Simple. Use the verbs from the box.

break catch have hear study

1 I ........................................ for the exam, but I still found it difficult.

2 My mum ........................................ her knee operation before she joined the gym.
3 Luckily, the cat ........................................ the mouse in the kitchen before Mum got home.
4 ........................................ you ........................................ the football result before I told you?
5 My brother ........................................ his leg skiing before the end of his school trip. 5 marks

Complete the sentences with the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous.

1 She ............................................. (be) ill for a month before the doctor suggested she ought
to go into hospital.
2 My back ............................................. (hurt) for weeks by the time I saw the specialist.
3 We were excited when we heard that the teacher ............................................. (cancel) the test.
4 The baby ............................................. (cry) for ten minutes when her mum picked her up.
5 They were exhausted because they ............................................. (do) athletics training
for two hours. 5 marks

Choose the correct answer.

1 Dad had been looking for a job for months by / before he found this one.
2 It started to rain almost for / as soon as I had walked out of the house.
3 I had been gardening for / just an hour when Dad offered to help me.
4 He hadn’t noticed the wet paint by / when he pushed the door to open it.
5 marks
5 She had never / ever managed to swim so quickly before.

Total marks ....... / 60

Grammar Booster 4
Test 2 (Units 5 -8)

Choose the correct answer.

1 The teacher is sure Joanna .......... a successful career as a surgeon once she completes all her training.
a is going have b will have c is having
2 On Saturday we .......... a new play in front of an audience of five hundred.
a will have performed b performs c are performing
3 She informed me that the play .......... at eight o’clock this evening.
a starts b start c is going to starting
4 Can you believe you .......... in Hawaii this time tomorrow?
a going to be b are being c will be
5 I hear they .......... the old school we used to go to.
a will demolish b demolish c are going to demolish 5 marks

Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly.

1 I promise I am trying harder at school next term.

2 The coach leaving for Paris at eight o’clock tomorrow morning.
3 What are you going buying when you go to town on Saturday?
4 Next month my parents will going to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary.
5 I can’t go out because I will study for exams all next week.
5 marks
Find the extra word.

1 They are going to be stay in a five star hotel 4 My flight it leaves Gatwick airport at nine
when they visit London. .............................. o’clock on Friday evening. ..............................
2 I predict it will to rain all day tomorrow. 5 Is he isn’t staying with relatives when he
.............................. goes to Oxford? ..............................
3 What are you will doing on Saturday
evening? .............................. 5 marks

Complete the sentences with the Future Continuous. Use the verbs from the box.

fill not play rehearse set take

1 This time tomorrow I ....................................................... my English test.

2 The dentist ....................................................... her tooth this afternoon.
3 .............................................. the boys .............................................. for their school play tomorrow?
4 I hope you ....................................................... computer games all night.
5 The sun ....................................................... in ten minutes. 5 marks

Grammar Booster 4
Complete the sentences with the Future Perfect Simple or the Future Perfect Continuous.

1 She ...................................... probably ...................................... her cat by this evening. (find)

2 What ........................................................................... by the end of this year? (you / do)
3 We ........................................................................... English for ten years by the end of the summer. (learn)
4 The courier ........................................................................... my new computer before the end of this
afternoon. (deliver)
5 In one year, my parents ........................................................................... in this house for twenty-five years. (live)
5 marks
Choose the correct answer.

1 .......... all the housework before lunchtime?

a Will you have been doing b Will you have done c Will you be doing
2 This time tomorrow I .......... in my office writing reports.
a will have been sitting b will have sat c will be sitting
3 By the end of the concert they .......... for three hours non-stop.
a will be performing b will have been performing c will perform
4 Do you think you .......... all the new students by the end of the week?
a will have met b will have been meeting c will be meeting
5 Dad .......... his new job by December.
a will have been starting b will have started c will be starting 5 marks

Change the following sentences from the Active to the Passive Voice.

1 My mother is making my wedding dress.

2 Dad will decorate our kitchen next week.
3 The technician has already repaired my computer.
4 The printers were printing my invitations all day yesterday.
5 The professor will have marked our assignments tomorrow.
............................................................................................................................................................... 5 marks

Change the following sentences from the Passive to the Active Voice.

