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Signature and Name of Invigilator Answer Sheet No. : ......................................................

(To be filled by the Candidate)

1. (Signature)
Roll No.
(In figures as per admission card)

2. (Signature) Roll No.

(In words)
Test Booklet No. W X Y Z
D—0 0 0 4
Time : 1¼ hours]
PAPER—I [Maximum Marks : 100
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates ÂÚUèÿææçÍüØô¢ ·ð¤ çÜ° çÙÎðüàæ
1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of 1. ÂãÜðU ÂëDU ·ð¤ ª¤ÂÚU çÙØÌ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ÌÍæ §â ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ·ð¤ ¥‹ÎÚU çÎØð »Ø𠩞æÚU
this page and also on the Answer Sheet given inside this ˜淤 ÂÚU ¥ÂÙæ ÚUôÜU ِÕÚU çÜç¹°Ð
booklet. 2. §â ÂýàÙ-˜æ ×𢠿æâ Õãéçß·¤ËÂèØ ÂýàÙ ãñ¢Ð
2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions.
3. ÂÚUèÿææ ÂýæڐUÖ ãôÙð ÂÚU, ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¥æ·¤ô Îð Îè ÁæØð»èÐ ÂãÜðU ÂUæ¡¿ ç×ÙÅU
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet
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¥æ·¤ô âãè ©žæÚU ·ð¤ Îèƒæüßëžæ ·¤ô ÂðÙ âð ÖÚU·¤ÚU ·¤æÜæ ·¤ÚUÙæ ãñ Áñâæ ç·¤ Ùè¿ð
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Example : ÁÕç·¤ (C) âãè ©žæÚU ãñÐ

where (C) is the correct response.
5. Âýà٠˜æ I ¥õÚU Âýà٠˜æ II ·ð¤ çÜ° °·¤ ãè ©žæÚU ˜淤 ãñ Áô §â ÂýàÙ
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WXYZ—00 1 P.T.O.

Marks Obtained













1 26 51 76
2 27 52 77
3 28 53 78
4 29 54 79
5 30 55 80
6 31 56 81
7 32 57 82
8 33 58 83
9 34 59 84
10 35 60 85
11 36 61 86
12 37 62 87
13 38 63 88
14 39 64 89
15 40 65 90
16 41 66 91
17 42 67 92
18 43 68 93
19 44 69 94
20 45 70 95
21 46 71 96
22 47 72 97
23 48 73 98
24 49 74 99
25 50 75 100

Total Marks Obtained (in words) .....................................

(in figures) ....................................

Signature & Name of the Coordinator ...............................

(Evaluation) Date .............................

WXYZ—00 2


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions, each question carrying
two (2) marks. Attempt all of them.
§â ÂýàÙ˜æ ×𢠿æâ (50) Õãé-çß·¤ËÂUèØ ÂýàÙ ãñ¢Ð ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ Îô (2) ¥¢·¤ ãñ¢Ð âÖè ÂýàÙô¢ ·ð¤ ©žæÚU

1. Discussion Method can be used when :

(A) The topic is very difficult (B) The topic is easy
(C) The topic is difficult (D) All the above

2. Which of the following is a teaching aid ?

(A) Working Model of Wind Mill (B) Tape Recorder
(C) 16 mm Film Projector (D) All the above

3. The main aim of teaching is :

(A) To develop only reasoning (B) To develop only thinking
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) To give information

1. çß¿æÚU-çß×àæü çßçÏ ·¤æ ©ÂØô» ç·¤Øæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñ ÁÕç·¤ Ñ

(A) Âý·¤ÚU‡æ ÕãéÌ ·¤çÆUÙ ãôÐ (B) Âý·¤ÚU‡æ âÚUÜU ãôÐ

(C) Âý·¤ÚU‡æ ·¤çÆUÙ ãôÐ (D) ©ÂÚUôQ¤ âÖèÐ

2. çِ٠×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙâè çàæÿæ‡æ-âãæØ·¤ âæ×»ýè ãñ?

(A) ãßæ ç×ÜU ·¤æ ·¤æØü·¤æÚUè ÂýçÌ×æÙ (B) ÅðU UçÚU·¤æÇüUÚU

(C) 16 °× °× çȤË× ÂýôÁð€ÅUÚU (D) ©ÂÚUôQ¤ âÖè

3. çàæÿæ‡æ ·¤æ ×éØ ©gðàØ ãñ Ñ

(A) ·ð¤ßÜU Ì·ü¤ àæçQ¤ ·¤æ çß·¤æâ (B) ·ð¤ßÜU 翋ÌÙ ·¤æ çß·¤æâ

(C) (A) ¥õÚU (B) ÎôÙô¢ (D) âê¿Ùæ ÎðÙæ

WXYZ—00 3 P.T.O.

4. The quality of teaching is reflected :
(A) By the attendance of students in the class
(B) By the pass percentage of students
(C) By the quality of questions asked by students
(D) By the duration of silence maintained in the class

5. The present annual examination system :

(A) promotes rote learning
(B) does not promote good study habits
(C) does not encourage students to be regular in class
(D) All the above

6. A college wants to give training in use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
to researchers. For this the college should organise :
(A) Conference (B) Seminar
(C) Workshop (D) Lecture

7. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a research ?

(A) Research is systematic (B) Research is not a process
(C) Research is problem oriented (D) Research is not passive

8. Which of the following statement is correct ?

(A) Discoveries are researches
(B) Researches lead to discovery
(C) Invention and Research are related
(D) None of the above

9. Which of the following statement is correct ?

(A) In research, objectives can be worded in question form
(B) In research, objectives can be worded in statement form
(C) Objectives are to be stated in Chapter I of the Thesis
(D) All the above

WXYZ—00 4

4. çàæÿæ‡æ ·¤è »é‡æߞææ ÂýÎçàæüÌ ãôÌè ãñ Ñ

(A) ·¤ÿææ ×ð¢ ÀUæ˜æô¢ ·¤è ©ÂçSÍçÌ âð

(B) ÀUæ˜æô¢ ·¤è ©žæè‡æü ÂýçÌàæÌ âð

(C) ÀUæ˜æô¢ ·ð¤ mæÚUæ ÂêÀðU »Øð ÂýàÙô¢ ·¤è »é‡æߞææ âð

(D) ·¤ÿææ ×ð¢ àææç‹Ì ÕÙæØð ÚU¹Ùð ·¤è ¥ßçÏ âð

5. ßÌü×æÙ ßæçáü·¤ ÂÚUèÿææ Âý‡ææÜUè Ñ

(A) ÚUÅ¢UÌ Uçßlæ ·¤ô ÂýôˆâæçãÌ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ

(B) ¥‘ÀðU ÂUɸUÙðU ·¤è ¥æÎÌ ·¤ô ÂýôˆâæçãÌ Ùãè¢ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ

(C) ÀUæ˜æô¢ ·¤ô ·¤ÿææ ×ð¢ çÙØç×Ì ¥æÙð ·ð¤ çÜU° ÂýôˆâæçãÌ Ùãè¢ ·¤ÚUÌæ

(D) ©ÂÚUôQ¤ âÖè

6. °·¤ ×ãæçßlæÜUØ ¥ÂÙð àæôÏæçÍüØô¢ ·¤ô âæ×æçÁ·¤ çߙææÙô¢ ·ð¤ çÜU° â梁ط¤èØ Âñ·ð¤Á ·¤è ÂýØô»-çßçÏ ×ð¢
ÂýçàæçÿæÌ ·¤ÚUÙæ ¿æãÌæ ãñÐ §â·ð¤ çÜU° ©âð ¥æØôçÁÌ ·¤ÚUÙæ ¿æçã° Ñ

(A) â×ðÜUÙ (B) ⢻ôDUè

(C) ·¤æØüàææÜUæ (D) Üð€¿ÚU

7. çِÙçÜUç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙâæ àæôÏ ·¤æ »é‡æ Ùãè¢ ãñ?

