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Jeanne D'Arc

Full FAQ/Walkthrough

by "darklao"

Version 1.7 - 20 November 2007




Stage 1 - A Voice From Heaven
Stage 2 - Holy Armor
Shop - Vaucouleurs
Free Stage - Chapel in the Woods
Stage 3 - Journey's Start (Neufchateau)
Shop - Neufchateau
Stage 4 - The Crimson Warrior (Forest of Fraude)
Shop - Nancy
Free Stage - Neufchateau
Stage 5 - The Road to Chinon (Soir Valley)
Free Stage - Forest of Fraude
Stage 6 - The Armlet's Chosen (Aeolian Hill)
Shop - Chinon
Free Stage - Soir Valley
Stage 7 - The Maiden Battle (Orleans)
Shop - Orleans
Free Stage - Aeolian Hill
Stage 8 - The Savior's Proof (Bastille of St. Loup)
Shop - Orleans
Free Stage - Orleans
Stage 9 - The Bloodied Savior (Bastille of the Augustins)
Shop - Orleans
Stage 10 - Talbot's Scheme (Bastille of the Augustins)
Shop - Orleans
Free Stage - Bastille of St. Loup
Stage 11 - Breaching the Dark (Tourelles)
Stage 12 - For a Free Orleans
Shop - Orleans
Free Stage - Bastille of the Augustins
Free Stage - Altois Prairie (1st)
Free Stage - Altois Prairie (2nd+)
Stage 13 - The Battle of Patay (Patay)
Free Stage - Tourelles
Stage 14 - Brother Richard (Troyes)
Shop - Troyes
Free Stage - Patay
Stage 15 - Chalons and the Ruse (Chalons)
Free Stage - Troyes
Free Stage - Colosseum 1
Stage 16 - A New Pucelle (Bogs of Vermonde)
Free Stage - Chalons
Stage 17 - To Crown a King (Reims)
Shop - Chinon
Shop - Reims
Free Stage - Bogs of Vermonde
Stage 18 - Vicissitudes (Paris Ramparts)
Stage 19A - Narrow Roads (La Charite)
Stage 19B - The Magician Girl (St. Pierre-le-Moutier)
Shop - La Charite
Shop - St. Pierre-le-Moutier
Free Stage - Paris Ramparts
Stage 20 - The Snare (Clairoix)
Stage 21 - Fated to War
Shop - Clairoix
Free Stage - La Charite
Free Stage - St. Pierre-le-Moitier
Stage 22 - Hopes Unattained (Grandgris Pass)
Shop - Rouen
Free Stage - Clairoix
Free Stage - Tower of Alsace (1st)
Free Stage - Tower of Alsace (2nd+)
Free Stage - Raillement (1st)
Free Stage - Raillement (2nd+)
Shop - Raillemont
Stage 23 - The Black Knight (Cents-Abris Ruins)
Free Stage - Grandgris Pass
Stage 24 - Dark Demoniac (Chateau Burgundy)
Free Stage - Cents-Abris Ruins
Stage 25 - Death Bestirred (Chinon)
Free Stage - Chateau Burgundy
Free Stage - Langles Tunnel (1st)
Free Stage - Langles Tunnel (2nd+)
Free Stage - Castle Vilneaux (1st)
Free Stage - Castle Vilneaux (2nd+)
Stage 26 - Queen Isabeau (Reims)
Free Stage - Voldor Temple
Stage 27 - Barging into Paris (Guillorey Canal)
Free Stage - Reims
Stage 28 - Shade and Light (Paris Warrens)
Shop - Paris Warrens
Free Stage - Guillorey Canal
Stage 29A - Hunted Down (Alrond Wood)
Stage 30A - Vying for Light
Stage 29B - The Dwarves' Test (Gwygone Mines)
Stage 30B - Vying for Light
Free Stage - Paris Warren
Stage 31 - Face to Face (Vantoix Canyon)
Free Stage - Alrond Wood
Free Stage - Gwygone Mines
Stage 32 - Encumbered Powers (Soldat Outpost)
Stage 33 - Release
Free Stage - Vantoix Canyon
Free Stage - Soldat Outpost
Stage 34 - The Fifth Hero (Paris Castle)
Stage 35 - The Dark Throne
Stage 36 - Demise

Free Stage Item Rewards List
Free Stage - Cemetary (1st)
Free Stage - Cemetary (2nd+)
Free Stage - Colosseum 2
Side-quest (Cemetary)
Free Stage - Colosseum 3

Skills and Damage Calculation

Bind List (alpha by result)

Bind List (alpha by component)

Item List

Trivia - Character Max Stats, Transformations, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions


Introduction - Spoiler-free, Missables/Glitch, Appropriate Levels

This guide is as spoiler-free as it is reasonable to be. I do not discuss the

plot in this guide at all, but some of the enemy and stage names, as well as
event listings of which characters leave, arrive, or must be used during a
battle, will spoil things. If you're paranoid, don't read ahead.

There are two missables and one glitch in the game. The first is the glitch,
which happens if you beat the first run of the Colosseum between the time that
one character leaves and another joins. This is from after you finish Stage 21
and until you've finished Stage 22. It causes a certain gem to be inaccessible
during some circumstances in the post-game. The second is a gem that must be
looted from an item point during Stage 26. The last is a special armor you must
loot in the post-game from the Free Stage - Cemetary the first time you access

This guide is also fairly light on "walkthrough" commentary unless there is

something meaningful to say. I always mention reinforcements, issues of
particular difficulty, and sometimes recommendations that might make a map
easier. But if the stage is a fairly boring beat-down, don't expect any

For each stage I list the important information: Victory/Defeat conditions,

turns, required characters/guests, item locations, and a list of enemies stats,
skills, and number. When enemies of the same type have levels/stats that vary,
I list the highest.

If you want an idea of what level you should be, whether you'll be able to hit
enemies in a given level at all and how much damage you'll deal, subtract
their evasion from your accuracy for the hit% from the front (side = +10%, back
= +20%), and subtract the relevant enemy defensive stat (DEF/MDEF) from the
corresponding attack (ATK/MATK) stat. This will reflect the returns you'll be
able to expect from a regular attack, not adjusted for burning auras, elemental
affinities, or other bonuses. If the result is less than or equal to zero
(unlikely), go play some Free Stages.

I also list the item rewards, gold reward, and the experience reward that will
be split equally between units not in the combat. The experience number is a
rough guide. If you have higher levels than average, the number will be lower,
and the reverse.

The walkthrough lists all plot stages, free stages, shops and shop upgrades in
the order they can be accessed in the game. If you want to know what the best
armors/weapons are at your point in the game, or what skills you can buy and
where, just find your place in the guide and look through the shops listed
earlier in the guide. If you want to farm (steal/kill for) a certain skill,
just look through the Free Stages earlier in the guide.

Finally, all item points should be accounted for, but are not yet (possibly
ever) comprehensive. Most item points have a random set of possible loots,
the most common set is a gold loot, a phial, an herb, and an extremely rare
possibility of a stat fruit. Item points with one type of weapon/armor listed
often have alternative weapons/armors of a roughly equivalent in-game power.
With very few exceptions (which are mentioned in the guide), item points aren't
really worth bothering with. The locations listed are based on the map that
appears on the "Report" screen, starting with the southwest corner as [1, 1].
The first number is the west-east coordinate and the second is the south-north
coordinate in the ordinary [x, y] fashion.

Stage 1 - A Voice From Heaven

Victory: Annihilate all enemies

Defeat: Jeanne falls
Turns: 10
Required Characters: 2/2 - Jeanne, Liane
Map Size: 17x17

Item Points
[13, 16] Buckler
[ 5, 14] Mana Shard
[11, 4] Battleaxe

Orc - lvl 1 (2)
HP: 30 -
MP: 10 -
ATK: 25 MATK: 5 -
DEF: 9 MDEF: 5 -
ACC: 80 EVA: 28 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Orc Knight - lvl 1 (1)

HP: 45 -
MP: 20 -
ATK: 32 MATK: 10 -
DEF: 16 MDEF: 8 -
ACC: 95 EVA: 30 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

EXP: 160
GOLD: 100
ITEMS - Solar Phial, Healing Herb

Stage 2 - Holy Armor

Victory: Annihilate all enemies

Defeat: Jeanne falls
Turns: 10
Required Characters: 3/3 - Jeanne, Liane, Roger
Map Size: 15x20

Item Points
[ 2, 2] 500G
[ 2, 9] 500G
[13, 16] Buckler

English Officer - lv 4 (1)
HP: 110 - Flash Strike
MP: 30 -
ATK: 55 MATK: 35 -
DEF: 26 MDEF: 15 -
ACC: 110 EVA: 30 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Orc - lv 4 (5)
HP: 38 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 16 -
ATK: 42 MATK: 11 -
DEF: 18 MDEF: 11 -
ACC: 89 EVA: 30 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Orc Knight - lv 3 (1)

HP: 53 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 24 - Wood Chop
ATK: 43 MATK: 16 -
DEF: 22 MDEF: 12 -
ACC: 101 EVA: 33 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -


EXP: 236
GOLD: 100
ITEMS - Healing Herb, Heal

Free Stage Chapel in the Woods opens.
Proceed to Vaucouleurs and enter to open Stage 3 at Neufchateau.
Vaucouleurs Shop opens.

Shop - Vaucouleurs

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60

Fireball (500G) lvl 5

Free Stage - Chapel in the Woods

Victory: Annihilate all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 17x17

Item Points
[13, 16] Healing Herb
[ 5, 14] 300G
[11, 4]

Orc - lv 2 (4)
HP: 36 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 12 -
ATK: 36 MATK: 9 -
DEF: 15 MDEF: 9 -
ACC: 86 EVA: 30 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Orc Knight - lv 3 (2)

HP: 43 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 24 - Wood Chop
ATK: 43 MATK: 16 -
DEF: 22 MDEF: 12 -
ACC: 101 EVA: 33 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

EXP: 89
GOLD: 100

Stage 3 - Journey's Start (Neufchateau)

Victory: Defeat the English Officer

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 3/5 - Jeanne, Jean, Bertrand
Map Size: 20x16

Item Points
[10, 6] 500G
[11, 11] Healing Herb
[17, 11] Battleaxe

English Officer - lv 6 (1)
HP: 120 - Flash Strike
MP: 40 -
ATK: 75 MATK: 50 -
DEF: 38 MDEF: 24 -
ACC: 130 EVA: 33 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Orc - lv 7 (2)
HP: 45 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 21 -
ATK: 58 MATK: 17 -
DEF: 27 MDEF: 17 -
ACC: 97 EVA: 33 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Orc Knight - lv 7 (2)

HP: 71 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 31 - Wood Chop
ATK: 65 MATK: 28 -
DEF: 34 MDEF: 20 -
ACC: 113 EVA: 38 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Lizardman - lv 7 (4)
HP: 52 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 41 - Impale!
ATK: 63 MATK: 22 -
DEF: 24 MDEF: 17 -
ACC: 100 EVA: 39 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

If your levels are low, save the Transformation for the officer.

EXP: 380
GOLD: 200
ITEMS - Erpow Fruit, Nimble Tonic, Cure

Jean and Bertrand Join.
Neufchateau Shop opens.
Stage 4 opens at Forest of Fraude

Shop - Neufchateau

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60

Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6

Stage 4 - The Crimson Warrior (Forest of Fraude)

Victory: Defeat the English Officer

Defeat: The nobleman falls in battle
Turns: 10
Required Characters: 1/5 - Jeanne
Guests: French Soldier, Nobleman
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[15, 6] Rysecor Fruit/Erpow Fruit
[ 8, 11] Buckler/Leather Clothing
[ 3, 8] 500G
[15, 13] Mana Shard/Healing Herb

English Officer - lv 8 (1)
HP: 130 - Flash Strike
MP: 50 -
ATK: 85 MATK: 60 -
DEF: 42 MDEF: 27 -
ACC: 140 EVA: 36 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Orc - lv 8 (2)
HP: 50 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 21 -
ATK: 64 MATK: 19 -
DEF: 30 MDEF: 19 -
ACC: 100 EVA: 34 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Orc Knight - lv 8 (3)

HP: 79 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 31 - Wood Chop
ATK: 71 MATK: 31 -
DEF: 37 MDEF: 22 -
ACC: 116 EVA: 40 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Mage - lv 8 (1)
HP: 50 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 50 - Fireball
ATK: 33 MATK: 52 - Lower Force
DEF: 16 MDEF: 30 - Heal
ACC: 60 EVA: 40 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Bovimoth - lv 7 (1)
HP: 90 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 30 - Desperation
ATK: 73 MATK: 30 - Attack +3
DEF: 32 MDEF: 20 -
ACC: 90 EVA: 33 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

Bovimoth - lv 8 (1)
HP: 93 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 32 - Desperation
ATK: 78 MATK: 32 - Attack +3
DEF: 35 MDEF: 23 -
ACC: 92 EVA: 34 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

Make sure Liane has the Heal skill and Fireball and load her in the northeast
most panel. With her you will ignore everything and rush to heal/assist the

EXP: 228
GOLD: 300
ITEMS - Eldish Fruit, Healing Herb, Fireball

Marcel and Colet join.
Nancy Shop opens.
Free Stage at Neufchateau opens.
Stage 5 opens at Soir Valley.

Shop - Nancy

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60

Free Stage - Neufchateau

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 20x16

Item Points
[10, 6] 300G
[11, 11] Healing Herb
[17, 11] 300G

Orc Knight - lv 8 (2)
HP: 79 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 31 - Wood Chop
ATK: 71 MATK: 31 -
DEF: 37 MDEF: 22 -
ACC: 116 EVA: 40 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Lizardman - lv 8 (2)
HP: 53 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 43 - Impale!
ATK: 67 MATK: 24 -
DEF: 27 MDEF: 19 -
ACC: 103 EVA: 40 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Lizard Gurdian - lv 9 (1)

HP: 90 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 52 - Impale!
ATK: 81 MATK: 37 - Piercing Power
DEF: 45 MDEF: 34 -
ACC: 121 EVA: 53 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Dark Elf - lv 8 (2)

HP: 64 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 43 - Sniper
ATK: 72 MATK: 53 - Poison Arrow
DEF: 28 MDEF: 24 -
ACC: 109 EVA: 48 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Necromancer - lv 12 (1)
HP: 60 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 100 - Heal
ATK: 43 MATK: 62 - Cyclone
DEF: 23 MDEF: 30 - Thunderbolt
ACC: 90 EVA: 40 - MP +20
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Mage - lv 8 (1)
HP: 50 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 50 - Fireball
ATK: 33 MATK: 52 - Lower Force
DEF: 16 MDEF: 30 - Heal
ACC: 60 EVA: 40 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Good place to get basic skills before they are widely available.

EXP: 197
GOLD: 100

Stage 5 - The Road to Chinon (Soir Valley)

Victory: Guide all allies to the road at the map's north edge
Defeat: A single ally falls in battle
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 3/5 - Jeanne, Marcel, Colet
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[ 2, 10] Leather Clothing
[19, 12] Rapier
[16, 19] 500G
Talbot - lv 11 (1)
HP: 180 - Flash Strike
MP: 70 -
ATK: 100 MATK: 50 -
DEF: 57 MDEF: 40 -
ACC: 130 EVA: 74 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Lizardman - lv 11 (4)
HP: 64 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 50 - Impale!
ATK: 79 MATK: 30 -
DEF: 36 MDEF: 25 -
ACC: 112 EVA: 43 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Dark Elf - lv 10 (2)

HP: 73 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 48 - Sniper
ATK: 80 MATK: 61 - Poison Arrow
DEF: 34 MDEF: 28 -
ACC: 113 EVA: 50 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Bovimoth - lv 11 (2)
HP: 106 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 37 - Desperation
ATK: 93 MATK: 38 - Attack +3
DEF: 44 MDEF: 32 -
ACC: 96 EVA: 37 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

Use any Stella stones you have, start with Marcel.
I recommend extra characters: Liane (healer), Jean (ranged damage).
Keep a tight group to reduce damage with united defense, and proceed at
Marcel's rate (4/turn).
Save Jeanne's Transform for Talbot. She should be the only one that engages him
directly, and only when she's transformed.
I recommend you take the west path across the bridge. The east path provides a
good bottleneck, but it opens you to more damage from range and takes longer.

EXP: 516
GOLD: 500
ITEMS - Rysecor Fruit, Stability Tonic

Free Stage at Forest of Fraude opens.
Stage 6 opens at Aeolian Hill.

Free Stage - Forest of Fraude
Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/0
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[15, 6] Solar Phial
[ 8, 11] Healing Herb
[ 3, 8] Lunar Phial

Orc - lv 10 (3)
HP: 55 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 25 -
ATK: 75 MATK: 23 -
DEF: 36 MDEF: 23 -
ACC: 106 EVA: 35 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Orc Knight - lv 11 (1)

HP: 94 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 35 - Wood Chop
ATK: 87 MATK: 40 -
DEF: 46 MDEF: 28 -
ACC: 125 EVA: 44 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Lizardman - lv 10 (2)
HP: 61 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 52 - Impale!
ATK: 75 MATK: 28 -
DEF: 33 MDEF: 23 -
ACC: 109 EVA: 42 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Necromancer - lv 12 (1)
HP: 60 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 100 - Heal
ATK: 43 MATK: 62 - Cyclone
DEF: 23 MDEF: 30 - Thunderbolt
ACC: 90 EVA: 40 - MP +20
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Mage - lv 10 (1)
HP: 56 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 56 - Fireball
ATK: 39 MATK: 62 - Lower Force
DEF: 22 MDEF: 38 - Heal
ACC: 63 EVA: 42 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Bovimoth - lv 10 (2)
HP: 101 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 35 - Desperation
ATK: 88 MATK: 36 - Attack +3
DEF: 41 MDEF: 29 -
ACC: 95 EVA: 36 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

EXP: 218
GOLD: 150

Stage 6 - The Armlet's Chosen (Aeolian Hill)

Victory: Defeat Talbot

Defeat: Jeanne falls in battle
Turns: 9
Required Characters: 1/5 - Jeanne
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[10, 12] Buckler
[ 9, 16] Rapier
[18, 4] Sibull Fruit

Talbot - lv 13 (1)
HP: 185 - Flash Strike
MP: 80 - Crescent Arc
ATK: 105 MATK: 60 -
DEF: 59 MDEF: 42 -
ACC: 135 EVA: 79 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Orc Knight - lv 13 (2)

HP: 103 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 41 - Wood Chop
ATK: 98 MATK: 46 -
DEF: 52 MDEF: 32 -
ACC: 131 EVA: 47 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Dark Elf - lv 12 (2)

HP: 79 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 53 - Sniper
ATK: 88 MATK: 69 - Poison Arrow
DEF: 40 MDEF: 32 -
ACC: 117 EVA: 52 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Mage - lv 12 (2)
HP: 61 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 63 - Fireball
ATK: 45 MATK: 72 - Lower Force
DEF: 28 MDEF: 46 - Heal
ACC: 66 EVA: 44 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -
Bovimoth - lv 12 (2)
HP: 109 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 38 - Desperation
ATK: 98 MATK: 40 - Attack +3
DEF: 47 MDEF: 35 -
ACC: 98 EVA: 38 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

Gazelliath - lv 13 (1)
HP: 125 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 46 - Desperation II
ATK: 109 MATK: 47 - Attack +5
DEF: 59 MDEF: 38 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 109 EVA: 46 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Take out the Mages before you start on Talbot.
If you damage the first enemies just right, Gilles will Godspeed up to them and
take them out for you.

EXP: 436
GOLD: 650
ITEMS - Geddo Fruit, Critical Tonic, Healing Herb

Free Stage at Soir Valley opens.
Enter Chinon to open Stage 7 at Orleans.
Chinon Shop opens.
Gilles joins.

Shop - Chinon

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)
Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7

HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7

Free Stage - Soir Valley

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[ 2, 10] 300G
[19, 12] Lunar Phial
[16, 19] 300G

Orc Knight - lv 12 (2)
HP: 99 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 36 - Wood Chop
ATK: 93 MATK: 43 -
DEF: 49 MDEF: 30 -
ACC: 128 EVA: 45 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Lizardman - lv 10 (3)
HP: 66 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 55 - Impale!
ATK: 83 MATK: 32 -
DEF: 39 MDEF: 27 -
ACC: 115 EVA: 44 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Dark Elf - lv 12 (2)

HP: 80 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 53 - Sniper
ATK: 88 MATK: 69 - Poison Arrow
DEF: 40 MDEF: 32 -
ACC: 117 EVA: 52 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Mage - lv 12 (2)
HP: 59 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 66 - Fireball
ATK: 45 MATK: 72 - Lower Force
DEF: 28 MDEF: 46 - Heal
ACC: 66 EVA: 44 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Bovimoth - lv 12 (2)
HP: 107 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 40 - Desperation
ATK: 98 MATK: 40 - Attack +3
DEF: 47 MDEF: 35 -
ACC: 98 EVA: 38 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

EXP: 217
GOLD: 150

Stage 7 - The Maiden Battle (Orleans)

Victory: Guide Jeanne to the gate of Orleans

Defeat: Jeanne falls in battle
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 3/6 - Jeanne, La Hire, Beast Warrior
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[16, 9] Leather Clothing
[ 6, 4] Heal
[10, 14] 500G

Orc Knight - lv 14 (3)
HP: 106 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 42 - Wood Chop
ATK: 104 MATK: 49 -
DEF: 55 MDEF: 34 -
ACC: 134 EVA: 48 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Lizard Guardian - lv 13 (2)

HP: 108 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 60 - Impale!
ATK: 99 MATK: 49 - Piercing Power
DEF: 57 MDEF: 46 -
ACC: 135 EVA: 59 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Swordfighter - lv 14 (3)
HP: 124 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 37 -
ATK: 104 MATK: 36 -
DEF: 55 MDEF: 33 -
ACC: 114 EVA: 60 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Priestess - lv 14 (1)
HP: 66 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 89 - Healing Wind
ATK: 62 MATK: 79 - Cure
DEF: 50 MDEF: 82 - Magic Shield
ACC: 99 EVA: 30 - Heal
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Wizard - lv 14 (1)
HP: 69 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 102 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 62 MATK: 97 - Blizzard
DEF: 50 MDEF: 82 - Magic Rust
ACC: 99 EVA: 35 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Gazelliath - lv 14 (2)
HP: 129 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 49 - Desperation II
ATK: 114 MATK: 50 - Attack +5
DEF: 63 MDEF: 41 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 110 EVA: 47 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Remember to equip La Hire and "Beast Warrior" (lolz) before you start.

EXP: 708
GOLD: 800
ITEMS - Sibull Fruit, Mana Shard

Rufus and La Hire join.
Shop opens at Orleans.
Free Stage opens at Aeolian Hill.
Stage 8 opens at Bastille of St. Loup.

Shop - Orleans

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60

Free Stage - Aeolian Hill

Victory: Annihilate all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[10, 12] Healing Herb
[ 9, 16] Healing Herb
[18, 4] Healing Herb

Bowfighter - lv 14 (2)
HP: 90 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 30 - Sniper
ATK: 94 MATK: 10 -
DEF: 36 MDEF: 10 -
ACC: 115 EVA: 35 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Swordfighter - lv 14 (3)
HP: 123 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 33 -
ATK: 104 MATK: 36 -
DEF: 55 MDEF: 33 -
ACC: 114 EVA: 60 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Knighted Blade - lv 14 (1)

HP: 135 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 41 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 117 MATK: 46 -
DEF: 68 MDEF: 38 -
ACC: 128 EVA: 68 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Wizard - lv 14 (1)
HP: 71 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 101 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 62 MATK: 97 - Blizzard
DEF: 50 MDEF: 82 - Magic Rust
ACC: 99 EVA: 35 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Lancer - lv 14 (2)
HP: 77 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 37 - Piercing Power
ATK: 96 MATK: 41 -
DEF: 53 MDEF: 35 -
ACC: 116 EVA: 70 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

EXP: 266
GOLD: 150

Stage 8 - The Savior's Proof (Bastille of St. Loup)

Victory: Annihilate all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 1/5 - Jeanne
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[17, 3] Healing Seed
[ 2, 4] 600G
[ 8, 19] Leather Armor

Swordmaster - lv 17 (1)
HP: 126 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 43 - Counter
ATK: 142 MATK: 43 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 78 MDEF: 53 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 137 EVA: 93 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Swordfighter - lv 16 (3)
HP: 135 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 39 -
ATK: 112 MATK: 40 -
DEF: 61 MDEF: 37 -
ACC: 118 EVA: 64 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Bowfighter - lv 16 (3)
HP: 95 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 34 - Sniper
ATK: 102 MATK: 14 -
DEF: 40 MDEF: 14 -
ACC: 121 EVA: 38 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Lancer - lv 16 (/4)
HP: 86 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 39 - Piercing Power
ATK: 104 MATK: 45 -
DEF: 59 MDEF: 40 -
ACC: 120 EVA: 76 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Lancer - lv 17 (/4)
HP: 88 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 42 - Piercing Power
ATK: 108 MATK: 47 -
DEF: 62 MDEF: 42 -
ACC: 122 EVA: 78 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Indirect attackers (bows, magic) do well here for killing the archers on the
tower, softening the enemies on the second level, and hitting the swordmaster
without him being able to counter. Crescent Arc on Jeanne is also useful,
because it ignores height differences.

EXP: 704
GOLD: 1000
ITEMS - Healing Seed, Lunar Phial, Gem of Gules (Jeanne's 2nd)

Shop Orleans upgrade.
Free Stage at Orleans opens.
Stage 9 opens at Bastille of the Augustins. (NB: Roger and Liane cannot
participate in Stage 9. Plan accordingly.)

Shop - Orleans

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14 [After Stage 8]
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30 [After Stage 8]

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Free Stage - Orleans

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[16, 9] Healing Herb
[ 6, 4] Healing Herb
[10, 14] Healing Herb

Orc Knight - lv 16 (3)
HP: 112 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 49 - Wood Chop
ATK: 115 MATK: 55 -
DEF: 61 MDEF: 38 -
ACC: 140 EVA: 51 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Knighted Blade - lv 16 (4)

HP: 143 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 48 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 125 MATK: 50 -
DEF: 74 MDEF: 42 -
ACC: 132 EVA: 72 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Swordmaster - lv 16 (1)
HP: 120 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 40 - Counter
ATK: 138 MATK: 40 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 74 MDEF: 50 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 135 EVA: 91 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Bovimoth - lv 16 (3)
HP: 123 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 46 - Desperation
ATK: 118 MATK: 48 - Attack +3
DEF: 59 MDEF: 47 -
ACC: 104 EVA: 42 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

EXP: 264
GOLD: 160

Stage 9 - The Bloodied Savior (Bastille of the Augustins)
Victory: Defeat Talbot
Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 14
Required Characters: 2/5 - Jeanne, Colet
Map Size: 21x20

Item Points
[ 4, 9] Mana Crystal
[16, 10] ---

Talbot - lv 18 (1)
HP: 260 - Triple Slash
MP: 120 - Crescent Arc
ATK: 135 MATK: 80 -
DEF: 83 MDEF: 75 -
ACC: 150 EVA: 89 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Swordfighter - lv 17 (2)
HP: 143 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 43 -
ATK: 116 MATK: 42 -
DEF: 64 MDEF: 39 -
ACC: 119 EVA: 66 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Knighted Blade - lv 17 (3)

HP: 151 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 45 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 129 MATK: 52 -
DEF: 77 MDEF: 44 -
ACC: 133 EVA: 73 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Bowfighter - lv 18 (2)
HP: 101 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 37 - Sniper
ATK: 110 MATK: 18 -
DEF: 44 MDEF: 18 -
ACC: 128 EVA: 41 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Priestess - lv 18 (2)
HP: 72 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 112 - Healing Wind
ATK: 74 MATK: 95 - Cure
DEF: 62 MDEF: 98 - Magic Shield
ACC: 111 EVA: 36 - Heal
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Lancer - lv 18 (2)
HP: 91 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 46 - Piercing Power
ATK: 112 MATK: 49 -
DEF: 65 MDEF: 45 -
ACC: 124 EVA: 81 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Recommend you send Colet up the west tower to take out the archer, and Marcel
east onto the plain to take out the other archer. Have Jeanne, Jean and Gilles
bash down the gate, with Jean and Gilles using Impale! to soften the soldiers
behind it.
If you pull it off correctly, you can set Jeanne up to Godspeed chain up to
take out both Priestesses and setup a burning aura from which to hit Talbot
with a special.

EXP: 548
GOLD: 1100
ITEMS - Healing Herb, Astral Phial, Skill Shakedown

Liane and Roger rejoin.
Shop Orleans upgrade.
Stage 10 opens at Bastille of the Augustins

Shop - Orleans

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14 [After Stage 8]
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4 [After Stage 9]
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13 [After Stage 9]
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30 [After Stage 8]

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60

Stage 10 - Talbot's Scheme (Bastille of the Augustins)
Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: Jeanne falls in battle
Turns: 16
Required Characters: 1/5 - Jeanne
Map Size: 21x20

Item Points
[ 4, 9] ---
[16, 10] Healing Seed

Talbot - lv 21 (1)
HP: 280 - Triple Slash
MP: 130 - Crescent Arc
ATK: 145 MATK: 90 - Follow Me!
DEF: 93 MDEF: 82 -
ACC: 155 EVA: 94 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Swordfighter - lv 20 (3)
HP: 158 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 73 -
ATK: 128 MATK: 48 -
DEF: 73 MDEF: 45 -
ACC: 124 EVA: 71 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Knighted Blade - lv 20 (3)

HP: 166 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 52 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 141 MATK: 58 -
DEF: 86 MDEF: 50 -
ACC: 139 EVA: 79 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Archer - lv 20 (1)
HP: 110 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 42 - Sniper
ATK: 135 MATK: 30 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 56 MDEF: 25 -
ACC: 135 EVA: 55 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Priestess - lv 20 (1)
HP: 79 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 120 - Healing Wind
ATK: 80 MATK: 103 - Cure
DEF: 68 MDEF: 106 - Magic Shield
ACC: 117 EVA: 39 - Heal
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Wizard - lv 20 (1)
HP: 85 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 129 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 80 MATK: 127 - Blizzard
DEF: 68 MDEF: 106 - Magic Rust
ACC: 117 EVA: 44 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Put Marcel on the tower to take out the wizard and priestess. Use another
character downstairs to block the swordfighters from coming up the ladder to
annoy him while he works.

Use the rest of the party to block/rush Talbot and Co. up the stairs. The idea
is to create a couple of positions difficult to assail.

If you haven't done any leveling since Stage 9, this may be difficult. Luna
stones will do a bit to make up the difference vs. the regular soldiers.

EXP: 684
GOLD: 1200
ITEMS - Strength Tonic, Xheno Fruit, Lower Force, Accuracy +5

Free Stage at Bastille of St. Loup opens.
Shop Orleans upgrade.
Stage 11 opens at Tourelles.
Skill Binding opens.

