Mnemonics Anatomy 1st Sem

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-Muscles inserting into the inter-tubercular groove and its lips:

“the lady lies between the two majors”

 The lady= latissimus dorsi (into the groove)

 Two majors= teres major (medial lip) and pectoralis major (lateral lip)

-Features of the delto-pectoral groove:

C=cephalic vein

A=axillary artery

L=lateral pectoral nerve

-Rotator Cuff muscles:



T=teres minor


-Branches of the axillary artery and acromio thoracic artery:


S=superior thoracic

A=acromiothoracic C=clavicular

L=lateral thoracic H=humeral

S=subscapular A=acromial

A=anterior circumflex humoral P=pectoral

P=posterior circumflex humoral

-muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm:

“Big Boob Cups”


B=biceps brachii


-superficial muscles of the forearm (lat med)

“Pimps Fuck Prostitutes for Fun”

P=pronator teres

F=flexor carpi radialis

P=Palmaris longus

F=flexor digitorum superficialis

F= flexor carpi ulnaris

-contents of the cubital fossa (med  lat): / (Lat Med) TAN-tendon, artery, nerve

M=median nerve

B=brachial artery

B=biceps tendon

R=radial nerve

P=posterior interosseous nerve

-superficial extensor muscles from lateral epicondyle:

D=extensor Digitorum

U=extensor carpi Ulnaris

M=extensor digitorum Minimi

B=extensor carpi radialis Brevis

She Looks Too Pretty Try To Catch Her

S= Scaphoid

L= Lunate

T= Triquetral

P= Pisiform

T= Trapezium

T= Trapezoid

C= Capitate

H= Hamate

Tips and Notes (learn it, love it, get your A) 

1. All muscles of the inter-tubercular groove have the same action(humeral adduction & medial
2. All muscles of the rotator cuff muscles laterally rotate except subscapularis medially rotates.
3. All muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm are supplied by the musculocutaneous nerve.
4. All muscles of the flexor superficial compartment of the forearm arise from the medial epicondyle of
the humerus.
5. All muscles of the posterior compartment of the forearm are supplied by the radial nerve
6. Injury to mid shaft of humerus causes radial nerve damage
7. Common flexor origin is the medial epicondyle
8. Common extensor origin is the lateral epicondyle
9. Profunda brachii artery is the first brach of the brachial artery (as profunda femoral is to the femoral
10. Left subclavian artery arises directly from aorta
11. Right subclavian artery (+right carotid artery) arises from the brachiocephalic trunk (from the arch
of the aorta)
12. Axillary artery is divided into 3 by the pectoralis major
13. Axillary artery becomes the brachial artery at the lower border of teres major
14. 10 things run thru the carpal tunnel
15. The median nerve lies directly posterior to the Palmaris longus (its the under cover lover)

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