(A) àæôÏ ÃØßçSÍÌ ãôÌè ãñÐ (B) àæôÏ ÂýçR¤Øæ¤Ùãè¢ ãñÐ

(C) àæôÏ â×SØæ ÂÚU·¤ ãôÌè ãñÐ (D) àæôÏ çÙçcR¤Ø ¤Ùãè¢ ãôÌèÐ

8. çِÙçÜUç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙ âæ ·¤ÍÙ âãè ãñ?

(A) ¥æçßc·¤æÚU ¥Ùéâ¢ÏæÙ ãôÌð ãñ¢Ð

(B) ¥Ùéâ¢ÏæÙ ¥æçßc·¤æÚU ×é¹è ãôÌð ãñ¢Ð

(C) ¥æçßc·¤æÚU ¥õÚU ¥Ùéâ¢ÏæÙ â¢Õ¢çÏÌ ãôÌð ãñ¢Ð

(D) ©ÂÚUôQ¤ ×ð¢¤âð ·¤ô§ü¤Ùãè¢Ð

9. çِÙçÜUç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙâæ ·¤ÍÙ âãè ãñ ?

(A) àæôÏ ×𢠩gðàØô¢ ·¤ô ÂýàÙæ·¤æÚU ×𢠷¤ãæ ÁæÌæ ãñÐ

(B) àæôÏ ×𢠩gðàØô¢ ·¤ô ·¤ÍÙæ·¤æÚU ×𢠷¤ãæ ÁæÌæ ãñÐ

(C) ©gðàØô¢ ·¤ô àæôÏ»ý‹Í ·ð¤ ÂýÍ× ¥ŠØæØ ×𢠷¤ãæ ÁæÌæ ãñÐ

(D) ©ÂÚUôQ¤ âÖèÐ

WXYZ—00 5 P.T.O.

10. Match List A with List B and choose the correct answer from the code given below :
List A List B
(a) Historical Method (i) Past events
(b) Survey Method (ii) Vision
(c) Philosophical Method (iii) Present events
(d) Experimental Method (iv) Exceptional cases
(v) Future action
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (iii) (ii) (v)
(B) (i) (ii) (iv) (v)
(C) (i) (iv) (ii) (v)
(D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Read the following passage and answer the question numbers 11 to 15.
Each day at the Shantiniketan School starts with the Saraswati Vandana. When
painting competitions are held in the school, images of Hindu gods and goddesses are
most common. Sanskrit is a favourite subject of many a student. Nothing new about it
except that the 1,200 - odd students studying in the Hindu - run school are Muslims.
In 1983, when Ranchodbhai Kiri started Shantiniketan in the all - Muslim Juhapura
area of Ahmedabad in Gujarat, only 20 percent of the students were Muslims. But
when riots involving the Muslims of Juhapura and the Hindus of nearby Jivrajpark -
Vejalpur affected the locality, Hindus started migrating. Today, all the students are
Muslims and the school is an unparalled example of harmony. In the 2002, when a
section of inflamed Muslims wanted the school closed, the parents of the students stood
like a wall behind it.
Shantiniketan’s principal says, “We never thought of moving the school out of
the area because of the love and affection of the local Muslims. Indeed they value the
high standard of education which we have set.” Such is the reputation of the school
that some of the local Muslim strongmen accused of involvement in communal riots
are willing to protect the school during the riots.
The parents of Shantiniketan’s students believe that it’s the best school when it
comes to the quality of the teaching. A large number of students have gone for both
graduation and post graduation studies. Significantly, the only Muslim teacher in the
40 - member teaching staff, Husena Mansuri, teaches Sanskrit. Infact, she is so happy
at the school that she recently declined the principalship of another Muslim - run school.
Some of the students’ entries in a recent school painting competition mere truly
moving. One drew a pciture of Bharat Mata with a mosque and temple, while another
portrayed a boy tying rakhi to his sister. Trully, Shantiniketan is a beacon of hope that,
despite the provocations from both communities, Hindus and Muslims can live
side-by-side with mutual respect.

WXYZ—00 6

10. âê¿è A ·¤ô âê¿è B âð âé×ðçÜUÌ ·¤èçÁ° ¥õÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅU âð¤ âãè ©žæÚU ¿éçÙ° Ñ

âê¿è A âê¿è¤ B
(a) °ðçÌãæçâ·¤ çßçÏ (i) Âêßü ƒæçÅUÌ ƒæÅUÙæ°¡

(b) âßðüÿæ‡æ çßçÏ (ii) ÎêÚUÎëçCU

(c) ÎæàæüçÙ·¤ çßçÏ (iii) ßÌü×æÙ ƒæÅUÙæ°¡

(d) ÂýØô» çßçÏ (iv) ¥âæÏæÚU‡æ çSÍçÌØæ¡

(v) ÖçßcØ ·¤è ·¤æØüßæãè

·ê¤ÅU :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (iii) (ii) (v)
(B) (i) (ii) (iv) (v)
(C) (i) (iv) (ii) (v)
(D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

çِÙçÜUç¹Ì ¥Ùé‘ÀðUÎ U·¤ô ÂçɸU° ÌÍæ 11 âð 15 Ì·¤ ·ð¤ ÂýàÙô¢ ·ð¤ ©¤žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ
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·¤è ¤ÂýÏæÙæ¿æØü ÕÙÙð ·¤æ ÂýSÌæß ÆéU·¤ÚUæ UçÎØæÐ ãæÜU ×ð¢ S·ê¤ÜU ×𢤠Âð¢çÅ¢U» U·¤è ÂýçÌØôç»Ìæ ×ð¢ ÕÙæ§ü »§ü ·é¤ÀU ÀUæ˜æô¢
·¤è ¢ðçÅ¢U» Ußæ·¤§ü çßÖôÚU ·¤ÚUÙð ßæÜè ãñ¢Ð °·¤ Ùð ×ç‹ÎÚU ¥õÚU ×çS$ÁÎ ·ð¤ âæÍ ÖæÚUÌ ×æÌæ ·¤è ÌSßèÚU ÕÙæ§ü, Ìô
ÎêâÚðU ÙðU °·¤ ×éâÜ×æÙ ÜǸU·ð¤ ·¤ô ¤¥ÂÙè çã¢Îê ÕãÙ âð ÚUæ¹è Õ¢ÏßæÌð ãé° çιæØæÐ àææ¢çÌ çÙ·ð¤ÌÙ¤ ¥æàææ ·¤è
°ðâè ç·¤ÚU‡æ ãñ ç·¤ ÎôÙô¢ â×éÎæØô¢ ·ð¤ âæÚðU ©U·¤âæßð ·ð¤ ÕæßÁêÎ çã¢Îê-×éâÜ×æÙ ÂÚUSÂÚU â×æÙ ·ð¤ âæÍ °·¤ ÎêâÚðU
·ð¤ âæÍ ÚUã â·¤Ìð ã¢ñÐ

WXYZ—00 7 P.T.O.