Shop - Orleans

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14 [After Stage 8]
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4 [After Stage 9]
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16 [After Stage 10]
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13 [After Stage 9]
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30 [After Stage 8]

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12 [After Stage 10]

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Free Stage - Bastille of St. Loup

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[17, 3] Healing Herb
[ 2, 4] Lunar Phial
[ 8, 19] Solar Phial

Dark Elf (female) - lv 18 (1)
HP: 74 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 96 - Sniper
ATK: 109 MATK: 98 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 60 MDEF: 27 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 138 EVA: 51 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Lizard Guardian - lv 18 (2)

HP: 129 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 76 - Impale!
ATK: 122 MATK: 64 - Piercing Power
DEF: 72 MDEF: 61 -
ACC: 151 EVA: 67 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Gargoyle - lv 20 (2)
HP: 150 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 30 - Defense +3
ATK: 132 MATK: 70 -
DEF: 88 MDEF: 10 -
ACC: 130 EVA: 30 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Dark Elf (male) - lv 18 (2)

HP: 105 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 69 - Sniper
ATK: 112 MATK: 93 - Poison Arrow
DEF: 58 MDEF: 44 -
ACC: 129 EVA: 59 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Necromancer - lv 18 (1)
HP: 77 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 122 - Heal
ATK: 61 MATK: 80 - Cyclone
DEF: 41 MDEF: 54 - Thunderbolt
ACC: 99 EVA: 45 - MP +20
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Gazelliath - lv 18 (3)
HP: 149 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 53 - Desperation II
ATK: 134 MATK: 62 - Attack +5
DEF: 79 MDEF: 53 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 117 EVA: 52 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

EXP: 336
GOLD: 200

Stage 11 - Breaching the Dark (Tourelles)

Victory: Defeat Glasdale

Defeat: A single ally falls in battle
Turns: 18
Required Characters: 1/6 - Jeanne
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[ 3, 6] Sibull Fruit
[ 3, 21] 800G
[29, 15] 600G
[27, 28] Erpow Fruit

Glasdale - lv 24 (1)
HP: 219 - Pierce!
MP: 128 - Piercing Power
ATK: 155 MATK: 122 -
DEF: 113 MDEF: 70 -
ACC: 144 EVA: 103 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Knighted Blade - lv 22 (7)

HP: 180 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 53 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 149 MATK: 62 -
DEF: 92 MDEF: 54 -
ACC: 143 EVA: 83 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Archer - lv 22 (1)
HP: 115 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 46 - Sniper
ATK: 145 MATK: 36 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 62 MDEF: 31 -
ACC: 142 EVA: 59 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Knighted Lancer - lv 22 (5)

HP: 120 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 60 - Piercing Power
ATK: 141 MATK: 70 - Leg Strike
DEF: 89 MDEF: 65 -
ACC: 150 EVA: 86 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Gargoyle - lv 22 (2)
HP: 166 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 33 - Defense +3
ATK: 142 MATK: 78 -
DEF: 98 MDEF: 14 -
ACC: 136 EVA: 32 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Gargoyles appear to the left and right of the first gate as you kill the
knights. An additional blade and lancer pair will appear on both sides of the
map when you breach the first gate. An additional blade and lancer will appear
on the stairs by Glasdale when you breach the final gate.

EXP: 664
GOLD: 1500
ITEMS - Healing Herb, Magical Tonic

Leads immediately to Stage 12. If you save, be sure to do it in a second file.

Stage 12 - For a Free Orleans

Victory: Defeat Talbot

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 1/6 - Jeanne
Map Size: 20x22

Item Points
[13, 6] 800G
[19, 13] Clansman's Axe
[ 5, 15] Assault Blade

Talbot - lv 24 (1)
HP: 320 - Triple Slash
MP: 157 - Spirit Sword
ATK: 167 MATK: 95 - Follow Me!
DEF: 115 MDEF: 99 - EXP Bonus
ACC: 166 EVA: 101 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Swordfighter - lv 23 (1)
HP: 174 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 50 -
ATK: 140 MATK: 54 -
DEF: 82 MDEF: 51 -
ACC: 129 EVA: 77 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Knighted Blade - lv 24 (3)

HP: 187 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 56 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 157 MATK: 66 -
DEF: 98 MDEF: 58 -
ACC: 147 EVA: 87 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Swordmaster - lv 24 (2)
HP: 165 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 60 - Counter
ATK: 170 MATK: 64 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 106 MDEF: 74 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 153 EVA: 107 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Archer - lv 24 (2)
HP: 120 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 50 - Sniper
ATK: 155 MATK: 42 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 68 MDEF: 37 -
ACC: 149 EVA: 63 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Priestess - lv 24 (1)
HP: 91 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 136 - Healing Wind
ATK: 92 MATK: 119 - Cure
DEF: 80 MDEF: 122 - Magic Shield
ACC: 129 EVA: 45 - Heal
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Wizard - lv 24 (1)
HP: 97 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 148 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 92 MATK: 147 - Blizzard
DEF: 80 MDEF: 122 - Magic Rust
ACC: 129 EVA: 50 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Knighted Lancer - lv 24 (4)

HP: 130 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 65 - Piercing Power
ATK: 149 MATK: 74 - Leg Strike
DEF: 95 MDEF: 73 -
ACC: 154 EVA: 92 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Take this slow and easy. Don't rush it. If you dally, you can probably still
get to the top by turn 10. I recommend splitting into three teams of two,
each with a healer, and taking the different paths. If you all try to head up
a single path, you'll end by getting in your own way more often than not.
Bring along some ranged attacks, Ice Bullet is good, for dealing damage to the
Swordmasters through Counter, and for dealing consistent damage in the bottle-
necks. Spears and bows are obviously also good.

EXP: 660
GOLD: 1500
ITEMS - Erpow Fruit, Defense Tonic

Stage 13 opens at Patay.
Free Stage opens at Bastille of the Augustins.
Free Stage opens at Altois Prairie.
Shop Orleans upgrade.

Shop - Orleans

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14 [After Stage 8]
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4 [After Stage 9]
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16 [After Stage 10]
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13 [After Stage 9]
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30 [After Stage 8]

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Skirt (1200G) DEF +10 [After Stage 12]
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12 [After Stage 10]

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30) [After Stage 12]
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30) [After Stage 12]
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30) [After Stage 12]

Fireball (500G) lvl 5 [After Stage 12]
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6 [After Stage 12]
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7 [After Stage 12]
HP +20 (800G) lvl 11 [After Stage 12]
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7 [After Stage 12]

Free Stage - Bastille of the Augustins

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 30
Required Characters: 0/0
Map Size: 21x20

Item Points
[ 4, 6] Healing Herb
[16, 10] Solar Phial

Mage - lv 20 (1)
HP: 81 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 93 - Fireball
ATK: 69 MATK: 112 - Lower Force
DEF: 52 MDEF: 78 - Heal
ACC: 78 EVA: 51 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Ghost - lv 20 (3)
HP: 78 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 122 - Mind Eater
ATK: 88 MATK: 135 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 83 MDEF: 115 - Cyclone II
ACC: 82 EVA: 106 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Demon - lv 20 (1)
HP: 190 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 119 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 136 MATK: 145 - Blizzard II
DEF: 97 MDEF: 145 - Poison
ACC: 97 EVA: 73 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Skeleton - lv 20 (4)
HP: 59 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 66 - Blood Sword
ATK: 142 MATK: 106 -
DEF: 96 MDEF: 72 -
ACC: 147 EVA: 79 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 18 -

EXP: 330
GOLD: 200
Free Stage - Altois Prairie (1st)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 35
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[ 5, 22] 500G
[25, 18] Sibull Fruit
[26, 3] Erpow Fruit

Queen Rouge - lv 30 (1)
HP: 174 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 116 - Wild Whip
ATK: 194 MATK: 87 - Stun Whip
DEF: 142 MDEF: 92 - Skill Snatcher
ACC: 159 EVA: 152 - Jezebel's Slave II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 22 -

Qrow Knight - lv 32 (2)

HP: 160 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 60 - Jugulaire
ATK: 180 MATK: 100 - Evade +5
DEF: 99 MDEF: 70 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 170 EVA: 155 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 10 -

Qrow Leader - lv 32 (1)

HP: 180 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 70 - Jugulaire
ATK: 190 MATK: 120 - Evade +5
DEF: 126 MDEF: 80 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 180 EVA: 165 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Dragon - lv 30 (2)
HP: 800 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 300 - Tail Whip
ATK: 240 MATK: 190 - Breath
DEF: 130 MDEF: 135 -
ACC: 140 EVA: 120 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Golem - lv 30 (3)
HP: 296 - Body Slam
MP: 141 - Wallop
ATK: 205 MATK: 200 -
DEF: 105 MDEF: 130 -
ACC: 170 EVA: 60 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

The Qrows will be aggro immediately, everything else will wait until you're in
range. The Queen's activation range is 10 squares (3 more than her move range
plus her weapon range)--which includes the northeastern part of the starting
box. Don't leave characters in there at the end of turn one unless you want her
to activate.

This battle is significantly harder than the course of the game thus far. Most
people don't bother with it immediately (unless they saved pre-battle and got
stuck). It can be done with even low level characters, though, so if you "got
stuck," no worries.

Build the best ATK+ stones you can, and build a Sweep spear skill if you can.
Pile those on either Jean or Gilles or both, starting with whoever has the
higher level. Sweep is the key to killing the big enemies effectively.

Use Jeanne and Liane as mages. Be sure to give them Thunderbolt and Blizzard
(in addition to Heal, obviously). Put healing skills (and Thunderbolt/Blizzard,
if possible) on any other characters you want to throw into combat.

Stack your Spears and their support healers south, stack your mages and their
support (if any) north, but outside the Queen's activation range. Immediately
advance your spears south to start on the dragon, and leave your mages to take
out the Qrows.

Fighting Dragons is pretty easy once you know how to do it. First, they're big,
so they're pretty easy to lock against a wall (or between four characters) so
that they can't move. When they can't move, they have blind spots that they
cannot attack. Their Tail Whip move hits the three adjacent panels on a single
side. Their Breath move has a range of 4 and spreads from the central panel on
one side and expands as it goes (1-3-5-7). This leaves the diagonals from their
corners impossible for them to hit, and means that if you have no more than
one character to a side, they can only hit one character at a time.

Second, the key to killing dragons (and other 3x3 mobs) is by using skills that
hit multiple panels. Sweep, Impale, magic area of effect spells (AoEs: Flame,
Cyclone, Blizzard--the best of which for these Dragons will be Blizzard, to
take advantage of the elemental boost, though not all Dragon types will have
Sol stones equipped).

After you've taken out the Qrows and the first Dragon, activate the Queen and
take her out (she'll be hard to hit, like the Qrows, so magic and high hit%
skills are best). Then just take out the rest of the bigs carefully. The Golems
are cake next to the Dragons, nothing to worry about.

This can be done even if your highest level team member is as low as 25. You
just have to use your brain, and take it easy. Some characters will probably
die. No big thing. Just keep going.

This is actually worth doing anyway, for the spear reward.

EXP: 288
GOLD: 1000
ITEMS - Demongriffe, Lifegiver's Staff

Altois Prairie Free Stage changes.

Free Stage - Altois Prairie (2nd+)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 35
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[ 5, 22] 1000G/Healing Herb
[25, 18] Healing Herb
[26, 3] Eldish Fruit

Dragon - lv 50 (3)
HP: 1190 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 400 - Tail Whip
ATK: 400 MATK: 370 - Breath
DEF: 244 MDEF: 225 -
ACC: 200 EVA: 146 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Don't bother with this until your levels are 40+. It can be done before that,
but practically speaking, it's not worth the time or trouble.

Once you can actually deal some damage with Sweeps and AoEs, it's a great place
to gratuitously level, if that's your deal. It's just the usual dragon trap and
AoE thing. No special rewards, though.

EXP: 415
GOLD: 1000

Stage 13 - The Battle of Patay (Patay)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: Jeanne falls in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Guest: Beatrix (controllable)
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[ 3, 9] 600G
[13, 26] Healing Seed
[24, 14] 800G
[17, 5] Erpow Fruit

Bartolomeo - lv 26 (1)
HP: 266 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 88 - Wood Chop
ATK: 162 MATK: 84 -
DEF: 115 MDEF: 82 -
ACC: 153 EVA: 61 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Knighted Blade - lv 26 (2)

HP: 198 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 66 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 165 MATK: 70 -
DEF: 104 MDEF: 62 -
ACC: 151 EVA: 91 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Archer - lv 26 (2)
HP: 128 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 51 - Sniper
ATK: 165 MATK: 48 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 74 MDEF: 43 -
ACC: 156 EVA: 66 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Wizard - lv 26 (2)
HP: 102 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 159 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 98 MATK: 157 - Blizzard
DEF: 86 MDEF: 130 - Magic Rust
ACC: 135 EVA: 53 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Knighted Lancer - lv 26 (2)

HP: 139 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 72 - Piercing Power
ATK: 157 MATK: 78 - Leg Strike
DEF: 101 MDEF: 81 -
ACC: 159 EVA: 98 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Troll - lv 26 (2)
HP: 280 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 60 - Wood Chop
ATK: 195 MATK: 50 - HP Recovery
DEF: 71 MDEF: 20 -
ACC: 100 EVA: 60 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 1 -

Qrow - lv 26 (4)
HP: 120 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 40 - Evade +5
ATK: 150 MATK: 70 -
DEF: 79 MDEF: 50 -
ACC: 150 EVA: 135 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 8 -
Orc King - lv 26 (4)
HP: 210 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 80 - Wood Chop
ATK: 185 MATK: 90 - Attack +5
DEF: 112 MDEF: 60 - HP +30
ACC: 130 EVA: 91 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

The enemy is reinforced twice, both times with a troll, two qrows, and an orc
king. The first happens roughly in the middle of the field, the second a bit
farther southwest. They basically drop right on top of you.

EXP: 708
GOLD: 1600
ITEMS - Searing Phial, Eldish Fruit

Beatrix and Bartolomeo join.
Free Stage opens at Tourelles.
Stage 14 opens at Troyes.

Free Stage - Tourelles

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[ 3, 6] Healing Herb
[ 3, 21] 300G
[29, 15] Erpow Fruit
[27, 28] Lunar Phial

Bovimoth - lv 22 (2)
HP: 143 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 55 - Desperation
ATK: 148 MATK: 60 - Attack +3
DEF: 77 MDEF: 65 -
ACC: 113 EVA: 48 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

Lizard Marshal - lv 22 (2)

HP: 161 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 115 - Take Flight!
ATK: 147 MATK: 87 - Piercing Power II
DEF: 112 MDEF: 89 - Ravage!
ACC: 194 EVA: 90 - Accuracy +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 22 (2)

HP: 85 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 109 - Sniper
ATK: 125 MATK: 114 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 72 MDEF: 31 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 148 EVA: 57 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Necromancer - lv 22 (2)
HP: 84 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 139 - Heal
ATK: 73 MATK: 92 - Cyclone
DEF: 53 MDEF: 70 - Thunderbolt
ACC: 105 EVA: 49 - MP +20
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Gazelliath - lv 22 (2)
HP: 169 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 63 - Desperation II
ATK: 154 MATK: 74 - Attack +5
DEF: 95 MDEF: 65 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 123 EVA: 57 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

EXP: 384
GOLD: 200

Stage 14 - Brother Richard (Troyes)

Victory: Defeat Slinker

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 1/5 - Jeanne
Guest: Richard (controllable)
Map Size: 25x15

Item Points
[12, 8] Healing Seed/800G
[20, 14] Assault Blade/Vanspear
[ 7, 2] Round Shield

Slinker - lv 29 (1)
HP: 213 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 235 - Lightning
ATK: 149 MATK: 147 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 129 MDEF: 150 - Heal II
ACC: 113 EVA: 112 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Orc King - lv 29 (3)

HP: 229 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 88 - Wood Chop
ATK: 203 MATK: 99 - Attack +5
DEF: 127 MDEF: 72 - HP +30
ACC: 140 EVA: 97 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Bovimoth - lv 29 (2)
HP: 171 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 67 - Desperation
ATK: 183 MATK: 74 - Attack +3
DEF: 98 MDEF: 86 -
ACC: 123 EVA: 55 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

Gazelliath - lv 28 (2)
HP: 194 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 70 - Desperation II
ATK: 184 MATK: 92 - Attack +5
DEF: 119 MDEF: 83 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 133 EVA: 64 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 28 (1)
HP: 214 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 75 - Desperation III
ATK: 200 MATK: 92 - Attack +10
DEF: 128 MDEF: 96 - HP +20
ACC: 145 EVA: 70 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

Militiaman (Spear) - lv 28 (2)

HP: 130 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 80 - Piercing Power II
ATK: 152 MATK: 60 - Sweep!
DEF: 106 MDEF: 80 - Defense +3
ACC: 140 EVA: 103 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Militiaman (Sword) - lv 29 (4)

HP: 134 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 88 - Follow Me!
ATK: 169 MATK: 54 - Defense +3
DEF: 118 MDEF: 84 -
ACC: 135 EVA: 102 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -


EXP: 832
GOLD: 1700
ITEMS - Rysecor Fruit, Reflex Tonic
Richard joins.
Shop at Troyes opens.
Free Stage opens at Patay.
Stage 15 opens at Chalons.

Shop - Troyes

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30
Crystal Wand (840G) ATK +8, MATK +4

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Silk Robe (1700G) DEF +17
Magical Dress (1700G) DEF +15, MDEF +10
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1
Chainmail Armor (1400G) DEF +23, EVA -3

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Kite Shield (1800G) DEF +16, EVA +16

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)

Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7

HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7
Attack +3 (1000G) lvl 1
Magic Attack +3 (2000G) lvl 1
Free Stage - Patay

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[ 3, 9] Solar Phial
[14, 26] 1000G
[24, 14] Lunar Phial
[17, 5] 300G

Wyvern - lv 29 (1)
HP: 250 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 150 - Flame
ATK: 190 MATK: 120 - Fireball
DEF: 110 MDEF: 70 -
ACC: 110 EVA: 100 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Qrow - lv 26 (2)
HP: 120 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 40 - Evade +5
ATK: 150 MATK: 70 -
DEF: 79 MDEF: 50 -
ACC: 150 EVA: 135 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 8 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 26 (2)

HP: 96 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 127 - Sniper
ATK: 141 MATK: 130 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 84 MDEF: 35 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 158 EVA: 63 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Necromancer - lv 26 (2)
HP: 98 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 149 - Heal
ATK: 85 MATK: 104 - Cyclone
DEF: 65 MDEF: 86 - Thunderbolt
ACC: 111 EVA: 53 - MP +20
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Mage - lv 26 (2)
HP: 93 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 118 - Fireball
ATK: 87 MATK: 142 - Lower Force
DEF: 70 MDEF: 102 - Heal
ACC: 87 EVA: 56 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -
Gazelliath - lv 26 (1)
HP: 186 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 65 - Desperation II
ATK: 174 MATK: 86 - Attack +5
DEF: 111 MDEF: 77 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 129 EVA: 62 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

EXP: 416
GOLD: 250

Stage 15 - Chalons and the Ruse (Chalons)

Victory: Guide all allies to the fissures in the city wall

Defeat: A single ally falls in battle
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 1/5 - Jeanne
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[25, 22] Xheno Fruit
[ 4, 19] 600G
[ 7, 11] Vanspear

Slinker - lv 30 (1)
HP: 218 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 260 - Lightning
ATK: 157 MATK: 152 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 135 MDEF: 150 - Heal II
ACC: 122 EVA: 116 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Gazelliath - lv 30 (4)
HP: 205 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 78 - Desperation II
ATK: 194 MATK: 98 - Attack +5
DEF: 127 MDEF: 89 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 136 EVA: 67 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 30 (1)
HP: 225 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 75 - Desperation III
ATK: 210 MATK: 98 - Attack +10
DEF: 136 MDEF: 104 - HP +20
ACC: 149 EVA: 72 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

Militiaman (Spear) - lv 30 (2)

HP: 135 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 83 - Piercing Power II
ATK: 160 MATK: 68 - Sweep!
DEF: 112 MDEF: 88 - Defense +3
ACC: 150 EVA: 106 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Militiaman (Sword) - lv 30 (1)

HP: 138 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 89 - Follow Me!
ATK: 173 MATK: 58 - Defense +3
DEF: 121 MDEF: 88 -
ACC: 139 EVA: 103 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Militiaman (Bow) - lv 30 (2)

HP: 125 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 83 - Sniper III
ATK: 161 MATK: 113 - Sky Dart
DEF: 107 MDEF: 93 - Range +1
ACC: 157 EVA: 92 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

I don't recommend you bring along anyone with less than 5 MOV.

Bring along at least one person with Cure, more is better. Mighty Roar sucks.
Also, try not to line up your units so that a Gazelliath can stun more than one
at a time. Further: Try not to move just outside their strike range, as they
can Roar one more square than they can strike, and they will.

EXP: 828
GOLD: 1800
ITEMS - Moonglow Phial, Warding Tonic

Jeanne leaves.
Free Stage opens at Troyes.
Free Stage opens at Colosseum.
Stage 16 opens at Bogs of Wermonde.

Free Stage - Troyes

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters:
Map Size: 25x15

Item Points
[12, 8] Healing Herb
[20, 14] Lunar Phial
[ 7, 2] Healing Herb
Orc Knight - lv 28 (3)
HP: 169 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 65 - Wood Chop
ATK: 181 MATK: 91 -
DEF: 97 MDEF: 62 -
ACC: 176 EVA: 68 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Orc King - lv 28 (2)

HP: 222 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 86 - Wood Chop
ATK: 197 MATK: 96 - Attack +5
DEF: 122 MDEF: 68 - HP +30
ACC: 137 EVA: 95 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 28 (1)

HP: 98 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 133 - Sniper
ATK: 149 MATK: 138 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 90 MDEF: 37 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 163 EVA: 66 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Bovimoth - lv 28 (4)
HP: 169 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 63 - Desperation
ATK: 178 MATK: 72 - Attack +3
DEF: 95 MDEF: 83 -
ACC: 122 EVA: 54 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

Gazelliath - lv 28 (4)
HP: 194 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 69 - Desperation II
ATK: 184 MATK: 92 - Attack +5
DEF: 119 MDEF: 83 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 133 EVA: 64 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 28 (1)
HP: 214 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 72 - Desperation III
ATK: 200 MATK: 92 - Attack +10
DEF: 128 MDEF: 96 - HP +20
ACC: 145 EVA: 70 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

EXP: 376
GOLD: 250

Free Stage - Colosseum 1
No saving between stages, can bail out after any round.
If you bail out and re-enter, you start again from Round 1.
This will allow you to farm a stone that won't be available for a while, the
Mobility +1 on the Wyvern Lord in Round 8.
Once you complete Round 10, the Colosseum closes until post-game.

WARNING: Do not complete the Colosseum unless either Liane or Cuisses is in

your party (they don't have to be in the combats, just in the party line up).

Round 1
Turns: 20
Characters: 2

Orc - lv 29 (2)
HP: 106 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 59 -
ATK: 179 MATK: 61 -
DEF: 93 MDEF: 61 -
ACC: 161 EVA: 50 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Orc Knight - lv 28 (1)

HP: 176 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 64 - Wood Chop
ATK: 181 MATK: 91 -
DEF: 97 MDEF: 62 -
ACC: 176 EVA: 68 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

GOLD: 100
ITEMS - Healing Herb

Round 2
Turns: 20
Characters: 2

Orc - lv 30 (2)
HP: 108 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 57 -
ATK: 185 MATK: 63 -
DEF: 96 MDEF: 63 -
ACC: 164 EVA: 51 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Orc Knight - lv 31 (2)

HP: 197 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 70 - Wood Chop
ATK: 197 MATK: 100 -
DEF: 106 MDEF: 68 -
ACC: 185 EVA: 72 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Orc King - lv 30 (1)

HP: 236 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 91 - Wood Chop
ATK: 209 MATK: 102 - Attack +5
DEF: 132 MDEF: 76 - HP +30
ACC: 143 EVA: 99 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -


GOLD: 200
ITEMS - Solar Phial

Round 3
Turns: 20
Characters: 2

Orc King - lv 34 (2)
HP: 263 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 103 - Wood Chop
ATK: 233 MATK: 114 - Attack +5
DEF: 152 MDEF: 92 - HP +30
ACC: 156 EVA: 107 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Lizard Guardian - lv 34 (2)

HP: 205 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 116 - Impale!
ATK: 194 MATK: 112 - Piercing Power
DEF: 120 MDEF: 109 -
ACC: 204 EVA: 93 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Lizard Marshal - lv 35 (1)

HP: 217 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 166 - Take Flight!
ATK: 205 MATK: 126 - Piercing Power II
DEF: 157 MDEF: 134 - Ravage!
ACC: 239 EVA: 119 - Accuracy +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

GOLD: 300
ITEMS - Healing Herb

Round 4
Turns: 20
Characters: 2
Lizard Marshal - lv 36 (2)
HP: 221 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 167 - Take Flight!
ATK: 210 MATK: 129 - Piercing Power II
DEF: 161 MDEF: 138 - Ravage!
ACC: 243 EVA: 121 - Accuracy +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Qrow Knight - lv 35 (2)

HP: 170 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 71 - Jugulaire
ATK: 192 MATK: 109 - Evade +5
DEF: 105 MDEF: 82 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 176 EVA: 163 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 10 -

Qrow Leader - lv 36 (1)

HP: 195 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 88 - Jugulaire
ATK: 210 MATK: 132 - Evade +5
DEF: 138 MDEF: 96 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 188 EVA: 177 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

GOLD: 400G
ITEMS - Lunar Phial

Round 5
Turns: 20
Characters: 3

Gargoyle - lv 38 (4)
HP: 286 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 62 - Defense +3
ATK: 222 MATK: 142 -
DEF: 178 MDEF: 46 -
ACC: 184 EVA: 48 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Golem - lv 39 (1)
HP: 381 - Body Slam
MP: 183 - Wallop
ATK: 259 MATK: 254 -
DEF: 141 MDEF: 175 -
ACC: 193 EVA: 74 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

GOLD: 500
ITEMS - Healing Herb
Round 6
Turns: 20
Characters: 3

Bowfighter - lv 40 (2)
HP: 159 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 73 - Sniper
ATK: 198 MATK: 62 -
DEF: 88 MDEF: 62 -
ACC: 198 EVA: 77 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Archer - lv 41 (2)
HP: 167 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 79 - Sniper
ATK: 240 MATK: 93 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 119 MDEF: 88 -
ACC: 209 EVA: 95 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Sniper - lv 42 (3)
HP: 200 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 87 - Sniper II
ATK: 287 MATK: 98 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 124 MDEF: 67 - Recovery Shot
ACC: 234 EVA: 119 - Range +1
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

GOLD: 600
ITEMS - Astral Phial

Round 7
Turns: 20
Characters: 4

Bovimoth - lv 42 (2)
HP: 218 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 86 - Desperation
ATK: 248 MATK: 100 - Attack +3
DEF: 137 MDEF: 125 -
ACC: 143 EVA: 68 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

Gazelliath - lv 42 (2)
HP: 259 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 95 - Desperation II
ATK: 254 MATK: 134 - Attack +5
DEF: 175 MDEF: 125 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 155 EVA: 81 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -
Ceratoth - lv 43 (2)
HP: 286 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 94 - Desperation III
ATK: 275 MATK: 137 - Attack +10
DEF: 188 MDEF: 156 - HP +20
ACC: 172 EVA: 91 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

GOLD: 700
ITEMS - Healing Seed

Round 8
Turns: 20
Characters: 4

Flameflyer - lv 45 (2)
HP: 381 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 238 - Flame
ATK: 285 MATK: 230 - Fireball II
DEF: 180 MDEF: 138 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 165 EVA: 128 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Wyvern Lord - lv 45 (1)

HP: 437 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 193 - Flame II
ATK: 310 MATK: 258 - Fireball II
DEF: 199 MDEF: 163 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 175 EVA: 140 - Mobility +1
MOV: 6 CRIT: 7 -

Ogre - lv 44 (2)
HP: 562 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 94 - Wood Chop
ATK: 313 MATK: 142 - HP Recovery
DEF: 148 MDEF: 120 -
ACC: 151 EVA: 83 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -


GOLD: 800
ITEMS - Solar Phial, Lunar Phial, Astral Phial

Round 9
Turns: 20
Characters: 4

Frost Demon - lv 46 (1)
HP: 363 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 262 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 276 MATK: 301 - Blizzard II
DEF: 184 MDEF: 306 - Poison
ACC: 239 EVA: 82 - Lower Force
MOV: 4 CRIT: 6 -

Ghost - lv 47 (4)
HP: 153 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 219 - Mind Eater
ATK: 169 MATK: 270 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 172 MDEF: 250 - Cyclone II
ACC: 163 EVA: 214 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Skeleton - lv 47 (4)
HP: 216 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 156 - Blood Sword
ATK: 263 MATK: 214 -
DEF: 204 MDEF: 153 -
ACC: 228 EVA: 119 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 18 -

GOLD: 900
ITEMS - Healing Seed

Round 10
Turns: 20
Characters: 4

Sniper - lv 48 (1)
HP: 218 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 98 - Sniper II
ATK: 317 MATK: 116 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 142 MDEF: 79 - Recovery Shot
ACC: 258 EVA: 131 - Range +1
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

Wizard - lv 48 (2)
HP: 164 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 254 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 164 MATK: 267 - Blizzard
DEF: 152 MDEF: 218 - Magic Rust
ACC: 201 EVA: 86 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Dragon - lv 49 (1)
HP: 1171 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 389 - Tail Whip
ATK: 392 MATK: 361 - Breath
DEF: 238 MDEF: 221 -
ACC: 197 EVA: 145 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Lich - lv 48 (1)
HP: 222 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 323 - Healing Wind II
ATK: 199 MATK: 261 - Thor's Hammer
DEF: 225 MDEF: 220 - Thunderbolt II
ACC: 186 EVA: 98 - Magic Attack +5
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

GOLD: 5000
ITEMS - War Reverie, Rune Spear, Spirits' Helve, Two Rounds,
Gem of Azure (Liane)

Colosseum no longer available.

Stage 16 - A New Pucelle (Bogs of Vermonde)

Victory: Defeat Mawra

Defeat: Liane falls in battle
Turns: 17
Required Characters: 2/5 - Liane, Richard
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[24, 2] Clansman's Axe
[16, 13] Healing Seed
[ 8, 23] Round Shield

Mawra - lv 33 (1)
HP: 275 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 108 - Critical Edge
ATK: 185 MATK: 115 - Strange Dance
DEF: 127 MDEF: 124 - Gold Shakedown
ACC: 158 EVA: 132 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 40 -

Lizard Guardian - lv 33 (2)

HP: 202 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 117 - Impale!
ATK: 189 MATK: 109 - Piercing Power
DEF: 117 MDEF: 106 -
ACC: 201 EVA: 91 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Dark Elf (male) - lv 33 (2)

HP: 162 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 105 - Sniper
ATK: 172 MATK: 153 - Poison Arrow
DEF: 103 MDEF: 74 -
ACC: 159 EVA: 75 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Qrow - lv 32 (2)
HP: 140 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 56 - Evade +5
ATK: 168 MATK: 82 -
DEF: 91 MDEF: 68 -
ACC: 162 EVA: 149 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 8 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 33 (2)

HP: 113 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 149 - Sniper
ATK: 169 MATK: 158 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 105 MDEF: 42 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 175 EVA: 73 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Wyvern - lv 32 (1)
HP: 264 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 160 - Flame
ATK: 202 MATK: 135 - Fireball
DEF: 120 MDEF: 79 -
ACC: 116 EVA: 104 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

EXP: 728
GOLD: 1900
ITEMS - Healing Seed, Sibull Fruit

Free Combat opens at Chalons.
Stage 17 opens at Reims.

