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Dream Home and Occupation James Queen

If I had the choice to live anywhere in the world and have any job, I would want to be a

graphic designer in Japan. I want to live in Japan because I have been exposed to their culture,

and I like their culture. So far, I have met kind and caring people from Japan and it seems like I

would have no problem fitting in with their society. Also, I find electronics and gaming very

interesting, and a lot of which comes from Japan. I currently speak some Japanese enough to

hold a minor conversation. The language is interesting to learn and speak. My step-mother is

Taiwanese, so I suppose that some of my interest in Asian culture came from living with her.

Again, I want to be a graphic designer, and that includes designing for games or just advertising

and creating websites. Taking a digital art class in school really peaked my interest in the graphic

world and its designs and designers. Incorporating American culture into a Japanese graphic, or

vice versa, could prove to be very interesting for the Japanese community. However, graphic

designing would be a side job. I would love to be working for a gaming company like Namco-

Bandai or Atlus. I want to go into programming and computer science. Becoming a game

designer or something of the sort would be best suited for me since I am really into gaming. I

have been into gaming since I was two years old, and I grew up around some of the first actually

“video games.” Although it will be very hard to get into some of the biggest companies that

produce games, I am sure I can do it or get very close. I have been exposed to programming, in a

way, already. I have fixed broken Nintendo Wiis and Sony PSPs. I have also “hacked” or

“jailbroken” them many times before , and I still do. If only I could be in that dream right now,

everything would be perfect. The job and location would fit together almost perfectly.

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