11. How the Shantiniketan school starts the day ?
(A) National anthem (B) Prayer
(C) Saraswati Vandana (D) Puja

12. Write the subject which is preferred by most of the students

(A) Hindi (B) English
(C) Sanskrit (D) Gujarati

13. Who protects the school during the riot times ?

(A) Local Muslims (B) Hindus
(C) Politicians (D) Christians

14. Who is the teacher of Sanskrit ?

(A) Ranchodbhai Kiri (B) Manisha Vakil
(C) Husena Mansuri (D) Husena Khatoon

15. What is the hope despite the communal riots ?

(A) Hindus and Muslims cannot live side by side
(B) Hindus and Muslims can live side by side
(C) Only Hindus can live
(D) Only Muslims can live

16. Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer using the codes given below :
List I List II
(Distinguished Ladies) (Area of work)
(a) Jhumpa Lahiri (i) Journalist
(b) Barkha Dutt (ii) Novel Writing
(c) Aparna Sen (iii) Film Actress
(d) Smita Patil (iv) Film Director
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

WXYZ—00 8

11. àææ¢çÌ çÙ·ð¤ÌÙ¤S·ê¤ÜU çÎÙ ·¤è àæéL¤¥æÌ ·ñ¤â𤷤ÚUÌæ ãñ ?
(A) ÚUæcÅþU»æÙ âð (B) ÂýæÍüÙæ âð
(C) âÚUSßÌè ߋÎÙæ âð (D) ÂêÁæ âð

12. ©â çßáØ ·¤æ Ùæ× ÕÌæ§Øð, çÁâð ¥çÏ·¤ÌÚU çßlæÍèü Ââ¢Î ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ¢ Ñ
(A) çã‹Îè (B) ¥¢»ýðÁè
(C) â¢S·ë¤Ì (D) »éÁÚUæÌè

13. ΢»ô¢ ·ð¤ â×Ø S·ê¤ÜU ·¤ô ç·¤âÙð Õ¿æØæ?

(A) SÍæÙèØ ×éâÜ×æÙô¢ Ùð (B) çã‹Îé¥ô¢ Ùð
(C) ÚUæÁÙèç̙æô¢ Ùð (D) §üâæ§Øô¢ Ùð

14. â¢S·ë¤Ì¤·¤æ ¥ŠØæ·¤ ·¤õÙ ãñ?

(A) ÚU‡æÀUôÇUÖæ§ü ç·¤ÚUè (B) ×Ùèáæ ß·¤èÜU
(C) ãéâðÙæ ×¢âêÚUè (D) ãéâðÙæ ¹æÌêÙ

15. âæÂýÎæçØ·¤ ΢»ô¢ ·ð¤ ÕæßÁêÎ ¥æàææ ·¤è ç·¤ÚU‡æ €Øæ¤ ãñ?
(A) çã‹Îê ¥õÚU ×éâÜ×æÙ âæÍ-UâæÍ Ùãè¢ ÚUã â·¤Ìð
(B) çã‹Îê ¥õÚU ×éâÜ×æÙ âæÍ-âæÍ ÚUã â·¤Ìð ãñ¢
(C) ·ð¤ßÜU çã‹Îê ÚUã â·¤Ìð ãñ¢
(D) ·ð¤ßÜU ×éâÜ×æÙ ÚUã â·¤Ìð ãñ

16. âê¿è I (çßçàæCU ×çãÜæ°¡) ·¤ô âê¿è II (·¤æØüÿæð˜æ) âð âé×ðçÜUÌ ·¤èçÁ° ¥õÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ ·ê¤ÅU âð âãè ©žæÚU ¿éçÙ°Ñ
âê¿è I âê¿è II
(çßçàæCU ×çãÜæ°ð¢) (·¤æØü ÿæð˜æ)
(a) Ûæé¢Âæ ÜæçãÚUè (i) ˜淤æÚU
(b) ÕÚU¹æ Ξæ (ii) ©Â‹Øæâ·¤æÚU
(c) ¥Â‡ææü âðÙ (iii) çâÙð×æ ·¤ÜUæ·¤æÚU
(d) çS×Ìæ ÂæçÅUÜU (iv) çâÙð×æ çÙÎðüàæ·¤
·ê¤ÅU :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

WXYZ—00 9 P.T.O.

17. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched ?
(A) Aajtaak - 24 hours news channel (B) F.M. Stations - Radio
(C) National Geography channel - Television (D) Vir Sanghvi - India Today

18. Which is the oldest soap opera telecasted in India ?

(A) Kahani Ghar Ghar Ke (B) Buniad
(C) Humlog (D) Saas bhi Kabhi Bahu Thee

19. Which satellite channel uses the adline, “Knowing is everything” ?

(A) BBC World (B) Star
(C) Sony (D) Zee

20. Which is the “First made in India” Kids channel of television ?

(A) Cartoon Network (B) Walt Disney
(C) United Home Entertainment’s Hungama TV (D) Nick Jr.

21. The letters in the first set have certain relationships. On the basis of the relationship
which is the right choice for the second set ?
BF : GK : : LP : ?
(A) JK (B) QW
(C) VW (D) RQ

22. If the BLOOD is coded as 24113 and BRUST as 20678, then code for ROBUST is :
(A) 620781 (B) 612078
(C) 678102 (D) 610732

23. A bag contains an equal number of one rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins. If the total
amount in the bag is Rs. 35, how many coins of each type are there ?
(A) 15 (B) 18
(C) 20 (D) 25

24. In the sequence of numbers

2 4 11 16
, , X, ,
3 7 21 31
the missing number X is :
8 6
(A) (B)
10 10
5 7
(C) (D)
10 10

WXYZ—00 10

17. çِÙçÜUç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙ âæ Øé‚× âé×ðçÜUÌ Ùãè¢ ãñ?
(A) ¥æÁÌ·¤ - 24 ƒæ¢ÅðU ¿ÜÙð ßæÜæ â×æ¿æÚU ¿ñÙÜ
(B) °È¤. °×. SÅðUàæUÙ - ÚðUçÇUØôU
(C) ÙðàæÙÜU çÁØô»ýæçȤ·¤ ¿ñÙÜ - UÅðUçÜUçßU$ÁUÙ
(D) ßèÚU ç⢃æßè - §ç‡ÇØæ ÅéUÇðU

18. ÖæÚUÌ ×ð¢ ÅðUÜUèçUß$ÁUÙ ·¤æ âÕâð ÂéÚUæÙæ âô ¥ôÂðÚUæ ·¤õÙâæ ãñ?
(A) ·¤ãæÙè ƒæÚU ƒæÚU ·¤è (B) ÕéçÙØæÎ
(C) ã× ÜUô» (D) âæâ Öè ·¤Öè Õãê Íè

19. ·¤õÙâæ âðÅUÜæ§ÅU ¿ñÙðÜU §â Âý¿æÚU-ßæ€Ø ¤·¤æ ÂýØô» ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ, “ÁæÙÙæ ãè âÕ ·é¤ÀU ãñ”?
(A) Õè. Õè. âè. ßËUÇüU (B) SÅUæÚU
(C) âôÙè (D) $ÁUè

20. ÅðUÜUèçUß$ÁÙ ÂÚU “âßüÂýÍ× ÖæÚUÌ ×ð¢ ÕÙæØæ »Øæ” Õ“æô¢ ·¤æ ¿ñÙðÜU ·¤õÙâæ ãñ?
(A) ·¤æÅêüUÙ ÙðÅUß·ü¤ (B) ßæËÅU çUÇU$ÁÙè
(C) ØéÙæ§çÅUÇU ãô× °‡ÅÚÅðÙ×ð¢UÅU ·¤æ U㢻æ×æ ÅUèßè (D) çÙ·¤ ÁêçÙØÚU

