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1. The future of Indian IT industry
2. The future of Indian BPO industry
3. With the increasing use of IT in daily life, machines are controlling man.
4. India – an IT super power?
5. IT helps social integration
6. Increasing use of computers is de-humanizing society.
7. Do you think they could have handled Satyam in a better way?
8. Computer Viruses are good
9. International trade barriers work.
10. Affirmative action draws people to work they never considered before.
11. Bribery is good for Business
12. Minimum Wage – Why should we have a minimum wage or why not?
13. Recycling – Sort out how to make money with recycling.
1. Is cricket hampering the growth of other sports in India?
2. What is wrong with Indian sports?
3. One billon people and only few Olympic medals
4. How can we make India a sporting super power?
5. Is T20 the future of cricket?
6. Are Indian cricketers over-rated?
7. Why we need foreign coach for our cricket team?
8. Cricket telecast is a waste of time.
1. Should euthanasia be legalized?
2. Capital punishment should be abolished.
3. Cloning of human beings should be allowed.
4. Is pocket money enough for the youth of today?
5. Love cannot be confined to Valentine’s Day.
6. A women’s place is at home.
7. Parents don’t understand children.
8. Are we raising a society of burnt out children?
9. Should we have job reservation in the private sector?
10. Beauty pageants are a waste of time and should be banned.
11. Is women empowerment a myth?
12. The biggest problem facing India is _________
13. Film awards are a farce and should be stopped.
14. Brain drain vs brain in the drain.
15. The media should be more socially responsible.
16. The pros and cons of having a credit card.
17. Why drinking and driving is dangerous to yourself and others.
18. Passive smoking is equally harmful.
19. Sustainable urban living without the use of excessive natural resources must be our future.
20. Online dating chats have nothing to do with a search for a soul mate.
21. Most people support embryonic stem cell research.
22. Life imprisonment is a good alternative to capital punishment.
23. What is wrong with child labor?
24. Why Hippocratic Oath
25. Film actors buy cheap publicity from controversies?
1. Politics is the root cause of all problems in India.
2. Politics of criminals vs criminalization of politics.
3. For true democracy to happen, it must first happen within all political parties.
4. Women’s reservation in Parliament.
5. Should India give up Kashmir?
6. Should India attack Pakistan to destroy terror camps?
7. How we can handle terrorism?
8. Do we need stronger laws to curtail terrorism?
9. The new face of terrorism in India?
10. Conspiracy is a very common form of political behaviour.
11. Overweight air hostess are fired – shall we fire overweight policeman and physically unfit politicians?
12. The pros and cons of a female President.
1. Should use of mobile phones be banned on campus?
2. Should college students wear uniforms?
3. Privatisation of professional education: Is it good or bad?
4. Should politics be allowed on campus?
5. We should shift to Open Book Policy for examinations.
6. Our education system should be revamped.
7. Need for a more practical education?
8. Education in the wired world?
9. Why we need better technology for education?
10. Should colleges distribute condoms?
11. School Violence – What are the real causes of violence and bullying in Schools?
1. Is honesty the best policy for a citizen of India?
2. Profit is a bad word in business.
3. Ethics and business do not co-exist.
4. Advertising is all glitter and no truth.
1. The Sun always rises in the East.
2. The colour of the cat is not a matter of concern as long as it catches mice.
3. Green is better than red.
4. Life is like a box of chocolates.
5. What a man thinks is what he is.
6. How do you know what you know unless you see what you know.
7. Direct mail is a special form of junk mail.
8. The Nostradamus Code are correct
9. Breast Implants
1. The U.N. is mainly based on diplomacy and enhancing relationships.
2. Iraq – What are the best exit strategies?
3. What will be the affect of death of LTTE on India?
4. Barak Obama will be good for India?

Managament issues

 Role of Ethics in Business

  Is Management Education Required for Business?
  Whether Hard-Working or Smart-Working is Desirable?
  Women are better at Multi-Tasking
  Does Morality have an Essence in Corporate Life?
  Retention of Employees
  Do Women make Good Managers?
  Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising?
  The Salaries that MBAs Get is more than they deserve
  Engineering Students are wasting their Time in Management Studies; they have Another Way to go
  MBA in India is highly Over-rated
  We Need More Entrepreneurs than Managers
  Rise in MBA Salaries is Not Sustainable in the Long Run
  Can One Contribute to the Social Sector while Being Employed in the Corporate World?
  The Rush for MBA is really a Rush for Big Money
  Will Mumbai's Film Industry ever evolve into a Truly Modern Corporative One?
  Are Leaders Born or are they made in Business Schools?
  Indians Perform Better as Individuals than in Groups/Teams
  Positive Attitude and not Knowledge is required for Business Success
  Are Ethics just Business Pretence?