1 My stitches should have been taken out yesterday.

The doctor ..........................................................................................................................................
2 Our TV and video had been stolen by a burglar before we got home last night.
A burglar ..............................................................................................................................................
3 Our blood pressure is checked by the doctor once a year.
The doctor ..........................................................................................................................................
4 My sheets are being changed by Mum at the moment.
Mum ......................................................................................................................................................
5 The roof was being replaced by workmen when our friends visited us last week.
5 marks
Workmen .............................................................................................................................................

Grammar Booster 4
Choose the correct answer.

1 .......... the meal being prepared by Dad at the moment?

a Is b Are c Be
2 Has your washing machine .......... repaired?
a being b been c was
3 Our windows .......... every month by a man called George.
a are cleaned b are been cleaned c are being cleaned
4 The car .......... badly damaged in the accident.
a is b was c were
5 .......... is said that pollution is getting worse every day.
a Is b Are c It 5 marks

Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly.

1 He is say to be the fastest Formula One racing driver in the world.

2 It is said to the world is going to end in four thousand years.
3 The supper hasn’t being prepared yet.
4 The audience told to remain in their seats during the interval.
5 Who was the telephone invented of?
....................................................................................................................................................... 5 marks

Complete with the comparative or superlative of the words in brackets.

1 I haven’t met a .............................................. teacher than you! (intelligent)

2 The ferry crossing from France to England was .............................................. I’ve ever been on. (bad)
3 I arrived at the conference .............................................. than anyone else. (late)
4 You paint .............................................. than Turner. (beautifully)
5 Is that .............................................. ice cream you’ve ever eaten? (big) 5 marks

Choose the correct answer.

1 They arrived early / earlier at the seminar, so they went and had a coffee.
2 I completely / extremely support your decision to leave university and travel the world for a year.
3 Don’t you think that’s a more / rather boring book?
4 This fish isn’t as tasty so / as the one we had last week.
5 The lecture was enough / too complicated for me to understand. 5 marks

Total marks ....... / 60

Grammar Booster 4
Test 3 (Units 9 -12)

Rewrite the sentences using the words given. Use between two and five words.

1 She said she had kept the red rose he had 6 He told us to stand up and walk slowly out
given her. have of the door. up
‘I ................................................................ you ‘.................................................................... out of
gave me,’ she told him. the door,’ he told us.
2 ‘You can help me with the housework 7 ‘Can you help me make the beds, please?’ I
today,’ Mum said. he asked my brother. to
Mum told my brother ....................................... I asked my brother ............................................
....................... with the housework that day. ....................................................... the beds.
3 He asked his dad whether he had wanted to 8 ‘Don’t park your car here,’ said the
drive a train when he was a boy. want policeman. to
‘Dad, ................................................................... a The policeman told me ...................................
train when you were a boy?’ he asked. ....................................................... there.
4 ‘Where are you going?’ I asked her. was 9 He said he was living in London then. now
I asked ....................................................... going. ‘I .......................................................,’ he said.
5 ‘I was finishing my lunch yesterday when I 10 She asked me to put the food in the fridge.
heard the explosion,’ he said. previous can
He said he had been finishing his lunch ‘....................................................... the food in
....................................................... when he the fridge, please?’ she asked me.
heard the explosion. 10 marks

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

complained insisted reminded threatened warned

1 I .................................... the children not to go into the empty building because it was dangerous.
2 The teacher .................................... on us doing extra homework this week.
3 Mum .................................... me to take some money with me in case I wanted to buy something.
4 He .................................... to tell the teacher what I had done.
5 The customer .................................... that the shoes he had bought three weeks before had
already got a hole in them. 5 marks

Choose the correct answer.

1 He .......... do skateboarding tricks when he 4 Do we .......... to take a change of clothes

was younger. with us?
a is able to b was able c could a need b must c have to
2 I .......... go back to the dentist’s again next week. 5 ‘Need I do that right now?’ ‘Yes, you .......... .’
a must to b have to c have a need b have c must
3 She .......... finish all her work more quickly
than this in the past.
a is able to b has been able to c was 5 marks

Grammar Booster 4
Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

can’t have mustn’t need to needn’t

1 They don’t ...................................... to do any homework this evening, so they can go out.
2 You don’t ...................................... pay for your ticket; I’ve got two free ones.
3 We ...................................... go all day without drinking water during the summer or we’ll be ill.
4 Unfortunately, I ...................................... go on holiday with you this summer because I’ve got a job.
5 I ...................................... have packed so many clothes; I haven’t worn half of them. 5 marks

Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly.