Free Stage - Chalons

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[25, 22] Solar Phial
[ 4, 19] Lunar Phial
[ 7, 11] Solar Phial

Orc King - lv 30 (1)
HP: 236 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 91 - Wood Chop
ATK: 209 MATK: 102 - Attack +5
DEF: 132 MDEF: 76 - HP +30
ACC: 143 EVA: 99 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Lizard Guardian - lv 30 (2)

HP: 187 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 108 - Impale!
ATK: 176 MATK: 100 - Piercing Power
DEF: 108 MDEF: 97 -
ACC: 191 EVA: 86 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Gazelliath - lv 30 (4)
HP: 208 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 68 - Desperation II
ATK: 194 MATK: 98 - Attack +5
DEF: 127 MDEF: 89 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 136 EVA: 67 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Golem - lv 30 (2)
HP: 292 - Body Slam
MP: 142 - Wallop
ATK: 205 MATK: 200 -
DEF: 105 MDEF: 130 -
ACC: 170 EVA: 60 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

EXP: 362
GOLD: 250

Stage 17 - To Crown a King (Reims)

Victory: Guide Charles VII to the cathedral's entrance

Defeat: Charles VII falls in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 1/6 - Liane
Guest: Charles VII (not controllable)
Map Size: 20x24

Item Points
[ 6, 22] Sibull Fruit
[12, 14] Round Shield
[18, 18] Eldish Fruit

Mawra - lv 32 (1)
HP: 300 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 170 - Critical Edge
ATK: 178 MATK: 110 - Strange Dance
DEF: 119 MDEF: 120 - Venom Edge
ACC: 160 EVA: 135 - Gold Shakedown
MOV: 5 CRIT: 40 -

Dark Elf (male) - lv 32 (3)

HP: 150 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 107 - Sniper
ATK: 168 MATK: 149 - Poison Arrow
DEF: 100 MDEF: 72 -
ACC: 157 EVA: 74 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Qrow - lv 32 (2)
HP: 141 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 58 - Evade +5
ATK: 168 MATK: 82 -
DEF: 91 MDEF: 68 -
ACC: 162 EVA: 149 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 8 -

Qrow Knight - lv 32 (3)

HP: 160 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 60 - Jugulaire
ATK: 180 MATK: 100 - Evade +5
DEF: 99 MDEF: 70 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 170 EVA: 155 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 10 -

Mage - lv 32 (1)
HP: 112 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 142 - Fireball
ATK: 105 MATK: 172 - Lower Force
DEF: 88 MDEF: 126 - Heal
ACC: 96 EVA: 62 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Bovimoth - lv 32 (3)
HP: 181 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 71 - Desperation
ATK: 198 MATK: 80 - Attack +3
DEF: 107 MDEF: 95 -
ACC: 128 EVA: 58 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 8 -

Knighted Lancer - lv 32 (2)

HP: 167 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 87 - Piercing Power
ATK: 181 MATK: 90 - Leg Strike
DEF: 119 MDEF: 105 -
ACC: 172 EVA: 116 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

A Dark Elf (male) will reinforce at the southern central stairs, and two Qrow
Knights will reinforce near Mawra after you kill the original Qrow Knight.

If you don't leave someone behind to take out the Dark Elf immediately, it will
one hit kill Charles. Aside from that, this level is fairly straightforward.

Be aware that you can somewhat alter Charles' movement by standing in positions
where he would move the next turn.

EXP: 716
GOLD: 2500
ITEMS - Xheno Fruit, Geddo Fruit, Galaxy Phial

Shop opens at Reims.
Shop at Chinon upgrades.
Free Stage opens at Bogs of Vermonde.
Stage 18 opens at Paris Ramparts.
Gilles leaves.

Shop - Chinon

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14 [After Stage 17]
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4 [After Stage 17]
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10 [After Stage 17]
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16 [After Stage 17]
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13 [After Stage 17]
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30 [After Stage 17]
Crystal Wand (840G) ATK +8, MATK +4 [After Stage 17]

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9 [After Stage 17]
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1 [After Stage 17]

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8 [After Stage 17]
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12 [After Stage 17]

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Healing Seed (300G) HP+ 120 [After Stage 17]
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)

Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7
HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7

Shop - Reims

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30
Crystal Wand (840G) ATK +8, MATK +4

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Healing Seed (300G) HP+ 120
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)

Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7
Heal (600G) lvl 3
Cure (600G) lvl 7

HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7
Attack +3 (1000G) lvl 1
Magic Attack +3 (2000G) lvl 8
Defense +3 (1000G) lvl 5
Magic Defense +3 (1000G) lvl 5
Free Stage - Bogs of Vermonde

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[24, 2] Healing Herb/Erpow Fruit
[16, 13] Healing Herb
[ 8, 23] 300G

Troll - lv 32 (1)
HP: 351 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 71 - Wood Chop
ATK: 225 MATK: 68 - HP Recovery
DEF: 89 MDEF: 44 -
ACC: 112 EVA: 64 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 1 -

Lizard Marshal - lv 32 (2)

HP: 207 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 152 - Take Flight!
ATK: 192 MATK: 117 - Piercing Power II
DEF: 147 MDEF: 124 - Ravage!
ACC: 229 EVA: 112 - Accuracy +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Dark Elf (male) - lv 32 (4)

HP: 155 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 107 - Sniper
ATK: 168 MATK: 149 - Poison Arrow
DEF: 100 MDEF: 72 -
ACC: 157 EVA: 74 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Qrow Knight - lv 32 (2)

HP: 160 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 60 - Jugulaire
ATK: 180 MATK: 100 - Evade +5
DEF: 99 MDEF: 70 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 170 EVA: 155 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 10 -

Wyvern - lv 32 (1)
HP: 265 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 161 - Flame
ATK: 202 MATK: 135 - Fireball
DEF: 120 MDEF: 79 -
ACC: 116 EVA: 104 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

EXP: 330
GOLD: 250

Stage 18 - Vicissitudes (Paris Ramparts)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: Liane falls in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 1/5 - Liane
Guests: Alain, Pierre, Rene (not controllable)
Map Size: 25x17

Item Points
[ 9, 11] 1000G/Mana Jewel
[13, 17] 800G

Knighted Blade - lv 33 (3)
HP: 245 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 73 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 193 MATK: 84 -
DEF: 125 MDEF: 76 -
ACC: 164 EVA: 104 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Swordmaster - lv 33 (3)
HP: 218 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 83 - Counter
ATK: 206 MATK: 91 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 142 MDEF: 101 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 172 EVA: 125 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Sniper - lv 33 (2)
HP: 164 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 72 - Sniper II
ATK: 242 MATK: 71 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 97 MDEF: 49 - Recovery Shot
ACC: 198 EVA: 100 - Range +1
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

Wizard - lv 33 (4)
HP: 124 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 187 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 119 MATK: 192 - Blizzard
DEF: 107 MDEF: 158 - Magic Rust
ACC: 156 EVA: 63 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Knighted Lancer - lv 33 (4)

HP: 171 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 92 - Piercing Power
ATK: 185 MATK: 92 - Leg Strike
DEF: 122 MDEF: 109 -
ACC: 174 EVA: 119 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

As soon as you kill everything, reinforcements will appear: 2 Swordmaster,
2 Knighted Lancer, and 2 Wizards.

EXP: 644
GOLD: 1000
ITEMS - Healing Herb, Mana Shard

Proceed to Chinon.

When given the choice:

A. La Charite - This path will result in you gaining the only whip user in the
game. She is a near-copy of Colet, acting as another Spy/Thief type, including
the ability to steal skill stones.

B. St Pierre-le-Moutier - This path will result in you gaining a second staff

user/mage type. Stage 19 opens at St. Pierre-le-Moutier.

Stage 19A - Narrow Roads (La Charite)

Victory: Defeat the rebel leader

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 2/7 - Liane, Rose
Map Size: 28x25

Item Points
[12, 14] 1000G
[11, 25] 800G

Rebel Leader - lv 36 (1)
HP: 235 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 93 - Counter
ATK: 218 MATK: 100 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 154 MDEF: 110 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 179 EVA: 131 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Knighted Blade - lv 35 (4)

HP: 252 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 80 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 201 MATK: 88 -
DEF: 131 MDEF: 80 -
ACC: 168 EVA: 108 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Wizard - lv 34 (1)
HP: 122 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 196 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 122 MATK: 197 - Blizzard
DEF: 110 MDEF: 162 - Magic Rust
ACC: 159 EVA: 65 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Necromancer - lv 36 (2)
HP: 124 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 189 - Heal
ATK: 115 MATK: 134 - Cyclone
DEF: 95 MDEF: 126 - Thunderbolt
ACC: 126 EVA: 62 - MP +20
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Mage - lv 34 (1)
HP: 122 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 144 - Fireball
ATK: 111 MATK: 182 - Lower Force
DEF: 94 MDEF: 134 - Heal
ACC: 99 EVA: 63 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Ceratoth - lv 34 (2)
HP: 241 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 85 - Desperation III
ATK: 230 MATK: 110 - Attack +10
DEF: 152 MDEF: 120 - HP +20
ACC: 156 EVA: 78 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

EXP: 696
GOLD: 1500
ITEMS - Geddo Fruit, Nimble Tonic

Rose joins.
Roger leaves.
Shop opens at La Charite.
Shop opens at St. Pierre-le-Moutier.
Free stage opens at Paris Ramparts.
Stage 20 opens at Clairoix.

Stage 19B - The Magician Girl (St. Pierre-le-Moutier)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: Any one crystal is destroyed.
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 2/7 - Liane, Claire
Map Size: 25x25
Item Points
[10, 12] 1000G
[24, 3] Chainmail Armor
[ 4, 23] Shatteraxe

Lizard Guardian - lv 34 (2)
HP: 206 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 121 - Impale!
ATK: 194 MATK: 112 - Piercing Power
DEF: 120 MDEF: 109 -
ACC: 204 EVA: 93 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Knighted Blade - lv 35 (3)

HP: 254 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 80 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 201 MATK: 88 -
DEF: 131 MDEF: 80 -
ACC: 168 EVA: 108 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Qrow Knight - lv 35 (2)

HP: 171 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 72 - Jugulaire
ATK: 192 MATK: 109 - Evade +5
DEF: 105 MDEF: 82 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 176 EVA: 163 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 10 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 34 (2)

HP: 117 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 155 - Sniper
ATK: 173 MATK: 162 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 108 MDEF: 43 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 178 EVA: 75 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Necromancer - lv 35 (1)
HP: 124 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 183 - Heal
ATK: 112 MATK: 131 - Cyclone
DEF: 92 MDEF: 122 - Thunderbolt
ACC: 125 EVA: 61 - MP +20
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Assign two man teams to head toward each crystal. The enemies tend to attack
units rather than crystals, as long as you have one in range.

EXP: 700
GOLD: 1500
ITEMS - Rysecor Fruit, Warding Tonic
Claire joins.
Roger leaves.
Shop opens at La Charite.
Shop opens at St. Pierre-le-Moutier.
Free stage opens at Paris Ramparts.
Stage 20 opens at Clairoix.

Shop - La Charite

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30
Crystal Wand (840G) ATK +8, MATK +4
Metal Whip (1100G) ATK +20

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Healing Seed (300G) HP+ 120
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)

Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7

HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7
Attack +3 (1000G) lvl 1
Magic Attack +3 (2000G) lvl 8
Accuracy +5 (1000G) lvl 7
Evade +5 (1000G) lvl 4
Magic Defense +3 (1000G) lvl 5

Shop - St. Pierre-le-Moutier

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30
Crystal Wand (840G) ATK +8, MATK +4

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Healing Seed (300G) HP+ 120
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)

Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Fireball II (1000G) lvl 15
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Ice Bullet II (1000G) lvl 15
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7
Thunderbolt II (1000G) lvl 15
Raise Force (500G) lvl 17
Magic Shield (500G) lvl 18
Lower Mobility (500G) lvl 10
Poison (600G) lvl 10
Lower Force (500G) lvl 13
Lower Defenses (500G) lvl 21

HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7

Free Stage - Paris Ramparts

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 25x17

Item Points
[ 9, 11] Healing Herb
[13, 17] 300G

Dark Elf (female) - lv 38 (2)
HP: 127 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 168 - Sniper
ATK: 189 MATK: 178 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 120 MDEF: 47 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 188 EVA: 81 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Ogre - lv 37 (2)
HP: 461 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 79 - Wood Chop
ATK: 271 MATK: 114 - HP Recovery
DEF: 120 MDEF: 85 -
ACC: 135 EVA: 78 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -

Necromancer - lv 38 (2)
HP: 131 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 195 - Heal
ATK: 121 MATK: 140 - Cyclone
DEF: 101 MDEF: 134 - Thunderbolt
ACC: 129 EVA: 63 - MP +20
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Gazelliath - lv 38 (6)
HP: 242 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 90 - Desperation II
ATK: 234 MATK: 122 - Attack +5
DEF: 159 MDEF: 113 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 149 EVA: 76 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

EXP: 395
GOLD: 300

Stage 20 - The Snare (Clairoix)
Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: Enemy breaches the town gates
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 1/7 - Liane
Guests: Paul the Hack, Clever Claude, Shifty Maurice
Map Size: 24x25

Item Points
[ 2, 5] 800G
[13, 8] Rysecor Fruit

Lady Noire - lv 35 (2)
HP: 180 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 99 - Stun Whip
ATK: 186 MATK: 97 - Gold Snatcher
DEF: 152 MDEF: 97 - Jezebel's Slave
ACC: 158 EVA: 148 - Slip Through
MOV: 5 CRIT: 20 -

Orc King - lv 35 (4)

HP: 272 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 102 - Wood Chop
ATK: 239 MATK: 117 - Attack +5
DEF: 157 MDEF: 96 - HP +30
ACC: 160 EVA: 109 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Qrow Leader - lv 35 (2)

HP: 192 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 83 - Jugulaire
ATK: 205 MATK: 129 - Evade +5
DEF: 135 MDEF: 92 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 186 EVA: 174 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Troll - lv 35 (2)
HP: 382 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 78 - Wood Chop
ATK: 240 MATK: 77 - HP Recovery
DEF: 98 MDEF: 56 -
ACC: 118 EVA: 66 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 1 -

The guests will switch sides at the beginning of turn two.

The enemies in this stage seem to vastly prefer running for the town to
attacking units, so be aware of their movement range. Also, the whip-users
have Slip Through so you cannot physically block them.

EXP: 628
GOLD: 1700
ITEMS - Erpow Fruit, Angel's Grace, Champion's Sword

Liane leaves.
When asked to save, save in a separate file.
Stage 21 automatically comes next.
Be sure to equip Jeanne and Gilles when you're given the chance. Skills and

Stage 21 - Fated to War

Victory: Defeat the trio of therions

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 2/2 - Jeanne, Gilles
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[ 6, 6] 300G/500G
[22, 23] 500G

Slinker - lv 36 (1)
HP: 250 - Stella Spirit +3
MP: 300 - Lightning
ATK: 163 MATK: 172 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 137 MDEF: 160 - Cyclone II
ACC: 140 EVA: 135 - EXP Bonus
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Blaze - lv 36 (1)
HP: 380 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 140 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 241 MATK: 100 - Compass
DEF: 174 MDEF: 90 -
ACC: 160 EVA: 117 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Mawra - lv 36 (1)
HP: 330 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 200 - Critical Edge
ATK: 188 MATK: 150 - Two Hits
DEF: 134 MDEF: 160 - Venom Edge
ACC: 180 EVA: 135 - EXP Bonus
MOV: 5 CRIT: 40 - Gold Shakedown

Lizard Guardian - lv 35 (2)

HP: 216 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 116 - Impale!
ATK: 198 MATK: 115 - Piercing Power
DEF: 123 MDEF: 112 -
ACC: 207 EVA: 94 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -
Lizard Marshal - lv 35 (1)
HP: 219 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 162 - Take Flight!
ATK: 205 MATK: 126 - Piercing Power II
DEF: 157 MDEF: 134 - Ravage!
ACC: 239 EVA: 119 - Accuracy +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

EXP: 688
GOLD: 1700
ITEMS - Eldish Fruit, Critical Tonic, Gem of Levin (Gilles)

Shop at Clairoix opens.
Free Stage at La Charite opens.
Free Stage at St. Pierre-le-Moutier opens.
Stage 22 opens at Grandgris Pass.

WARNING: If you have not yet completed the first version of the Colosseum, do
not complete it from this point until after you have entered Rouen.

Shop - Clairoix

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30
Crystal Wand (840G) ATK +8, MATK +4

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Healing Seed (300G) HP+ 120
Healing Fruit (1600G) HP+ 180
Mana Shard (500G) MP+ 30
Strength Tonic (100G) ATK +10, 3 turns
Magical Tonic (100G) MATK +10, 3 turns
Defense Tonic (100G) DEF +10, 3 turns
Warding Tonic (100G) MDEF +10, 3 turns
Stability Tonic (100G) ACC +20, 3 turns
Reflex Tonic (100G) EVA +20, 3 turns
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)

Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7

HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7

Free Stage - La Charite

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 28x25

Item Points
[12, 14] Healing Herb
[11, 25] Lunar Phial
[21, 1] 1000G

Swordfighter - lv 39 (4)
HP: 264 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 82 -
ATK: 204 MATK: 86 -
DEF: 130 MDEF: 83 -
ACC: 157 EVA: 105 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Wizard - lv 39 (2)
HP: 136 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 222 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 137 MATK: 222 - Blizzard
DEF: 125 MDEF: 182 - Magic Rust
ACC: 174 EVA: 72 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Wyvern - lv 39 (2)
HP: 300 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 182 - Flame
ATK: 230 MATK: 170 - Fireball
DEF: 142 MDEF: 100 -
ACC: 130 EVA: 112 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Knighted Lancer - lv 39 (2)

HP: 199 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 108 - Piercing Power
ATK: 209 MATK: 104 - Leg Strike
DEF: 140 MDEF: 133 -
ACC: 187 EVA: 137 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

EXP: 433
GOLD: 300

Free Stage - St. Pierre-le-Moitier

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: Any one crystal is destroyed
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[10, 12] Healing Fruit
[24, 3] Chainmail Armor/Dragon Leathers
[ 4, 23] Trident/Shatteraxe

Lizard Marshal - lv 39 (2)
HP: 233 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 180 - Take Flight!
ATK: 223 MATK: 138 - Piercing Power II
DEF: 171 MDEF: 148 - Ravage!
ACC: 253 EVA: 128 - Accuracy +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Knighted Blade - lv 38 (1)

HP: 267 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 80 - Accuracy +5
ATK: 213 MATK: 94 -
DEF: 140 MDEF: 86 -
ACC: 173 EVA: 113 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Swordmaster - lv 39 (2)
HP: 253 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 96 - Counter
ATK: 230 MATK: 109 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 166 MDEF: 119 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 186 EVA: 137 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -
Qrow Leader - lv 38 (2)
HP: 200 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 99 - Jugulaire
ATK: 220 MATK: 138 - Evade +5
DEF: 144 MDEF: 104 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 192 EVA: 183 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 39 (2)

HP: 131 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 169 - Sniper
ATK: 193 MATK: 182 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 123 MDEF: 48 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 190 EVA: 82 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Necromancer - lv 38 (1)
HP: 127 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 198 - Heal
ATK: 121 MATK: 140 - Cyclone
DEF: 101 MDEF: 134 - Thunderbolt
ACC: 129 EVA: 63 - MP +20
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

EXP: 433
GOLD: 300

Stage 22 - Hopes Unattained (Grandgris Pass)

Victory: Defeat Blaze and Mawra

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Map Size: 22x22

Item Points
[ 3, 6] Eldish Fruit
[17, 10] Dragon Leathers
[20, 12] Shatteraxe

Blaze - lv 38 (1)
HP: 410 - Sol Spirit +3
MP: 151 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 262 MATK: 114 - Compass
DEF: 184 MDEF: 100 - EXP Bonus
ACC: 172 EVA: 128 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Mawra - lv 38 (1)
HP: 355 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 212 - Healing Wind
ATK: 202 MATK: 165 - Three Hits
DEF: 145 MDEF: 178 - Sneak By
ACC: 193 EVA: 141 - EXP Bonus
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 - Gold Shakedown

Qrow Leader - lv 36 (2)

HP: 194 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 89 - Jugulaire
ATK: 210 MATK: 132 - Evade +5
DEF: 138 MDEF: 96 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 188 EVA: 177 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Wyvern - lv 37 (4)
HP: 287 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 177 - Flame
ATK: 222 MATK: 160 - Fireball
DEF: 136 MDEF: 94 -
ACC: 126 EVA: 110 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Ogre - lv 38 (2)
HP: 478 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 79 - Wood Chop
ATK: 277 MATK: 118 - HP Recovery
DEF: 124 MDEF: 90 -
ACC: 138 EVA: 78 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -

Skeleton - lv 38 (3)
HP: 188 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 134 - Blood Sword
ATK: 223 MATK: 178 -
DEF: 168 MDEF: 126 -
ACC: 201 EVA: 106 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 18 -

Demon - lv 37 (3)
HP: 270 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 177 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 221 MATK: 230 - Blizzard II
DEF: 148 MDEF: 230 - Poison
ACC: 148 EVA: 93 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

About the time you reach the second platform and have killed the first wave of
enemies, the three Demons will appear on the second platform.

If you finish off the Demons, a trio of Wyverns will also reinforce.

EXP: 680
GOLD: 1800
ITEMS - Rysecor Fruit, Healing Vapors

Visit Rouen and enter to continue plot.
Cuisses joins.
Shop opens at Rouen.
Free Stage opens at Clairoix.
Free Stage opens at Tower of Alsace.
Stage 23 opens at Cents-Abris Ruins.

Shop - Rouen

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14
Champion's Sword (1800G) ATK+26
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4
Trident (1900G) ATK +24, EVA +5
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16
Shatteraxe (2000G) ATK +32
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13
Bow of the Sun (2100G) ATK +25
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30
Flame Edge (1700G) ATK +16, CRIT +20
Crystal Wand (840G) ATK +8, MATK +4
Heavy Mace (1700G) ATK +19, MATK +7
Blade Whip (3100G) ATK +28

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Dragon Leathers (2300G) DEF +26
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Healing Seed (300G) HP+ 120
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)

Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7

HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7

Free Stage - Clairoix

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 24x25

Item Points
[ 2, 5] 300G
[13, 8] 300G
[22, 21] Erpow Fruit

Orc King - lv 40 (5)
HP: 305 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 117 - Wood Chop
ATK: 269 MATK: 132 - Attack +5
DEF: 182 MDEF: 116 - HP +30
ACC: 176 EVA: 119 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Qrow Leader - lv 39 (2)

HP: 204 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 103 - Jugulaire
ATK: 225 MATK: 141 - Evade +5
DEF: 147 MDEF: 108 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 194 EVA: 186 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Troll - lv 40 (2)
HP: 444 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 85 - Wood Chop
ATK: 265 MATK: 92 - HP Recovery
DEF: 113 MDEF: 76 -
ACC: 128 EVA: 70 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 1 -

Ogre - lv 38 (1)
HP: 491 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 81 - Wood Chop
ATK: 283 MATK: 122 - HP Recovery
DEF: 128 MDEF: 95 -
ACC: 140 EVA: 79 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -

Gazelliath - lv 39 (3)
HP: 249 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 90 - Desperation II
ATK: 239 MATK: 125 - Attack +5
DEF: 163 MDEF: 116 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 150 EVA: 77 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

EXP: 447
GOLD: 300

Free Stage - Tower of Alsace (1st)

Victory: Defeat the Qrow Leader

Defeat: Colet falls in battle
Turns: 40
Required Characters: 1/3 - Colet
Map Size: 21x20

Item Points
[13, 11] 500G
[17, 18] 500G
[13, 18] 500G
[ 4, 20] Eldish Fruit

Qrow Leader - lv 35 (1)
HP: 190 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 84 - Jugulaire
ATK: 205 MATK: 129 - Evade +5
DEF: 135 MDEF: 92 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 186 EVA: 174 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Qrow - lv 35 (2)
HP: 155 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 64 - Evade +5
ATK: 177 MATK: 88 -
DEF: 97 MDEF: 77 -
ACC: 168 EVA: 156 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 8 -

Qrow Knight - lv 35 (3)

HP: 172 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 71 - Jugulaire
ATK: 192 MATK: 109 - Evade +5
DEF: 105 MDEF: 82 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 176 EVA: 163 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 10 -

Wyvern Lord - lv 35 (1)

HP: 378 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 158 - Flame II
ATK: 250 MATK: 193 - Fireball II
DEF: 153 MDEF: 123 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 145 EVA: 127 - Mobility +1
MOV: 6 CRIT: 7 -
Frost Demon - lv 45 (1)
HP: 359 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 257 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 271 MATK: 295 - Blizzard II
DEF: 180 MDEF: 300 - Poison
ACC: 235 EVA: 80 - Lower Force
MOV: 4 CRIT: 6 -

EXP: 445
GOLD: 1000
ITEMS - Paladin's Sword, Assassin's Knife, Treasure Hunter

Tower of Alsace changes.
Free Stage Raillement appears.

Free Stage - Tower of Alsace (2nd+)

Victory: Defeat the Qrow Leader

Defeat: Colet falls in battle
Turns: 40
Required Characters: 1/3 - Colet
Map Size: 21x20

Item Points
[13, 11] Solar Phial
[17, 18] 300G
[13, 18] 300G
[ 4, 20] Healing Herb

Qrow Leader - lv 50 (1)
HP: 248 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 152 - Jugulaire
ATK: 280 MATK: 174 - Evade +5
DEF: 180 MDEF: 152 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 216 EVA: 219 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Qrow Knight - lv 50 (4)

HP: 226 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 127 - Jugulaire
ATK: 252 MATK: 154 - Evade +5
DEF: 135 MDEF: 142 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 206 EVA: 205 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 10 -

Frost Demon - lv 50 (2)

HP: 414 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 306 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 321 MATK: 355 - Blizzard II
DEF: 220 MDEF: 360 - Poison
ACC: 270 EVA: 95 - Lower Force
MOV: 4 CRIT: 6 -

EXP: 445
GOLD: 1000

Free Stage - Raillement (1st)

Victory: Defeat the Queen Rouge

Defeat: Colet falls in battle
Turns: 50
Required Characters: 1/5 - Colet
Map Size: 28x28

Item Points
[10, 18] 300G
[ 5, 3] Eldish Fruit
[ 4, 25] Sibull Fruit

Queen Rouge - lv 40 (1)
HP: 203 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 149 - Wild Whip
ATK: 234 MATK: 117 - Stun Whip
DEF: 182 MDEF: 122 - Skill Snatcher
ACC: 183 EVA: 182 - Jezebel's Slave II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 22 -

Bowfighter - lv 40 (2)
HP: 159 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 70 - Sniper
ATK: 198 MATK: 62 -
DEF: 88 MDEF: 62 -
ACC: 198 EVA: 77 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Sniper - lv 40 (2)
HP: 190 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 88 - Sniper II
ATK: 277 MATK: 92 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 118 MDEF: 63 - Recovery Shot
ACC: 226 EVA: 114 - Range +1
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

Thief - lv 40 (3)
HP: 294 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 132 - Slip Through
ATK: 187 MATK: 180 - Mobility +1
DEF: 189 MDEF: 110 -
ACC: 150 EVA: 145 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 20 -

EXP: 443
GOLD: 1000
ITEMS - Hammer Whip, Treasure Lover, Black Bustier, Gem of the Welkin (Gilles)

Raillemont Shop opens.
Free stage at Raillemont changes.

Free Stage - Raillement (2nd+)

Victory: Defeat the Queen Rouge

Defeat: Colet falls in battle
Turns: 50
Required Characters: 1/2 - Colet
Map Size: 28x28

Item Points
[10, 18] 300G/Healing Herb
[ 5, 3] Healing Herb
[ 4, 25] 1000G/Healing Herb

Queen Rouge - lv 60 (1)
HP: 283 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 197 - Wild Whip
ATK: 314 MATK: 177 - Stun Whip
DEF: 262 MDEF: 182 - Skill Snatcher
ACC: 231 EVA: 242 - Jezebel's Slave II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 22 -

Bowfighter - lv 58 (2)
HP: 202 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 104 - Sniper
ATK: 270 MATK: 98 -
DEF: 124 MDEF: 98 -
ACC: 256 EVA: 105 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Sniper - lv 60 (2)
HP: 268 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 118 - Sniper II
ATK: 377 MATK: 152 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 178 MDEF: 103 - Recovery Shot
ACC: 306 EVA: 156 - Range +1
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

Thief - lv 58 (3)
HP: 373 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 217 - Slip Through
ATK: 277 MATK: 288 - Mobility +1
DEF: 279 MDEF: 164 -
ACC: 168 EVA: 190 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 20 -
EXP: 443
GOLD: 1000

Raillemont shop upgrade.

Shop - Raillemont

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14
Dragon Saber (5000G) ATK +48
Champion's Sword (1800G) ATK+26
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4
Knight's Lance (5100G) ATK +47, EVA +8
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16
Blistering Helve (5100G) ATK +62
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13
Demon's Wing (3000G) ATK +37, ACC -5
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30
Poison Ripper (3000G) ATK +25, ACC +10, CRIT +30
Crystal Wand (840G) ATK +8, MATK +4
Sage's Staff (3000G) ATK +25, ACC +5, MATK +10
Torturer's Lash (4000G) ATK +37, CRIT +20

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1
Mithril Mail (6000G) DEF +42, MDEF +10
Magical Armor (1600G) DEF +28, MDEF +25, EVA -2 [Clear Raillemont twice]
Saint's Armor (2600G) DEF +35, MDEF +30, EVA -2 [Clear Raillemont twice]

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12
Tower Shield (3200G) DEF +25, EVA +20 [Clear Raillemont twice]

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Healing Seed (300G) HP+ 120
Mana Crystal (2100G) MP+ 60 [Clear Raillemont twice]
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)
Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7

HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7

Stage 23 - The Black Knight (Cents-Abris Ruins)

Victory: Guide all allies to the north edge of the map

Defeat: A single ally falls in battle
Turns: 14
Required Characters: 1/5 - Jeanne
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[24, 6] 500G
[ 7, 9] 1000G
[13, 14] Healing Fruit

Roger - lv 39 (1)
HP: 387 - Raise Force
MP: 179 - Blood Sword
ATK: 264 MATK: 215 - Heaven's Gate
DEF: 204 MDEF: 144 -
ACC: 194 EVA: 155 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Qrow Leader - lv 39 (2)

HP: 204 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 102 - Jugulaire
ATK: 225 MATK: 141 - Evade +5
DEF: 147 MDEF: 108 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 194 EVA: 186 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Flameflyer - lv 38 (2)
HP: 343 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 211 - Flame
ATK: 250 MATK: 188 - Fireball II
DEF: 152 MDEF: 117 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 144 EVA: 120 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Ogre - lv 39 (3)
HP: 492 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 81 - Wood Chop
ATK: 283 MATK: 122 - HP Recovery
DEF: 128 MDEF: 95 -
ACC: 140 EVA: 79 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -

Lady Noire - lv 38 (1)

HP: 192 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 108 - Stun Whip
ATK: 198 MATK: 106 - Gold Snatcher
DEF: 164 MDEF: 106 - Jezebel's Slave
ACC: 164 EVA: 155 - Slip Through
MOV: 5 CRIT: 20 -

Queen Rouge - lv 39 (1)

HP: 204 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 141 - Wild Whip
ATK: 230 MATK: 114 - Stun Whip
DEF: 178 MDEF: 119 - Skill Snatcher
ACC: 180 EVA: 179 - Jezebel's Slave II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 22 -

EXP: 688
GOLD: 2000
ITEMS - Xheno Fruit, Mana Crystal

Free Stage opens at Grandgris Pass.
Stage 24 opens at Chateau Burgundy.

