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Unofficial Translation by BDC

National League for Democracy

Statement No. 10/10/10

26 October 2010

National League for Democracy (NLD) on 29 March 2010 decided

unanimously not to re-register due to junta's unfair election laws. No one
against the decision. Addition, NLD is already registered as the political
party in accord with "Political Registration Law 4/88”. But sadly, some
NLD members founded the party NDF saying that NLD no longer exists.
In reality, their actions are against the will of the majority which is also
against the democratic principles. Addition to that they also take the
NLD's symbol Ka-Mauk which NLD used as the symbol in 1990
election. But, NDF chooses to use Ka-Mauk as the symbol and emblem of
their party.

For the public, “NLD and Ka-Mauk”, “Ka-Mauk and NLD” are two
inseparable signs which they attached in their minds. Public is confusing
that because NDF chooses to use Ka-Mauk as the symbol since they
thought that NDF's Ka-Mauk is NLD. Even, some NDF members are
saying that they are the clone of the NLD. Addition, some NDF members
are saying that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is their leader.

Therefore, we, NLD, would like to clarify that NDF is neither NLD’s life
boat party nor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is NDF’s leader nor Ka-Mauk they
are using.

In accord with the decision made on 25.10.2010 CEC meeting

National League for Democracy (NLD)


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