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There might be organisms that

take up nutrients from orchids

Sap feeding insects

Aphids suck plant sap and contaminate the host plant with honeydew and
cast skins.  The aphid's honeydew secretion promotes the growth of sooty
mold which significantly reduces plant quality.  Plant damage symptoms
from aphid feeding include the distortion of new growth, stunting and
reduced quality.  Aphid feeding activity can also transmit viruses to some
Cercospora Leaf Spot
Bacterial brown spot
Favourable environment for
orchids growth
• 60% sunlight to full sun needed for matured orchids.
• Protect from intent of heat and light to avoid scorching of
• Light intensities needed between 32.29 to 53.82 lx
• Enough sunlight
 Pseudobulbs are plumps & hard, light green in colour with thick
leaves and flower have strong stems.
• Insufficient sunlight
 Produces spindly growth thin pseudobulbs and dark green leaves
and failed to flower.
too much light

Not have enough sunlight

• The rate of watering depends on location,
wind movement and light intensity.
• Ventilation- Plants need to be kept dry a few
hours after watering.
• Water soaked plants tend to rot
• Fertilized- during active growth.
Excess water

Picture from :
Robert A. Cating

Fertilizer burn

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