21. ÂãÜðU â×é‘¿Ø ·ð¤ ¥ÿæÚUô¢ ×𢠰·¤ çßçàæCU â¢Õ¢Ï ãñÐ §â â¢Õ¢Ï ·ð¤ ¥æÏæÚU ÂÚU ÎêâÚðU âU×é“æØ ·ð¤ çÜU° âãè
çß·¤ËÂU ·¤õÙ âæ ãñ?
BF : GK :: LP : ?
(A) JK (B) QW
(C) VW (D) RQ

22. ØçÎ BLOOD ·¤æ ·ê¤ÅU ãñ¤24113, ¤¥õÚU BRUST ·¤æ ·ê¤ÅU ãñ 20678,¤Ìô ROBUST ·¤æ ·ê¤ÅU ãñ¤ Ѥ
(A) 620781 (B) 612078
(C) 678102 (D) 610732

23. °·¤ ÍñÜUè ×𢠰·¤ M¤ÂØð, 50 Âñâð ¥õÚU 25 Âñâð ·ð¤ ç‷¤ô¢ ·¤è ⢁Øæ ÕÚUæÕÚU ãñÐ ØçÎ ÍñÜUè ×𢠷é¤ÜU 35 ¤L¤ÂØð
ãñ¢ Ìô ÂýˆØð·¤ Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ çâP¤ô¢¤ ·¤è ⢁Øæ €Øæ¤ ãñ?
(A) 15 (B) 18
(C) 20 (D) 25

2 4 11 16
24. , , X, ,
3 7 21 31
¥¢·¤ Ÿæ뢹ÜUæ ×ð¢ ÜéU# ¥¢·¤ X ãñ Ñ
8 6
(A) (B)
10 10
5 7
(C) (D)
10 10

WXYZ—00 11 P.T.O.

25. If A stands for 5 , B for 6, C for 7, D for 8, and so on, what do the following numbers
stand for :
22, 25, 8, 22 and 5 ?

26. Which of the following statements are always true ?

(a) A wooden table is a table
(b) Now, it is raining or not raining
(c) The sun rises in the East every day
(d) A chicken comes out of a hen’s egg
Choose the correct answer from the code given below :
Code :
(A) (a) and (c) (B) (a), (c) and (d)
(C) (a) and (b) (D) (b) and (c)

27. Which of the following statements are mutually inconsistent ?

(a) Mostly poets are not egoistic
(b) Mostly poets are humble
(c) Some poets are egoistic
(d) Some poets are not non - egoistic
Choose the correct answer from the code given below :
Code :
(A) (a) and (d) (B) (b) and (c)
(C) (a) and (c) (D) (c) and (d)

28. Which of the following statements is/are absolutely impossible ?

(a) A woman giving birth to her own grandchild
(b) A man attending his own funeral
(c) The Sun not rising in the East some day
(d) Cars running without petrol
Choose the correct answer from the code given below :
Code :
(A) (a) and (b) (B) (c) and (d)
(C) (b) (D) (a)

WXYZ—00 12

25. ØçÎ A ·¤æ ×êËUØ 5 ãñ, B ·¤æ ×êËUØ 6 ãñ, C ·¤æ ×êËUØ 7 ãñ, D ·¤æ ×êËUØ 8 ãñ, §ˆØæçÎ Ìô çِÙçÜç¹Ì ¥¢·¤ô
22, 25, 8, 22 ¥õÚU 5 ·¤æ ×êËUØ ãñ Ñ

26. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙ âð ·¤ÍÙ âÎñß âˆØ ãôÌð ãñ¢?

(a) ¶U·¤Ç¸Uè U·¤æ ×ð$ÁU °·¤ ×ð$Á ãôÌæ ãñÐ
(b) §â â×Ø Øæ Ìô ßáæü ãô ÚUãè ãñ Øæ ßáæü Ùãè¢ ãô ÚUãèÐ
(c) âêØü âÎñß Âêßü çÎàææ âð ©çÎÌ ãôÌæ ãñÐ
(d) ¿ê$Áæ ×é»èü ·ð¤ ¥‡ÇðU âðU çUÙ·¤ÜUÌæ ãñÐ
çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅU âð¤ âãè ©žæÚU ¿éçÙ° Ñ
·ê¤ÅU :
(A) (a) ¥õÚU (c) (B) (a), (c) ¥õÚ (d)
(C) (a) ¥õÚ (b) (D) (b) ¥õÚ (c)

27. çِÙçÜUç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙâð ·¤ÍÙ ÂÚUSÂÚU çßÚUôÏè ãñ¢?

(a) ¥çÏ·¤ÌÚU ·¤çß ¥ã¢·¤æÚUè Ùãè¢ ãôÌð ãñ¢Ð
(b) ¥çÏ·¤ÌÚU ·¤çß çßÙ×ý ãôÌð ãñ¢Ð
(c) ·é¤ÀU ·¤çß ¥ã¢·¤æÚUè ãôÌð ãñ¢Ð
(d) ·é¤ÀU ·¤çߤçÙÚU-¥ã¢·¤æÚUè Ùãè¢ ãôÌð ãñ¢Ð
çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅU âð¤ âãè ©žæÚU ¿éçÙ° Ñ
·ê¤ÅU :
(A) (a) ¥õÚU (d) (B) (b) ¥õÚU (c)
(C) (a) ¥õÚU (c) (D) (c) ¥õÚU (d)

28. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙ âæ/âð ·¤ÍÙ Âê‡æüÌÑ ¥â¢Öß ãñ¢?

(a) ç·¤âè S˜æè mæÚUæ ¥ÂÙð ÂôÌð ·¤ô Á‹× ÎðÙæÐ
(b) ç·¤âè ×ÙécØ mæÚUæ ¥ÂÙè ¥‹ˆØðçCU ×𢠩ÂçSÍÌ ãôÙæÐ
(c) ç·¤âè çÎÙ âêØü ·¤æ Âêßü âð ©çÎÌ Ù ãôÙæÐ
(d) ·¤æÚUô¢ ·¤æ §ZÏÙ ·ð¤ çÕÙæ ¿ÜUÙæÐ
çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅU âð¤ âãè ©žæÚU ¿éçÙ° Ñ
·ê¤ÅU :
(A) (a) ¥õÚU (b) (B) (c) ¥õÚU (d)
(C) (b) (D) (a)

WXYZ—00 13 P.T.O.

29. Which of the following are incorrect ways of arguing ?
(a) If horses are cows, and if cows are sheep, then all horses must be sheep.
(b) If top actors are famous, and Shah Rukh Khan is famous, then Shah Rukh Khan
is a top actor
(c) Lata is the second sister of Raju, hence Raju is the second brother of Lata
(d) A is not equal to B, but B is equal to C, hence A is equal to C.
Choose the correct answer from the code given below :
Code :
(A) (a), (b) and (c) (B) (a), (c) and (d)
(C) (b), (c) and (d) (D) (a), (b) and (d)

30. Which of the following statements say the same thing ?

(a) “I am clever” (said by Rama)
(b) “I am clever” (said by Raju)
(c) “My son is clever” (said by Rama’s father)
(d) “My brother is clever” (said by Rama’s sister)
(e) “My brother is clever” (said by Rama’s only sister)
(f) “My sole enemy is clever” (said by Rama’s only enemy)
Choose the correct answer from the code given below :
Code :
(A) (a), (c), (d), (e) and (f) (B) (a) and (b)
(C) (d) and (e) (D) (a) and (f)

Study the following graph and answer Question Numbers 31 to 33 :

WXYZ—00 14

29. çِÙçÜUç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙâð Ì·ü¤ ·ð¤ »ÜÌ É¢U» Uãñ¢?