Free Stage - Grandgris Pass

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 22x22

Item Points
[ 3, 6] Healing Herb
[17, 10] Healing Herb
[20, 12] 300G

Orc King - lv 40 (2)
HP: 303 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 121 - Wood Chop
ATK: 269 MATK: 132 - Attack +5
DEF: 182 MDEF: 116 - HP +30
ACC: 176 EVA: 119 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Lizard Marshal - lv 41 (2)

HP: 242 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 187 - Take Flight!
ATK: 232 MATK: 144 - Piercing Power II
DEF: 178 MDEF: 155 - Ravage!
ACC: 260 EVA: 132 - Accuracy +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Qrow Knight - lv 40 (2)

HP: 191 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 91 - Jugulaire
ATK: 212 MATK: 124 - Evade +5
DEF: 115 MDEF: 102 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 186 EVA: 177 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 10 -

Flameflyer - lv 40 (4)
HP: 355 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 218 - Flame
ATK: 260 MATK: 200 - Fireball II
DEF: 160 MDEF: 123 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 150 EVA: 122 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Ogre - lv 40 (2)
HP: 521 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 85 - Wood Chop
ATK: 295 MATK: 130 - HP Recovery
DEF: 136 MDEF: 105 -
ACC: 145 EVA: 81 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -

EXP: 429
GOLD: 350

Stage 24 - Dark Demoniac (Chateau Burgundy)

Victory: Defeat Superbia

Defeat: Jeanne falls in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 1/5 - Jeanne
Map Size: 29x29

Item Points
[13, 22] Trident
[28, 5] Healing Fruit
[ 3, 23] 300G

Superbia - lv 39 (1)
HP: 1200 - MP +30
MP: 250 - Magic Attack +5
ATK: 271 MATK: 235 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 200 MDEF: 190 - Cyclone II
ACC: 170 EVA: 120 - HP Recovery
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 - EXP Bonus II

Flameflyer - lv 39 (5)
HP: 350 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 213 - Flame
ATK: 255 MATK: 194 - Fireball II
DEF: 156 MDEF: 120 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 147 EVA: 121 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Ogre - lv 39 (5)
HP: 489 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 81 - Wood Chop
ATK: 283 MATK: 122 - HP Recovery
DEF: 128 MDEF: 95 -
ACC: 140 EVA: 79 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -

Golem - lv 39 (1)
HP: 381 - Body Slam
MP: 185 - Wallop
ATK: 259 MATK: 254 -
DEF: 141 MDEF: 175 -
ACC: 193 EVA: 74 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -

Jeanne will need something to stay alive by herself for a while.

To open doors, simply stand next to them. Proceed left or right or both up and
around to the window behind Superbia to break the rest of the team in.

EXP: 668
GOLD: 2100
ITEMS - Healing Seed, Sibull Fruit, Dragon Saber, Poison Ripper,
Gem of Retribution (Richard)

Free Stage opens at Cents-Abris Ruins.
Enter Chateau Richemont to open Stage 25 at Chinon.

Free Stage - Cents-Abris Ruins

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[24, 6] Healing Herb
[ 7, 9] Eldish Fruit
[13, 14] Healing Herb


Swordmaster - lv 42 (2)
HP: 267 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 110 - Counter
ATK: 242 MATK: 118 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 178 MDEF: 128 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 192 EVA: 143 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Wizard - lv 42 (1)
HP: 142 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 235 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 146 MATK: 237 - Blizzard
DEF: 134 MDEF: 194 - Magic Rust
ACC: 183 EVA: 77 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Qrow Leader - lv 41 (2)

HP: 214 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 110 - Jugulaire
ATK: 235 MATK: 147 - Evade +5
DEF: 153 MDEF: 116 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 198 EVA: 192 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 42 (4)

HP: 141 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 183 - Sniper
ATK: 205 MATK: 194 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 132 MDEF: 51 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 198 EVA: 87 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Ceratoth - lv 41 (2)
HP: 275 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 98 - Desperation III
ATK: 265 MATK: 131 - Attack +10
DEF: 180 MDEF: 148 - HP +20
ACC: 169 EVA: 88 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

Knighted Lancer - lv 41 (3)

HP: 210 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 110 - Piercing Power
ATK: 217 MATK: 108 - Leg Strike
DEF: 146 MDEF: 141 -
ACC: 192 EVA: 143 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

EXP: 423
GOLD: 350

Stage 25 - Death Bestirred (Chinon)

Victory: Defeat Georges and his reaper

Defeat: Jeanne falls in battle
Turns: 14
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Map Size: 27x30

Item Points
[19, 7] 1000G
[ 4, 15] Shatteraxe
[10, 24] Erpow Fruit

Georges - lv 41 (1)
HP: 250 - Heal II
MP: 180 - Raise Mobility
ATK: 83 MATK: 102 -
DEF: 151 MDEF: 160 -
ACC: 100 EVA: 160 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Avaritia - lv 41 (1)
HP: 1415 - MP +30
MP: 365 - Thor's Hammer
ATK: 287 MATK: 290 - Earthquake
DEF: 200 MDEF: 220 - EXP Bonus II
ACC: 168 EVA: 114 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Orc King - lv 41 (4)

HP: 311 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 118 - Wood Chop
ATK: 275 MATK: 135 - Attack +5
DEF: 187 MDEF: 120 - HP +30
ACC: 180 EVA: 121 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Dragon - lv 41 (2)
HP: 1018 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 352 - Tail Whip
ATK: 328 MATK: 289 - Breath
DEF: 193 MDEF: 185 -
ACC: 173 EVA: 134 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Phantom Lord - lv 40 (4)

HP: 156 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 170 - Healing Wind
ATK: 160 MATK: 210 - Thunderbolt
DEF: 154 MDEF: 175 - Cyclone
ACC: 166 EVA: 78 - Magic Attack +3
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Tiamat - lv 60 (1)
HP: 2392 - Breath
MP: 642 - Poison Breath
ATK: 560 MATK: 530 - Tail Whip
DEF: 355 MDEF: 320 - Meteor
ACC: 240 EVA: 172 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 15 -

Demon - lv 40 (2)
HP: 283 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 196 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 236 MATK: 245 - Blizzard II
DEF: 157 MDEF: 245 - Poison
ACC: 157 EVA: 97 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Georges will wander around the stage unfreezing enemies until you kill him, at
which point he takes his reaper form (and stops unfreezing things). So the
faster you take him out, the less you'll have to deal with. Although... Tiamat
is worth seeing, IMO. >_>

You probably won't be able to take Tiamat out under the turn limit (unless
you're uber-leveled). But you can just let her show up and finish
Georges/Avaritia if you want. There's nothing special for killing her anyway.

EXP: 656
GOLD: 2200
ITEMS - Healing Fruit, Nimble Tonic, Knight's Lance, Sage's Staff

Free Stage opens at Chateau Burgundy.
Free Stage at Langles Tunnel appears.
Stage 26 appears at Reims.

Free Stage - Chateau Burgundy

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 35
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 29x29

Item Points
[13, 22] 300G
[28, 5] 300G
[ 3, 23] Healing Herb

Dragon - lv 42 (1)
HP: 1037 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 356 - Tail Whip
ATK: 336 MATK: 298 - Breath
DEF: 198 MDEF: 189 -
ACC: 176 EVA: 136 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Lich - lv 43 (1)
HP: 208 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 297 - Healing Wind II
ATK: 177 MATK: 234 - Thor's Hammer
DEF: 195 MDEF: 195 - Thunderbolt II
ACC: 176 EVA: 93 - Magic Attack +5
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Ghost - lv 42 (4)
HP: 138 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 200 - Mind Eater
ATK: 154 MATK: 245 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 155 MDEF: 225 - Cyclone II
ACC: 148 EVA: 194 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Demon - lv 43 (2)
HP: 293 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 205 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 251 MATK: 260 - Blizzard II
DEF: 166 MDEF: 260 - Poison
ACC: 166 EVA: 100 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Skeleton - lv 42 (4)
HP: 199 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 145 - Blood Sword
ATK: 241 MATK: 194 -
DEF: 184 MDEF: 138 -
ACC: 213 EVA: 112 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 18 -

EXP: 384
GOLD: 400

Free Stage - Langles Tunnel (1st)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 5x30

Item Points
[ 2, 27] Xheno Fruit
[ 3, 2] Rysecor Fruit

Lich - lv 40 (2)
HP: 200 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 280 - Healing Wind II
ATK: 163 MATK: 217 - Thor's Hammer
DEF: 177 MDEF: 180 - Thunderbolt II
ACC: 170 EVA: 90 - Magic Attack +5
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Gazelliath - lv 40 (2)
HP: 253 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 92 - Desperation II
ATK: 244 MATK: 128 - Attack +5
DEF: 167 MDEF: 119 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 152 EVA: 79 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 40 (1)
HP: 273 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 95 - Desperation III
ATK: 260 MATK: 128 - Attack +10
DEF: 176 MDEF: 144 - HP +20
ACC: 167 EVA: 86 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

Golem - lv 40 (1)
HP: 391 - Body Slam
MP: 187 - Wallop
ATK: 265 MATK: 260 -
DEF: 145 MDEF: 180 -
ACC: 195 EVA: 75 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -


EXP: 412
GOLD: 1000
ITEMS - Jinni's Wings, Angel Bow, Gem of Eternity (Richard)

Langles Tunnel changes.
Free Stage appears at Castle Vilneaux.

Free Stage - Langles Tunnel (2nd+)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 5x30

Item Points
[ 2, 27] Erpow Fruit
[ 3, 2] Lunar Phial
Tiny Dragon - lv 40 (1)
HP: 899 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 145 - Tail Whip
ATK: 340 MATK: 290 -
DEF: 185 MDEF: 180 -
ACC: 160 EVA: 134 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Dragon - lv 40 (1)
HP: 998 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 346 - Tail Whip
ATK: 320 MATK: 280 - Breath
DEF: 187 MDEF: 180 -
ACC: 170 EVA: 133 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Lich - lv 40 (2)
HP: 200 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 280 - Healing Wind II
ATK: 163 MATK: 217 - Thor's Hammer
DEF: 177 MDEF: 180 - Thunderbolt II
ACC: 170 EVA: 90 - Magic Attack +5
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Gazelliath - lv 40 (2)
HP: 253 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 92 - Desperation II
ATK: 244 MATK: 128 - Attack +5
DEF: 167 MDEF: 119 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 152 EVA: 79 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 40 (1)
HP: 273 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 95 - Desperation III
ATK: 260 MATK: 128 - Attack +10
DEF: 176 MDEF: 144 - HP +20
ACC: 167 EVA: 86 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

EXP: 410
GOLD: 1000

Free Stage - Castle Vilneaux (1st)

Victory: Lock Mimi in the green cage, Toutou in the red

Defeat: Mimi or Toutou is slain in battle
Turns: 30
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[29, 29] Geddo Fruit
[21, 5] 500G
[ 6, 10] Rysecor Fruit

Mimi - lv 50 (1)
HP: 1092 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 195 - Tail Whip
ATK: 440 MATK: 390 -
DEF: 245 MDEF: 240 -
ACC: 190 EVA: 148 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Toutou - lv 50 (1)
HP: 2094 - Breath
MP: 592 - Poison Breath
ATK: 460 MATK: 420 - Tail Whip
DEF: 290 MDEF: 270 - Meteor
ACC: 210 EVA: 158 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 15 -

Mimi is green, Toutou is red. So just trap each dragon in the cage it's
closest to. Just lure them up into the cage (clear the gate) and step on the
yellow square to close it. Toutou is a little harder to lure because she'll
stop now and then to cast Meteor.

As long as they don't die, you're fine, so you can steal those high dollar
skills from Toutou.

EXP: 407
GOLD: 1000
ITEMS - Angel's Frock, Robe of Light, Gem of Portent

Castle Vilneaux changes.

NB: Don't worry about the Gem not fusing to an armlet (if it didn't). It will
fuse when the armlet it belongs to shows up. >_>

Free Stage - Castle Vilneaux (2nd+)

Victory: Lock Mimi in the green cage, Toutou in the red

Defeat: Mimi or Toutou is slain in battle
Turns: 30
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[29, 29] 300G
[21, 5] 300G
[ 6, 10] Lunar Phial

Mimi - lv 50 (1)
HP: 1092 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 195 - Tail Whip
ATK: 440 MATK: 390 -
DEF: 245 MDEF: 240 -
ACC: 190 EVA: 148 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Toutou - lv 50 (1)
HP: 2094 - Breath
MP: 592 - Poison Breath
ATK: 460 MATK: 420 - Tail Whip
DEF: 290 MDEF: 270 - Meteor
ACC: 210 EVA: 158 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 15 -

Golem - lv 50 (2)
HP: 487 - Body Slam
MP: 236 - Wallop
ATK: 325 MATK: 320 -
DEF: 185 MDEF: 230 -
ACC: 220 EVA: 90 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Same deal, but clear the golems from the path.

EXP: 401
GOLD: 1000

Stage 26 - Queen Isabeau (Reims)

WARNING: You MUST loot Jeanne's Gem from the item point during this fight or
you WILL LOSE IT PERMANENTLY. You don't have to get it with any specific
character, just be sure to send somebody up there for it.

Victory: Defeat Luxuria

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 18
Required Characters: 1/5 - Jeanne
Map Size: 19x28

Item Points
[ 7, 12] Chainmail Armor
[17, 21] Shatteraxe
[10, 26] Gem of Life (Jeanne)

Luxuria - lv 42 (1)
HP: 1326 - Lightning
MP: 330 - Angel Tear
ATK: 301 MATK: 277 - Mind Eater
DEF: 208 MDEF: 227 - HP Recovery
ACC: 182 EVA: 149 - EXP Bonus II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Phantom Lord - lv 42 (2)

HP: 164 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 180 - Healing Wind
ATK: 168 MATK: 220 - Thunderbolt
DEF: 162 MDEF: 185 - Cyclone
ACC: 170 EVA: 80 - Magic Attack +3
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Dark Shamanka - lv 42 (2)

HP: 187 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 220 - Fireball II
ATK: 174 MATK: 234 - Lower Defenses
DEF: 173 MDEF: 205 - Heal II
ACC: 138 EVA: 84 - Magic Attack +3
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Gazelliath - lv 42 (2)
HP: 256 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 97 - Desperation II
ATK: 254 MATK: 134 - Attack +5
DEF: 175 MDEF: 125 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 155 EVA: 81 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 42 (2)
HP: 280 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 95 - Desperation III
ATK: 270 MATK: 134 - Attack +10
DEF: 184 MDEF: 152 - HP +20
ACC: 170 EVA: 89 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -


WARNING: You MUST loot Jeanne's Gem from the item point during this fight or
you WILL LOSE IT PERMANENTLY. You don't have to get it with any specific
character, just be sure to send somebody up there for it.

EXP: 636
GOLD: 2300
ITEMS - Mana Crystal, Erpow Fruit, Blistering Helve, Angel Bow

Free Stage opens at Voldor Temple.
Stage 27 opens at Guillorey Canal.
Free Stage - Voldor Temple

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 27x30

Item Points
[19, 7] Healing Herb
[10, 24] Solar Phial

Tiamat - lv 70 (1)
HP: 2691 - Breath
MP: 689 - Poison Breath
ATK: 660 MATK: 640 - Tail Whip
DEF: 420 MDEF: 370 - Meteor
ACC: 186 EVA: 186 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 15 -

This can be done with characters around 60ish. Bring an axe-wielder with Helm
Splitter (reduces enemy DEF by 20%). Your tanks should all have HP Recovery III
and HP +150. Sweep! and Salvo will probably be your best damage dealers, as
they are physical and hit multiple panels.

EXP: 388
GOLD: 400
ITEMS - Firedrake Armor, Sylph Shield, Gem of Sacrifice (Jeanne)

Voldor Temple changes:

Everything is the same except Tiamat gets a 10 level bump and there are no
item rewards for completing the stage.

Tiamat - lv 80 (1)
HP: 2984 - Breath
MP: 737 - Poison Breath
ATK: 760 MATK: 750 - Tail Whip
DEF: 485 MDEF: 420 - Meteor
ACC: 300 EVA: 200 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 15 -

Stage 27 - Barging into Paris (Guillorey Canal)

Victory: Guide all allies to the boats

Defeat: A single ally falls in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[ 3, 20] Twin Enga
[ 6, 4] 800G
[18, 5] Undead Slayer

Ogre - lv 45 (3)
HP: 576 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 94 - Wood Chop
ATK: 319 MATK: 146 - HP Recovery
DEF: 152 MDEF: 125 -
ACC: 154 EVA: 83 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -

Cyclops - lv 45 (3)
HP: 658 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 132 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 329 MATK: 166 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 176 MDEF: 135 -
ACC: 169 EVA: 93 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 3 -

Phantom Lord - lv 46 (3)

HP: 168 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 200 - Healing Wind
ATK: 184 MATK: 240 - Thunderbolt
DEF: 178 MDEF: 205 - Cyclone
ACC: 178 EVA: 84 - Magic Attack +3
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Gazelliath - lv 45 (2)
HP: 271 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 101 - Desperation II
ATK: 269 MATK: 143 - Attack +5
DEF: 187 MDEF: 134 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 160 EVA: 85 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 45 (4)
HP: 294 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 103 - Desperation III
ATK: 285 MATK: 143 - Attack +10
DEF: 196 MDEF: 164 - HP +20
ACC: 176 EVA: 93 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

At the beginning of turn 11, the closer boat (the one you don't have to cross
the bridge to get to) will leave, and enemy reinforcements will appear nearby.

Watch your low-move characters and try not to get bogged down/blocked by enemy

EXP: 608
GOLD: 2300
ITEMS - Rysecor Fruit, Eldish Fruit

Free Stage opens at Reims.
Stage 28 opens at Paris Warrens.

Free Stage - Reims

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 19x28

Item Points
[ 7, 12] Healing Herb
[17, 21] Solar Phial
[10, 26] 300G

Orc King - lv 44 (2)
HP: 328 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 132 - Wood Chop
ATK: 293 MATK: 144 - Attack +5
DEF: 202 MDEF: 132 - HP +30
ACC: 189 EVA: 127 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Lizard Guardian - lv 44 (2)

HP: 251 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 143 - Impale!
ATK: 239 MATK: 142 - Piercing Power
DEF: 150 MDEF: 139 -
ACC: 237 EVA: 109 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 45 (2)

HP: 145 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 195 - Sniper
ATK: 217 MATK: 206 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 141 MDEF: 54 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 205 EVA: 91 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Ogre - lv 45 (2)
HP: 580 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 90 - Wood Chop
ATK: 319 MATK: 146 - HP Recovery
DEF: 152 MDEF: 125 -
ACC: 154 EVA: 83 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 2 -

Lich - lv 45 (1)
HP: 213 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 307 - Healing Wind II
ATK: 186 MATK: 245 - Thor's Hammer
DEF: 207 MDEF: 205 - Thunderbolt II
ACC: 180 EVA: 95 - Magic Attack +5
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Gazelliath - lv 44 (2)
HP: 264 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 102 - Desperation II
ATK: 264 MATK: 140 - Attack +5
DEF: 183 MDEF: 131 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 158 EVA: 83 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 44 (2)
HP: 293 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 99 - Desperation III
ATK: 280 MATK: 140 - Attack +10
DEF: 192 MDEF: 160 - HP +20
ACC: 174 EVA: 92 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

EXP: 384
GOLD: 400

Stage 28 - Shade and Light (Paris Warrens)

WARNING: After this stage, a choice is forced without a chance to save. The
choice does nothing except change which stage 29 and 30 you will play--but I
suggest you make an extra save before entering this battle in case you want to
change which stages you'll play.

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[ 7, 17] Twin Enga
[18, 21] 1000G/Healing Herb
[24, 3] 600G

Swordmaster - lv 45 (1)
HP: 286 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 118 - Counter
ATK: 254 MATK: 127 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 190 MDEF: 137 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 199 EVA: 149 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Qrow Leader - lv 44 (2)

HP: 222 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 128 - Jugulaire
ATK: 250 MATK: 156 - Evade +5
DEF: 162 MDEF: 128 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 204 EVA: 201 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Wyvern Lord - lv 45 (2)

HP: 438 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 192 - Flame II
ATK: 310 MATK: 258 - Fireball II
DEF: 199 MDEF: 163 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 175 EVA: 140 - Mobility +1
MOV: 6 CRIT: 7 -

Cyclops - lv 46 (3)
HP: 675 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 132 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 335 MATK: 170 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 181 MDEF: 140 -
ACC: 172 EVA: 94 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 3 -

Ceratoth - lv 44 (3)
HP: 280 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 100 - Desperation III
ATK: 280 MATK: 140 - Attack +10
DEF: 192 MDEF: 160 - HP +20
ACC: 174 EVA: 92 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

EXP: 608
GOLD: 2400
ITEMS - Xheno Fruit, Healing Vapors

A. Alrond Wood = Stage 29A opens at Alrond Wood
B. Gwygone Mine = Stage 29B opens at Gywgone Mines

Shop opens at Paris Warren.

Free Stage opens at Guillorey Canal.

Shop - Paris Warrens

Steel Sword (100G) ATK +3
Rapier (450G) ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade (900G) ATK +14
Mithril Sword (2600G) ATK +39
Champion's Sword (1800G) ATK+26
Iron Lance (470G) ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear (950G) ATK +12, EVA +4
Twin Enga (2800G) ATK +37, EVA +7
Battleaxe (520G) ATK +10
Clansman's Axe (980G) ATK +16
Sorcerite Axe (2900G) ATK +48
Tribal Bow (1100G) ATK +13
Silver Knife (810G) ATK +7, CRIT +30
Crystal Wand (840G) ATK +8, MATK +4

Leather Clothing (300G) DEF +6
Pelt Jacket (1000G) DEF +9
Sage's Frock (3000G) DEF +22, MDEF +20, MP +10
Leather Armor (760G) DEF +13, EVA -1
Plate Armor (2100G) DEF +34, EVA -3, MOB -1

Buckler (150G) DEF +2, EVA +5
Round Shield (380G) DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield (850G) DEF +9, EVA +12
Kite Shield (1800G) DEF +16, EVA +16

Healing Herb (50G) HP+ 60
Healing Seed (300G) HP+ 120
Healing Fruit (1600G) HP+ 180
Solar Phial (500G) Sol Damage (~30)
Lunar Phial (500G) Luna Damage (~30)
Astral Phial (500G) Stella Damage (~30)

Fireball (500G) lvl 5
Ice Bullet (500G) lvl 6
Thunderbolt (500G) lvl 7

HP +20 (800G) lvl 11
MP +10 (300G) lvl 7

Free Stage - Guillorey Canal

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 25x25
Item Points
[ 3, 20] Healing Herb
[ 6, 4] Healing Herb
[18, 5] 300G

Flameflyer - lv 47 (2)
HP: 397 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 239 - Flame
ATK: 295 MATK: 242 - Fireball II
DEF: 188 MDEF: 144 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 171 EVA: 130 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Cyclops - lv 48 (3)
HP: 711 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 134 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 347 MATK: 178 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 191 MDEF: 150 -
ACC: 177 EVA: 95 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 3 -

Phantom Lord - lv 46 (2)

HP: 168 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 200 - Healing Wind
ATK: 184 MATK: 240 - Thunderbolt
DEF: 178 MDEF: 205 - Cyclone
ACC: 178 EVA: 84 - Magic Attack +3
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Ceratoth - lv 46 (4)
HP: 300 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 104 - Desperation III
ATK: 290 MATK: 146 - Attack +10
DEF: 200 MDEF: 168 - HP +20
ACC: 178 EVA: 95 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

EXP: 370
GOLD: 500

Stage 29A - Hunted Down (Alrond Wood)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: Enemy reaches the elder's hut
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[16, 13] Plate Armor
[ 6, 8] 1000G
[27, 17] Sorcerite Axe
[22, 6] Sibull Fruit

Roger - lv 45 (1)
HP: 434 - Raise Force
MP: 201 - Blood Sword
ATK: 291 MATK: 242 - Heaven's Gate
DEF: 228 MDEF: 168 -
ACC: 215 EVA: 168 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Phantom Lord - lv 46 (1)

HP: 168 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 200 - Healing Wind
ATK: 184 MATK: 240 - Thunderbolt
DEF: 178 MDEF: 205 - Cyclone
ACC: 178 EVA: 84 - Magic Attack +3
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Ghost - lv 47 (2)
HP: 151 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 215 - Mind Eater
ATK: 169 MATK: 270 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 172 MDEF: 250 - Cyclone II
ACC: 163 EVA: 214 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Demon - lv 46 (2)
HP: 315 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 207 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 266 MATK: 275 - Blizzard II
DEF: 175 MDEF: 275 - Poison
ACC: 175 EVA: 104 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Skeleton - lv 46 (4)
HP: 217 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 149 - Blood Sword
ATK: 259 MATK: 210 -
DEF: 200 MDEF: 150 -
ACC: 225 EVA: 118 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 18 -

Stick someone fairly independent at the top spot to block anybody that gets
that far up the stairs.

EXP: 588
GOLD: 2500
ITEMS - Mana Jewel, Geddo Fruit, Mithril Mail

Stage 29A leads directly into Stage 30A. Save on a separate file.

Stage 30A - Vying for Light

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Map Size: 17x24

Item Points
[ 2, 12] 600G
[14, 18] 1000G
[16, 21] Sibull Fruit

Roger - lv 47 (1)
HP: 447 - Raise Force
MP: 211 - Blood Sword
ATK: 300 MATK: 251 - Heaven's Gate
DEF: 236 MDEF: 176 -
ACC: 222 EVA: 173 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 47 (3)

HP: 154 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 200 - Sniper III
ATK: 253 MATK: 214 - Range +1
DEF: 158 MDEF: 102 - Stun Arrow
ACC: 210 EVA: 94 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Orc King - lv 47 (2)

HP: 347 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 135 - Wood Chop
ATK: 311 MATK: 153 - Attack +5
DEF: 217 MDEF: 144 - HP +30
ACC: 199 EVA: 133 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Lizard Marshal - lv 46 (2)

HP: 279 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 202 - Take Flight!
ATK: 255 MATK: 159 - Piercing Power II
DEF: 196 MDEF: 173 - Ravage!
ACC: 278 EVA: 143 - Accuracy +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Flameflyer - lv 47 (3)
HP: 397 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 245 - Flame
ATK: 295 MATK: 242 - Fireball II
DEF: 188 MDEF: 144 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 171 EVA: 130 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -
Wyvern Lord - lv 46 (2)
HP: 441 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 196 - Flame II
ATK: 316 MATK: 264 - Fireball II
DEF: 204 MDEF: 167 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 178 EVA: 141 - Mobility +1
MOV: 6 CRIT: 7 -

EXP: 588
GOLD: 2500
ITEMS - Sibull Fruit, Angel's Grace

Free Stage opens at Paris Warren.
Stage 31 opens at Vantoix Canyon.

Stage 29B - The Dwarves' Test (Gwygone Mines)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 10
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[ 3, 20] Rysecor Fruit
[ 4, 11] Silk Robe
[10, 5] Mithril Sword

Dwarf - lv 45 (4)
HP: 271 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 108 - Desperation
ATK: 220 MATK: 145 - Raise Force
DEF: 189 MDEF: 135 -
ACC: 155 EVA: 110 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Elder Dwarf - lv 46 (6)

HP: 374 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 171 - Desperation II
ATK: 254 MATK: 168 - Raise Defenses
DEF: 246 MDEF: 174 -
ACC: 215 EVA: 134 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

EXP: 592
GOLD: 2500
ITEMS - Erpow Fruit, Healing Fruit, Tower Shield
Stage 29B leads directly into Stage 30B. Save on a separate file.

Stage 30B - Vying for Light

Victory: Defeat Roger

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 50
Required Characters: 3/7 - Jeanne, Gilles, Richard
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[21, 2] Healing Seed
[11, 2] Sibull Fruit
[18, 5] 1000G
[15, 13] Healing Fruit

Roger - lv 45 (1)
HP: 436 - Raise Force
MP: 200 - Blood Sword
ATK: 291 MATK: 242 - Heaven's Gate
DEF: 228 MDEF: 168 -
ACC: 215 EVA: 168 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Orc King - lv 47 (3)

HP: 349 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 135 - Wood Chop
ATK: 311 MATK: 153 - Attack +5
DEF: 217 MDEF: 144 - HP +30
ACC: 199 EVA: 133 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Qrow Leader - lv 46 (1)

HP: 235 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 134 - Jugulaire
ATK: 260 MATK: 162 - Evade +5
DEF: 168 MDEF: 136 - Raise Mobility
ACC: 208 EVA: 207 - Spirit Sword
MOV: 6 CRIT: 12 -

Wyvern Lord - lv 45 (1)

HP: 434 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 193 - Flame II
ATK: 310 MATK: 258 - Fireball II
DEF: 199 MDEF: 163 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 175 EVA: 140 - Mobility +1
MOV: 6 CRIT: 7 -

Dragon - lv 45 (1)
HP: 1093 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 371 - Tail Whip
ATK: 360 MATK: 325 - Breath
DEF: 216 MDEF: 203 -
ACC: 185 EVA: 140 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 47 (4)
HP: 303 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 103 - Desperation III
ATK: 295 MATK: 149 - Attack +10
DEF: 204 MDEF: 172 - HP +20
ACC: 179 EVA: 96 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

Gazelliath - lv 46 (5)
HP: 282 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 102 - Desperation II
ATK: 274 MATK: 146 - Attack +5
DEF: 191 MDEF: 137 - Mighty Roar
ACC: 161 EVA: 86 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

This level can be easily cleared by using long range/AoE attacks to hit through
the walls at Roger. Not very sporting, but...