1 Please must I go home an hour earlier than usual today?

2 Do I have a look at the notes you made?
3 May you fetch me a glass of water, please?
4 He can to drive fast, but he’s very safe.
5 You needn’t have not made all that food.
..................................................................................................................................... 5 marks

Complete the sentences with the Zero or First Conditional.

1 I .............................. a headache when I .............................. with wet hair. (get, go out)

2 If the police .............................. him, he .............................. in serious trouble. (catch, be)
3 You .............................. yourself if you .............................. to the party. (enjoy, go)
4 I .............................. the food for tonight if you .............................. the music. (prepare, arrange)
5 When he .............................. someone on a Harley Davidson, he .............................. one. (see, want)

5 marks

Rewrite the sentences using the words given. Use between two and five words.

1 He is tired, so he won’t go to the party. not

If he ............................................................................... go to the party.
2 I didn’t buy any jeans so I couldn’t wear jeans to the concert. bought
If I ............................................................................... could have worn them to the concert.
3 I can’t go for a coffee because I don’t have time. had
If I ............................................................................... for a coffee.
4 She didn’t work hard so she didn’t pass her final exams. worked
If she ............................................................................... have passed her final exams.
5 He drove too fast so he crashed his car. driven
5 marks
If he ..............................................................................., he wouldn’t have crashed his car.

Grammar Booster 4
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

as long as if provided unless when

1 You won’t start feeling better .......................................... you take your medicine.
2 She always starts sneezing .......................................... she is near cats.
3 .......................................... that he finishes his homework, he can go to the cinema.
4 .......................................... you want to go with her, you must tell her.
5 You’ll be able to play tennis better .......................................... you practise regularly. 5 marks

Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun.

1 The reason ........................... he’s late is that he had to go to the doctor’s before he came to work.
2 Isn’t that the hotel ........................... you stayed just after you got married?
3 She’s the girl to ........................... he gave a diamond engagement ring.
4 She’s the girl ........................... parents have bought her a new car as a wedding present.
5 How old were you ........................... you went to university? 5 marks

Choose the correct answer.

1 He was ashamed, .......... he apologised to everyone for what he had done.

a that b so c so that
2 I lost my purse on the tube. .........., I had to borrow money to get home.
a Therefore b So that c So much
3 He has taken .......... photos with his camera that he still hasn’t had his first film developed yet.
a so little b such a lot c so few
4 The reason .......... the police searching all our bags was never clearly explained to us.
a of b for c that
5 I stayed behind at work .......... catch up on my e-mails.
a so b in case c in order to 5 marks

Choose the correct answer.

1 Take my camera with you in case / so that you see some interesting sights.
2 Even though / Nevertheless he isn’t good-looking, he always has a girlfriend.
3 She looks for / as if she has been lying in the sun.
4 I haven’t done much today, whereas / but I feel very tired.
5 We joined the golf club but / because we had heard it had a restaurant there. 5 marks

Total marks ....... / 60

Grammar Booster 4
Test 4 (Units 13 -16)

Choose the correct answer.

1 I’ve ordered two glasses of ..........

a beer b beers c a beer
2 Did you ask the .......... if she could bring us a jug of water?
a waiter b waitress c waiters
3 I’ll buy a .......... of bread when I’m at the supermarket.
a carton b tin c loaf
4 I tried to find .......... about African customs on the Internet.
a some information b any informations c any information
5 Where have I put my .......... ?
a one glass b glasses c a glass 5 marks

Complete the sentences with a, an, the or –.

1 Have you got ................... notebook I could borrow to write something down, please?
2 It would help me if you could take ................... dog out while I make lunch.
3 What is it like in ................... London?
4 That’s ................... incredible story he’s just told us!
5 How long is ................... River Amazon? 5 marks

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

all both either lot many

1 Have you ever seen so ......................... geese flying together?

2 I think we ought to order a ......................... of wood for the fire this winter.
3 ......................... German and Dutch are languages I find difficult to learn.
4 He hasn’t decided which car to buy. Personally, I don’t like ......................... .
5 I’ve tried on ......................... the jeans in the shop and none of them look good on me.
5 marks
Choose the correct answer.