(a) ØçUÎ ƒæôǸðU »æ°¡ ãñ¢, ¥õÚU ØçÎ »æ°¡ ÖðǸð¢U ãñ¢U, UÌô âÖè ƒæôǸðU ÖðUǸð¢U ãñ¢UÐ

(b) ØçUÎ ©“æÌ× ¥çÖÙðÌæ Âýçâh ãñ¢, ¥õÚU àææãL¤¹ ¹æÙ Âýçâh ãñ, Ìô àææãL¤¹ ¹æÙ ©“æÌ× ¥çÖÙðÌæ ãñÐ

(c) ÜUÌæ ÚUæÁê ·¤è ÎêâÚUè ÕãÙ ãñ, ¥ÌÑ ÚUæÁê ÜÌæ ·¤æ ÎêâÚUæ Öæ§ü ãñÐ

(d) A, B ·ð¤ â×æÙ Ùãè¢ ãñ, ç·¤‹Ìé B, C ·ð¤ â×æÙ ãñ, ¥ÌÑ A, C ·ð¤ â×æÙ ãñÐ
çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅU âð¤ âãè ©žæÚU ¿éçÙ° Ñ

·ê¤ÅU :
(A) (a), (b) ¥õÚU (c) (B) (a), (c) ¥õÚU (d)
(C) (b), (c) ¥õÚU (d) (D) (a), (b) ¥õÚU (d)

30. çِÙçÜUç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙâð ·¤ÍÙ °·¤ ãè ÕæÌ ·¤ãÌð ãñ¢?

(a) “×ñ¢ ¿ÌéÚU ãꡔ (ÚUæ× mæÚUæ ·¤ãæ »Øæ)Ð

(b) “×ñ¢ ¿ÌéÚU ãꡔ (ÚUæÁê mæÚUæ ·¤ãæ »Øæ)Ð
(c) “×ðÚUæ ÕðÅUæ ¿ÌéÚU ãñ” (ÚUæ× ·ð¤ çÂÌæ mæÚUæ ·¤ãæ »Øæ)
(d) “×ðÚUæ Öæ§ü ¿ÌéÚU ãñ” (ÚUæ× ·¤è ÕãÙ mæÚUæ ·¤ãæ »Øæ)
(e) “×ðÚUæ Öæ§ü ¿ÌéÚU ãñ” (ÚUæ× ·¤è §·¤ÜõÌè ÕãÙ mæÚUæ ·¤ãæ »Øæ)
(f) “×ðÚUæ §·¤ÜUõÌæ àæ˜æé ¿ÌéÚU ãñ” (ÚUæ× ·ð¤ §·¤ÜõÌð àæ˜æé mæÚUæ ·¤ãæ »Øæ)
çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅU âð¤ âãè ©žæÚU ¿éçÙ° Ñ

·ê¤ÅU :
(A) (a), (c), (d), (e) ¥õÚU (f) (B) (a) ¥õÚU (b)
(C) (d) ¥õÚU (e) (D) (a) ¥õÚU (f)

çِ٠¥æÚðU¹ ·¤æ ¥ŠØØÙ ·¤èçÁ° °ß¢ ÂýUà٠⢁Øæ 31 âð 33 Ì·¤ ·ð¤ ©žæÚU ÎèçÁ°Ð

WXYZ—00 15 P.T.O.

31. In which year was the sale of ‘Pep - up’ the maximum ?
(A) 1990 (B) 1992
(C) 1993 (D) None of the above

32. In the case of which soft drink was the average annual sale maximum during the
period 1988 - 1993.
(A) Pep - up only (B) Cool - sip only
(C) Cool - sip and Dew - drop (D) Pep - up and Dew - drop

33. What was the approximate percent drop in the sale of Pep - up in 1990 over its sale in
1989 ?
(A) 5 (B) 12
(C) 14 (D) 20

FOR BLIND STUDENTS (Q. No. 31 to 33)

Read the following paragraph and answer question numbers 31 to 33 :
It is logical to predict victory for Australia in its approaching series in India.
Statistically Ricky Pointing’s side is a clear 20 point leader in the ICC Test championship
table and 25 points ahead of Sourav Ganguly’s fourth place combo ? History, however,
does not always observe the laws of logic, and the fact that 35 years have elapsed since
Bill Lawry’s team achieved Australia’s unique series win in India, suggests that this
year the odds are not all stacked in Australia’s favour.
More recent statistics support this viewpoint. Ganguly’s men won the 2000-01
rubber on the subcontinent 2 - 1, they then defied their abysmal record in matches
abroad by sharing the honours of the 2003-04 rubber in Australia.
In early 2004, they repeated their successes against traditional rivals, Pakistan,
with Sehwag scoring 309 runs at Multan where he and Tendulkar compiled a joint
335. In Rawalpindi, Dravid’s 270 set the seal on an innings victory and a 2 - 1 triumph
in a series which broke the perennial deadlock between the two nations.

31. Which subject does not observe the Laws of Logic ?

(A) Philosophy (B) Biochemistry
(C) English (D) History

32. Indian team got success in early 2004 against their traditional rival :
(A) Pakistan (B) Australia
(C) England (D) Bangladesh

33. In which place of Pakistan Sehwag scored 309 runs ?

(A) Kolkatta (B) Rawalpindi
(C) Multan (D) Mumbai

WXYZ—00 16

31. ç·¤â ßáü ×𢠑ÂðÂ-¥Â’ ·¤è çßR¤è ¤âßæüçÏ·¤ Íè?
(A) 1990 (B) 1992
(C) 1993 (D) ©ÂÚUôQ¤ ·¤ô§ Ùãè¢

32. Îè »Øè ¥ßçÏ (1988 - 1993)×ð¢ ç·¤â âæòÅ çÇþ¢U·¤ ·¤è U¥õâÌ ßæçáü·¤ çßR¤è ¤âßæüçÏ·¤ Íè?U
(A) ·ð¤ßÜU ÂðÂ-¤¥Â (B) ·ð¤ßÜU ·¤ôÜU-çâÂ
(C) ·¤ôÜU-ç⠰ߢ çÇUß-ÇþUæ (D) ÂðÂ-¥Â °ß¢ çÇUß-ÇþUæÂ

33. 1989 ·¤è ÌéÜUÙæ ×ð¢ 1990 ·¤è ÂðÂ-¥Â ·¤è çßR¤è ¤×ð¢ ÜU»Ö» ç·¤ÌÙð ÂýçÌàæÌ ·¤è ç»ÚUæßÅU ¥æ§ü?
(A) 5 (B) 12
(C) 14 (D) 20

·ð¤ßÜU ÎëçCUãèÙ ÀUæ˜æô¢ ·ð¤ çÜU° (ÂýàÙ Ù¢. 31 âð 33)