To activate the warps and doors, step a character on the red stone. For warps,
this will mean you leave that character behind.

When you get to the crowd of switches, the correct one is the middle in the
side room.

When you kill the Orc King outside that door, a crowd (5) of Gazelliath will
reinforce in the corridor south of there on the path to Roger.

EXP: 588
GOLD: 2500
ITEMS - Eldish Fruit, Angel's Grace

Free Stage opens at Paris Warren.
Stage 31 opens at Vantoix Canyon.

Free Stage - Paris Warren

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[ 7, 17] Erpow Fruit
[18, 21] 300G
[24, 3] Lunar Phial

Swordmaster - lv 47 (2)
HP: 301 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 122 - Counter
ATK: 262 MATK: 133 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 198 MDEF: 143 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 203 EVA: 153 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Sniper - lv 48 (2)
HP: 223 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 97 - Sniper II
ATK: 317 MATK: 116 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 142 MDEF: 79 - Recovery Shot
ACC: 258 EVA: 131 - Range +1
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

Wizard - lv 48 (2)
HP: 161 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 265 - Ice Bullet
ATK: 164 MATK: 267 - Blizzard
DEF: 152 MDEF: 218 - Magic Rust
ACC: 201 EVA: 86 - MP +10
MOV: 5 CRIT: 1 -

Royal Lancer - lv 47 (2)

HP: 319 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 157 - Piercing Power
ATK: 251 MATK: 153 - Leg Strike
DEF: 187 MDEF: 159 - Pierce!
ACC: 210 EVA: 172 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

EXP: 370
GOLD: 500

Stage 31 - Face to Face (Vantoix Canyon)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 12
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Guest: Roger
Map Size: 25x18

Item Points
[ 4, 14] Sorcerite Axe
[ 4, 4] 800G
[25, 3] Silk Robe
Bedford - lv 49 (1)
HP: 433 - Evade +10
MP: 438 - Inferno
ATK: 239 MATK: 330 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 198 MDEF: 205 - Lightning
ACC: 183 EVA: 177 - Thunderbolt II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Shadow Knight - lv 49 (9)

HP: 396 - Spirit Sword
MP: 136 -
ATK: 308 MATK: 290 -
DEF: 230 MDEF: 190 -
ACC: 230 EVA: 138 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 10 -

EXP: 580
GOLD: 2600
ITEMS - Rysecor Fruit, Deadeye Tonic, Gem of Guidance (Jeanne)

Free Stage opens at Alrond Wood.
Free Stage opens at Gwygone Mines.
Stage 32 opens at Soldat Outpost.

Free Stage - Alrond Wood

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 30
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 30x30

Item Points
[22, 6] Healing Herb/Eldish Fruit
[27, 21] Solar Phial
[ 4, 8] 300G
[15, 14] Healing Herb

Dark Elf (male) - lv 48 (5)
HP: 217 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 151 - Sniper
ATK: 232 MATK: 213 - Poison Arrow
DEF: 148 MDEF: 104 -
ACC: 189 EVA: 92 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Dark Elf (female) - lv 49 (5)

HP: 157 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 211 - Sniper
ATK: 233 MATK: 222 - Meteor Bolt
DEF: 153 MDEF: 58 - Poison Arrow
ACC: 215 EVA: 97 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

EXP: 359
GOLD: 500

Free Stage - Gwygone Mines

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 25
Required Characters:
Map Size: 25x25

Item Points
[ 3, 20] Eldish Fruit
[ 4, 11] 300G
[10, 5] 300G

Dwarf - lv 50 (1)
HP: 290 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 118 - Desperation
ATK: 240 MATK: 160 - Raise Force
DEF: 209 MDEF: 150 -
ACC: 166 EVA: 116 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Elder Dwarf - lv 49 (11)

HP: 395 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 177 - Desperation II
ATK: 266 MATK: 177 - Raise Defenses
DEF: 261 MDEF: 186 -
ACC: 223 EVA: 138 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

EXP: 356
GOLD: 500

Stage 32 - Encumbered Powers (Soldat Outpost)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Map Size: 29x30
Item Points
[ 3, 27] Eldish Fruit
[ 7, 6] 800G
[28, 11] 600G

Shadow Lancer - lv 49 (1)
HP: 452 - Destroy!
MP: 168 -
ATK: 326 MATK: 310 -
DEF: 240 MDEF: 200 -
ACC: 240 EVA: 163 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 15 -

Cyclops - lv 49 (2)
HP: 728 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 140 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 353 MATK: 182 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 196 MDEF: 155 -
ACC: 180 EVA: 96 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 3 -

Shadow Knight - lv 49 (4)

HP: 396 - Spirit Sword
MP: 136 -
ATK: 308 MATK: 290 -
DEF: 230 MDEF: 190 -
ACC: 230 EVA: 138 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 10 -

Ceratoth - lv 49 (2)
HP: 311 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 105 - Desperation III
ATK: 305 MATK: 155 - Attack +10
DEF: 212 MDEF: 180 - HP +20
ACC: 183 EVA: 99 - Mighty Roar
MOV: 4 CRIT: 12 -

The left Seal is for Burning Auras, the right for Transformations, the rear for
Skills. Of them, the most important to break is the Skills, but since it's in
the back (through all of the enemies), it can be helpful to break the right
Seal on Transformation (to Godspeed back there faster).

The seal on skills applies to all stones, including Mobility+ and other innate
skills like HP Recovery, so plan your party with that in mind. It also doesn't
apply to the enemy.

EXP: 556
GOLD: 2600
ITEMS - Xheno Fruit, Healing Extract

Stage 32 leads directly into Stage 33. Save in a separate file.

Stage 33 - Release

WARNING: Stage 33 consists of a number of rounds, each of which has different

enemies and objectives. It is not necessarily advisable to use elemental stones
that suit the first round. The same holds for Richard and elemental spells. You
must fight all rounds in succession and will not get a chance to re-equip
skills between rounds. But MAKE SURE RICHARD HAS A DAMAGING SPELL. There's an
enemy in one of the later rounds that for all practical purposes cannot be
damaged physically. If you have a Two Rounds, put it on Gilles. If you have a
Heaven's Gate, put it on Jeanne.

Round 1
Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 10
Required Characters: 3/3 - Jeanne, Gilles, Richard
Map Size: 7x7

Item Points
[ 6, 6] 800G

Phantom Orc - lv 46 (3)
HP: 330 - Sol Spirit +3
MP: 150 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 303 MATK: 130 - Attack +3
DEF: 194 MDEF: 150 - HP +30
ACC: 200 EVA: 117 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 15 -

Round 2
Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 3/3 - Jeanne, Gilles, Richard
Map Size: 7x7

Item Points
[ 1, 1] Undead Slayer

Roger - lv 48 (1)
HP: 457 - Raise Force
MP: 210 - Blood Sword
ATK: 304 MATK: 255 - Heaven's Gate
DEF: 240 MDEF: 180 -
ACC: 225 EVA: 175 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Dark Skeleton - lv 46 (3)

HP: 280 - Stella Spirit +3
MP: 250 - Triple Slash
ATK: 276 MATK: 200 - Heaven's Gate
DEF: 210 MDEF: 160 -
ACC: 230 EVA: 135 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Round 3
Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 3/3 - Jeanne, Gilles, Richard
Guest: Liane
Map Size: 7x7

Item Points
[ 2, 7] Sorcerite Axe

Liane - lv 48 (1)
HP: 220 - Heal II
MP: 230 - Thunderbolt II
ATK: 310 MATK: 200 - Ice Bullet II
DEF: 182 MDEF: 130 - Blizzard II
ACC: 250 EVA: 213 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Hellpriest - lv 46 (3)
HP: 250 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 280 - Heal II
ATK: 203 MATK: 252 - Ice Bullet II
DEF: 167 MDEF: 100 - Blizzard II
ACC: 200 EVA: 100 - Lower Force
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 - Lower Defenses

Until you've killed the enemy Liane, the Hellpriests will respawn as you kill
them. If you wait until round three and one of your characters can reliably one
hit them (probably Gilles), you can kill tons of them, though they eventually
stop spawning (after 40 or so), just by Godspeeding around the tiny map.

Round 4
Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 3/3 - Jeanne, Gilles, Richard
Guest: Liane
Map Size: 7x7

Item Points
[ 4, 7] 1500G

Phantom Knight - lv 46 (3)
HP: 300 - Sol Spirit +3
MP: 260 - Ravage!
ATK: 294 MATK: 260 -
DEF: 196 MDEF: 260 -
ACC: 200 EVA: 115 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

At the beginning of each turn, a new Phantom Knight will spawn.

Round 5
Victory: Defeat all enemies
Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 15
Required Characters: 3/3 - Jeanne, Gilles, Richard
Guest: Liane
Map Size: 7x7

Item Points
[ 2, 3] Geddo Fruit

Darkest Demon - lv 46 (1)
HP: 350 - HP Recovery
MP: 300 - Critical Edge
ATK: 301 MATK: 250 - Two Rounds
DEF: 500 MDEF: 200 -
ACC: 220 EVA: 150 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 30 -

Darkest Demon - lv 46 (1)

HP: 350 - Thunderbolt II
MP: 300 - Cyclone II
ATK: 301 MATK: 250 - Heal II
DEF: 200 MDEF: 500 -
ACC: 220 EVA: 150 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 30 -

Note the DEF and MDEF of each demon. The physical attacker must be killed with
spells. Take out the mage first to get rid of his Heal II and then let Richard
do his thing. If for some reason your Richard has no damaging spells use his
transform power and toss Phials with the others.

Round 6
Victory: Defeat Ira
Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 3/3 - Jeanne, Gilles, Richard
Guest: Liane
Map Size: 7x7

Item Points
[ 2, 6] Rysecor Fruit

Ira - lv 48 (1)
HP: 1438 - Attack +10
MP: 341 - HP +50
ATK: 379 MATK: 302 - Magic Defense +5
DEF: 244 MDEF: 240 - EXP Bonus II
ACC: 216 EVA: 153 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

If you read the warning at the top, and put Two Rounds on Gilles, this is your
boss fighting strategy for Ira (and any huge one-square boss type enemy):

Use Gilles to attack from range. If two rounds goes off (or not), walk Jeanne
into the burning aura and fire off a big attack (Heaven's Gate, or Transform
skill, etc). Use Richard to Heal as necessary. Rinse, repeat.

EXP: 544
GOLD: 2700
ITEMS - Sibull Fruit, Mana Light

Roger rejoins.
Free Stage opens at Vantoix Canyon.
Free Stage opens at Soldat Outpost.
Stage 34 opens at Paris Castle.

Free Stage - Vantoix Canyon

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 25x18

Item Points
[ 4, 14] Healing Herb
[ 4, 4] 300G
[25, 3] Healing Herb

Dragon - lv 50 (1)
HP: 1198 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 388 - Tail Whip
ATK: 400 MATK: 370 - Breath
DEF: 244 MDEF: 225 -
ACC: 200 EVA: 146 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Shadow Knight - lv 51 (9)

HP: 421 - Spirit Sword
MP: 141 -
ATK: 320 MATK: 300 -
DEF: 240 MDEF: 210 -
ACC: 234 EVA: 142 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 10 -

EXP: 371
GOLD: 500

Free Stage - Soldat Outpost

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/7
Map Size: 29x30

Item Points
[ 3, 27] Eldish Fruit
[ 7, 6] Solar Phial
[28, 11] Solar Phial

Cyclops - lv 51 (2)
HP: 761 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 147 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 365 MATK: 190 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 206 MDEF: 165 -
ACC: 185 EVA: 98 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 3 -

Shadow Lancer - lv 51 (8)

HP: 474 - Destroy!
MP: 178 -
ATK: 338 MATK: 320 -
DEF: 250 MDEF: 220 -
ACC: 246 EVA: 167 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 15 -

Golem - lv 51 (1)
HP: 497 - Body Slam
MP: 242 - Wallop
ATK: 331 MATK: 326 -
DEF: 189 MDEF: 235 -
ACC: 223 EVA: 92 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

EXP: 369
GOLD: 500

Stage 34 - The Fifth Hero (Paris Castle)

WARNING: This begins the final series of battles (Stages 34 - 36). Do any
saving on a separate file.

Victory: Defeat Bedford

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 1/7 - Jeanne
Map Size: 29x30

Item Points
[27, 3] Erpow Fruit
[ 6, 17] Jinni Shield
[11, 24] Freezing Helve

Bedford - lv 51 (1)
HP: 556 - Sinister Storm
MP: 342 - Inferno
ATK: 339 MATK: 312 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 244 MDEF: 220 - Lightning
ACC: 215 EVA: 171 - EXP Bonus III
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Wyvern Lord - lv 52 (2)

HP: 476 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 218 - Flame II
ATK: 352 MATK: 303 - Fireball II
DEF: 231 MDEF: 191 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 196 EVA: 149 - Mobility +1
MOV: 6 CRIT: 7 -

Cyclops - lv 53 (4)
HP: 794 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 149 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 377 MATK: 198 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 216 MDEF: 175 -
ACC: 190 EVA: 99 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 3 -

Lich - lv 51 (3)
HP: 229 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 343 - Healing Wind II
ATK: 213 MATK: 278 - Thor's Hammer
DEF: 243 MDEF: 235 - Thunderbolt II
ACC: 192 EVA: 101 - Magic Attack +5
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Shadow Lancer - lv 50 (2)

HP: 463 - Destroy!
MP: 174 -
ATK: 332 MATK: 315 -
DEF: 245 MDEF: 210 -
ACC: 243 EVA: 165 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 15 -

Don't waste time trying to open the doors. They don't open.

Do be sure to hit the item points and steal from Bedford, he's got some nice
stuff that will save you some looting in post-game if you get it now.

EXP: 572
GOLD: 2800
ITEMS - Geddo Fruit, God's Grace

Stage 34 leads directly to Stage 35. Save on a separate file.

Stage 35 - The Dark Throne

Victory: Defeat Gilvaroth

Defeat: Jeanne or Roger falls in battle
Turns: 40
Required Characters: 2/7 - Jeanne, Roger
Map Size: 28x27

Item Points
[ 6, 5] Twin Enga
[15, 27] Dragonfang
[28, 14] Purgatoire

Gilvaroth - lv 52 (1)
HP: 1691 - Lower Mobility
MP: 527 - Poison
ATK: 378 MATK: 394 - Meteor
DEF: 284 MDEF: 330 - HP Recovery II
ACC: 255 EVA: 173 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Shadow Knight - lv 53 (2)

HP: 442 - Spirit Sword
MP: 150 -
ATK: 332 MATK: 310 -
DEF: 250 MDEF: 230 -
ACC: 239 EVA: 146 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 10 -

Shadow Lancer - lv 54 (2)

HP: 514 - Destroy!
MP: 195 -
ATK: 356 MATK: 335 -
DEF: 265 MDEF: 250 -
ACC: 253 EVA: 174 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 15 -

Ira - lv 48 (1)
HP: 1438 - Attack +10
MP: 338 - HP +50
ATK: 379 MATK: 302 - Magic Defense +5
DEF: 244 MDEF: 240 - EXP Bonus II
ACC: 216 EVA: 153 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Avaritia - lv 42 (1)
HP: 1424 - MP +30
MP: 373 - Thor's Hammer
ATK: 295 MATK: 300 - Earthquake
DEF: 205 MDEF: 230 - EXP Bonus II
ACC: 172 EVA: 116 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Luxuria - lv 44 (1)
HP: 1343 - Lightning
MP: 349 - Angel Tear
ATK: 321 MATK: 295 - Mind Eater
DEF: 220 MDEF: 245 - HP Recovery
ACC: 190 EVA: 155 - EXP Bonus II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Superbia - lv 41 (1)
HP: 1220 - MP +30
MP: 265 - Magic Attack +5
ATK: 291 MATK: 251 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 214 MDEF: 206 - Cyclone II
ACC: 178 EVA: 124 - HP Recovery
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 - EXP Bonus II

Don't forget to equip Roger with skills and spells. If your Roger is under-
leveled, feel free to just leave him at the back of the room, since Roger's
death is a loss condition.

This battle proceeds in three sections:

1) - The Approach

Take out the guards on the way up to Gilvaroth. Don't bother getting all the
way to point blank with him, just pop him with a long-range skill (or even a
phial). It won't do damage, but it will move the fight on.

2) - The Reapers

Roger will suck the four Reapers out of Gilvaroth. Gilvaroth remains immune to
damage until they're dead, so continue to mostly ignore him (though he'll fire
spells if you get in range and Meteor when he gets the MP).

In order, I'd take out Superbia, Luxuria, Avaritia then Ira. That takes out the
HP Recoverers first, starting with the one with the cheap spells. They have a
ton of HP, but stat-wise, the Reapers are not as difficult as any other enemy.
Just grind them down one-by-one, taking advantage of burning auras whenever

3) - Gilvaroth

After all four Reapers are dead, Gilvaroth becomes vulnerable. Head up and
repeat the process--create auras from range, use a major attack from the aura.
The major problem with Gilv is his regen (~340/turn), just exploit auras to
push through.

EXP: 572
GOLD: 2000

Stage 35 leads directly to Stage 36. Save on a separate file.

Stage 36 - Demise

Victory: Defeat Gilvaroth

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 30
Required Characters: 1/9 - Jeanne
Map Size: 21x21

Item Points
[16, 2] Rysecor Fruit
[ 5, 19]

Gilvaroth - lv 60 (1)
HP: 3000 - Dark Matter
MP: 400 - Death Beckons
ATK: 415 MATK: 400 - Act of Finality
DEF: 250 MDEF: 270 -
ACC: 220 EVA: 180 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 12 -

Shadowloom - lv 55 (2)
HP: 1000 - Dark Regen
MP: 310 -
ATK: 330 MATK: 250 -
DEF: 300 MDEF: 260 -
ACC: 250 EVA: 50 -
MOV: 0 CRIT: 3 -

Doomgiver - lv 55 (2)
HP: 1000 - Look of Despair
MP: 420 - Rift in the Light
ATK: 330 MATK: 250 - Dead Revelry
DEF: 300 MDEF: 260 -
ACC: 250 EVA: 50 -
MOV: 0 CRIT: 3 -

Darkest Demon - lv 50 (-)

HP: 370 - Thunderbolt II
MP: 321 - Cyclone II
ATK: 319 MATK: 272 - Heal II
DEF: 224 MDEF: 520 -
ACC: 234 EVA: 154 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Darkest Demon - lv 50 (-)

HP: 372 - HP Recovery
MP: 320 - Critical Edge
ATK: 321 MATK: 270 - Two Rounds
DEF: 508 MDEF: 212 -
ACC: 232 EVA: 156 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 30 -

The east and west towers heal. (Worth taking out.)
The north and south towers cast area attack spells. (Ignore, IMO.)

Every round beginning with turn 3, a Darkest Demon or two will reinforce
randomly, could be either a physical type or a healer type. Ignore the physical
types (IMO), kill the healers. They will keep loading up to five (total,
including both types) on the map at a time.

The various healers won't heal anybody, including Gilvaroth, until they are
down past half max HP. Don't bother hitting Gilvy if the next round he's just
going to be healed. OTOH, feel free to knock him down to just over 1500 if you
can, even if the healers are still around.

In terms of setup, you want as much HP recovery as possible, so that you can
dedicate anybody with an area attack spell to slamming Gilvaroth. Sweep!, Bomb,
Flame/Blizzard/Cyclone/Cyclone II, Salvo, etc.

Once you've picked your best nine, sort them into roles: Area effect attackers,
one-panel hitters, and leftover stragglers (set them up as healers). Use your
one-hitters to kill the healing towers and healing Demons. Focus your area
attackers on Gilvaroth. Use your flunkies as support.

Gilvaroth sometimes warps at the start of his turn, then moves. Your best shot
at hitting him with all your area attackers on a given turn is to keep everyone
in the center of the map (bearing in mind that taking out healers and nabbing
items will require you to stray a bit). You may even be able to power through
any possible healing with area attacks, so by all means, if it makes sense,
ignore the healers entirely.

EXP: 564
GOLD: 2000
Watch the ending. Credits roll. Save.
Most Free Stages upgrade enemy levels/item rewards.
Free Stage Cemetary opens.
Colosseum Round 2 opens.

You may repeat the final series of battles any time you like. If you want all
units with the best possible equipment, you can loot an extra Jinni Shield (or
two, or three). This is also, strangely, the most reliable way to get extra
stat fruits, at four per run.

Post-game - Free Stage Item Rewards, Cemetary, Colosseum 2 and 3
Free Stage Item Rewards List

All of the free stages have the same enemies, with the same stones available
for steal/drop as they had in the main game. The only difference is a large
level boost to all enemies. As such, there's not much point in recording their
stats exhaustively.

The major change is that many of the free stages will now have generous item
rewards in the form of skills.

Forest of Fraude - Sol Spirit +1

- Luna Spirit +1
- Stella Spirit +1

Chapel in the Woods - Flash Strike

- Crescent Arc

Neufchateau - Attack +3
- Magic Defense +3
- MP +10

Gwygone Mines - War Reverie

- Take Flight!
- Ravage!
- Stun Arrow
- Flame II

Cents-Abris Ruins - Accuracy +10

- Mobility +1
* - Critical Edge
- Cyclone
- Healing Wind

Chateau Burgundy - Attack +10

- Magic Attack +5
- Range +1
- Skewer Shot
- Counter

Soir Valley - Wood Chop

- HP +50
- MP +20
- Magic Attack +5
- Pierce!

St. Pierre-le-Moutier - Raise Force

- Jezebel's Slave II
- Raise Mobility
- Magic Rust
- Recovery Shot

La Charite - Ice Bullet II

- Venom Edge
- Treasure Hunter
- Treasure Lover
- Shadow Stitch

Aeolian Hill - Fireball

- Ice Bullet
- Beast Slayer
- Mind Breaker
- Leg Strike

Orleans - Spirit Sword

- Impale!
- HP +100
- Magic Defense +3
- Defense +3

Bastille of St. Loup - MP +50

- Defense +5
- Accuracy +5
- Evade +5
- Mobility +1

Bastille of the Augustins - Attack +5

- Evade +5
- Desperation
- Dire Swing
- Sniper

Tourelles - Piercing Power

- Sneak By
- Undead Slayer
- Man-Eater
- Goliath Slayer

Patay * - EXP Bonus

- Desperation
- MP +100
- HP +150
- Magic Defense +5

Troyes - Heal
- Thunderbolt
- Desperation II
- Sniper II
- Healing Perfume

Chalons - Mighty Roar

* - EXP Bonus II
- HP Recovery
- Poison Arrow
- Strange Dance

Bogs of Vermonde - Follow Me!

- Provoke
- Compass
- Jezebel's Slave
* - Two Hits

Alrond Wood - Meteor

- Revivify
- HP Recovery II
- Cyclone II
- Wild Whip

Reims - Gold Shakedown

- Gold Snatcher
- Blood Sword
- Skill Shakedown
- Skill Snatcher

Vantoix Canyon - Attack +20

- Magic Attack +20
- Piercing Power II
- Slip Through
- Inferno

Paris Ramparts - Flame

- Blizzard
- Jugulaire
- Triple Slash
- Heaven's Gate

Clairoix - Tempest Sword

- Sweep!
- Follow Me! II
- Bomb
- Destroy!

Grandgris Pass - HP +30

- MP +30
- Mind Eater
- Swap
- Follow Me! II

Guillorey Canal * - Three Hits

- Aero Dagger
- Stun Whip
- Meteor Bolt
- Sky Dart

Paris Warren * - Evade +30

* - Accuracy +30
- Angel Tear
- Thor's Hammer
- Sinister Storm

Soldat Outpost - Adroit

- Pre-emptive
- Healing Wind II
- Earthquake
* - Two Rounds

*stones of particular rarity

Free Stage - Cemetary (1st)

WARNING: The Goddess Armor MUST be looted from the item point in the northwest
corner the FIRST time you play this stage, or it will be gone forever.

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 22x22

Item Points
[12, 9] Caduceus
[16, 18] Bow of Artemis
[ 3, 20] Goddess Armor

Ghost - lv 55 (4)
HP: 172 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 244 - Mind Eater
ATK: 193 MATK: 310 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 198 MDEF: 290 - Cyclone II
ACC: 187 EVA: 246 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Skeleton - lv 55 (5)
HP: 247 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 170 - Blood Sword
ATK: 299 MATK: 246 -
DEF: 236 MDEF: 177 -
ACC: 252 EVA: 131 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 18 -

Frost Demon - lv 60 (1)

HP: 439 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 331 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 346 MATK: 385 - Blizzard II
DEF: 240 MDEF: 390 - Poison
ACC: 288 EVA: 103 - Lower Force
MOV: 4 CRIT: 6 -

WARNING: The Goddess Armor MUST be looted from the item point in the northwest
corner the FIRST time you play this stage, or it will be gone forever.

As soon as you clear the ghosts and skeletons, the Frost Demon will load on
the west side.
EXP: 288
GOLD: 1000
ITEMS - Durendal, Devil's Frock, Holy Shield, Gem of Darkness (Roger)

Cemetary changes.

Free Stage - Cemetary (2nd+)

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: All allies fall in battle
Turns: 20
Required Characters: 0/5
Map Size: 22x22

Item Points
[12, 9] 300G
[16, 18] Erpow Fruit
[ 3, 20] Healing Herb

Frost Demon - lv 62 (2)
HP: 452 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 334 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 356 MATK: 397 - Blizzard II
DEF: 248 MDEF: 402 - Poison
ACC: 295 EVA: 106 - Lower Force
MOV: 4 CRIT: 6 -

Ghost - lv 57 (5)
HP: 181 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 257 - Mind Eater
ATK: 199 MATK: 320 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 205 MDEF: 300 - Cyclone II
ACC: 193 EVA: 254 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Demon - lv 57 (2)
HP: 363 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 253 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 321 MATK: 330 - Blizzard II
DEF: 208 MDEF: 330 - Poison
ACC: 208 EVA: 117 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

Skeleton - lv 57 (3)
HP: 254 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 181 - Blood Sword
ATK: 308 MATK: 254 -
DEF: 244 MDEF: 183 -
ACC: 258 EVA: 134 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 18 -
EXP: 288
GOLD: 1000

Free Stage - Colosseum 2

No saving between stages, can bail out after any round.
If you bail out and re-enter, you start again from Round 1.
All rounds allow a full 5 character team and 20 turns.

I respectfully suggest you:

- Include at least one spear/whip user with Three Rounds and Sweep.
- Include at least one big hitter (Rufus/Dire Swing, Colet/Four Hits, etc.)
- Everybody should have HP Recovery III and HP +150.
- Farm up some Man-Eaters (Tourelles). Four would be fantastic.
- Include at least one dedicated healer. I suggest Richard because he can also
use Mind Eater and Revivify.
- Your team should be level 60, minimum. More is better.

You don't have to do these things, but they'll make things easier.

Round 1
Phantom Orc - lv 51 (2)
HP: 362 - Sol Spirit +3
MP: 165 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 336 MATK: 145 - Attack +3
DEF: 219 MDEF: 170 - HP +30
ACC: 217 EVA: 127 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 15 -

Lich - lv 50 (2)
HP: 228 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 334 - Healing Wind II
ATK: 208 MATK: 272 - Thor's Hammer
DEF: 237 MDEF: 230 - Thunderbolt II
ACC: 190 EVA: 100 - Magic Attack +5
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Demon - lv 51 (2)
HP: 338 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 229 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 291 MATK: 300 - Blizzard II
DEF: 190 MDEF: 300 - Poison
ACC: 190 EVA: 110 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 4 -

GOLD: 1000
ITEMS - Healing Seed
Round 2
Dwarf - lv 52 (4)
HP: 296 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 124 - Desperation
ATK: 248 MATK: 166 - Raise Force
DEF: 217 MDEF: 156 -
ACC: 170 EVA: 118 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 2 -

Elder Dwarf - lv 52 (5)

HP: 412 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 186 - Desperation II
ATK: 278 MATK: 186 - Raise Defenses
DEF: 276 MDEF: 198 -
ACC: 230 EVA: 142 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

GOLD: 1500
ITEMS - Searing Phial

Round 3
Golem - lv 54 (1)
HP: 526 - Body Slam
MP: 260 - Wallop
ATK: 349 MATK: 344 -
DEF: 201 MDEF: 250 -
ACC: 230 EVA: 96 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Lady Noire - lv 54 (4)

HP: 256 - Stella Spirit +1
MP: 150 - Stun Whip
ATK: 262 MATK: 154 - Gold Snatcher
DEF: 228 MDEF: 154 - Jezebel's Slave
ACC: 196 EVA: 195 - Slip Through
MOV: 5 CRIT: 20 -

Queen Rouge - lv 54 (1)

HP: 256 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 186 - Wild Whip
ATK: 290 MATK: 159 - Stun Whip
DEF: 238 MDEF: 164 - Skill Snatcher
ACC: 216 EVA: 224 - Jezebel's Slave II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 22 -

GOLD: 2000
ITEMS - Healing Seed
Round 4
Flameflyer - lv 56 (2)
HP: 450 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 274 - Flame
ATK: 340 MATK: 296 - Fireball II
DEF: 224 MDEF: 171 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 198 EVA: 141 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Wyvern Lord - lv 56 (2)

HP: 496 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 233 - Flame II
ATK: 376 MATK: 329 - Fireball II
DEF: 250 MDEF: 207 - Magic Defense +3
ACC: 208 EVA: 154 - Mobility +1
MOV: 6 CRIT: 7 -

Tiamat - lv 56 (1)
HP: 2275 - Breath
MP: 620 - Poison Breath
ATK: 520 MATK: 486 - Tail Whip
DEF: 329 MDEF: 300 - Meteor
ACC: 228 EVA: 166 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 15 -

Dark Shamanka - lv 56 (4)

HP: 237 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 289 - Fireball II
ATK: 230 MATK: 318 - Lower Defenses
DEF: 229 MDEF: 275 - Heal II
ACC: 166 EVA: 98 - Magic Attack +3
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

GOLD: 2500G
ITEMS - Moonglow Phial

Round 5
Dark Skeleton - lv 58 (2)
HP: 348 - Stella Spirit +3
MP: 295 - Triple Slash
ATK: 330 MATK: 248 - Heaven's Gate
DEF: 258 MDEF: 196 -
ACC: 272 EVA: 159 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

Hellpriest - lv 58 (1)
HP: 381 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 183 - Heal II
ATK: 259 MATK: 254 - Ice Bullet II
DEF: 141 MDEF: 175 - Blizzard II
ACC: 193 EVA: 74 - Lower Force
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 - Lower Defenses

Phantom Knight - lv 58 (2)

HP: 369 - Sol Spirit +3
MP: 280 - Ravage!
ATK: 354 MATK: 266 -
DEF: 220 MDEF: 296 -
ACC: 248 EVA: 151 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Darkest Demon - lv 58 (2)

HP: 406 - Thunderbolt II
MP: 370 - Cyclone II
ATK: 355 MATK: 316 - Heal II
DEF: 272 MDEF: 560 -
ACC: 262 EVA: 162 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Ira - lv 58 (1)
HP: 1535 - Attack +10
MP: 417 - HP +50
ATK: 499 MATK: 382 - Magic Defense +5
DEF: 304 MDEF: 290 - EXP Bonus II
ACC: 256 EVA: 178 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 8 -

GOLD: 3000
ITEMS - Healing Seedx2

Round 6
Swordmaster - lv 60 (2)
HP: 369 - Sol Spirit +2
MP: 156 - Counter
ATK: 314 MATK: 172 - Accuracy +5
DEF: 250 MDEF: 182 - Crescent Arc
ACC: 232 EVA: 179 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 6 -

Sniper - lv 60 (2)
HP: 265 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 118 - Sniper II
ATK: 377 MATK: 152 - Skewer Shot
DEF: 178 MDEF: 103 - Recovery Shot
ACC: 306 EVA: 156 - Range +1
MOV: 4 CRIT: 4 -

Shadow Knight - lv 60 (4)

HP: 529 - Spirit Sword
MP: 176 -
ATK: 374 MATK: 345 -
DEF: 285 MDEF: 300 -
ACC: 256 EVA: 160 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 10 -
Royal Lancer - lv 60 (2)
HP: 392 - Stella Spirit +2
MP: 204 - Piercing Power
ATK: 303 MATK: 192 - Leg Strike
DEF: 239 MDEF: 211 - Pierce!
ACC: 242 EVA: 217 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 5 -

Talbot - lv 61 (1)
HP: 655 - Triple Slash
MP: 234 - Spirit Sword
ATK: 377 MATK: 140 - Follow Me!
DEF: 337 MDEF: 248 -
ACC: 276 EVA: 163 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Load behind the central group, advance to take out Snipers first.

