Prayaag'10: Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies Nagar Seth

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Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies | Nagar Seth


Nagar Seth: The Ultimate Salesman of the Maurya Kingdom

“He extols the virtues of his product

Or be it his services by his sunny conduct
Waxing poetic in his aggressive sales pitch
Convincing and cajoling till the last ditch
Till none is clear what’s what and which is which!”

Our King has ordered to search the ultimate salesman who will bring wealth to the
Maurya Kingdom through trade. If you feel you are dynamic, creative and confident
enough to sell ice to an Eskimo and help the Kingdom sell goods, then a lot of wealth is
waiting for you to be unearthed. Just answer some live questions thrown at you to move to
the second round where your selling skills will be put to a real test. One survivor will be
crowned the Nagar Seth and will take home well deserved prizes.

Event Details

As a salesman when you are working on the field, you come across various live cases
which you need to tackle on the spot. It needs not only presence of mind but also thinking
on your feet and creativity in approach.
Solve the following cases to prove that you are a perfect sales man when it comes to
actually selling a product in real life situations-

1. Real Estate:
As a sales person for a real estate firm, you went to meet your regular client Mr.
Gupta, who wanted to invest Rs. 50 Lakhs in your Housing Project. Mr. Gupta’s
friend, Mr. Sharma was with him in the meet and fortunately the project caught his
attention and he seemed to be interested in investing Rs. 5 crores in the same.
However, as luck would have it, Mr. Gupta began to feel hesitant about accepting
the proposal citing some personal reasons, which cannot be dealt with by you. This 2
influenced the decision of Mr. Sharma, who also began having second thoughts and
now you are losing out on both the deals. How would you handle this situation?

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies | Nagar Seth


2. FMCG:
As an area sales manager of a small FMCG company, you are in charge of sales of an
area which comprises only villages. Your company has come up with a new product
in personal care which is a body wash. People in villages do not seem to have a
tendency of using a body wash instead of a bar soap. How will you convince the
retailers at the villages to buy the body wash from you and keep it on their shelf?

3. Retail:
You are a salesman in a branded jewelers shop. You are selling a necklace to a
customer and she likes an ethnic necklace embedded with precious stones worth Rs.
1 Lakh and is ready to buy it. Apparently you find out that it is already sold out. The
customer wants to buy the necklace urgently for her sister’s wedding, so she can’t
wait till you can manufacture the same necklace. You have a similar necklace with
some minor colour differences but the price of that necklace is Rs. 1.5 lakhs
(Following are the necklaces). What would you do in such a case?

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies | Nagar Seth


4. General:
As a sales manager of a textile company, your target for the year was set at Rs. 6
crores to sell 2 lakh units of plain white cotton shirts by 20th October 2010. You
managed to get the target date to be extended to 29th October. By 26th October you
somehow managed to sell 1.4 lakh shirts at a heavy premium at Rs. 5.6 crores. Now
you are left with 60,000 shirts and you are short of your target by Rs. 40 Lakhs with
3 days left. What would you do?

5. Manufacturing:
As a sales person of an electric motors manufacturing company, you somehow
manage to get an appointment of the competitor’s client. The executive gives you an
appointment for 2:00 pm (from 2:00 to 2:30) to explain your product and benefits
associated with it. You were expected to present it in the form of a ppt. which
contains all the important technical details about the product that have to be
explained in detail to the executive. You reach the place at 1:55 and find out that the
pen drive which contained the ppt file is corrupt with a virus and because of that
your laptop has crashed too. How do you handle this situation?

Evaluation Parameter

 Presence of mind in solving the case

 Creativity in approach
 Practicality in implementation of the solution. The solution should be feasible and

Rules and regulations:

 Team should strictly comprise 2 members only
 Team members can be of different institutes 4

 Please register by mailing your team details at with the subject
line Registration_FirstName_LastName_InstituteName

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies | Nagar Seth


 The document should strictly be in the form ‘.docx’ and not ‘.doc’.
 Font Style: Times New Roam, Font size: 12, Line spacing: 1.5.
 Word Limit: Maximum 300 words per case
 The entry should be mailed across to in the format:
<Team name_Institute Name_NagarSeth>, subject line also being,
<Team name_Institute Name_NagarSeth>
 Deadline for submitting entries: 25th October 2010 23:59:59
 The top 5 teams will be called on campus for the final round once the results are
 Decision of the eminent panel as to the advancement of the team to the next (final)
rounds and/or elimination will be final and binding. No team will be entertained on
the basis of selection/elimination once the decision has been taken.


1st Prize – Rs. 15000

2nd Prize – Rs. 10000
Certificates for all Finalists

For further details, contact:

Rohit Agrawal +91 9619376888

Sagar Naik +91 9820183309
Aman Gudral +91 7709016454 amangudral12@jbims.edi

Important Dates:

Launch Date 20th October,2010

Last Date for Registration & Submission 25th October,2010
Results 26th October,2010

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies | Nagar Seth


Prayaag Trophy Points:

Participation 05 Points
Final 5 Entries 07 Points
Runners Up Team 10 Points
Winning Team 20 Points

To be a king … Feel Like ONE !!!

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies | Nagar Seth

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