çِÙçÜç¹Ì ¥Ùé‘ÀðUÎ U·¤ô ÂçɸUØð ¥õÚU ÂýàÙ Ù¢. 31 âð 33 Ì·¤ ·ð¤ ©žæÚU ÎèçÁ°Ð
¥æSÅþðUçÜØæU ·ð¤ ¥æ»æ×è ÖæÚUÌ ÎõÚðU ×ð¢U ¥æSÅþðUçÜØæU U·¤è ÁèÌ ·¤è ÖçßcØ ßæ‡æè ·¤ÚUÙæ Ìæç·ü¤·¤ UãñUÐ ¥æ¢·¤ÇUô¢
·ð¤ ÂÜǸðU ÂUÚU çÚU·¤è Âô¢çÅ¢U» U·¤è ÅUè× ¥æ§ü. âè. âè. UÅðUSÅU ¿ñ¢çÂØÙçàæ ·¤è âê¿è ×ð¢ 20 ¥¢·¤ âð ¥õÚU ¿õÍð ÂæØÎæÙ
ÂÚU ¹ÇðU UâõÚUß »æ¢»éÜè ·ð¤ ÎSÌð âð 25 ¥¢·¤ ¥æU»ð ãñÐ ÂÚU ØæÎ ÚUãð, §çÌãæâ ã×ðàææ Ìæç·ü¤·¤ çÙØ×ô¢ ÂÚU Ùãè¢
¿ÜUÌæÐ Ì‰Ø Øã ãñ ç·¤ çÕÜU ÜæòÚUè ·ð¤ ÙðÌëˆß ×𢠥æSÅþðUçÜØæ ÅUè× ·¤ô ÖæÚUÌ ÂÚU ÁèÌ ÎÁü ç·¤Øð ãé° 35 ßáü ÕèÌ
»Øð ãñ¢Ð Ì‰Ø Øãè ·¤ãÌæ ãñ ç·¤ §â ßáü ÂÜǸUæ UÂêÚUè ÌÚUã âð ¥æSÅþðUçÜØæ ·ð¤ Âÿæ ×𢠷¤Ì§ü Ùãè¢ ãñÐ
·é¤ÀU ÌæÁæ ¥æ¢·¤ÇðU ÖUè §â ÙÁçÚU° ·¤è ÂéçC ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ¢Ð »æ¢»éÜUè ·ð¤ Õ梷é¤ÚUô¢¤ Ùð ©Â ×ãæmè ×ð¢ 2000-01 ·¤æ
ÚUÕÚU 2-1 âð ÁèÌæ Íæ; ©â·ð¤ ÕæÎU çßÎðàæè ÏÚUÌè ÂÚU ¥ÂÙð ¹ÚUæÕ ÂýÎàæüÙô¢ ·ð¤ çÚU·¤æÇüU ·¤ô UƒæÌæ ÕÌæÌð ãé°
¥æSÅþðUçÜØæU ×ð¢ 2003-04 ·¤è âèçÚUÁ ÕÚUæÕÚUè ÂÚU ÀUôÇUèÐ
2004 ·ð¤ àæéL¤¥æÌè çÎÙô¢ ×𢠩‹ãô¢Ù𢠷¤æ×ØæÕè ·¤æ ßãè R¤× ¤¥ÂÙð ÂæÚ¢UÂçUÚU·¤ ÂýçÎm‹mè Âæç·¤SÌæÙ ·ð¤
ç¹ÜæȤ Öè ÁæÚUè ÚU¹æÐ âãßæ» Ùð ×éËUÌæÙ ÅðUSÅU ×ð¢ 309 ÚUÙ ÕÙæ° ¥õÚU Ìð¢ÎéÜ·¤ÚU ·ð¤ âæÍ 335 ÚUÙô¢ ·¤è âæÛæðÎæÚUè
·¤èÐ ÚUæßÜç¢ÇUè ×ð¢ ÎýæçßÇU ·ð¤ 270 ÚUÙô¢¤ Ù𤠰·¤ ÂæÚUè âð ÁèÌ ·¤è Ùè¢ß ÚU¹Ìð ãé°, ©â âèçÚUÁ ×ð¢ 2-1 âð ÁèÌ
·¤æ ×æ»ü ÂýàæSÌ ·¤ÚU çÎØæ, çÁâÙð Îô Îðàæô¢ ·ð¤ Õè¿ ¥ÚUâð âð ÕÙð »çÌÚUôÏ ·¤ô ÌôÇUæ ÍæÐ

31. ·¤õÙâæ çßáØ Ì·ü¤ ·ð¤ ·¤æÙêÙô¢¤ ·¤æ ÂæÜÙ Ùãè¢ ·¤ÚUÌæ?
(A) ÎàæüÙàææS˜æ (B) ÕæØô ·ð¤ç×SÅþUè
(C) ¥¢»ýðÁè (D) §çÌãæâ

32. 2004 ·ð¤ àæéL¤ ×ð¢ ÖæÚUÌèØ ÅUè× Ùð ¥ÂÙð ÂÚUÂÚUæ»Ì ÂýçÌm‹mè ÂÚU çßÁØ ÂæØè Ñ
(A) Âæç·¤SÌæÙ (B) ¥æSÅþðUçÜØæU
(C) §¢‚Üñ‡ÇU (D) Õ梻ÜæÎðàæ

33. Âæç·¤SÌæÙ ·ð¤ ç·¤â SÍæÙ ÂÚU âãßæ» Ùð 309 ÚUÙ ÕÙæ° Ñ
(A) ·¤ôÜ·¤æÌæ (B) ÚUæßÜç‡ÇUè
(C) ×éËUÌæÙ (D) ×éÕ§ü

WXYZ—00 17 P.T.O.

34. The “Report on Currency and Finance” for each of the financial year in India is published
by :
(A) Reserve Bank of India (B) Ministry of Finance
(C) Planning Commission (D) Central Statistical Organisation

35. The number of students in two classes A and B and the respective “mean” of the marks
obtained by each of the class are given in the following table :
Class A Class B
Number of Students 20 80
Arithmatic Mean 10 20
The combined “mean” of the marks of the two classes will be :
(A) 18 (B) 15
(C) 10 (D) 20

36. ICT stands for :

(A) International Communication Technology
(B) Intera Common Terminology
(C) Information and Communication Technology
(D) Inter connected Terminals

37. Which of the following statement is NOT correct ?

(A) Computer is capable of processing only digital signal
(B) Computer is capable of analysing both quantitative and qualitative data
(C) Appropriate software is required for processing the data
(D) Computer is capable of processing digital as well as analog signals

38. Which of the following is the appropriate definition of Information Technology ?

(A) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for processing
(B) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for distribution
of useful information
(C) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for storage,
retrieval, processing and distributing information of many kinds.
(D) Information Technology refers to the use of principles of Physical sciences and
Social sciences for processing of information of many kinds.

39. Which of the following statement is correct ?

(A) Virus improves the speed of processing information through computer
(B) Internet does not allow the virus to spread
(C) Virus is a part of software
(D) Virus is an operating system

WXYZ—00 18

34. ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ ÂýˆØð·¤ çߞæèØ-ßáü ×𢠓çÚUÂôÅüU ¥UæòÙ÷ ·¤ÚðU‹âè ¥õÚU Ȥæ§üÙð¢â” Âý·¤æçàæÌ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ Ñ
(A) çÚÁßü Õñ¢·¤ ¥æòȤ §ç‡ÇUØæ (B) çߞæ ×¢˜ææÜUØ
(C) ØôÁÙæ ¥æØô» (D) âð¢ÅþUÜU SÅðUçÅUSÅUè·¤ÜU ¥Uæò»üÙæ§ü$ÁðUàæUÙ

35. çِÙçÜUç¹Ì âæçÚU‡æè ×ð¢ Îô ·¤ÿææ¥ô¢ A ¥õÚU B ·ð¤ çßlæçÍüØô¢ ·¤è ⢁Øæ ¥õÚU ÂýˆØð·¤ ·¤ÿææ mæÚUæ ¥çÁüÌ ¥¢·¤
çΰ »° ãñ¢ Ñ
· ÿææ A · ÿææ B
ÀUæ˜æô¢ ·¤è ⢁Øæ 20 80
¥¢·¤»ç‡æÌèØ ¥õâÌ 10 20
ÎôÙô¢ ·¤ÿææ¥ô¢ ·ð¤ ¥¢·¤ô ¤·¤è â¢ØéQ¤ ¥õâÌ ãñ :
(A) 18 (B) 15
(C) 10 (D) 20

36. ¥æ§ü. âè. ÅUè. âÕôçÏÌ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ Ñ

(A) §‹ÅUÚUÙðàæÙÜU ·¤ØéçÙ·ð¤àæÙ ÅðU€ÙôUÜUôÁè
(B) §‹ÅUÚUæ ·¤ô×Ù ÅUÚU×èÙôÜôÁè
(C) §‹È¤ÚU×ðàæÙ °‡ÇU ·¤ØéçÙ·ð¤àæÙ ÅðU€ÙôUÜôÁè

37. çِ٠×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙ âæ ·¤ÍÙ âãè Ùãè¢ ãñ?