1 I may not / could not bring some food over to your house this evening if I don’t have time.
2 You must / can’t have had your results already; the teacher said we had to wait another three
days for them.
3 He must / can’t be the man who wrote that book; he’s signing every copy.
4 Do you think they might / must have forgotten about our appointment this evening?
5 That dog could / may not be the one that’s missing from my neighbour’s house; I think that’s
what he looks like. 5 marks

Grammar Booster 4
Find the extra word.

1 He couldn’t have not heard the phone ringing because he was at home but he didn’t answer.
2 The teacher said we may be have a test tomorrow. ..................................
3 That can’t to be the last of our spending money! I thought we’d brought enough for two
weeks. ..................................
4 He must have be exhausted after all that digging. ..................................
5 They must have could got married because now she’s called Mrs Brown. ..................................
5 marks

Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly.

1 She mustn’t have been very ill; the doctor sent her straight into hospital.
2 You could have eaten those sweets already! I gave you enough for the whole week!
3 I’m not sure, but I think he must be one of the best athletes in this college.
4 Yes, we have met before. You might be Diane’s mother.
5 If you’ve got spots on your body, you can’t have caught some kind of illness!
5 marks

Complete the sentences with Gerunds or Infinitives.

1 Can you ever forgive me for ........................................ those unkind things to you? (say)
2 It was nice of you ........................................ my mum flowers. (bring)
3 I’m not brave enough ........................................ horror films when I’m alone. (watch)
4 We must ........................................ to the manager about this. (complain)
5 I can’t get used to ........................................ Chinese characters. (write) 5 marks

Complete the sentences with Gerunds or Infinitives. Use the verbs from the box.

come find hear know not be

1 Don’t pretend ...................................... all the answers. The teacher won’t believe you.
2 When you feel like ...................................... to my house for an evening, let me know.
3 Did you really expect ...................................... gold at the end of that rainbow?
4 I imagine you were surprised ...................................... about my engagement.
5 He says he regrets ...................................... a better student. 5 marks

Grammar Booster 4
Tick (✓) the correct sentences.

1 When he began studying medicine, he knew what was involved. _____

When he began to be studying medicine, he knew what was involved. _____
2 I think you should stop driving and have a rest. _____
I think you should stop to drive and have a rest. _____
3 Imagine to be the most beautiful woman in the world! _____
Imagine being the most beautiful woman in the world! _____
4 I regret to ask Mum if I could use her car. _____
I regret asking Mum if I could use her car. _____
5 Have you tried apologising? That might work. _____
Have you tried apologise? That might work. _____ 5 marks

Choose the correct answer.

1 If only you .......... stop smoking.

a will b would c must
2 I wish I .......... you!
a have never meet b had never met c will never meet
3 If only he .......... the chance to come and visit me more often.
a will get b gets c got
4 I hope .......... have enough time to send me a postcard from London.
a you had b you will c you did
5 He wishes .......... her father if he can marry her.
a will ask b have asked c to ask 5 marks

Complete with I’d rather or I’d prefer.

1 ...................................... not have fish for supper this evening.

2 ...................................... not to go to the football match with you on Saturday.
3 ...................................... to go sailing rather than go swimming.
4 ...................................... have gone to the concert than the play.
5 ...................................... a hamburger to a pizza. 5 marks

Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences correctly.

1 Would you prefer to collecting mushrooms rather than walk by the lake?
2 If only he was tell the truth.
3 I wish you find a nice flat when you move to Scotland.
4 We prefer to make our own lunch to eating what Mum makes.
5 I wish I have listened more carefully when you explained this the first time.
5 marks

Total marks ....... / 60

Grammar Booster 4
Test 5 (Units 17-20)

Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

1 He ................................ have known better than to lie to Mum.

2 You ................................ eat so much late at night.
3 He ................................ have shouted at me like that!
4 You ................................ wash your jeans today if you want to wear them tomorrow.
5 You ................................ take some exercise to lose a bit of weight. 5 marks

Choose the correct answer.