GOLD: 3500
ITEMS - Galaxy Phial

Round 7
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[17, 16] 1000G/HP +300
[ 7, 14] 1000G
[11, 10] 1000G
[ 2, 1] 1000G
[19, 2] 1000G

Thief - lv 63 (3)
HP: 398 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 244 - Slip Through
ATK: 302 MATK: 318 - Mobility +1
DEF: 304 MDEF: 179 -
ACC: 173 EVA: 203 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 20 -

All of the item points have a very high rate of giving 1000G, and a very low
rate of giving the rare loots that are common in the same round of Colosseum 3.
You can farm here, but plowing through the first 6 rounds to get here just to
loot 5000G makes it not really worthwhile.

GOLD: 4000
ITEMS - Healing Fruit
Round 8
Slinker - lv 64 (1)
HP: 384 - Stella Spirit +3
MP: 429 - Lightning
ATK: 219 MATK: 312 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 249 MDEF: 440 - Cyclone II
ACC: 168 EVA: 149 - EXP Bonus
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Blaze - lv 65 (1)
HP: 672 - Sol Spirit +3
MP: 194 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 424 MATK: 222 - Compass
DEF: 319 MDEF: 100 - EXP Bonus
ACC: 226 EVA: 144 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Mawra - lv 64 (1)
HP: 475 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 282 - Healing Wind
ATK: 306 MATK: 295 - Three Hits
DEF: 301 MDEF: 386 - Sneak By
ACC: 258 EVA: 159 - EXP Bonus
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 - Gold Shakedown

Cyclops - lv 64 (4)
HP: 996 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 179 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 443 MATK: 242 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 271 MDEF: 230 -
ACC: 219 EVA: 107 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 3 -

GOLD: 4500
ITEMS - Searing Phial, Moonglow Phial, Galaxy Phial

Round 9
Avaritia - lv 66 (1)
HP: 1603 - MP +30
MP: 557 - Thor's Hammer
ATK: 487 MATK: 540 - Earthquake
DEF: 325 MDEF: 470 - EXP Bonus II
ACC: 268 EVA: 164 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Luxuria - lv 66 (1)
HP: 1538 - Lightning
MP: 560 - Angel Tear
ATK: 541 MATK: 493 - Mind Eater
DEF: 352 MDEF: 443 - HP Recovery
ACC: 278 EVA: 221 - EXP Bonus II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Superbia - lv 66 (1)
HP: 1462 - MP + 30
MP: 453 - Magic Attack +5
ATK: 541 MATK: 451 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 389 MDEF: 406 - Cyclone II
ACC: 278 EVA: 174 - HP Recovery
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 - EXP Bonus II

Frost Demon - lv 66 (4)

HP: 473 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 360 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 376 MATK: 421 - Blizzard II
DEF: 264 MDEF: 426 - Poison
ACC: 309 EVA: 112 - Lower Force
MOV: 4 CRIT: 6 -

The general strategy is to create burning auras, then use them to land a big
blow. Spears and whips, with Three Rounds if possible, do a great job of
setting up those big blows without taking a lot of damage.

The Frost Demons aren't a big deal until they pile on, so it's a good idea to
start on one side and try to take the two close ones out before you start on
the big guys. By the time the other two reach you, you should have at least
one of the reapers down, so they shouldn't be a big deal.

In order, I'd take them out Superbia > Luxuria > Avaritia. Superbia has the
cheapest magic attacks, so the faster you take him out, the less damage you'll
need to be managing. Next comes Luxuria with her Lightning.

These guys have significant MDEF, but Richard is great in this combat, not just
as a Healer, but to Mind Eat the reapers, just to keep them attacking with
normal strikes (for counters).

Your team is up to you, but a good balanced team would be two aura-makers
(Rose, Jean, Gilles) and two big skill hitters (Rufus, Colet, Jeanne, etc.),
along with an extra character for supplemental damage, healing, or other

GOLD: 5000
ITEMS - Healing Extract

Round 10
Luther - lv 70 (1)
HP: 1496 - Heaven's Gate
MP: 417 - War Reverie
ATK: 570 MATK: 420 - Counter II
DEF: 355 MDEF: 275 - Adroit
ACC: 360 EVA: 228 - HP Recovery III
MOV: 5 CRIT: 20 -
Dragon - lv 67 (2)
HP: 1530 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 473 - Tail Whip
ATK: 536 MATK: 523 - Breath
DEF: 341 MDEF: 302 -
ACC: 251 EVA: 168 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Bedford - lv 69 (1)
HP: 631 - Evade +10
MP: 567 - Inferno
ATK: 359 MATK: 530 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 278 MDEF: 305 - Lightning
ACC: 233 EVA: 237 - Thunderbolt II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Luther is the only thing you need to be worried about. No, seriously. Bedford
is a pushover. Take him out in turn 2 when he comes in range, just to clear him
out. Ignore the dragons for now.

Luther is difficult because of two things: Counter II, and HP Recovery III. His
HP recovery per turn is going to be around 450. No way around it. Counter II
will probably counter 1/3 of short range attacks. There are a couple decent

Three Rounds from a spear/whip, then move a hitter into an aura and gamble the
strike doesn't get countered. This is effective if your Colet is a powerhouse,
with Four Hits, or with Rufus + Man-Eater + Desperation III (Rufus + Man-Eater
with Desp 3 will do more from an aura with a regular attack than with Dire
Swing). But if it does get countered, you're probably going to have extra
healing beyond HP Rec 3/HP+, so be prepared.

Three Rounds + Man-Eater on Spears and Bows. If you've done the Cemetary and
gotten Marcel's Artemis, he should be great, with Jean and Gilles, for
whittling Luther down.

After Luther is down, take out the dragons with Sweep, Salvo, and Cyclone (if
you brought Richard for emergency Revival/Healing).

GOLD: 10000
ITEMS - Deathbringer, Gae Bulg, Lucifer, Godspeed, Charred Pendant,
Gem of Miracles (Jeanne)

Colosseum 3 becomes available.
Side-quest opens at Cemetary.

Side-quest (Cemetary)

After you've done Colosseum 2 and have the Charred Pendant, enter the Cemetary.
Play through as normal. If this is the first time you've played it, be sure to
loot the item spot in the NW corner or you will lose the best armor in the game
For. Ev. Or. See above Free Stage - Cemetary (1st) section for details.

Hereafter you can trade Liane and Cuisses whenever you want in the Cemetary
(you'll have a choice whether to trade, and a choice whether to fight the free
stage or just return to the world map). There's no stat difference between
them, so just pick whichever you like.

NB: This doesn't change the ending battle sequence if you decide to replay it,
or change any scenes that have Cuisses in them. Nothing special.

Free Stage - Colosseum 3

No saving between stages, can bail out after any round.
If you bail out and re-enter, you start again from Round 1.
All rounds allow a full 5 character team and 20 turns.

The item points in Round 7 contain, variously, everybody's ultimate weapons

and a bunch of rare stones, including many that cannot be binded. Worth looting

I respectfully suggest you:

- Include at least one spear/whip user with Three Rounds and Sweep.
- Include at least one big hitter (Rufus/Dire Swing, Colet/Four Hits, etc.)
- Everybody should have HP Recovery III and HP +150.
- Farm up some Man-Eaters (Tourelles). Four would be fantastic.
- Include at least one dedicated healer. I suggest Richard because he can also
use Mind Eater and Revivify.
- Your team should be level 80, minimum. Might as well get them to 99, though.

You don't have to do these things, but they'll make things easier.

Colosseum 3 is almost exactly the same as Colosseum 2, with the exception that
all enemies have a 20 level boost, and round 10 has a Tiamat in place of a
Dragon. Otherwise, all enemies have the same stones, all stages have the same
turn limits, gold/item rewards, etc.

As such, we'll start with the interesting bits:

Round 7
Map Size: 20x20

Item Points
[ 4, 3] Mobility +3/Three Rounds/Bow of Atremis
[ 3, 20] Range +2/Lucifer/Attack +30
[17, 17] Caduceus/Tsukikage/Rose Whip
[14, 15] MP +150/HP +300/Gae Bulg
[ 8, 12] Accuracy +30/Evade +30/Deathbringer

Thief - lv 83 (3)
HP: 485 - Luna Spirit +1
MP: 339 - Slip Through
ATK: 402 MATK: 438 - Mobility +1
DEF: 404 MDEF: 239 -
ACC: 193 EVA: 253 -
MOV: 6 CRIT: 20 -

Farm. Farm. Farm.

GOLD: 4000
ITEMS - Healing Fruit

Round 8
Slinker - lv 84 (1)
HP: 474 - Stella Spirit +3
MP: 521 - Lightning
ATK: 259 MATK: 412 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 329 MDEF: 640 - Cyclone II
ACC: 188 EVA: 159 - EXP Bonus
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Blaze - lv 85 (1)
HP: 866 - Sol Spirit +3
MP: 233 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 544 MATK: 302 - Compass
DEF: 419 MDEF: 100 - EXP Bonus
ACC: 266 EVA: 156 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 3 -

Mawra - lv 84 (1)
HP: 567 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 340 - Healing Wind
ATK: 386 MATK: 395 - Three Hits
DEF: 421 MDEF: 546 - Sneak By
ACC: 308 EVA: 173 - EXP Bonus
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 - Gold Shakedown

Cyclops - lv 84 (4)
HP: 1347 - Luna Spirit +2
MP: 237 - Helm Splitter
ATK: 563 MATK: 322 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 371 MDEF: 330 -
ACC: 271 EVA: 121 -
MOV: 3 CRIT: 3 -

GOLD: 4500
ITEMS - Searing Phial, Moonglow Phial, Galaxy Phial

Round 9
Avaritia - lv 86 (1)
HP: 1759 - MP +30
MP: 708 - Thor's Hammer
ATK: 647 MATK: 740 - Earthquake
DEF: 425 MDEF: 670 - EXP Bonus II
ACC: 348 EVA: 204 -
MOV: 5 CRIT: 2 -

Luxuria - lv 86 (1)
HP: 1709 - Lightning
MP: 754 - Angel Tear
ATK: 741 MATK: 673 - Mind Eater
DEF: 472 MDEF: 623 - HP Recovery
ACC: 358 EVA: 281 - EXP Bonus II
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 -

Superbia - lv 86 (1)
HP: 1654 - MP + 30
MP: 608 - Magic Attack +5
ATK: 741 MATK: 611 - Thunderbolt II
DEF: 529 MDEF: 566 - Cyclone II
ACC: 358 EVA: 214 - HP Recovery
MOV: 5 CRIT: 3 - EXP Bonus II

Frost Demon - lv 66 (4)

HP: 588 - Luna Spirit +3
MP: 451 - Ice Bullet II
ATK: 476 MATK: 541 - Blizzard II
DEF: 344 MDEF: 546 - Poison
ACC: 379 EVA: 142 - Lower Force
MOV: 4 CRIT: 6 -

The general strategy is to create burning auras, then use them to land a big
blow. Spears and whips, with Three Rounds if possible, do a great job of
setting up those big blows without taking a lot of damage.

The Frost Demons should be taken out immediately. If you have a 99 Rufus with
Lucifer and Mob+, give him Devil-Slayer and the Godspeed so that he can take
two out in each of the first turns and still land a hit on a Reaper.

In order, I'd take them out Superbia > Luxuria > Avaritia. Superbia has the
cheapest magic attacks, so the faster you take him out, the less damage you'll
need to be managing. Next comes Luxuria with her Lightning.

Be very careful of how you take these guys out, as they'll be hitting for 350-
450 on counters. Colet is great, and he should be able to dodge all normal
attacks by the time he's 90ish. Marcel is also (bizarrely) great because he
can walk into a triple aura and hit for 550ish without being countered. This
battle is all about hitting hard without taking much damage in return.

GOLD: 5000
ITEMS - Healing Extract

Round 10
Luther - lv 90 (1)
HP: 1890 - Heaven's Gate
MP: 608 - War Reverie
ATK: 690 MATK: 520 - Counter II
DEF: 435 MDEF: 375 - Adroit
ACC: 400 EVA: 258 - HP Recovery III
MOV: 5 CRIT: 20 -

Dragon - lv 86 (1)
HP: 1897 - Sol Spirit +1
MP: 560 - Tail Whip
ATK: 688 MATK: 694 - Breath
DEF: 449 MDEF: 387 -
ACC: 308 EVA: 193 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 10 -

Tiamat - lv 88 (1)
HP: 3218 - Breath
MP: 769 - Poison Breath
ATK: 840 MATK: 838 - Tail Whip
DEF: 537 MDEF: 460 - Meteor
ACC: 324 EVA: 211 -
MOV: 4 CRIT: 15 -

Bedford - lv 88 (1)
HP: 915 - Sinister Storm
MP: 589 - Inferno
ATK: 561 MATK: 682 - HP Recovery II
DEF: 392 MDEF: 405 - Lightning
ACC: 308 EVA: 301 - EXP Bonus III
MOV: 5 CRIT: 10 -

Equip as many characters as possible with Man-Eater. Equip your long range
units (spears/whips/bows) with Three Rounds. Line them up so that you have a
chance to create two different triple auras on Luther, and line up your hitters
to walk into those auras and take a shot at Luther. Marcel maxed with Artemis
and Man-Eater should hit from a triple for ~500, and cannot be countered. Rufus
with Lucifer, Desp III, and Man-Eater should hit for ~800. Jean and Gilles with
Man-Eater should triple for a total of ~600 each. Between them, if you get
lucky, they can take down Luther in a single round.

If you don't get lucky, when Colet gets enough MP to Four Hits, if he connects
from a triple aura he will OHKO Luther with it from max HP.

The priority here is Luther. After you've got him, take out Bedford. As long as
you can take Luther down fast, you should have plenty of time to waste Bedford
before he can charge any of his big attacks (turn 3 Lightning, earliest).

After that comes the dragons, I recommend you run over to trap and kill the
regular dragon first and let Tiamat slowly drag her way across the board.

Use Rufus to Helm Splitter, then your other characters to beat down. These guys
have big numbers, but they're no different from other dragon types. Easy to
trap, reduce their ability to damage, then grind down with Sweeps, etc.
A sample team build for this combat:

Jean - Gae Bulg

[Sweep!, Three Rounds, Man-Eater, Atk +20, HP +150, HP Rec III]
Marcel - Bow of Artemis
[Recovery Shot, Three Rounds, Man-Eater, Atk +20, HP +150, HP Rec III]
Colet - Tsukikage
[Four Hits, Three Rounds, Man-Eater, Evade +30, HP +150, HP Rec III]
Gilles - Gae Bulg
[Sweep!, Three Rounds, Man-Eater, Atk +20, HP +150, HP Rec III]
Rufus - Lucifer
[Helm Splitter, Desperation III, Man-Eater, Atk +20, Mob +3, HP Rec III]

You don't have to use this team, or any other, necessarily. Your favorite
characters will work just fine as long as you play it smart. This is the last,
biggest challenge in the game, so bon chance, mon ami.

GOLD: 10000
ITEMS - Godspeed

None, but you can repeat Colosseum 3 as often as you like to reloot round 7 or
for additional Godspeed stones.

Skills and Damage Calculation

Skill effects are short-handed, here, in the following manner:

pATK = the attacker's Attack stat

eDEF = the target's Defense stat
pMATK = the attacker's Magic Attack stat.
eMDEF = the target's Magic Defense stat.

Where a skill has an Attack modifier listed (ex. ATKm = 1.0), the damage
prediction will be equal to pATK*ATKm - eDEF. A regular attack has an ATKm of
1.0, so roughly speaking, an attack skill with an ATKm of, say, 1.5 will do
half again as much damage as the _difference_ between the attacker's ATK and
the target's DEF. These attacks are usually also subject to positional bonuses
(strikes from the side and behind).

Where a skill has an Attack bonus listed (ex. ATKb = 60), the damage prediction
will be equal to (pATK + ATKb - eDEF)/2. So generally speaking, this sort of
attack will do _half_ the difference between attacker's ATK and the target's
DEF plus half the value of the ATKb. These attacks are usually area affects
that will hit multiple times or targets and are NOT subject to positional
bonuses. These are usually the REV skills.

Where a skill has a Magic Attack bonus listed (ex. MATKb = 130), the damage
prediction will be equal to (pMATK + MATKb - eMDEF)/2. So generally these will
do half the difference between the attacker's MATK and the target's MDEF plus
half the value of MATKb. These are also NOT subject to positional bonuses.

A very small number of skills (the healing skills and a few special attacks),
have different calculations that are listed in full. When these are REV skills,
(not the heals), race and elemental bonuses apply to pATK like the other REV

Burning auras, innate skill-based boosts, and blue/purple attack boosts usually
act as additional attack modifiers, and will raise damage ONLY AS HIGH AS THE
ATTACKER'S BASE (M)ATTACK STAT. What this means is that it's possible, in some
cases, for a more expensive skill with a higher ATKm to do equal damage,
because both have capped out. Positional modifiers (+10% from the side, +20%
from the back) can extend beyond this cap, but only by 10 or 20 percent.

It is possible when a lot of different modifiers are in play that may or may
not apply to different skills, in different ways, for a more expensive skill
to do LESS damage than even a basic attack. Indeed, since all of the bonuses
can apply to basic attacks, and many skills don't get certain bonuses, it is
very common (and deliciously exploitable) in the end/post game for you to focus
on boosting normal attacks rather than using skills.

For the record:

- Race-type bonuses act on unit ATK and apply ONLY to basic attacks and
counters. (Not REV skills, non-REV skills, or Magic.) These cannot exceed the
damage cap of the unit's base (M)ATK.

- Elemental bonuses act on unit ATK and apply ONLY to basic attacks, REV
skills (listed in this guide with ATKm values), and counters. (Not non-REV
skills or Magic.) These cannot exceed the damage cap of the unit's base (M)ATK.

- Positional bonuses apply to the final damage total, not unit ATK value, and
apply ONLY to basic attacks, REV skills, and counters. (Not non-REV skills or
Magic.) Positional bonuses add 10% damage from the side and 20% damage from the
back. They also increase the damage cap by the same amount.

- Burning Auras apply to all attacks, skills and magic and add 0.1*(M)ATK to
damage, per aura. These cannot exceed the damage cap of the unit's base (M)ATK.

- Piercing Power III adds 20% to the damage done by attacks, counters, and REV
skills, and expands the damage cap by 20%.

- Desperation/II/III add 10/20/30% to damage to basic attacks and counters

only, and expands the damage cap for basic attacks and counters only by the
same amounts.

Another very important factor to understand is the difference between predicted

damage and actual damage.

There is an unavoidable randomness of about plus or minus 15% between predicted

and actual damage. So if your predicted damage is within a few HP of a kill,
and you're planning on the kill, realize that you stand only about a 50%
chance of making the kill. A good rule of thumb is to exceed the amount you
need by at least 10%.

Also, the damage prediction does not take into account critical hits. Certain
weapons, skills, and characters have (or can be made to have) perfect critical
potential. A critical hit tends to boost the attack (or counterattack) over the
prediction by between 5% and 45%. I have never seen a critical be LESS than the
predicted damage, and I have seen crits as high as ~145%.

The upshot of this is that if one attack that you know will crit (Dire Swing)
has even a lower damage prediction (within 10-20% or so) of another attack or
skill (all other bonuses being equal), you'll get reliably better damage out of
the attack that crits.

Furthermore, the damage prediction never exceeds 999, even though actual damage
can easily exceed that. So for example if you've got Colet with Critical Edge
standing on a Triple burning aura from behind, the prediction will probably be
999, but his actual damage will probably be his ATK (eDEF effectively negated
by aura boosts) TIMES 1.2 (from behind) TIMES 1.25 (average crit) TIMES 4 (from
Four Hits). In other words, a post-game Colet could do as much as 2000 to 2500
damage in a single turn... against almost anything, depending on how many
bonuses you pile together.

Finally, the predicted damage doesn't account for skills like Adroit,
Counter II, Three Rounds, etc. So say you're attacking Luther (Adroit,
Counter II) from behind, at point blank, from a triple aura, using
Three Rounds. First, Adroit will fire off, which means the predicted damage
was 20% more than it should be. Second, if his Counter II activates, the
attack bonus will kick in so his return hit will be much harder than predicted.
Finally, if Three Rounds kicks off, the burning aura will only apply to the
first hit, so you won't be doing 3*predicted damage/1.2, just one boosted hit
and two regular hits.

In short, you really have to pay attention to everything and factor it into
your move, rather than relying purely on predicted damage.

Sword (Red)

Follow Me!
lvl 5 - MP 20
Effect: Attack +10
Duration: 2 turns
Range: Self
Area of Effect:


Follow Me! II
lvl 25 - MP 30
Effect: Attack +20
Duration: 2 turns
Range: Self
Area of Effect:


lvl 28 - MP 55
Effect: 100% Critical
Range: Self

Blood Sword
lvl 25 - MP 30
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, Heals = 1/2 enemy HP loss
Range: 1

Blood Sword II
lvl 42 - MP 82
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, Heals = enemy HP loss
Range: 1

Flash Strike
lvl 3 - MP 28
Effect: ATKm = 1.1
Range: 1

Triple Slash
lvl 18 - MP 51
Effect: ATKm = 1.2
Range: 1

Heaven's Gate
lvl 37 - MP 100
Effect: ATKm = 1.3
Range: 1

Crescent Arc
lvl 10 - MP 34
Effect: ATKb = 40
Range: 1
Area of Effect:


Spirit Sword
lvl 19 - MP 52
Effect: ATKb = 60
Range: Self
Area of Effect:


Tempest Sword
lvl 26 - MP 75
Effect: ATKb = 80
Range: 1
Area of Effect:


War Reverie
lvl 39 - MP 94
Effect: ATKb = 100
Range: Self
Area of Effect:

Hymn of Glory
lvl 45 - MP 115
Effect: ATKb = 120
Range: 1
Area of Effect:


Spear (Red)

lvl 11 - MP 35
Effect: ATKb = 30
Range: 1
Height Limit: 4
Through Obstacles? N
Hits: Panels
Area of Effect:


Take Flight!
lvl 20 - MP 60
Effect: ATKb = 50
Range: 5

lvl 19 - MP 55
Effect: ATKb = 50
Range: 1
Through Obstacles? Y
Hits: Panels
Area of Effect:


Leg Strike
lvl 18 - MP 45
Effect: Damage = (pATK - eDEF)/4, chance to Paralyze
Range: Weapon
Through Obstacles? N

lvl 19 - MP 55
Effect: ATKm = 0.3, eDEF = 0
Range: Weapon
Through Obstacles? N

Pierce! II
lvl 36 - MP 155
Effect: ATKm = 0.5 eDEF = 0
Range: Weapon
Through Obstacles? N

lvl 28 - MP 82
Effect: ATKb = 70
Range: Self
Through Obstacles? Y
Area of Effect:

x x
x U x
x x

lvl 44 - MP 103
Effect: ATKb = 90
Range: 1
Through Obstacles? Y
Area of Effect:


Axe (Red)

Wood Chop
lvl 3 - MP 22
Effect: ATKm = 1.2
Range: 1

Helm Splitter
lvl 18 - MP 62
Effect: ATKm = 1.3, reduces enemy DEF by 20% for three turns.
Range: 1

Mighty Roar
lvl 5 - MP 45
Effect: 50% chance to Paralyze
Range: 1
Area of Effect:


lvl 15 - MP 53
Effect: ATKb = 0
Range: Self
Area of Effect:


Dire Swing
lvl 31 - MP 49
Effect: ATKm = 1.2, always Critical
Range: 1

Bow (Red)

lvl 5 - MP 21
Effect: ATKm = 0.8
Range: Weapon

Sniper II
lvl 14 - MP 53
Effect: ATKm = 0.9
Range: Weapon

Sniper III
lvl 27 - MP 78
Effect: ATKm = 1.0
Range: Weapon

Sniper IV
lvl 40 - MP 103
Effect: ATKm = 1.5
Range: Weapon

Skewer Shot
lvl 31 - MP 55
Effect: ATKb = 35

Poison Arrow
lvl 9 - MP 32
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, chance to Poison
Poison damages the unit for 10% max HP, at the beginning of each turn.
Range: Weapon

Stun Arrow
lvl 15 - MP 52
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, chance to Paralyze
Range: Weapon

Recovery Shot
lvl 15 - MP 32
Effect: Heals = MATK * 0.1 + 70
Range: Weapon

Meteor Bolt
lvl 23 - MP 56
Effect: ATKm = 1.2
Range: Weapon

lvl 42 - MP 110
Effect: ATKb = 60, hits 10 times randomly in Area of Effect
Range: Weapon
Area of Effect:


Sky Dart
lvl 30 - MP 70
Effect: ATKm = 1.0
Range: Map

Toxic Arrow
lvl 27 - MP 74
Effect: ATKm = 0.9, chance to Poison
Poison damages the unit for 10% max HP, at the beginning of each turn.
Range: Weapon

Staff (Red)

lvl 33 - MP 180
Effect: Restores one dead unit to the map.
Range: 1

Mind Eater
lvl 36 - MP 5
Effect: MATKb = 40, damages MP, restores MP equal to enemy MP loss
Range: 3

lvl 25 - MP 58
Effect: Switches caster's position with targetted player unit.
Range: 8

lvl 40 - MP 210
Effect: MATKb = 60, hits 10 times randomly in Area of Effect
Range: Map
Area of Effect:


lvl 30 - MP 132
Effect: MATKb = 130
Range: 4

lvl 36 - MP 260
Effect: Sol elemental, hits all enemy units
- vs. Sol, MATKb = 75
- vs. Luna, MATKb = -135
- vs. Stella, MATKb = 285
Range: Map

Angel Tear
lvl 36 - MP 260
Effect: Luna elemental, hits all enemy units
- vs. Sol, MATKb = 285
- vs. Luna, MATKb = 75
- vs. Stella, MATKb = -135
Range: Map

Thor's Hammer
lvl 36 - MP 260
Effect: Stella elemental, hits all enemy units
- vs. Sol, MATKb = -135
- vs. Luna, MATKb = 285
- vs. Stella, MATKb = 75
Range: Map

Sinister Storm
lvl 36 - MP 260
Effect: MATKb = 75, hits all enemy units
Range: Map

lvl 29 - MP 225
Effect: MATKb = 65, hits all enemy and allied units
Range: Map

Dagger (Red)

Shadow Stitch
lvl 4 - MP 20
Effect: (pATK - eDEF)/2, chance to Paralyze
Range: Self
Area of Effect:


Venom Edge
lvl 5 - MP 25
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, chance to Poison
Poison damages the unit for 10% max HP, at the beginning of each turn.
Range: Weapon

Two Hits
lvl 12 - MP 42
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, strikes twice.
Range: Weapon

Three Hits
lvl 30 - MP 71
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, strikes three times.
Range: Weapon

Four Hits
lvl 46 - MP 115
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, strikes three times.
Range: Weapon

Strange Dance
lvl 14 - MP 29
Effect: enemy units in Area of Effect = ATK -10, three turns.
Range: Self
Area of Effect:


lvl 19 - MP 60
Effect: ATKb = 60, strikes enemy occupied panels in Area of Effect
Range: 5
Area of Effect:


Skill Shakedown
lvl 20 - MP 31
Effect: (pATK - eDEF)/4, chance to steal a copy of one of the enemy's equipped
skill stones.
Range: Weapon

Gold Shakedown
lvl 3 - MP 15
Effect: (pATK - eDEF)/2, steals gold roughly equal to the normal death drop
Range: Weapon

Aero Dagger
lvl 14 - MP 38
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, strikes closest enemy in Area of Effect
Range: Self
Through Obstacles? Y
Area of Effect:


lvl 8 - MP 35
Effect: Colet is "Marked" for one turn. Enemies will attack Colet rather than
other targets. If they cannot attack him, they will attack other units. Enemies
may still use attacks that target multiple characters. If Colet and Rose are
both "Marked" and in range, enemies may attack either.
Range: Self

Whip (Red)

Gold Snatcher
lvl 3 - MP 15
Effect: (pATK - eDEF)/2, steals gold roughly equal to the normal death drop
Range: Weapon

Stun Whip
lvl 5 - MP 33
Effect: ATKm = 1.0, chance to Paralyze

Wild Whip
lvl 24 - MP 105
Effect: ATKb = 40, strikes 10 times randomly in Area of Effect
Range: Self
Area of Effect:


Skill Snatcher
lvl 17 - MP 31
Effect: (pATK - eDEF)/4, chance to steal a copy of one of the enemy's equipped
skill stones.
Range: Weapon

Jezebel's Slave
lvl 6 - MP 31
Effect: Rose is "Marked" for one turn. Enemies will attack Rose rather than
other targets. If they cannot attack her, they will attack other units. Enemies
may still use attacks that target multiple characters. If Colet and Rose are
both "Marked" and in range, enemies may attack either.
Range: Self

Jezebel's Slave II
lvl 21 - MP 54
Effect: Rose is "Marked" for three turns. Enemies will attack Rose rather than
other targets. If they cannot attack her, they will attack other units. Enemies
may still use attacks that target multiple characters. If Colet and Rose are
both "Marked" and in range, enemies may attack either.
Range: Self

Other (Red) - Cannot be used by player characters.

Tail Whip

Poison Breath


Body Slam

Sword (Purple)

lvl 10
~30% chance to cancel an enemy attack that can be countered.

Counter II
lvl 34
~30% chance to cancel an enemy attack that can be countered and respond with a
boosted counterattack.

lvl 20
Turns unit toward an attacking enemy before damage calculation. (100%)

Spear (Purple)

Piercing Power
lvl 7
Increases damage to the back target when striking two enemies from 50% to 70%.