(A) ·¤ŒØêÅUÚU ÇUèçÁÅUÜU çâ»ÙÜU ·¤ô â¢ÏæçÚUÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ×ð¢ â×Íü ãñÐ
(B) ·¤ŒØêÅUÚU ⢁Øæˆ×·¤ °ß¢ »é‡ææˆ×·¤ ÁæÙ·¤æÚUè ·¤æ çßàÜðUá‡Uæ ·¤ÚUÙð ×ð¢ â×Íü ãñÐ
(C) ÁæÙ·¤æÚUè ·¤ô â¢ÏæçÚUÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤ çÜU° ©ÂØéQ¤ âôÅUßðØÚ ·¤è ÁM¤ÚUÌ ãñÐ
(D) ·¤ŒØêÅUÚU ÇUèçÁÅUÜU °ß¢ ¥ÙæÜUæò» çâ»ÙÜU ·¤ô â¢ÏæçÚUÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ×ð¢ â×Íü ãñÐ

38. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð¢ âð âê¿Ùæ Âýõlôç»·¤è ·¤è ©ÂØéQ¤ ÂçÚUÖæáæ ·¤õÙ âè ãñ?
(A) âê¿Ùæ ·¤ô â¢ÏæçÚUÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° ©ÂØô» ×ð¢ Üæ° »Øð ãæÇüUßðØÚU ¥õÚU âæÅUßðØÚU ·¤ô âê¿Ùæ Âýõlôç»·¤è
·¤ãÌð ãñÐ
(B) ÜæÖ·¤æÚUè âê¿Ùæ ·ð¤ çßÌÚU‡æ ·ð¤ çÜU° ©ÂØô» ×ð¢ Üæ° »Øð ãæÇüUßðØÚU ¥õÚU âæÅUßðØÚU ·¤ô âê¿Ùæ Âýõlôç»·¤è
·¤ãÌð ãñ¢Ð
(C) çÖóæ Âý·¤æÚU ·¤è âê¿Ùæ ·¤æ ⢻ýã‡æ, ÂéÙÑÂýæç#, â¢ÏæçÚUÌ ¥õÚU çßÌÚU‡æ ·ð¤ çÜU° ©ÂØô» ×ð¢ Üæ° »Øð ãæÇüUßðØÚU
¥õÚU âæÅUßðØÚU ·¤ô âê¿Ùæ Âýõlôç»·¤è ·¤ãÌð ãñ¢Ð
(D) çÖóæ Âý·¤æÚU ·¤è âê¿Ùæ ·¤ô â¢ÏæçÚUÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤ çÜU° ÖõçÌ·¤ çߙææÙ °ß¢ âæ×æçÁ·¤ çߙææÙ ·ð¤ çâhæ‹Ìô¢¤ ·ð¤
©ÂØô» ·¤ô âê¿Ùæ Âýõlôç»·¤è ·¤ãÌð ãñ¢Ð

39. çِ٠×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙ âæ ·¤ÍÙ âãè ãñ?

(A) ßæ§ÚUâ ·¤ŒØêÅUÚU ·ð¤ mæÚUæ âê¿Ùæ ·ð¤ â¢ÏæÚU‡æ ·¤è »çÌ ·¤ô ÕɸUæ UÎðÌæ ãñÐ
(B) §‹ÅUÚÙðÅU ßæ§ÚUâ ·¤ô Èñ¤ÜÙð¤ Ùãè¢ ÎðÌæ ãñÐ
(C) ßæ§ÚUâ âæÅUßðØÚU ·¤æ çãSâæ ãñÐ
(D) ßæ§ÚUâ °·¤ ¥æÂÚðUçÅ¢U» UçâSÅU× ãñÐ

WXYZ—00 19 P.T.O.

40. Which of the following is correct statement ?
(A) Computers can be used for diagnosing the difficulty of a student in learning a
(B) Psychological testing can be done with the help of computer provided a software
is available
(C) A set of instructions is called a programme
(D) All the above

41. Global warning during winter becomes more pronounced at the :

(A) Equator (B) Poles
(C) Tropic of Cancer (D) Tropic of Capricorn

42. In the study of man - environment interaction, the statement of Miss Semple that
“the humans are solely the product of their environment”, is :
(A) An opinion (B) A prejudice
(C) A fact (D) A widely accepted phenomenon

43. In analysis of man - environment relationship Pragmatic Possibilism implies that :

(A) There is no limit for man to exploit resources of earth
(B) There are limited possibilities to explore earth’s resources
(C) The man has to watch and assess the situation and then go ahead with resource
(D) The man has to keep in mind only his basic needs while planning to harness the
potential of resourceful earth

44. Arrange Column II in proper sequence so as to match it with Column I and choose the
correct answer from the code given below :
Column I Column II
Activity Noise level
(a) Hearing (i) 30 dB
(b) Whispering (ii) 1 dB
(c) Interference with sleep (iii) 60 dB
(d) Normal talk (iv) 30 - 50 dB
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

WXYZ—00 20

40. çِ٠×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙ âæ ·¤ÍÙ âãè ãñ?
(A) °·¤ çßáØ ·¤ô âè¹Ùð ×ð¢ çßlæÍèü ·¤è ·¤çÆUÙæ§ü ·¤æ çÙÎæÙ ·¤ŒØêÅUÚU ·¤è âãæØÌæ âð ç·¤Øæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñÐ
(B) ¥»ÚU âôÅUßðØÚU ©ÂÜŽÏ ãñ Ìô ×Ùôßñ™ææçÙ·¤ ÂÚUèÿæ‡æ ·¤ŒØêÅUÚU ·¤è âãæØÌæ âð ç·¤Øæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñÐ
(C) âê¿Ùæ¥ô¢ ·ð¤ â×é“æØ ·¤ô Âýô»ýæ× ·¤ãÌð ãñ¢Ð
(D) ©ÂÚUôQ¤ âÖè

41. Öê-ׇÇUÜèØ ÌæÂÙ àæèÌ·¤æÜU ×𢠥õÚU ¥çÏ·¤ ãô ÁæÌè ãñ Ñ

(A) çßáéßÌ ÚðU¹æU ÂÚU (B) Ïýéßô¢ ÂÚU
(C) ·¤·ü¤ ÚðU¹æ ÂÚU (D) ×·¤ÚU ÚðU¹æU ÂÚU

42. ×æÙß-ÂØæüßÚU‡æ ¥‹ÌÂüýçR¤Øæ¤ ·ð¤ ¥ŠØØÙ ×ð¢ ç×â âðÂéÜU ·¤æ ·¤ÍÙ ç·¤ “×æÙß Âê‡æüÌÑ ¥ÂÙð ÂØæüßÚU‡æ ·¤æ
©ˆÂæÎ ãñ” °·¤ Ñ
(A) ×Ì ãñ (B) Âêßæü»ýã ãñ
(C) Ì‰Ø ãñ (D) Õãé Sßè·ë¤Ì ¤â¢ßëçžæ ãñ

