MagicQ DMX Interfaces

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Using DMX interfaces with MagicQ PC


MagicQ PC software supports 12 universes of control for lighting, LED and multimedia servers.

MagicQ can output many control protocols including the popular ArtNet and Pathport network
Ethernet based protocols. In addition MagicQ supports a number of other DMX interfaces,
including ChamSys USB to DMX interfaces, Enttec dongles, Artistic License dongles and Digital
Enlightenment dongles.


ArtNet is an open protocol designed by Artistic License in the UK and adopted around Europe for
control of lighting over networks. All 12 MagicQ universes are available over ArtNet. ArtNet
also allows 12 universes of inputs as well as ouputs enabling merging of control data and capture
of show data from other consoles.

ChamSys make ArtNet to DMX conversion boxes to enable conversion from ArtNet to DMX.
There are also many other vendors how make convertors.

ArtNet consists of DMX packets (512 data values each 8 bits) carried over the network via the
UDP/IP protocol. ArtNet requires that the network it is carried over uses a differnet network
configuration (IP addresses) than is found in most networks. ArtNet uses the 2.x.x.x IP addresses
rather than the more standard 192.x.x.x address scheme found in most office networks. This
means that wherever possible networks used with ArtNet should be dedicated to that purpose.
ChamSys recommends fitting PCs and lap-tops with an additional network card, thus enabling one
network port to be used for office/internet and the other for lighting control.

Within the ArtNet data, each source of DMX data is identified with a subnet address (values of 0
to 15) and a net address (0 to 15). Generally the subnet address is set to 0 unless more than 16
universes are in use. In MagicQ the net address is set up under View DMX I/O in the Setup
Window whist the subnet address is set up in View Settings in the Setup Window.

To use ArtNet on MagicQ PC first configure the network address of your PC to an appropriate
address - e.g. Set the subnet mask to Then enable the universes you require
in View DMX I/O in the Setup Window.

Note that ArtNet net addresses and subnet addresses start from 0 - so the first net is 0.


Pathport is a protocol designed by Pathway in the US for control of lighting over networks. All 12
MagicQ universes are available on Pathport. Pathport uses standard network configuration witth
standard IP Addresses. DMX packet are carried over the network using multicast.

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Using DMX interfaces with MagicQ PC

Within the Pathport data, each source of DMX data is identified with a subnet address (values of 0
to 15) and a net address (0 to 15). Generally the subnet address is set to 0 unless more than 16
universes are in use. In MagicQ the net address is set up under View DMX I/O in the Setup
Window whist the subnet address is set up in View Settings in the Setup Window.

To use Pathport, configure and enable the universes you require in View DMX I/O in the Setup

ChamSys USB interfaces

ChamSys make a range of USB interfaces that connect to your PC via USB, including a twin
output DMX module and a four ouput DMX module. ChamSys USB to DMX modules support
the maximum DMX refresh rate. Any of the 12 universes on MagicQ can be used with ChamSys
DMX modules - multiple modules can be used to provide a greater number of universes. Simply
configure the modules in View DMX I/O of the Setup Window. For a twin DMX output module
set the first unvierse you wish to control to Mod 1 Port 1 and the second to Mod 1 Port 2.

ArtNet parallel port dongles

Artistic License make dongles that connect to the parallel port of your PC. MagicQ supports these
dongles on Universe 1. Both input and output is supported. To use the dongle set up the Parallel
port address in View Settings of the Setup window to be the address of the parallel port to which
the dongle is connected. Then configure and enable Universe 1 to Art Par in View DMX I/O of
the Setup Window.

Enttec dongles

Enttec in Australia design DMX dongles with 1 universes of DMX output which connect to a USB
port on your PC. MagicQ supports Enttec dongles on Universe 1. There are two types of Enttec
dongle - the Open USB dongle and the Pro dongle. Both will work with MagicQ - but much better
results are achieved with the Pro dongle. The Open USB dongle is a very simple hardware design
which relies on the PC to do the framing for the DMX frames; Windows can cause this to be
unpredicatable, resulting in occasional flickering of DMX channels. This problem does occur with
the Pro dongle.

To use either Enttec dongle with MagicQ you need to install the correct drivers. There are two
types of drivers - the VCP (virtual COM port driver) and the FTDxxxx direct driver. MagicQ uses
the FTDxxxx driver. By default Windows will install the VCP driver (the dongle will then appear
as a serial port under ports in Device Manager) and will not work with MagicQ.

Download the FTDxxxx driver from the ChamSys web site - marked "MagicQ PC Wing". Extract this file onto your PC. Then in Device Manager (Control Panel, Settings,
System) go to USB devices and click on the device indicated "USB to Serial convertor". Click

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Using DMX interfaces with MagicQ PC

Properties and Reinstall Driver. When Windows asks whether to search for a driver, then click no
and select the downloaded driver manually.

If you continue to have problems loading the correct driver, then try disabling any network ports
on the PC and then reinstall the drivers - Windows sometimes searches automatically for drivers
on the network.

You can modify the speed of DMX transmissions and the DMX frame length using an option in
View Settings of the Setup Window..

Digitial Enlightenment

Digital Enlightenment in Germany make a range of PC card DMX interfaces. MagicQ supports
Digital Enlightment interfaces on Universe 1. You will need to install the drivers from the Digital
Enlightenment web site including the DLL.

Other Interfaces

ChamSys has a policy of implementing support for as many different interfaces as possible thus
enabling as many people as possible to benefit from our products. If you have an interface that we
do not currently support then please let us know at and we will see if it is
possible to support it.

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