Social issues

  Should Dance Bars be banned?

  Censorship in Movies & Our Culture
  Worsening of Female to Male Ratio in India
  Should FTV be banned?
  Foreign Television Channels are Destroying Our Culture
  Rapists should be given Death Sentence
  With Media Publishing and Telecasting Trivia, Censorship is the Need of the Hour
  Euthanasia: Is Mercy Killing Justified?
  Beauty Contests Degrade Womanhood
  Should there be Limits on Artistic Freedom (the Controversies on Movies like Water, Fire, etc.)?
  Do Banning Girls' Entry into Pubs, Celebrating Valentine's Day, Holding Fashion Shows and New Year
Parties Save Our Culture?
  The Impact of MTV on Our Psyche
  Women are not fit for Defence Services
  Women Empowerment - A Cause for Increasing Divorce Rate in India
  Excessive Depiction of Sex and Violence in Films
  Classical Music Heritage and the Growing Pop-Culture
  Individual Freedom and Civil Society
  Conventionalism and Modernity: The Ever-going Debate
  Should there be a Restriction on Permissiveness Being propagated by the MTV Culture and Foreign
  Arranged Marriages are better than Love Marriages
  Should Prostitution be made Legal?
  Do Celebrities have a Right to Privacy?
  Influence of Online Social Networks on our Youth
  The De Vinci Code: Truth or Lies about Christ
  Is Remixing Good Trend in Music?

Contemporary issues

 Global Impact of a Local Problem like Sub-prime Crisis

  Privatization is Boon or Bane
  Is there a Need to Protect Indian Culture?
  Terrorism and India
  Should Education be privatized?
  Reservation a Tool for Creating Social Divide or Rectifying for Past Problems
  Existing Model of Growth will lead to Greater Digital Divide
  It's not Politicians but Bureaucrats who are Responsible for Decay in Public Services
  Corruption is an Inherent Part of Democratic Set-up
  India shall Adopt China's Model of Growth

  Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India
  Retailing is killing the Neighborhood Kirana Shops
  SEZs: Boon or Bane?
  Private Participation in Infrastructure is Highly Desirable
  Developing Countries need Trade, not Aid
  Poverty in Third World Countries is due to Prosperity in First World Countries
  Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle!
  A Unipolar World Spells Disaster for Underdeveloped Countries like India
  Is Globalization Really Necessary?
  What shall we do about our Ever-Increasing Population?
  Banning of Trade Unions will be Beneficial in Growth of the Economy
  Why can't India be a World-Class Player in Manufacturing Industry as it is in IT & BPO Sectors?
  We Need Drinking Water and Not Coke & Pepsi in Rural India
  Rise of Regional Blocs Threatens Independent Nations like India
  Should the Public Sector be Privatized?
  How to Deal with High Oil Prices?
  Multinational Corporations: Are they Devils in Disguise?
  Are Indians Less Quality Conscious?
  Ethics in Business are just a Passing Fad
  Is the Consumer really the King in India?
  Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad?
  Is there any Point in having a Business Strategy when the World changes from Month to Month?
  Is the Patents Bill Good for India?
  Is the Business of Business only Business?
  Public Sector being a Guarantor of Job Security is a Myth
  Capitalism is a very Flawed System but the others are so much worse
  How can a Business get rid of the Bad Name that it has earned?
  Government Pumping Money into the Economy is not the Solution for our Economic Problems
  Is the Budgeting Exercise of any Use?
  Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?
  Will Market Reforms Enrich Rich States Further, while Poorer Ones Lag Further?
  Are MNCs Superior to Indian Companies?
  Steal a Few Lakh and you're a Criminal; Steal a Few Hundred Crore and you become an Industrialist
  Should PSUs be divested through Strategic Sale or Public Offer?
  Public Sector is more a Hindrance than Help to Promote Socialism
  India will be a Superpower in 21'st Century with 40 Crore Hungry People
  Consumer is God in Today's Market
  Stock Market Crash - Sub Prime Crisis in US
  Change from Public Sector to Privatization (as in the U.K.) is the Right Answer for India's Instant
Economic Breakthrough
  Advertising is a Waste of Resources
  Privatization will lead to Less Corruption
  Is Swadeshi Relevant for India Today?
  Should India break Diplomatic Ties with Pakistan?
  Use of Force by Banks to Recover Loans
  Skilled Manpower Shortage in India
  Technology Creates Income Disparities

 Are Co-operatives Relevant in Today's Global Environment?

  Foreign Aid is a Dangerous Drug: Stimulates in Small Doses but becomes Fatally Addictive in Larger


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