43. ×æÙß-ÂØæüßÚU‡æ âÕ¢Ï ·¤è ÃØæØæ ×ð¢ ÃØæßãæçÚU·¤ â¢ÖßßæÎ ·¤æ çÙçãÌæÍü ãñ ç·¤ Ñ
(A) Âë‰ßè ·ð¤ â¢âæÏÙô¢ ·ð¤ ÎôãÙ ×ð¢ ×æÙß ·ð¤ çÜ° ·¤ô§ü âè×æ Ùãè¢ ãñ
(B) Âë‰ßè ·ð¤ â¢âæÏÙô¢ ·ð¤ ¥‹ßðá‡æ ×ð¢ ×æÙß ·ð¤ çÜ° âèç×Ì â¢ÖæßÙæØð¢ ãñ¢
(C) ×æÙß ·¤ô ÂçÚUçSÍçÌ ·¤æ çÙÚUèÿæ‡æ °ß¢ ©â·¤æ ×êËUØ梷¤Ù ·¤ÚU â¢âæÏÙ ©ÂØô» ·¤ÚUÙæ ¿æçã°
(D) ×æÙß ·¤ô â¢âæÏÙ Âê‡æü Âë‰ßè ·¤è ¥‹ÌÑàæçQ¤ ·¤ô ¤©ÂØô» ×ð¢ ÜæÙð ·¤è ØôÁÙæ ÕÙæÌð â×Ø ·ð¤ßÜU
¥æÏæÚUÖêÌ ¥æßàØ·¤Ìæ¥ô¢ ·¤ô ŠØæÙ ×ð¢ ÚU¹Ùæ ¿æçã°

44. ·¤æÜU× II ·¤ô ·¤æÜU× I âð âé×ðçÜUÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° â×éç¿Ì ¥ÙéR¤× ×ð¢ ÃØßçSÍÌ ·¤èçÁ° ÌÍæ Ùè¿ð çΰ »°
·ê¤ÅU âð¤ âãè ©žæÚU ¿éçÙ°Ð
·¤æÜU× I ·¤æÜU× II
(·¤æØü) (ŠßçÙ SÌÚU)
(a) Ÿæ߇æ (i) 30 dB
(b) Èé¤âÈé¤âæãÅU (ii) 1 dB
(c) àæØÙ ×ð¢ ÕæÏæ (iii) 60 dB
(d) âæ×æ‹Ø ÕæÌ (iv) 30 - 50 dB
·ê¤ÅU :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

WXYZ—00 21 P.T.O.

45. The maximum loss of forest lands in India is caused by :
(A) River valley projects (B) Industries
(C) Means of transportation (D) Agriculture

46. In which year the University Grants Commission was established ?

(A) 1948 (B) 1944
(C) 1953 (D) 1960

47. Another name of Basic Education or Nai Talim is :

(A) Compulsory Education (B) New Education Policy
(C) Wardha Education Plan (D) Sarva Shikshya Abhiyan

48. The Idea of ‘Democratic Decentralisation’ in India was popularised by :

(A) A.D. Gorwala Committee, 1951 (B) Paul H. Appleby Committee, 1953
(C) B.R. Mehta Committee, 1957 (D) Ashok Mehta Committee, 1978

49. In India, a political party is recognised as a National or Regional Party by the :

(A) President of India
(B) Election Commission of India
(C) Law ministry in consultation with the Law Commission of India
(D) Union Parliament in consultation with the State Legislatures

50. Which of the following factors is/are responsible for the increase of the role of
Government in Developing Countries ?
(a) Economic Planning (b) Rising expectation of People
(c) Privatisation (d) Emergence of the concept of Welfare State
Select the most appropriate answer from the code given below :
Code :
(A) (a) and (d) (B) (a), (b) and (d)
(C) Only (c) (D) Only (d)


WXYZ—00 22

45. ÖæÚUÌ ×ð¢ ßÙ Öêç× ·¤æ âßæüçÏ·¤ OUæâ ãé¥æ ãñ Ñ

(A) ÙÎè ƒææÅUè ØôÁÙæ¥ô¢ mæÚUæ (B) ©lô»ô¢ mæÚUæ

(C) ÂçÚUßãÙ ·ð¤ âæÏÙô¢ mæÚUæ (D) ·ë¤çá¤mæÚUæ

46. çßàßçßlæÜUØ ¥ÙéÎæÙ ¥æØô» ·¤è SÍæÂÙæ ç·¤â ßáü ×𢠷¤è »§ü Íè?

(A) 1948 ×ð¢ (B) 1944 ×ð¢

(C) 1953 ×ð¢ (D) 1960 ×ð¢

47. ÕéçÙØæÎè çàæÿææ Øæ Ù§ü ÌæÜUè× ·¤æ ÎêâÚUæ Ùæ× ãñ Ñ

(A) ¥çÙßæØü çàæÿææ (B) Ù§ü çàæÿææ ÙèçÌ

(C) ßÏæü çàæÿææ ØôÁÙæ (D) âßü çàæÿææ ¥çÖØæÙ

48. ÖæÚUÌ ×ð¢ Üô·¤Ìæ¢ç˜æ·¤ çß·ð¤‹Îýè·¤ÚU‡æ ·¤æ çß¿æÚU ÜUô·¤çÂýØ ÕÙæØæ »Øæ Ñ

(A) °. ÇUè. »ôÚUßæÜUæ âç×çÌ, 1951 mæÚUæ (B) ÂæòÜU °¿. °ÂÜUÕè âç×çÌ, 1953 mæÚUæ

(C) Õè. ¥æÚU. ×ðãÌæ âç×çÌ, 1957 mæÚUæ (D) ¥àæô·¤ ×ðãÌæ âç×çÌ, 1978 mæÚUæ

49. ÖæÚUÌ ×ð¢ ç·¤âè ÚUæÁÙñçÌ·¤ ÎÜU ·¤ô ÚUæcÅþUèØU Øæ ÿæð˜æèØ ÎÜU ·ð¤ M¤Â U×ð¢ ×æ‹ØÌæ ÎðÌæ ãñ Ñ

(A) ÖæÚUÌ ·¤æ ÚUæcÅþUÂçUÌ

(B) ÖæÚUÌ ·¤æ çÙßæü¿Ù ¥æØô»

(C) ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ çßçÏ ¥æØô» ·ð¤ ÂÚUæ×àæü âð çßçÏ ×¢˜ææÜUØ mæÚUæ

(D) ÚUæ…Ø çßÏæ٠ׇÇUÜU ·ð¤ ÂÚUæ×àæü âð ⢃æèØ â¢âÎ mæÚUæ

50. çß·¤æâàæèÜU Îðàæô¢ ×ð¢ âÚU·¤æÚU ·¤è ÕÉUÌè ãé§ü Öêç×·¤æ ·ð¤ çÜ° çِ٠×ð¢ âð ·¤õÙ âð/âæ ·¤æÚU‡æ ©žæÚUÎæØè ãñ?

(a) ¥æçÍü·¤ çÙØôÁÙ (b) Üô»ô¢ ·¤è ÕÉUÌè ãé§ü ¥æ·¤æ¢ÿææ°¡

(c) çÙÁè·¤ÚU‡æ (d) Üô·¤·¤ËØUæ‡æ·¤æÚUè ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ·¤æ ©ÎØ

·ê¤ÅU :

(A) (a) ¥õÚU (d) (B) (a), (b) ¥õÚU (d)

(C) ·ð¤ßÜU (c) (D) ·ð¤ßÜU (d)


WXYZ—00 23 P.T.O.

Space For Rough Work

WXYZ—00 24


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