Piercing Power II
lvl 18
Increases damage to the back target when striking two enemies to 100%

Piercing Power III

lvl 30
Increases damage of all basic attacks, counters, and REV skills to 120%,
expands damage cap to 120% of base ATK, applies to front and back targets.

Axe (Purple)

lvl 4
Adds 10% to basic attacks and counters. Increases damage cap for basic attacks
and counters to 110%. Decreases unit DEF during damage calculation by 10%.

Desperation II
lvl 13
Adds 20% to basic attacks and counters. Increases damage cap for basic attacks
and counters to 120%. Decreases unit DEF during damage calculation by 20%.

Desperation III
lvl 30
Adds 30% to basic attacks and counters. Increases damage cap for basic attacks
and counters to 130%. Decreases unit DEF during damage calculation by 30%.

Bow (Purple)

Range +1
lvl 28
Adds 1 to basic attack range and skills that rely on weapon for range.

Range +2
lvl 46
Adds 2 to basic attack range and skills that rely on weapon for range.

Staff (Purple)

lvl 12
Inflicts damage from basic attacks and counters to enemy HP and MP.

Dagger (Purple)

Sneak By
lvl 10
Allows unit to move through enemy-occupied panels.

Whip (Purple)

Healing Perfume
lvl 20
Heals all allied units by 10% at the beginning of each turn.

Slip Through
lvl 10
Allows unit to move through enemy-occupied panels.

Magic (Green)

lvl 5 - MP 36
Effect: MATKb = 50, elemental (1.2x damage vs. weak, 0.8 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5

Fireball II
lvl 15 - MP 65
Effect: MATKb = 90, elemental (1.3x damage vs. weak, 0.7 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5

lvl 7 - MP 52
Effect: MATKb = 35, elemental (1.2x damage vs. weak, 0.8 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5
Area of Effect:

Flame II
lvl 18 - MP 105
Effect: MATKb = 55, elemental (1.3x damage vs. weak, 0.7 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5
Area of Effect:


Ice Bullet
lvl 6 - MP 36
Effect: MATKb = 50, elemental (1.2x damage vs. weak, 0.8 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5

Ice Bullet II
lvl 16 - MP 65
Effect: MATKb = 90, elemental (1.3x damage vs. weak, 0.7 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5

lvl 11 - MP 52
Effect: MATKb = 35, elemental (1.2x damage vs. weak, 0.8 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5
Area of Effect:


Blizzard II
lvl 20 - MP 105
Effect: MATKb = 55, elemental (1.3x damage vs. weak, 0.7 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5
Area of Effect:


lvl 7 - MP 36
Effect: MATKb = 50, elemental (1.2x damage vs. weak, 0.8 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5

Thunderbolt II
lvl 17 - MP 65
Effect: MATKb = 90, elemental (1.3x damage vs. weak, 0.7 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5

lvl 11 - MP 52
Effect: MATKb = 35, elemental (1.2x damage vs. weak, 0.8 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5
Area of Effect:

XX n
T w+e
XX s

Cyclone II
lvl 22 - MP 105
Effect: MATKb = 55, elemental (1.3x damage vs. weak, 0.7 damage vs. strong)
Range: 5
Area of Effect:


lvl 3 - MP 28
Effect: Heals for MATK*0.1 + 60
Range: 4

Heal II
lvl 16 - MP 56
Effect: Heals for MATK*0.1 + 100
Range: 4

Healing Wind
lvl 9 - MP 68
Effect: Heals allies in area of effect for MATK*0.1 + 50
Range: 4
Area of Effect:


Healing Wind II
lvl 24 - MP 103
Effect: Heals allies in area of effect for MATK*0.1 + 120
Range: 4


lvl 7 - MP 29
Effect: Removes Poison, Paralysis.
Range: 4

Raise Force
lvl 17 - MP 18
Effect: Attack +10, three turns.
Range: 4
Raise Defenses
lvl 14 - MP 21
Effect: Defense +10, three turns.
Range: 4

Magic Shield
lvl 18 - MP 18
Effect: Magic Defense +10, three turns.

Raise Mobility
lvl 20 - MP 51
Effect: Mobility +1, three turns.
Range: 4

Lower Mobility
lvl 10 - MP 21
Effect: Mobility -1, three turns.
Range: 4

lvl 10 - MP 32
Effect: Inflicts Poison Status, three turns.
Poison damages the unit for 10% max HP, at the beginning of each turn.
Range: 4

Lower Force
lvl 13 - MP 25
Effect: Attack -10, three turns.
Range: 4

Lower Defenses
lvl 21 - MP 23
Effect: Defense -10, three turns.
Range: 4

Magic Rust
lvl 18 - MP 23
Effect: Magic Defense -10, three turns.
Range: 4

Support (Blue)

HP Recovery I
lvl 10
Restores 10% HP at the start of each turn.

HP Recovery II
lvl 21
Restores 20% HP at the start of each turn.

HP Recovery III
lvl 35
Restores 30% HP at the start of each turn.

EXP Bonus
lvl 7
120% EXP gain.

EXP Bonus II
lvl 15
150% EXP gain.


lvl 22
200% EXP gain.

EXP Bonus IV
lvl 29
300% EXP gain.

lvl 38
Character will counterattack before the enemy's attack, if a counter is
possible. (100%)

Two Rounds
lvl 31
~30% chance to execute basic attack twice. Enemy also counters twice, if a
counter is possible.

Three Rounds
lvl 45
~30% chance to execute a basic attack three times. Enemy also counters three
times, if a counter is possible.

Beast Slayer
lvl 24
Increases pATK vs. Beast type by 15% for basic attacks and counters.

lvl 25
Increases pATK vs. Human type by 15% for basic attacks and counters.

Goliath Slayer
lvl 27
Increases pATK vs. Goliath type by 15% for basic attacks and counters.

Undead Slayer
lvl 27
Increases pATK vs. Undead type by 15% for basic attacks and counters.

Devil Slayer
lvl 30
Increases pATK vs. Devil type by 15% for basic attacks and counters.

Dragon Slayer
lvl 30
Increases pATK vs. Wyvern type by 15% for basic attacks and counters.

lvl 50
If the unit kills an enemy unit, it may take another turn (including move and
attack), no additional MP/HP regen, etc. occurs.

Critical Edge
lvl 20
CRIT +30

Treasure Hunter
lvl 9
Reveals all item points on the map. Colet only.

Treasure Lover
lvl 3
Reveals all item points on the map. Rose only.

HP +20
lvl 11

HP +30
lvl 13

HP +50
lvl 17

HP +100
lvl 23

HP +150
lvl 35

HP +300
lvl 50

MP +10
lvl 7

MP +20
lvl 15

MP +30
lvl 19

MP +50
lvl 27

MP +100
lvl 34

MP +150
lvl 45

Attack +3
lvl 1

Attack +5
lvl 6

Attack +10
lvl 13

Attack +20
lvl 21
Attack +30
lvl 30

Magic Attack +3
lvl 8

Magic Attack +5
lvl 11

Magic Attack +10

lvl 16

Magic Attack +20

lvl 21

Accuracy +5
lvl 7

Accuracy +10
lvl 13

Accuracy +30
lvl 21

Evade +5
lvl 4

Evade +10
lvl 16

Evade +30
lvl 23

Mobility +1
lvl 24

Mobility +2
lvl 32

Mobility +3
lvl 40

Defense +3
lvl 5

Defense +5
lvl 10

Magic Defense +3
lvl 5

Magic Defense +5
lvl 10

Sol Spirit +1
lvl 5
- Increases pATK vs. Stella type by 10% for basic attacks, counters, and REV
- Increases enemy ATK vs. unit by 10%/20%/30% for Luna +1/+2/+3 enemy types
for counters, basic attacks, and REV skills.

Sol Spirit +2
lvl 10
- Increases pATK vs. Stella type by 20% for basic attacks, counters, and REV
- Increases enemy ATK vs. unit by 10%/20%/30% for Luna +1/+2/+3 enemy types
for counters, basic attacks, and REV skills.

Sol Spirit +3
lvl 20
- Increases pATK vs. Stella type by 30% for basic attacks, counters, and REV
- Increases enemy ATK vs. unit by 10%/20%/30% for Luna +1/+2/+3 enemy types
for counters, basic attacks, and REV skills.

Luna Spirit +1
lvl 5
- Increases pATK vs. Sol type by 10% for basic attacks, counters, and REV
- Increases enemy ATK vs. unit by 10%/20%/30% for Stella +1/+2/+3 enemy types
for counters, basic attacks, and REV skills.

Luna Spirit +2
lvl 10
- Increases pATK vs. Sol type by 20% for basic attacks, counters, and REV
- Increases enemy ATK vs. unit by 10%/20%/30% for Stella +1/+2/+3 enemy types
for counters, basic attacks, and REV skills.

Luna Spirit +3
lvl 20
- Increases pATK vs. Sol type by 30% for basic attacks, counters, and REV
- Increases enemy ATK vs. unit by 10%/20%/30% for Stella +1/+2/+3 enemy types
for counters, basic attacks, and REV skills.

Stella Spirit +1
lvl 5
- Increases pATK vs. Luna type by 10% for basic attacks, counters, and REV
- Increases enemy ATK vs. unit by 10%/20%/30% for Sol +1/+2/+3 enemy types
for counters, basic attacks, and REV skills.

Stella Spirit +2
lvl 10
- Increases pATK vs. Luna type by 20% for basic attacks, counters, and REV
- Increases enemy ATK vs. unit by 10%/20%/30% for Sol +1/+2/+3 enemy types
for counters, basic attacks, and REV skills.

Stella Spirit +3
lvl 20
- Increases pATK vs. Luna type by 10% for basic attacks, counters, and REV
- Increases enemy pATK vs. unit by 10%/20%/30% for Sol +1/+2/+3 enemy types
for counters, basic attacks, and REV skills.

Bind List (alpha by result)

Accuracy +10 = Accuracy +5 + Accuracy +5

Adroit = Counter + Evade +10
Adroit = Preemptive + EXP Bonus
Aero Dagger = Cyclone II + Accuracy +10
Aero Dagger = Cyclone II + Skewer Shot
Angel Tear = Healing Perfume + Magic Attack +20
Attack +10 = Attack +5 + Attack +5
Attack +10 = Attack +5 + Sol Spirit +2
Attack +20 = Attack +10 + Attack +10
Attack +20 = Attack +10 + Sol Spirit +3
Attack +3 = Raise Force + Sol Spirit +1
Attack +5 = Attack +3 + Sol Spirit +1
Beast Slayer = Triple Slash + Sol Spirit +2
Blizzard = Luna Spirit +2 + Luna Spirit +2
Blizzard II = Blizzard + Luna Spirit +3
Blizzard II = Crescent Arc + Spirit Sword
Blizzard II = Luna Spirit +3 + Desperation III
Blood Sword = HP +50 + Spirit Sword
Blood Sword = HP Recovery + Spirit Sword
Blood Sword II = Blood Sword + HP Recovery II
Blood Sword II = Blood Sword + Magic Attack +10
Bomb = Fireball II + Aero Dagger
Bomb = Fireball II + Flame
Bomb = Sol Spirit +2 + Aero Dagger
Compass = Crescent Arc + Wood Chop
Compass = Cyclone + Wood Chop
Counter = EXP Bonus + Raise Mobility
Counter = Raise Mobility + Triple Slash
Counter II = Evade +10 + Sneak By
Counter II = Preemptive + Counter
Crescent Arc = Flash Strike + Luna Spirit +1
Crescent Arc = Luna Spirit +1 + Attack +3
Cyclone = Stella Spirit +2 + Stella Spirit +2
Cyclone II = Compass + Sweep!
Cyclone II = Stella Spirit +3 + Compass
Cyclone II = Stella Spirit +3 + Sweep!
Defense +3 = Raise Defenses +Stella Spirit +1
Defense +5 = Defense +3 + Stella Spirit +2
Desperation II = Desperation + Raise Force
Desperation II = Lower Defenses + Attack +3
Desperation III = Desperation II + Mighty Roar
Desperation III = Desperation II + Provoke
Destroy! = Ravage! + Sinister Storm
Devil Slayer = Sniper III + Stella Spirit +2
Dire Swing = Critical Edge + Wood Chop
Dire Swing = Wood Chop + Helm Splitter
Dragon Slayer = Ravage! + Luna Spirit +2
Earthquake = Body Slam + Thor's Hammer
Evade +10 = Evade +5 + Evade +5
EXP Bonus II = EXP Bonus + EXP Bonus
EXP Bonus III = EXP Bonus II + EXP Bonus II
EXP Bonus IV = EXP Bonus III + EXP Bonus III
Fireball = Sol Spirit +1 + Sol Spirit +1
Fireball II = Fireball + Sol Spirit +2
Fireball II = Fireball + Sniper II
Flame = Sol Spirit +2 + Sol Spirit +2
Flame II = Flame + Bomb
Flame II = Flame + Sol Spirit +3
Flame II = Sol Spirit +3 + Mighty Roar
Follow Me! = Mighty Roar + Raise Force
Follow Me! = Raise Force + Attack +3
Follow Me! II = Follow Me! + Attack +10
Follow Me! II = Follow Me! + Mighty Roar
Four Hits = Three Hits + Three Hits
Four Hits = Three Hits + Three Rounds
Goliath Slayer = Helm Splitter + Stella Spirit +2
Heal II = Heal + HP +20
Heal II = Heal + Magic Attack +3
Healing Perfume = Healing Wind II + Jezebel's Slave
Healing Perfume = HP Recovery II + Jezebel's Slave
Healing Wind = Heal + Cyclone II
Healing Wind = Heal II + Cyclone
Healing Wind II = Breath + Heal II
Healing Wind II = Healing Wind + HP Recovery
Healing Wind II = HP +50 + Mighty Roar
Heaven's Gate = Heal II + Triple Slash
Heaven's Gate = Spirit Sword + Undead Slayer
Helm Splitter = Take Flight! + Lower Defenses
Helm Splitter = Wood Chop + Thunderbolt II
HP +100 = HP +50 + HP +50
HP +100 = HP +50 + Luna Spirit +2
HP +150 = HP +100 + HP +100
HP +150 = HP +100 + Luna Spirit +3
HP +30 = HP +20 + Luna Spirit +1
HP +50 = HP +30 + HP +30
HP +50 = HP +30 + Luna Spirit +1
HP Recovery II = HP Recovery + HP Recovery
HP Recovery III = HP Recovery II + HP +100
HP Recovery III = HP Recovery II + HP Recovery II
Hymn of Glory = Inferno + War Reverie
Ice Bullet = Luna Spirit +1 + Luna Spirit +1
Ice Bullet II = Ice Bullet + Crescent Arc
Ice Bullet II = Luna Spirit +2 + Magic Defense +5
Ice Bullet II = Luna Spirit +2 + Magic Shield
Impale! = Ice Bullet + Attack +3
Impale! = Piercing Power + Ice Bullet
Inferno = War Reverie + Magic Attack +20
Jezebel's Slave = Lower Force + Provoke
Jezebel's Slave = Magic Attack +5 + Gold Snatcher
Jezebel's Slave = Stun Whip + Lower Defenses
Jezebel's Slave II = Jezebel's Slave + Blood Sword II
Jezebel's Slave II = Jezebel's Slave + Mind Eater
Jugulaire = Sniper II + Wood Chop
Jugulaire = Triple Slash + Critical Edge
Leg Strike = Gold Shakedown + Gold Snatcher
Leg Strike = Lower Force + Crescent Arc
Lightning = Piercing Power II + MP +30
Lightning = Piercing Power II + Thunderbolt II
Magic Attack +10 = Magic Attack +5 + Magic Attack +5
Magic Attack +10 = Magic Attack +5 + Sol Spirit +2
Magic Attack +20 = Magic Attack +10 + Magic Attack +10
Magic Attack +20 = Magic Attack +10 + Sol Spirit +3
Magic Attack +5 = Magic Attack +3 + Sol Spirit +1
Magic Defense +3 = Magic Shield + Stella Spirit +1
Magic Defense +5 = Magic Defense +3 + Stella Spirit +2
Man-Eater = Two-Hits + Luna Spirit +2
Meteor = Salvo + Fireball II
Meteor = Sky Dart + Flame II
Meteor Bolt = Fireball II + Impale!
Meteor Bolt = Stella Spirit +2 + Fireball II
Mighty Roar = Follow Me! + Lower Force
Mighty Roar = Lower Force + Flash Strike
Mind Eater = Mindbreaker + Impale!
Mind Eater = MP +20 + Blood Sword
Mindbreaker = Magic Rust + Helm Splitter
Mindbreaker = Magic Rust + Jezebel's Slave
Mobility +2 = Mobility +1 + Mobility +1
Mobility +2 = Mobility +1 + Raise Mobility
MP +100 = MP +50 + Luna Spirit +3
MP +100 = MP +50 + MP +50
MP +20 = MP +10 + Luna Spirit +1
MP +30 = MP +20 + Luna Spirit +1
MP +30 = MP +20 + MP +20
MP +50 = MP +30 + Luna Spirit +2
MP +50 = MP +30 + MP +30
Pierce! = Impale! + Attack +5
Pierce! = Lower Defenses + Piercing Power
Pierce! II = Pierce! + Skewer Shot
Pierce! II = Piercing Power II + Attack +10
Piercing Power II = Piercing Power + Attack +10
Piercing Power II = Piercing Power + EXP Bonus
Piercing Power III = Piercing Power II + Attack +20
Piercing Power III = Piercing Power II + EXP Bonus II
Poison Arrow = Sniper + Poison
Preemptive = Counter + Raise Mobility
Preemptive = Evade +10 + Accuracy +10
Provoke = Desperation + Evade +5
Provoke = Lower Defenses + Evade +5
Ravage! = Desperation III + Accuracy +10
Ravage! = Jugulaire + Raise Mobility
Recovery Shot = Heal II + Impale!
Recovery Shot = Heal II + Sniper II
Recovery Shot = HP Recovery + Skewer Shot
Revivify = Healing Wind II + Cure
Revivify = HP Recovery II + Magic Attack +10
Salvo = Meteor + Sky Dart
Shadow Stitch = Lower Force + Sniper II
Shadow Stitch = Lower Force + Two Hits
Sinister Storm = Ravage! + Magic Attack +20
Skewer Shot = Fireball II + Sniper II
Skewer Shot = Piercing Power II + Aero Dagger
Skewer Shot = Sniper II + Piercing Power II
Skill Shakedown = Shadow Stitch + EXP Bonus II
Skill Snatcher = Shadow Stitch + Jezebel's Slave
Sky Dart = Take Flight! + Meteor Bolt
Sky Dart = Take Flight! + Mobility +1
Sneak By = Evade +10 + Mobility +1
Sniper = Accuracy +5 + Lower Force
Sniper II = Accuracy +10 + Sniper
Sniper II = Sniper + Attack +5
Sniper III = Accuracy +30 + Sniper II
Sniper III = Sniper II + Skewer Shot
Sniper IV = Sniper III + Attack +20
Sniper IV = Sniper III + Lightning
Spirit Sword = Ice Bullet II + Attack +5
Spirit Sword = Skewer Shot + Crescent Arc
Strange Dance = Lower Force + Gold Shakedown
Strange Dance = Lower Force + Gold Snatcher
Stun Arrow = Sniper + Lower Force
Stun Whip = Lower Force + Tail Whip
Swap Take = Flight! + Magic Attack +3
Sweep! = Body Slam + Raise Mobility
Sweep! = Triple Slash + Leg Strike
Take Flight! = Accuracy +10 + Thunderbolt
Take Flight! = Sniper + Thunderbolt
Tempest Sword = Cyclone II + Sweep!
Tempest Sword = Spirit Sword + Cyclone II
Thor's Hammer = Sky Dart + Magic Attack +20
Three Hits = Two Hits + Two Hits
Three Hits = Two Hits + Two Rounds
Three Rounds = Two Rounds + Two Rounds
Thunderbolt = Stella Spirit +1 + Stella Spirit +1
Thunderbolt II = Thunderbolt + Stella Spirit +2
Thunderbolt II = Thunderbolt + Take Flight!
Toxic Arrow = Poison Arrow + Sniper II
Triple Slash = Flash Strike + Crescent Arc
Triple Slash = Flash Strike + Cyclone
Two Hits = Two Rounds + Raise Mobility
Undead Slayer = Healing Wind II + Sol Spirit +2
Venom Edge = Poison + Flash Strike
War Reverie = Man-Eater + Follow Me! II
War Reverie = Tempest Sword + Four Hits
Wild Whip = Meteor + Compass
Wild Whip = Tail Whip + Meteor
Wild Whip = Three Hits + Two Rounds

Bind List (alpha by component)

Accuracy +10 + Cyclone II = Aero Dagger

Accuracy +10 + Desperation III = Ravage!
Accuracy +10 + Evade +10 = Preemptive
Accuracy +10 + Sniper = Sniper II
Accuracy +10 + Thunderbolt = Take Flight!
Accuracy +30 + Sniper II = Sniper III
Accuracy +5 + Accuracy +5 = Accuracy +10
Accuracy +5 + Lower Force = Sniper
Aero Dagger + Fireball II = Bomb
Aero Dagger + Piercing Power II = Skewer Shot
Aero Dagger + Sol Spirit +2 = Bomb
Attack +10 + Attack +10 = Attack +20
Attack +10 + Follow Me! = Follow Me! II
Attack +10 + Piercing Power = Piercing Power II
Attack +10 + Piercing Power II = Pierce! II
Attack +10 + Sol Spirit +3 = Attack +20
Attack +20 + Piercing Power II = Piercing Power III
Attack +20 + Sniper III = Sniper IV
Attack +3 + Ice Bullet = Impale!
Attack +3 + Lower Defenses = Desperation II
Attack +3 + Luna Spirit +1 = Crescent Arc
Attack +3 + Raise Force = Follow Me!
Attack +3 + Sol Spirit +1 = Attack +5
Attack +5 + Attack +5 = Attack +10
Attack +5 + Ice Bullet II = Spirit Sword
Attack +5 + Impale! = Pierce!
Attack +5 + Sniper = Sniper II
Attack +5 + Sol Spirit +2 = Attack +10
Blizzard + Luna Spirit +3 = Blizzard II
Blood Sword + HP Recovery II = Blood Sword II
Blood Sword + Magic Attack +10 = Blood Sword II
Blood Sword + MP +20 = Mind Eater
Blood Sword II + Jezebel's Slave = Jezebel's Slave II
Body Slam + Raise Mobility = Sweep!
Body Slam + Thor's Hammer = Earthquake
Bomb + Flame = Flame II
Breath + Heal II = Healing Wind II
Compass + Meteor = Wild Whip
Compass + Stella Spirit +3 = Cyclone II
Compass + Sweep! = Cyclone II
Counter + Evade +10 = Adroit
Counter + Preemptive = Counter II
Counter + Raise Mobility = Preemptive
Crescent Arc + Flash Strike = Triple Slash
Crescent Arc + Ice Bullet = Ice Bullet II
Crescent Arc + Lower Force = Leg Strike
Crescent Arc + Skewer Shot = Spirit Sword
Crescent Arc + Spirit Sword = Blizzard II
Crescent Arc + Wood Chop = Compass
Critical Edge + Triple Slash = Jugulaire
Critical Edge + Wood Chop = Dire Swing
Cure + Healing Wind II = Revivify
Cyclone + Wood Chop = Compass
Cyclone + Flash Strike = Triple Slash
Cyclone + Heal II = Healing Wind
Cyclone II + Accuracy +10 = Aero Dagger
Cyclone II + Heal = Healing Wind
Cyclone II + Skewer Shot = Aero Dagger
Cyclone II + Spirit Sword = Tempest Sword
Cyclone II + Sweep! = Tempest Sword
Defense +3 + Stella Spirit +2 = Defense +5
Desperation + Evade +5 = Provoke
Desperation + Raise Force = Desperation II
Desperation II + Provoke = Desperation III
Desperation II + Mighty Roar = Desperation III
Desperation III + Accuracy +10 = Ravage!
Desperation III + Luna Spirit +3 = Blizzard II
Evade +10 + Accuracy +10 = Preemptive
Evade +10 + Counter = Adroit
Evade +10 + Mobility +1 = Sneak By
Evade +10 + Sneak By = Counter II
Evade +5 + Desperation = Provoke
Evade +5 + Evade +5 = Evade +10
Evade +5 + Lower Defenses = Provoke
EXP Bonus + Preemptive = Adroit
EXP Bonus + EXP Bonus = EXP Bonus II
EXP Bonus + Piercing Power = Piercing Power II
EXP Bonus + Raise Mobility = Counter
EXP Bonus II + EXP Bonus II = EXP Bonus III
EXP Bonus II + Piercing Power II = Piercing Power III
EXP Bonus II + Shadow Stitch = Skill Shakedown
EXP Bonus III + EXP Bonus III = EXP Bonus IV
Fireball + Sniper II = Fireball II
Fireball + Sol Spirit +2 = Fireball II
Fireball II + Aero Dagger = Bomb
Fireball II + Flame = Bomb
Fireball II + Impale! = Meteor Bolt
Fireball II + Salvo = Meteor
Fireball II + Sniper II = Skewer Shot
Fireball II + Stella Spirit +2 = Meteor Bolt
Flame + Fireball II = Bomb
Flame + Bomb = Flame II
Flame + Sol Spirit +3 = Flame II
Flame II + Sky Dart = Meteor
Flash Strike + Crescent Arc = Triple Slash
Flash Strike + Cyclone = Triple Slash
Flash Strike + Lower Force = Mighty Roar
Flash Strike + Luna Spirit +1 = Crescent Arc
Flash Strike + Poison = Venom Edge
Follow Me! + Attack +10 = Follow Me! II
Follow Me! + Lower Force = Mighty Roar
Follow Me! + Mighty Roar = Follow Me! II
Follow Me! II + Man-Eater = War Reverie
Four Hits + Tempest Sword = War Reverie
Gold Shakedown + Gold Snatcher = Leg Strike
Gold Shakedown + Lower Force = Strange Dance
Gold Snatcher + Gold Shakedown = Leg Strike
Gold Snatcher + Lower Force = Strange Dance
Gold Snatcher + Magic Attack +5 = Jezebel's Slave
Heal + Cyclone II = Healing Wind
Heal + HP +20 = Heal II
Heal + Magic Attack +3 = Heal II
Heal II + Breath = Healing Wind II
Heal II + Cyclone = Healing Wind
Heal II + Impale! = Recovery Shot
Heal II + Sniper II = Recovery Shot
Heal II + Triple Slash = Heaven's Gate
Healing Perfume + Magic Attack +20 = Angel Tear
Healing Wind + HP Recovery = Healing Wind II
Healing Wind II + Cure = Revivify
Healing Wind II + Jezebel's Slave = Healing Perfume
Healing Wind II + Sol Spirit +2 = Undead Slayer
Helm Splitter + Magic Rust = Mindbreaker
Helm Splitter + Stella Spirit +2 = Goliath Slayer
Helm Splitter + Wood Chop = Dire Swing
HP +100 + HP +100 = HP +150
HP +100 + HP Recovery II = HP Recovery III
HP +100 + Luna Spirit +3 = HP +150
HP +20 + Heal = Heal II
HP +20 + Luna Spirit +1 = HP +30
HP +30 + HP +30 = HP +50
HP +30 + Luna Spirit +1 = HP +50
HP +50 + HP +50 = HP +100
HP +50 + Luna Spirit +2 = HP +100
HP +50 + Mighty Roar = Healing Wind II
HP +50 + Spirit Sword = Blood Sword
HP Recovery + Healing Wind = Healing Wind II
HP Recovery + HP Recovery = HP Recovery II
HP Recovery + Skewer Shot = Recovery Shot
HP Recovery + Spirit Sword = Blood Sword
HP Recovery II + Blood Sword = Blood Sword II
HP Recovery II + HP +100 = HP Recovery III
HP Recovery II + HP Recovery II = HP Recovery III
HP Recovery II + Jezebel's Slave = Healing Perfume
HP Recovery II + Magic Attack +10 = Revivify
Ice Bullet + Attack +3 = Impale!
Ice Bullet + Crescent Arc = Ice Bullet II
Ice Bullet + Piercing Power = Impale!
Ice Bullet II + Attack +5 = Spirit Sword
Impale! + Attack +5 = Pierce!
Impale! + Fireball II = Meteor Bolt
Impale! + Heal II = Recovery Shot
Impale! + Mindbreaker = Mind Eater
Inferno + War Reverie = Hymn of Glory
Jezebel's Slave + Blood Sword II = Jezebel's Slave II
Jezebel's Slave + Healing Wind II = Healing Perfume
Jezebel's Slave + HP Recovery II = Healing Perfume
Jezebel's Slave + Magic Rust = Mindbreaker
Jezebel's Slave + Mind Eater = Jezebel's Slave II
Jezebel's Slave + Shadow Stitch = Skill Snatcher
Jugulaire + Raise Mobility = Ravage!
Leg Strike + Triple Slash = Sweep!
Lightning + Sniper III = Sniper IV
Lower Defenses + Attack +3 = Desperation II
Lower Defenses + Evade +5 = Provoke
Lower Defenses + Piercing Power = Pierce!
Lower Defenses + Stun Whip = Jezebel's Slave
Lower Defenses + Take Flight! = Helm Splitter
Lower Force + Accuracy +5 = Sniper
Lower Force + Crescent Arc = Leg Strike
Lower Force + Flash Strike = Mighty Roar
Lower Force + Follow Me! = Mighty Roar
Lower Force + Gold Shakedown = Strange Dance
Lower Force + Gold Snatcher = Strange Dance
Lower Force + Provoke = Jezebel's Slave
Lower Force + Sniper = Stun Arrow
Lower Force + Sniper II = Shadow Stitch
Lower Force + Tail Whip = Stun Whip
Lower Force + Two Hits = Shadow Stitch
Luna Spirit +1 + Attack +3 = Crescent Arc
Luna Spirit +1 + Flash Strike = Crescent Arc
Luna Spirit +1 + HP +20 = HP +30
Luna Spirit +1 + HP +30 = HP +50
Luna Spirit +1 + Luna Spirit +1 = Ice Bullet
Luna Spirit +1 + MP +10 = MP +20
Luna Spirit +1 + MP +20 = MP +30
Luna Spirit +2 + HP +50 = HP +100
Luna Spirit +2 + Luna Spirit +2 = Blizzard
Luna Spirit +2 + Magic Defense +5 = Ice Bullet II
Luna Spirit +2 + Magic Shield = Ice Bullet II
Luna Spirit +2 + MP +30 = MP +50
Luna Spirit +2 + Ravage! = Dragon Slayer
Luna Spirit +2 + Two-Hits = Man-Eater
Luna Spirit +3 + Blizzard = Blizzard II
Luna Spirit +3 + Desperation III = Blizzard II
Luna Spirit +3 + HP +100 = HP +150
Luna Spirit +3 + MP +50 = MP +100
Magic Attack +10 + Blood Sword = Blood Sword II
Magic Attack +10 + HP Recovery II = Revivify
Magic Attack +10 + Magic Attack +10 = Magic Attack +20
Magic Attack +10 + Sol Spirit +3 = Magic Attack +20
Magic Attack +20 + Healing Perfume = Angel Tear
Magic Attack +20 + Ravage! = Sinister Storm
Magic Attack +20 + Sky Dart = Thor's Hammer
Magic Attack +20 + War Reverie = Inferno
Magic Attack +3 + Heal = Heal II
Magic Attack +3 + Sol Spirit +1 = Magic Attack +5
Magic Attack +3 + Take Flight! = Swap
Magic Attack +5 + Gold Snatcher = Jezebel's Slave
Magic Attack +5 + Magic Attack +5 = Magic Attack +10
Magic Attack +5 + Sol Spirit +2 = Magic Attack +10
Magic Defense +3 + Stella Spirit +2 = Magic Defense +5
Magic Defense +5 + Luna Spirit +2 = Ice Bullet II
Magic Rust + Helm Splitter = Mindbreaker
Magic Rust + Jezebel's Slave = Mindbreaker
Magic Shield + Luna Spirit +2 = Ice Bullet II
Magic Shield + Stella Spirit +1 = Magic Defense +3
Man-Eater + Follow Me! II = War Reverie
Meteor + Tail Whip = Wild Whip
Meteor + Compass = Wild Whip
Meteor + Sky Dart = Salvo
Meteor Bolt + Take Flight! = Sky Dart
Mighty Roar + Desperation II = Desperation III
Mighty Roar + Follow Me! = Follow Me! II
Mighty Roar + HP +50 = Healing Wind II
Mighty Roar + Raise Force = Follow Me!
Mighty Roar + Sol Spirit +3 = Flame II
Mind Eater + Jezebel's Slave = Jezebel's Slave II
Mindbreaker + Impale! = Mind Eater
Mobility +1 + Evade +10 = Sneak By
Mobility +1 + Mobility +1 = Mobility +2
Mobility +1 + Raise Mobility = Mobility +2
Mobility +1 + Take Flight! = Sky Dart
MP +10 + Luna Spirit +1 = MP +20
MP +20 + Blood Sword = Mind Eater
MP +20 + Luna Spirit +1 = MP +30
MP +20 + MP +20 = MP +30
MP +30 + Luna Spirit +2 = MP +50
MP +30 + MP +30 = MP +50
MP +30 + Piercing Power II = Lightning
MP +50 + Luna Spirit +3 = MP +100
MP +50 + MP +50 = MP +100
Pierce! + Skewer Shot = Pierce! II
Piercing Power + Attack +10 = Piercing Power II
Piercing Power + EXP Bonus = Piercing Power II
Piercing Power + Ice Bullet = Impale!
Piercing Power + Lower Defenses = Pierce!
Piercing Power II + Aero Dagger = Skewer Shot
Piercing Power II + Attack +10 = Pierce! II
Piercing Power II + Attack +20 = Piercing Power III
Piercing Power II + EXP Bonus II = Piercing Power III
Piercing Power II + MP +30 = Lightning
Piercing Power II + Sniper II = Skewer Shot
Piercing Power II + Thunderbolt II = Lightning
Poison + Flash Strike = Venom Edge
Poison + Sniper = Poison Arrow
Poison Arrow + Sniper II = Toxic Arrow
Preemptive + Counter = Counter II
Preemptive + EXP Bonus = Adroit
Provoke + Desperation II = Desperation III
Provoke + Lower Force = Jezebel's Slave
Raise Defenses + Stella Spirit +1 = Defense +3
Raise Force + Attack +3 = Follow Me!
Raise Force + Desperation = Desperation II
Raise Force + Mighty Roar = Follow Me!
Raise Force + Sol Spirit +1 = Attack +3
Raise Mobility + Body Slam = Sweep!
Raise Mobility + Counter = Preemptive
Raise Mobility + EXP Bonus = Counter
Raise Mobility + Jugulaire = Ravage!
Raise Mobility + Mobility +1 = Mobility +2
Raise Mobility + Triple Slash = Counter
Raise Mobility + Two Rounds = Two Hits
Ravage! + Luna Spirit +2 = Dragon Slayer
Ravage! + Magic Attack +20 = Sinister Storm
Ravage! + Sinister Storm = Destroy!
Salvo + Fireball II = Meteor
Shadow Stitch + EXP Bonus II = Skill Shakedown
Shadow Stitch + Jezebel's Slave = Skill Snatcher
Sinister Storm + Ravage! = Destroy!
Skewer Shot + Crescent Arc = Spirit Sword
Skewer Shot + Cyclone II = Aero Dagger
Skewer Shot + HP Recovery = Recovery Shot
Skewer Shot + Pierce! = Pierce! II
Skewer Shot + Sniper II = Sniper III
Sky Dart + Flame II = Meteor
Sky Dart + Magic Attack +20 = Thor's Hammer
Sky Dart + Meteor = Salvo
Sneak By + Evade +10 = Counter II
Sniper + Thunderbolt = Take Flight!
Sniper + Accuracy +10 = Sniper II
Sniper + Attack +5 = Sniper II
Sniper + Lower Force = Stun Arrow
Sniper + Poison = Poison Arrow
Sniper II + Accuracy +30 = Sniper III
Sniper II + Fireball = Fireball II
Sniper II + Fireball II = Skewer Shot
Sniper II + Heal II = Recovery Shot
Sniper II + Lower Force = Shadow Stitch
Sniper II + Piercing Power II = Skewer Shot
Sniper II + Poison Arrow = Toxic Arrow
Sniper II + Skewer Shot = Sniper III
Sniper II + Wood Chop = Jugulaire
Sniper III + Attack +20 = Sniper IV
Sniper III + Lightning = Sniper IV
Sniper III + Stella Spirit +2 = Devil Slayer
Sol Spirit +1 + Attack +3 = Attack +5
Sol Spirit +1 + Magic Attack +3 = Magic Attack +5
Sol Spirit +1 + Raise Force = Attack +3
Sol Spirit +1 + Sol Spirit +1 = Fireball
Sol Spirit +2 + Aero Dagger = Bomb
Sol Spirit +2 + Attack +5 = Attack +10
Sol Spirit +2 + Fireball = Fireball II
Sol Spirit +2 + Healing Wind II = Undead Slayer
Sol Spirit +2 + Magic Attack +5 = Magic Attack +10
Sol Spirit +2 + Sol Spirit +2 = Flame
Sol Spirit +2 + Triple Slash = Beast Slayer
Sol Spirit +3 + Attack +10 = Attack +20
Sol Spirit +3 + Flame = Flame II
Sol Spirit +3 + Magic Attack +10 = Magic Attack +20
Sol Spirit +3 + Mighty Roar = Flame II
Spirit Sword + Crescent Arc = Blizzard II
Spirit Sword + Cyclone II = Tempest Sword
Spirit Sword + HP +50 = Blood Sword
Spirit Sword + HP Recovery = Blood Sword
Spirit Sword + Undead Slayer = Heaven's Gate
Stella Spirit +1 + Magic Shield = Magic Defense +3
Stella Spirit +1 + Raise Defenses = Defense +3
Stella Spirit +1 + Stella Spirit +1 = Thunderbolt
Stella Spirit +2 + Defense +3 = Defense +5
Stella Spirit +2 + Fireball II = Meteor Bolt
Stella Spirit +2 + Helm Splitter = Goliath Slayer
Stella Spirit +2 + Magic Defense +3 = Magic Defense +5
Stella Spirit +2 + Sniper III = Devil Slayer
Stella Spirit +2 + Stella Spirit +2 = Cyclone
Stella Spirit +2 + Thunderbolt = Thunderbolt II
Stella Spirit +3 + Compass = Cyclone II
Stella Spirit +3 + Sweep! = Cyclone II
Stun Whip + Lower Defenses = Jezebel's Slave
Sweep! + Compass = Cyclone II
Sweep! + Cyclone II = Tempest Sword
Sweep! + Stella Spirit +3 = Cyclone II
Tail Whip + Lower Force = Stun Whip
Tail Whip + Meteor = Wild Whip
Take Flight! + Lower Defenses = Helm Splitter
Take Flight! + Magic Attack +3 = Swap
Take Flight! + Meteor Bolt = Sky Dart
Take Flight! + Mobility +1 = Sky Dart
Take Flight! + Thunderbolt = Thunderbolt II
Tempest Sword + Four Hits = War Reverie
Thor's Hammer + Body Slam = Earthquake
Three Hits + Three Hits = Four Hits
Three Hits + Three Rounds = Four Hits
Three Hits + Two Rounds = Wild Whip
Three Rounds + Three Hits = Four Hits
Thunderbolt + Accuracy +10 = Take Flight!
Thunderbolt + Sniper = Take Flight!
Thunderbolt + Stella Spirit +2 = Thunderbolt II
Thunderbolt + Take Flight! = Thunderbolt II
Thunderbolt II + Piercing Power II = Lightning
Thunderbolt II + Wood Chop = Helm Splitter
Triple Slash + Critical Edge = Jugulaire
Triple Slash + Heal II = Heaven's Gate
Triple Slash + Leg Strike = Sweep!
Triple Slash + Raise Mobility = Counter
Triple Slash + Sol Spirit +2 = Beast Slayer
Two Hits + Lower Force = Shadow Stitch
Two Hits + Two Hits = Three Hits
Two Hits + Two Rounds = Three Hits
Two Rounds + Raise Mobility = Two Hits
Two Rounds + Three Hits = Wild Whip
Two Rounds + Two Hits = Three Hits
Two Rounds + Two Rounds = Three Rounds
Two-Hits + Luna Spirit +2 = Man-Eater
Undead Slayer + Spirit Sword = Heaven's Gate
War Reverie + Inferno = Hymn of Glory
War Reverie + Magic Attack +20 = Inferno
Wood Chop + Crescent Arc = Compass
Wood Chop + Critical Edge = Dire Swing
Wood Chop + Cyclone = Compass
Wood Chop + Helm Splitter = Dire Swing
Wood Chop + Sniper II = Jugulaire
Wood Chop + Thunderbolt II = Helm Splitter