1 Shall / Will we help you with the cleaning?

2 We could / shall go on holiday in July this year.
3 My sister ought / should to have her hair cut more often.
4 Can / Ought I give you a lift home as it’s raining?
5 They ought not to have bought / buy her such an expensive gift. Now she feels embarrassed.
5 marks
Complete the sentences with the past participles of the verbs in the box.

cut deliver make teach upgrade

1 We’re looking forward to having our new TV ........................... next week.
2 Lucy has decided to have her hair ........................... short.
3 Mum wants to have a new dress ........................... for my brother’s wedding.
4 Dad is going to have his computer ........................... soon.
5 Our neighbours have their children ........................... in a private school. 5 marks

Complete the sentences in the Causative.

1 Mum brushes my sister’s teeth every day.

My sister .............................................................................................................. by Mum every day.

2 The electrician will be putting a new bathroom light in tomorrow.

We .............................................................................................................. by the electrician tomorrow.

3 A jeweller has made their wedding rings.

They .............................................................................................................. by a jeweller.

4 Our cleaner has washed all the carpets.

We .............................................................................................................. by our cleaner.

Grammar Booster 4
5 Is someone making her wedding dress specially for her?
Is she .............................................................................................................. specially for her?

6 Your car ought to be serviced by the mechanic we use.

You .............................................................................................................. by the mechanic we use.

7 Someone must test her eyes if she wants to continue driving.

She .............................................................................................................. if she wants to continue driving.

8 The manicurist had been painting Mum’s nails.

Mum .............................................................................................................. by the manicurist.

9 How often does your doctor check your blood pressure?

How often .............................................................................................................. by the doctor?

10 Who is taking your wedding photos?

10 marks
Who .............................................................................................................. by?

Complete the Indirect Questions.

1 Is he the tallest man in the world?

Do you know .............................................................................................................................?
2 Why aren’t the students taking any exams this term?
Have you any idea .............................................................................................................................?
3 Who is sitting next to your mum?
Can you tell me .............................................................................................................................?
4 Where can I buy knives and forks?
I don’t suppose you know .............................................................................................................................?
5 Has she been to Edinburgh?
Do you know .............................................................................................................................? 5 marks

Complete the questions with the correct question word.

1 ............................ did you get those jeans from?

2 ............................ is the best dish on this menu?
3 ............................ are you going to Rome for?
4 ............................ did he get back from holiday?
5 ............................ are you going to give this present to? 5 marks

Complete the sentences with question tags.

1 I’m definitely the best student in the class, .............................................. ?

2 Margaret Thatcher was a British Prime Minister, .............................................. ?
3 You haven’t done this before, .............................................. ?
4 He finishes his lessons at half past four, .............................................. ?
5 Wait for me if I’m late, .............................................. ? 5 marks

Grammar Booster 4
Choose the correct answer.

1 .......... a beautiful day!

a Can’t it b Isn’t it c Won’t it
2 .......... feel like eating out tonight?
a Don’t you b Can’t you c Weren’t you
3 .......... you win the swimming competition yesterday?
a Can’t b Wasn’t c Didn’t
4 .......... you keep your opinions to yourself for once?
a Can’t b Don’t c Aren’t
5 .......... you know how to cook eggs?
a Can’t b Won’t c Don’t 5 marks

Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 Put your bag in the boot before you get .................. the car.
2 Have you put all your things .................. as I asked you to?
3 I can never understand how he gets away ................... telling so many lies.
4 He’s taken .................. golf so that he can do more walking.
5 You can tell from his temper that he takes .................. his dad! 5 marks

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the box.

go look put take turn

1 I’ll explain the instructions again in case you didn’t ........................... them all in the first time.
2 Let’s hope it ........................... out to be a nice day for their wedding on Saturday.
3 I’d rather you did the job now than ........................... it off until tomorrow.
4 The teacher said she will ........................... into the reason for us all failing the listening test.
5 If my clock had ........................... off at the right time, I wouldn’t have been late. 5 marks

Choose the correct answer.

1 I didn’t .......... about his birthday celebrations until it was too late.
a hear b warn c dream
2 The neighbours didn’t know we had .......... from our holidays.
a escaped b borrowed c returned
3 I must .......... for not having finished the report you wanted.
a ask b apologise c blame
4 I don’t know what my new job .......... of, but I’m looking forward to it.
a compares b consists c dies
5 They .......... on cooking us a huge dinner.
a congratulated b insisted c depended 5 marks

Total marks ....... / 60

Grammar Booster 4

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