Item List*

Stick ATK +1
Chevalier's Sword ATK +2
Steel Sword ATK +3
Rapier ATK +6, ACC +10
Assault Blade ATK +14
Champion's Sword ATK +26
Mithril Sword ATK +39
Dragon Saber ATK +48
Purgatoire ATK +42, MDEF +20, MP +20
Paladin's Sword ATK +50, EVA +10
Durendal ATK +50, CRIT +95
Deathbringer ATK +110


Soldier's Lance ATK +2

Iron Lance ATK +5, EVA +2
Vanspear ATK +12, EVA +4
Trident ATK +24, EVA +5
Twin Enga ATK +37, EVA +7
Knight's Lance ATK +47, EVA +8
Dragonfang ATK +45, MATK +20, MDEF +20, EVA +8, MP +10
Demongriffe ATK +55, MATK +10, EVA +8, CRIT +20, HP +10
Rune Spear ATK +50, ACC +20, EVA +8
Gae Bulg ATK +100, EVA +10


Iron Axe ATK +5

Battleaxe ATK +10
Clansman's Axe ATK +16
Shatteraxe ATK +32
Sorcerite Axe ATK +48
Blistering Helve ATK +62
Freezing Helve ATK +75, ACC -10
Jinni's Wings ATK +65, DEF +10
Spirits' Helve ATK +66, ACC +20
Lucifer ATK +120, MATK +10, MDEF +10, MP +20


Shortbow ATK +7
Tribal Bow ATK +13
Bow of the Sun ATK +25
Demon's Wing ATK +37, ACC -5
Angel Bow ATK +45, ACC +10
Bow of Artemis ATK +80


Dagger ATK +3, CRIT +10

Silver Knife ATK +7, CRIT +30
Flame Edge ATK +16, CRIT +20
Poison Ripper ATK +25, ACC +10, CRIT +30
Assassin's Knife ATK +30, ACC +10, MOB +1, CRIT +50
Tsukikage ATK +70, CRIT +60


Mage's Staff ATK +3, MATK +2

Crystal Wand ATK +8, MATK +4
Sage's Staff ATK +25, ACC +5, MATK +10
Lifegiver's Staff ATK +30, MATK +15, HP +20
Caduceus ATK +60, MATK +50, MP +50


Snakeskin Lash ATK +7

Metal Whip ATK +20
Blade Whip ATK +28
Torturer's Lash ATK +37, CRIT +20
Hammer Whip ATK +40, DEF +10, EVA +20
Rose Whip ATK +70, ACC +3


Light Clothing DEF +1

Leather Clothing DEF +6
Pelt Jacket DEF +9
Leather Skirt DEF +10 (women only)
Silk Robe DEF +17
Magical Dress DEF +15, MDEF +10 (women only)
Dragon Leathers DEF +26
Robe of Light DEF +23, MDEF +15 (women only)
Black Bustier DEF +30 (women only)
Angel's Frock DEF +50, MDEF +35, EVA +10, MP +20
Devil's Frock* DEF +40, MATK +20, ACC +20, MP +20

*The Devil's Frock is listed in the game as adding MDEF +20, but actually adds
MATK +20.

Leather Armor DEF +13, EVA -1
Chainmail Armor DEF +23, EVA -3
Mithril Mail DEF +42, MDEF +10
Magical Armor DEF +28, MDEF +25, EVA -2
Saint's Armor DEF +35, MDEF +30, EVA -2
Firedrake Armor DEF +55, EVA -2
Goddess Armor DEF +60, MDEF +40 (women only)
Charred Pendant DEF +25, MDEF +25, HP +20, MP +20 (Liane only)

Buckler DEF +2, EVA +5

Round Shield DEF +6, EVA +8
Steel Shield DEF +9, EVA +12
Kite Shield DEF +16, EVA +16
Tower Shield DEF +25, EVA +20
Jinni Shield DEF +35, EVA +17, ATK +10
Sylph Shield DEF +29, MDEF +10, EVA +16
Holy Shield DEF +40, MDEF +5, EVA +25, MATK +10, MP +20


Healing Herb Heals 60 HP.

Healing Seed Heals 120 HP.
Healing Fruit Heals 180 HP.
Healing Extract Heals HP fully.
Mana Shard Heals 30 MP.
Mana Crystal Heals 60 MP.
Mana Jewel Heals 100 MP.
Mana Light Heals MP fully.
Angel's Grace Heals 100 HP and MP.
God's Grace Heals HP and MP fully.
Healing Vapors Heals 80 HP to allies in range.

Erpow Fruit ATK +3 (All fruits are permanent stat gains).

Rysecor Fruit MATK +3
Eldish Fruit DEF +3
Xheno Fruit MDEF +3
Sibull Fruit ACC +5
Geddo Fruit EVA +5

Strength Tonic ATK +10, three turns.

Magical Tonic MATK +10, three turns.
Defense Tonic DEF +10, three turns.
Warding Tonic MDEF +10, three turns.
Stability Tonic ACC +20, three turns.
Deadeye Tonic ACC +50, three turns.
Reflex Tonic EVA +20, three turns.
Critical Tonic CRIT up, three turns.
Nimble Tonic MOB +1, three turns.

Solar Phial 24/30/36 damage (sol elemental)

Searing Phial 24/30/36 damage to five panels (sol elemental)
Luna Phial 24/30/36 damage (luna elemental)
Moonglow Phial 24/30/36 damage to five panels (luna elemental)
Astral Phial 24/30/36 damage (stella elemental)
Galaxy Phial 24/30/36 damage to five panels (stella elemental)

Trivia - Character Max Stats, Transformations, etc.
Character Max Stats
Jeanne 494 301 417 313 355 5 405 303 202 5
Liane/Cuisses 395 401 413 311 390 5 507 404 236 8
Roger 605 278 421 335 360 5 306 303 177 5
Jean 503 280 424 316 434 5 306 303 242 5
Bertrand 604 181 473 365 330 5 306 299 177 2
Marcel 487 286 447 312 370 4 306 303 187 6
Colet 494 282 416 313 424 6 307 303 344 20
Gilles 510 288 422 326 365 5 406 308 216 3
Rufus 1066 362 550 422 350 4 302 205 239 15
La Hire 825 197 452 394 316 4 304 303 172 12
Bartolomeo 905 274 502 408 320 4 303 301 170 10
Rose 398 394 412 311 395 7 407 304 322 18
Claire 389 598 407 311 286 5 513 512 147 2
Richard 392 496 409 312 305 5 511 513 138 2
Beatrix 395 386 414 311 390 4 410 508 182 8

Jeanne 494 301 537 408 355 5 405 343 219 5 (DB/GA/JS)
Liane/Cuisses 395 421 523 406 390 5 517 409 259 8 (DB/FA/HS)
Roger 605 278 541 425 360 5 306 303 192 5 (DB/FA/JS)
Jean 503 280 524 371 434 5 306 303 250 5 (GB/FA)
Bertrand 604 181 593 455 330 5 306 299 192 2 (DB/FA/JS)
Marcel 487 306 527 362 370 4 306 338 197 6 (BA/AF)
Colet 494 302 486 363 424 6 307 338 354 80 (TS/AF)
Gilles 510 288 522 381 365 5 406 308 224 3 (GB/FA)
Rufus 1066 382 670 477 350 4 312 215 237 15 (LC/FA)
La Hire 825 217 572 449 316 4 314 313 170 12 (LC/FA)
Bartolomeo 905 294 622 463 320 4 313 311 168 10 (LC/FA)
Rose 398 414 482 361 398 7 407 339 332 18 (RW/AF)
Claire 389 668 467 351 306 5 583 512 147 2 (CD/DF)
Richard 392 566 469 352 325 5 581 513 138 2 (CD/DF)
Beatrix 395 406 494 351 410 4 430 508 182 8 (BA/DF)

Transformations - Gem Locations/Stats/Skills

You gain 1 SP at the beginning of each turn that you are not either Transformed
or at the beginning of which you automatically reverted. (This is the purpose
of Revert--if you aren't using your special, or need the stat boost, when your
Transform would run out at the beginning of the next turn, you may as well
Revert manually in order to gain the extra 1 SP.

Paragon's Armlet (Jeanne, Liane, Cuisses)

Gem of Argent - comes with Armlet
SP 3 - 2 turns
HP +30, MP +10, ATK +20, DEF -15, ACC +5, MATK +5, MDEF -15, EVA +2
Flash of White - MP 42 - Effect: ATKm = 1.2 - Range: 1

Gem of Gules - Stage 8 - The Savior's Proof (Bastille of St. Loup)

SP 4 - 2 turns
HP +30, ATK +30, DEF -5, MATK +15, MDEF -20, EVA +2
Scarlet Soil - MP 70 - ATKm = 1.4 - Range: 1
Gem of Azure - Free Stage - Colosseum 1 **GLITCHABLE**
SP 4 - 2 turns
HP +40, ATK +15, ACC +15, MOB +1, MDEF -20, EVA +12
Blue Delirium - MP 96 - Effect: ATKm = 1.5 - Range: 1

**You must not beat the first run of the Colosseum to gain this Gem if either
Liane or Cuisses is not in your party, or Liane won't have access to this
Transform in post-game.

Hellequin's Armlet (Gilles)

Gem of Mistrals - comes with Armlet
3 SP - 2 turns
HP +30, MP +20, ATK +20, DEF -10, MATK +5, MDEF -15, EVA +12
Deific Talons - MP 40 - ATKb = 70 - Range: 6

Gem of Levin - Stage 21 - Fated to War

SP 4 - 2 turns
HP +40, ATK +30, ACC +10, MOB +1, MDEF -20, EVA +2, CRIT +20
Lightning Beast - MP 60 - Effect: ATKb = 90 - Range: 6

Gem of the Welkin - Free Stage - Raillement (1st time)

SP 4 - 2 turns
HP +50, MP +30, ATK +25, DEF +5, MATK +20, MDEF -10, EVA +2
Celestial Drake - MP 85 - Effect: ATKb = 110 - Range: 6

Theologian's Armlet (Richard)

Gem of Reckoning - comes with Armlet
3 SP - 3 turns
HP +30, MP +30, ATK +20, DEF +11, MATK +20, MDEF +20, EVA +10
Day of Judgment - MP 40 - Effect: MATKb = 100 - Range: 3

Gem of Retribution - Stage 24 - Dark Demoniac (Chateau Burgundy)

SP 4 - 2 turns
HP +50, MP +20, ATK +30, DEF +19, ACC +10, EVA +20
Hour of Death - MP 61 - Effect: MATKb = 120 - Range: 3

Gem of Eternity - Free Stage - Langles Tunnel (1st time)

SP 4 - 2 turns
HP +20, MP +50, DEF +14, MATK +40, MDEF +30, EVA +10
Intemporal Light - MP 88 - MATKb = 140 - Range: 3

Usurper's Armlet (Roger)

Gem of Blood - comes with Armlet
3 SP - 2 turns
HP +30, MP +20, ATK +20, DEF +5, MATK +10, MDEF -15, EVA +2, CRIT +10
Bloodletting - MP 48 - Effect: ATKm = 1.2, Absorbs 100% enemy HP loss - Rng: 1

Gem of Portent - Free Stage - Castle Vilneaux (1st time)

SP 4 - 2 turns
HP +20, MP +40, DEF -25, MATK +30, EVA +27
Incubus - MP 79 - Effect: ATKm = 1.4, Absorbs 100% enemy HP loss - Range: 1

Gem of Darkness - Free Stage - Cemetary (1st time)

SP 5 - 1 turn
HP +50, MP +20, ATK +40, DEF +5, ACC +10, MATK +20, MDEF -20, EVA +2, CRIT +20
Tearstain - MP 116 - ATKm = 1.5, Absorbs 100% enemy HP loss - Range: 1

Creator's Armlet (Jeanne)

Gem of Light - comes with Armlet
SP 3 - 2 turns
HP +40, MP +20, ATK +25, DEF -25, ACC +10, MATK +10, MDEF -25
Visiting Goddess - MP 50 - Effect: ATKm = 1.4 - Range: 1

Gem of Life - Stage 26 - Queen Isabeau (Chateau Burgundy) **MISSABLE**

SP 5 - 1 turn
HP +30, MP +5, ATK +30, DEF -30, MATK +20, MDEF -35
Loving Goddess - MP 82 - Effect: ATKm = 1.6 - Range: 1

**You must loot this Gem from the item point in Stage 26 (see Walkthrough) or
it will be lost forever.

Gem of Sacrifice - Free Stage - Voldor Temple (1st time)

SP 5 - 1 turn
HP + 30, MP +5, ATK +20, DEF -10, MDEF -20
Grieving Goddess - MP 110 - Effect: ATKm = 1.7 - Range: 1

Gem of Guidance - Stage 31 - Face to Face (Vantoix Canyon)

SP 4 - 2 turns
HP +20, MP +20, DEF -30, ACC +20, MOB +1, MATK +10, MDEF -40, EVA +20
Ordained End - MP 45 - Effect: ATKb = 80 - Range: Self
Area of Effect:


Gem of Miracles - Free Stage - Colosseum 2

SP 6 - 1 turn
HP +100, MP +30, ATK +40, DEF -20, ACC +15, MOB +1, MATK +25, MDEF -20, EVA +10
Divine Intervention - MP 90 - Effect: ATKb = 100 - Range: Self
Area of Effect:


Frequently Asked Questions

-Should I buy this game or <other game>?

This game is a pretty solid SRPG. It doesn't require any grinding (except
possibly for post-game challenges). The difficulty level is about average,
depending on how much time you spend playing Free Stages. It's graphically
pretty and it loads reasonably quickly. There are 35 plot stages, a ton of
optional stages, and a ten round Colosseum with three difficulty levels. I'd
definitely recommend the game to anyone who likes SRPGs.

-Does this game have generics/Who should I use?

There are no generics, but by the end of the game you'll have 14 playable
characters: Four sword-users, two spears, two bows, three axes, a knife, and
a staff(mage), along with a choice between an extra staff(mage) and a whip
user. "Class" is tied to the character's weapon, can't be changed, and controls
the main skillset and some equipment restrictions. Magic and most blue support
skills can be used by any character.

Most plot maps require Jeanne (obviously >_>) or another lead character
and leave you 4 to 6 open slots, so how you play the game is up to you. For
most practical purposes, you can use anybody you like, and with the permanent
stat fruits, you can make even statistically weaker characters into badasses.

The most important differences between characters tend to be weapon-based. Some

weapons and the skills tied to them will be more effective in some situations
than others... but this is a strategy/tactics game, so tuning your team to fit
the enemy and your preferred play-style is entirely up to you. There isn't just
one answer.

Many of the main characters join and leave during the course of the game, but
without spoiling, I'll just say there's ample opportunity for you to catch up
another unit if your favorite character just left for a stage or two. If you're
totally allergic to the idea of any wasted time, just make the side characters
(it should be obvious which these are) the core of your team.

True story: The first time I beat the game and all challenges, I just used who
I liked--including about 4 of 5 characters as my core team that I probably
wouldn't bother with now. It doesn't really matter who you use. None of the
characters are unplayably, unfixably bad.

-Oh carp! I'm stuck before a battle I can't beat! (Usually Altois Prairie)

Not a question. See the special section above for a detailed answer to Altois
Prairie. Didn't you see the giant warning the game pastes before that save
screen? etc.

Seriously there are a few places in the game where it's theoretically possible
to get "stuck," either because you saved in the pre-battle screen (from which
you can't exit), or in the middle of an extended series of stages, etc. My
honest opinion is that there's always a way to win, but it's a good idea to
maintain two files religiously. The game is usually very good about warning
you if you can't backtrack to the world map.

-What level should I be for <stage>?

Generally speaking, whatever level you are now is fine. When the Altois Prairie
free stage shows up, it's a little higher than the general curve of the game,
but it's still doable. For the rest of the game, unless you decide to switch
out your team entirely for characters you've never used, or you've been
ignoring the shops entirely, you will have the power, statistically, to clear
the stage.

If you need an exact answer, check the average DEF stat listed for the stage in
this guide, and subtract it from your average ATK. That's a rough guide to how
much damage a basic attack will do. If the result is less than zero, that's
probably going to be a problem, so just play a few Free Stages, or buy some
better equipment.

-Should I choose Rose or Claire? (La Charite or St. Pierre-le-Moutier)

It doesn't really matter, but I prefer Rose. If you don't pick Rose, you never
get to play a whip user, and Claire is just another Richard, without an armlet,
and Magic is kind of nerfed/expensive in this game anyway.

But if you're totally into the magic, by all means take Claire.

Rose is option A, La Charite. Claire is B, St. Pierre-le-Moutier.

-Elves or Dwarves? (Alrond Woods or Gwygone Mines)

This choice makes no difference at all, except in which plot stages 29 and 30
you play.

The Elves/Alrond Wood path (option A) has a little side-character plot, and a
slightly more difficult (but much more straightforward) stage 30.

So, you know, whatever.

-Any missables?

There are two missables and one glitch in the game. The first is the glitch,
which happens if you beat the first run of the Colosseum between the time that
one character leaves and another joins. This is from after you finish Stage 21
and until you've finished Stage 22. It causes a certain gem to be inaccessible
during some circumstances in the post-game. The second is a gem that must be
looted from an item point during Stage 26. The last is a special armor you must
loot in the post-game from the Free Stage - Cemetary the first time you access

None of these are even close to game-breaking. But if you're a completionist,

you'll want to watch out for them.

-Where do I find/make <skill stone>? What about money?

Most of them can be looted from free stages. All the free stage contents are
listed in the guide, so just Ctrl-F the skill name.

A few stones are very rare or unavailable until post-game. Bosses often have
rare stones that they may or may not drop when they die (all of which are
stones that they have equipped--there's no hidden steals or drops in this
game), and which can be stolen by Colet or Rose.

EXP bonuses seem like they'd be great, but you really shouldn't bother doing
multiple replays to get them from bosses. They are easily gained in post-game,
and that's really the only time you really need to be using them.

Two Hits/Three Hits, when available, are worth getting. They make some great
skills for Colet (if you use him), and they aren't otherwise available until
post-game. Likewise Critical Edge.

Most stones shouldn't be sold to the shops, because once you start binding
extensively, you can usually find a use for them. Check out the bind lists
above (organized by result and ingredient) to figure out what you can use,
what you can make, and what you can safely sell. Stones (and everything else),
can be bought back from the same shop where you sold it, so you can't lose
anything permanently, but it doesn't make sense to sell something you'll
eventually have to buy back for twice the price.
If you need money, play a free stage, and steal gold and stones to sell with
Colet or Rose. Dragons tend to have particularly high theft returns, and both
Dragons and Golems have stones that sell for great amounts (some of which are
also important mix ingredients), so loot and sell, baby. Once you open some of
the non-plot optional Free Stages, most of them have good, repeatable money

Who should I use my fruits on?

It depends on what you want to get out of them, and whether you're looking to
make the absolutely best team evar or just play the game for fun.

If you're not going crazy, Jeanne (Erpow, etc.) and Liane (Rysecor, etc.) are
good choices, because you'll be using them. Jeanne is actually, statistically
pretty mediocre, so with some fruits you can really make her kick butt.

If you're just using your favorite characters, your best bet is to emphasize
strengths, then make up for weaknesses.

If you're looking to make the best killers imaginable, drop all your Erpow,
Eldish, and Sibull fruits on Rufus. Drop all your Geddos on Colet up to 8, then
any extras on Rose (up to 10), the remainder on Liane/Cuisses. Drop all
Rysecor on Liane/Cuisses or Richard (or Claire >_>), whichever you use as a
mage. Xheno are about the only fruit that doesn't matter, much. Colet, Marcel,
and Rose are all good choices because they tend to have lowish HP and MDEF.

The point of this will be to make Rufus have the highest damage cap imaginable,
take the least damage from counters (your other big hitters should have longer
range weapons or dodge everything), and hit everything at 100%, even from the
front. It will also finish off Colet and Rose so enemies only have 5% to hit
with everything, all the time, from behind.


Contacting Me:

If you have any corrections or additions to this guide, please do let me know.
Send a note to for inclusion in the next revision. Please
include the phrase "Jeanne D'Arc FAQ" in the subject line or your mail will be
deleted unread.

Of course any meaningful contributions to this guide will be credited in an

obscure bit at the end of the guide that nobody will read anyway. Like right
here. --->

If you have other questions about the game, please feel free to ask them on the
board at:

You stand a much better chance of getting help there than by mailing me.

Copyright Notice:

This document is Copyright 2006 Matthew "darklao" Pattison. It may be not be

reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not
be placed on any web site outside of GameFAQs. It may not be distributed
electronically outside of the GameFAQs web site, and it may not be distributed
otherwise at all. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any
public format is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All
trademarks and etc. blah blah blah belong to their respective holders.


I am, for reasons none of your business, extremely loyal to GameFAQs.

Your heart will go on.

darklao would like to thank his wife and son, the staff of GameFAQs, all the
fine people on the board who convinced him that Rufus is indeed a badass and he
is in fact an idiot, Sony and Level-5 for making this great game, St. Joan for
inspiring it (remember me to the big man, my dear), and all my worthy TR/US
GPs. Peace and Love.


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